// to an ODBC data source. The wxDB class allows operations on the data
// source such as opening and closing the data source.
// Author: Doug Card
-// Modified by:
+// Modified by: George Tasker
// Mods: Dec, 1998:
// -Added support for SQL statement logging and database cataloging
// April, 1999
-#if defined(wx_msw) || defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(WIN32)
-#include <windows.h>
-#ifdef __UNIX__
#if wxMAJOR_VERSION == 2
extern "C" {
- #include "../../src/iodbc/isql.h"
- #include "../../src/iodbc/isqlext.h"
+ #include "wx/unix/isql.h"
+ #include "wx/unix/isqlext.h"
#else // version == 1
extern "C" {
#include "isqlext.h"
typedef float SFLOAT;
typedef double SDOUBLE;
typedef unsigned int UINT;
-#else // msw
- #define ODBCVER 0x0250
- #include <sql.h>
- #include <sqlext.h>
+#ifdef __UNIX__
+# ifndef strnicmp
+# define strnicmp strncasecmp
+# endif
+# ifndef stricmp
+# define stricmp strcasecmp
+# endif
+#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
+# include <io.h>
-#if wxMAJOR_VERSION == 2
- #include "utils.h"
- #ifdef __UNIX__
- # ifndef strnicmp
- # define strnicmp strncasecmp
- # endif
- # ifndef stricmp
- # define stricmp strcasecmp
- # endif
- #else
- # include <io.h>
- #endif
enum enumDummy {enumDum1};
#define SQL_C_BOOLEAN(datatype) (sizeof(datatype) == 1 ? SQL_C_UTINYINT : (sizeof(datatype) == 2 ? SQL_C_USHORT : SQL_C_ULONG))
short MaximumScale;
} SqlTypeInfo;
-class WXDLLEXPORT CcolInf
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxColFor
+ public:
+ wxString s_Field; // Formated String for Output
+ wxString s_Format[7]; // Formated Objekts - TIMESTAMP has the biggest (7)
+ wxString s_Menge[7]; // Formated Objekts - amount of things that can be formatted
+ int i_Menge[7]; // Formated Objekts - TT MM YYYY HH MM SS m
+ int i_Nation; // 0 = timestamp , 1=EU, 2=UK, 3=International, 4=US
+ int i_dbDataType; // conversion of the 'sqlDataType' to the generic data type used by these classes
+ SWORD i_sqlDataType;
+ wxColFor();
+ ~wxColFor();
+ int Format(int Nation, int dbDataType,SWORD sqlDataType,short columnSize,short decimalDigits);
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxColInf
- char tableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1];
- char colName[DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1];
- int sqlDataType;
+ char catalog[128+1];
+ char schema[128+1];
+ char tableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1];
+ char colName[DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1];
+ SWORD sqlDataType;
+ char typeName[128+1];
+ SWORD columnSize;
+ SWORD bufferLength;
+ short decimalDigits;
+ short numPrecRadix;
+ short nullable;
+ char remarks[254+1];
+ int dbDataType; // conversion of the 'sqlDataType' to the generic data type used by these classes
+ // mj10777.19991224 : new
+ int PkCol; // Primary key column 0=No; 1= First Key, 2 = Second Key etc.
+ char PkTableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1]; // Tables that use this PKey as a FKey
+ int FkCol; // Foreign key column 0=No; 1= First Key, 2 = Second Key etc.
+ char FkTableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1]; // Foreign key table name
+ wxColFor *pColFor; // How should this columns be formatted
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxTableInf // Description of a Table
+{ // mj10777 : used in wxDbInf and GetCatalog(..)
+ char tableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1];
+ char tableType[254+1]; // "TABLE" or "SYSTEM TABLE" etc.
+ char tableRemarks[254+1];
+ int numCols; // How many Columns does this Table have: GetColumnCount(..);
+ wxColInf *pColInf; // pColInf = NULL ; User can later call GetColumns(..);
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxDbInf // Description of a Database
+{ // mj10777 : used in GetCatalog(..)
+ char catalog[128+1];
+ char schema[128+1];
+ int numTables; // How many tables does this database have
+ wxTableInf *pTableInf; // pTableInf = new wxTableInf[numTables];
enum sqlLog
- dbmsDBASE
+ dbmsDBASE,
typedef enum dbms DBMS;
// this variable.
