list = self.GetListCtrl()
if not list:
raise ValueError, "No wx.ListCtrl available"
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK, self.__OnColClick, list)
+ list.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK, self.__OnColClick, list)
def SetColumnCount(self, newNumColumns):
def __OnColClick(self, evt):
oldCol = self._col
self._col = col = evt.GetColumn()
- self._colSortFlag[col] = not self._colSortFlag[col]
+ self._colSortFlag[col] = int(not self._colSortFlag[col])
if not self: # avoid a PyDeadObject error
+ if self.GetSize().height < 32:
+ return # avoid an endless update bug when the height is small.
numCols = self.GetColumnCount()
if numCols == 0: return # Nothing to resize.
from bisect import bisect
def make_editor(self, col_style=wx.LIST_FORMAT_LEFT):
- editor = wx.PreTextCtrl()
style |= {wx.LIST_FORMAT_LEFT: wx.TE_LEFT,
- editor.Create(self, -1, style=style)
+ editor = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, style=style)
font = self.GetFont()
self.curCol = 0
+ if hasattr(self, 'editor'):
+ self.editor.Destroy()
self.editor = editor
self.col_style = col_style
def OpenEditor(self, col, row):
''' Opens an editor at the current position. '''
+ # give the derived class a chance to Allow/Veto this edit.
+ evt = wx.ListEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetId())
+ evt.m_itemIndex = row
+ evt.m_col = col
+ item = self.GetItem(row, col)
+ evt.m_item.SetId(item.GetId())
+ evt.m_item.SetColumn(item.GetColumn())
+ evt.m_item.SetData(item.GetData())
+ evt.m_item.SetText(item.GetText())
+ ret = self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt)
+ if ret and not evt.IsAllowed():
+ return # user code doesn't allow the edit.
if self.GetColumn(col).m_format != self.col_style:
# it is binded to wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS. Can it be avoided? (MW)
def CloseEditor(self, evt=None):
''' Close the editor and save the new value to the ListCtrl. '''
+ if not self.editor.IsShown():
+ return
text = self.editor.GetValue()
+AUTHOR: Bruce Who ( at
+DATE: 2006-02-09
+ This script provide a mixin for ListCtrl which add a checkbox in the first
+ column of each row. It is inspired by limodou's can be
+ got from his NewEdit) and improved:
+ - You can just use InsertStringItem() to insert new items;
+ - Once a checkbox is checked/unchecked, the corresponding item is not
+ selected;
+ - You can use SetItemData() and GetItemData();
+ - Interfaces are changed to OnCheckItem(), IsChecked(), CheckItem().
+ You should not set a imagelist for the ListCtrl once this mixin is used.
+1.3 - You can check/uncheck a group of sequential items by <Shift-click>:
+ First click(or <Shift-Click>) item1 to check/uncheck it, then
+ Shift-click item2 to check/uncheck it, and you'll find that all
+ items between item1 and item2 are check/unchecked!
+1.2 - Add ToggleItem()
+1.1 - Initial version
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+import cStringIO, zlib
+def getUncheckData():
+ return zlib.decompress(
+"x\xda\xeb\x0c\xf0s\xe7\xe5\x92\xe2b``\xe0\xf5\xf4p\t\x02\xd2\x02 \xcc\xc1\
+\x00\xdc\x80-\x05" )
+def getUncheckBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getUncheckImage())
+def getUncheckImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getUncheckData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getCheckData():
+ return zlib.decompress(
+'x\xda\xeb\x0c\xf0s\xe7\xe5\x92\xe2b``\xe0\xf5\xf4p\t\x02\xd2\x02 \xcc\xc1\
+\x99\xf3\xdd\xde\xad\x06t\x0e\x83\xa7\xab\x9f\xcb:\xa7\x84&\x00\xe0HE\xab' )
+def getCheckBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getCheckImage())
+def getCheckImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getCheckData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+class CheckListCtrlMixin:
+ """
+ This is a mixin for ListCtrl which add a checkbox in the first
+ column of each row. It is inspired by limodou's
+ can be got from his NewEdit) and improved:
+ - You can just use InsertStringItem() to insert new items;
+ - Once a checkbox is checked/unchecked, the corresponding item
+ is not selected;
+ - You can use SetItemData() and GetItemData();
+ - Interfaces are changed to OnCheckItem(), IsChecked(),
+ CheckItem().
+ You should not set a imagelist for the ListCtrl once this mixin is used.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, check_image=None, uncheck_image=None):
+ self.__imagelist_ = wx.ImageList(16, 16)
+ if not check_image:
+ check_image = getCheckBitmap()
+ if not uncheck_image:
+ uncheck_image = getUncheckBitmap()
+ self.uncheck_image = self.__imagelist_.Add(uncheck_image)
+ self.check_image = self.__imagelist_.Add(check_image)
+ self.SetImageList(self.__imagelist_, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL)
+ self.__last_check_ = None
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.__OnLeftDown_)
+ # override the default methods of ListCtrl/ListView
+ self.InsertStringItem = self.__InsertStringItem_
+ # NOTE: if you use InsertItem, InsertImageItem or InsertImageStringItem,
+ # you must set the image yourself.
+ def __InsertStringItem_(self, index, label):
+ index = self.InsertImageStringItem(index, label, 0)
+ return index
+ def __OnLeftDown_(self, evt):
+ (index, flags) = self.HitTest(evt.GetPosition())
+ img_idx = self.GetItem(index).GetImage()
+ flag_check = img_idx == 0
+ begin_index = index
+ end_index = index
+ if self.__last_check_ is not None \
+ and wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_SHIFT):
+ last_index, last_flag_check = self.__last_check_
+ if last_flag_check == flag_check:
+ # XXX what if the previous item is deleted or new items
+ # are inserted?
+ item_count = self.GetItemCount()
+ if last_index < item_count:
+ if last_index < index:
+ begin_index = last_index
+ end_index = index
+ elif last_index > index:
+ begin_index = index
+ end_index = last_index
+ else:
+ assert False
+ while begin_index <= end_index:
+ self.CheckItem(begin_index, flag_check)
+ begin_index += 1
+ self.__last_check_ = (index, flag_check)
+ else:
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OnCheckItem(self, index, flag):
+ pass
+ def IsChecked(self, index):
+ return self.GetItem(index).GetImage() == 1
+ def CheckItem(self, index, check = True):
+ img_idx = self.GetItem(index).GetImage()
+ if img_idx == 0 and check is True:
+ self.SetItemImage(index, 1)
+ self.OnCheckItem(index, True)
+ elif img_idx == 1 and check is False:
+ self.SetItemImage(index, 0)
+ self.OnCheckItem(index, False)
+ def ToggleItem(self, index):
+ self.CheckItem(index, not self.IsChecked(index))