# defaults for build options
config.KIND = "dryrun"
-config.PYVER = "2.3"
config.skipsource = "no"
config.onlysource = "no"
config.skipdocs = "no"
# Build tasks. Anything that can be done in parallel (depends greatly
# on the nature of the build machine configurations...) is a separate
# task.
-windowsTask = Task( Job("beast", ["distrib/all/build-windows", CFGFILE]) )
+windowsTask = Task( [Job("beast", ["distrib/all/build-windows", CFGFILE, "2.3"]),
+ Job("beast", ["distrib/all/build-windows", CFGFILE, "2.4"])
+ ])
jaguarTask = Task( Job(config.OSX_HOST_jaguar,
["distrib/all/build-osx", CFGFILE, config.OSX_HOST_jaguar, "jaguar"]) )
pantherTask = Task( Job(config.OSX_HOST_panther,
["distrib/all/build-osx", CFGFILE, config.OSX_HOST_panther, "panther"]) )
-rpmTask = Task([ Job("co-rh9", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "none", "co-rh9", "rh9", config.PYVER]),
- Job("co-fc2", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-fc2", "fc2", "2.3"]),
- Job("co-mdk92", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "none", "co-mdk92", "mdk92", "2.3"]),
- Job("co-mdk101", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "none", "co-mdk101","mdk101","2.3"]),
- ])
+rpmTask1 = Task([ Job("co-rh9", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-rh9", "rh9", "2.3"]),
+ Job("co-rh9", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-rh9", "rh9", "2.4"]),
+ Job("co-fc2", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-fc2", "fc2", "2.3"]),
+ Job("co-fc2", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-fc2", "fc2", "2.4"]),
+ ])
+rpmTask2 = Task([
+ Job("co-mdk92", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-mdk92", "mdk92", "2.3"]),
+ Job("co-mdk92", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-mdk92", "mdk92", "2.4"]),
+ Job("co-mdk101", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-mdk101","mdk101","2.3"]),
+ Job("co-mdk101", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-mdk101","mdk101","2.4"]),
+ ])
buildTasks = [ windowsTask,
- rpmTask,
+ rpmTask1,
+ rpmTask2,
# Finalization. This is for things that must wait until all the
-# builds are done, such as copying the isntallers someplace, sending
+# builds are done, such as copying the installers someplace, sending
# emails, etc.
finalizationTask = Task( Job("", ["distrib/all/build-finalize", CFGFILE]) )
print " release Do a normal release (cantidate) build, copy to starship"
print ""
print "optional command flags:"
- print " 2.2 Build for Python 2.2 (default=off)"
- print " 2.3 Build for Python 2.3 (default=on)"
- print " all Build for all supported Python versions"
- print ""
print " skipsource Don't build the source archives, use the ones"
print " already in the staging dir."
print " onlysource Exit after building the source and docs archives"
if flag in ["dryrun", "daily", "release"]:
config.KIND = flag
- elif flag in ["2.2", "2.3"]:
- config.PYVER = flag
- elif flag == "all":
- config.PYVER = "2.2 2.3"
elif flag == "skipsource":
config.skipsource = "yes"