+// Backward compability for Remstar classes. This
+// will eventually go away, so the wxColXxxx classes
+// should be used
+typedef wxColInf CcolInf;
bool getDbInfo(void);
bool getDataTypeInfo(SWORD fSqlType, SqlTypeInfo &structSQLTypeInfo);
bool setConnectionOptions(void);
- void logError(char *errMsg, char *SQLState);
+ void logError(const char *errMsg, const char *SQLState);
+ bool fwdOnlyCursors;
SqlTypeInfo typeInfVarchar, typeInfInteger, typeInfFloat, typeInfDate;
// Public member functions
- wxDB(HENV &aHenv);
+ wxDB(HENV &aHenv, bool FwdOnlyCursors=(bool)TRUE);
bool Open(char *Dsn, char *Uid, char *AuthStr); // Data Source Name, User ID, Password
void Close(void);
bool CommitTrans(void);
bool DispAllErrors(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
bool GetNextError(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
void DispNextError(void);
- bool CreateView(char *viewName, char *colList, char *pSqlStmt, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
- bool DropView(char *viewName);
- bool ExecSql(char *pSqlStmt);
+ bool CreateView(const char *viewName, const char *colList, const char *pSqlStmt, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
+ bool DropView(const char *viewName);
+ bool ExecSql(const char *pSqlStmt);
bool GetNext(void);
bool GetData(UWORD colNo, SWORD cType, PTR pData, SDWORD maxLen, SDWORD FAR *cbReturned);
- bool Grant(int privileges, char *tableName, char *userList = "PUBLIC");
- int TranslateSqlState(char *SQLState);
- bool Catalog(char *userID, char *fileName = "Catalog.txt");
- CcolInf *GetColumns(char *tableName[], char *userID=NULL);
+ bool Grant(int privileges, const char *tableName, const char *userList = "PUBLIC");
+ int TranslateSqlState(const char *SQLState);
+ wxDbInf *GetCatalog(char *userID);
+ bool Catalog(const char *userID=NULL, const char *fileName = "Catalog.txt");
+ int GetKeyFields(char *tableName, wxColInf* colInf,int nocols);
+ wxColInf *GetColumns(char *tableName[], const char *userID=NULL);
+ wxColInf *GetColumns(char *tableName, int *numCols, const char *userID=NULL);
+ int GetColumnCount(char *tableName, const char *userID=NULL);
char *GetDatabaseName(void) {return dbInf.dbmsName;}
char *GetDataSource(void) {return dsn;}
char *GetUsername(void) {return uid;}
HENV GetHENV(void) {return henv;}
HDBC GetHDBC(void) {return hdbc;}
HSTMT GetHSTMT(void) {return hstmt;}
- bool TableExists(char *tableName, char *userID=NULL, char *path=NULL); // Table name can refer to a table, view, alias or synonym
- void LogError(char *errMsg, char *SQLState = 0) {logError(errMsg, SQLState);}
- bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, char *filename = "sqllog.txt", bool append = FALSE);
- bool WriteSqlLog(char *logMsg);
+ bool TableExists(const char *tableName, const char *userID=NULL, const char *path=NULL); // Table name can refer to a table, view, alias or synonym
+ void LogError(const char *errMsg, const char *SQLState = 0) {logError(errMsg, SQLState);}
+ bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, const char *filename = "sqllog.txt", bool append = FALSE);
+ bool WriteSqlLog(const char *logMsg);
DBMS Dbms(void);
+ bool FwdOnlyCursors(void) {return fwdOnlyCursors;}
}; // wxDB
-#if __WXDEBUG__ > 0
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
#include "wx/object.h"
class CstructTablesInUse : public wxObject
// for other code segments to use, or close all of them when the application has
// completed.
-wxDB WXDLLEXPORT *GetDbConnection(DbStuff *pDbStuff);
+wxDB WXDLLEXPORT *GetDbConnection(DbStuff *pDbStuff, bool FwdOnlyCursors=(bool)wxODBC_FWD_ONLY_CURSORS);
bool WXDLLEXPORT FreeDbConnection(wxDB *pDb);
void WXDLLEXPORT CloseDbConnections(void);
int WXDLLEXPORT NumberDbConnectionsInUse(void);
// This function sets the sql log state for all open wxDB objects
-bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, char *filename = "sqllog.txt");
+bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, const char *filename = "sqllog.txt");
// This routine allows you to query a driver manager
// for a list of available datasources. Call this routine