#include <wx/string.h>
+#include <wx/db.h>
#include <wx/dbtable.h>
-enum DialogModes {mView,mCreate,mEdit,mSearch};
+enum DialogModes {mView,mCreate,mEdit,mSearch};
// ID for the menu quit command
-#define FILE_CREATE 100
-#define FILE_EXIT 199
-#define EDIT_PARAMETERS 200
-#define ABOUT_DEMO 300
+#define FILE_CREATE 100
+#define FILE_EXIT 199
+#define EDIT_PARAMETERS 200
+#define ABOUT_DEMO 300
+// this seems to be missing, Robert Roebling (?)
+#ifndef MAX_PATH
+#define MAX_PATH 200
// Name of the table to be created/opened
-const char CONTACT_TABLE_NAME[] = "contacts";
+const char CONTACT_TABLE_NAME[] = "contacts";
// Nuber of columns in the above table
-const int CONTACT_NO_COLS = 12; // 0-11
+const int CONTACT_NO_COLS = 12; // 0-11
// Global structure for holding ODBC connection information
-struct DbStuff DbConnectInf;
+struct wxDbConnectInf DbConnectInf;
enum Language {langENGLISH, langFRENCH, langGERMAN, langSPANISH, langOTHER};
class CeditorDlg;
class CparameterDlg;
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-const char paramFilename[] = "../database.cfg";
-const char paramFilename[] = "database.cfg";
+const char paramFilename[] = "dbtest.cfg";
class CstructContact : public wxObject
- public:
- char Name[ 50+1 ]; // Contact's name
- char Addr1[ 50+1 ];
- char Addr2[ 50+1 ];
- char City[ 25+1 ];
- char State[ 25+1 ];
- char PostalCode[ 15+1 ];
- char Country[ 20+1 ];
- TIMESTAMP_STRUCT JoinDate; // Date on which this person joined the wxWindows project
- Language NativeLanguage; // Enumerated type indicating person's native language
- bool IsDeveloper; // Is this person a developer for wxWindows, or just a subscriber
- int Contributions; // Something to show off an integer field
- ULONG LinesOfCode; // Something to show off a 'long' field
+ public:
+ char Name[50+1]; // Contact's name
+ char Addr1[50+1];
+ char Addr2[50+1];
+ char City[25+1];
+ char State[25+1];
+ char PostalCode[15+1];
+ char Country[20+1];
+ TIMESTAMP_STRUCT JoinDate; // Date on which this person joined the wxWindows project
+ Language NativeLanguage; // Enumerated type indicating person's native language
+ bool IsDeveloper; // Is this person a developer for wxWindows, or just a subscriber
+ UCHAR Contributions; // Something to show off an integer field
+ ULONG LinesOfCode; // Something to show off a 'long' field
}; // CstructContact
-// NOTE: Ccontact inherits wxTable, which gives access to all the database functionality
+// NOTE: Ccontact inherits wxDbTable, which gives access to all the database functionality
-class Ccontact : public wxTable, public CstructContact
+class Ccontact : public wxDbTable, public CstructContact
- private:
- bool freeDbConn;
- void SetupColumns();
+ private:
+ bool freeDbConn;
+ void SetupColumns();
- public:
- wxString whereStr;
- wxString qryWhereStr; // Where string returned from the query dialog
+ public:
+ wxString whereStr;
+ wxString qryWhereStr; // Where string returned from the query dialog
- Ccontact(wxDB *pwxDB=NULL);
- ~Ccontact();
+ Ccontact(wxDb *pwxDb=NULL);
+ ~Ccontact();
- void Initialize();
- bool CreateIndexes(void);
- bool FetchByName(char *name);
+ void Initialize();
+ bool CreateIndexes(void);
+ bool FetchByName(char *name);
}; // Ccontact class definition
typedef struct Cparameters
- // The length of these strings were arbitrarily picked, and are
- // dependent on the OS and database engine you will be using.
- char ODBCSource[100+1];
- char UserName[25+1];
- char Password[25+1];
+ // The length of these strings were arbitrarily picked, and are
+ // dependent on the OS and database engine you will be using.
+ char ODBCSource[100+1];
+ char UserName[25+1];
+ char Password[25+1];
+ char DirPath[MAX_PATH+1];
} Cparameters;
// Define a new application type
class DatabaseDemoApp: public wxApp
- public:
- Cparameters params;
- bool OnInit();
+ public:
+ Cparameters params;
+ bool OnInit();
}; // DatabaseDemoApp
// Define a new frame type
class DatabaseDemoFrame: public wxFrame
- private:
- CeditorDlg *pEditorDlg;
- CparameterDlg *pParamDlg;
+ private:
+ CeditorDlg *pEditorDlg;
+ CparameterDlg *pParamDlg;
- public:
- DatabaseDemoFrame(wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& sz);
+ public:
+ DatabaseDemoFrame(wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& sz);
- void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
void OnCreate(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnRecreateTable(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnRecreateIndexes(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnEditParameters(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void CreateDataTable();
- void BuildEditorDialog();
- void BuildParameterDialog(wxWindow *parent);
+ void CreateDataTable(bool recreate);
+ void BuildEditorDialog();
+ void BuildParameterDialog(wxWindow *parent);
}; // DatabaseDemoFrame
class CeditorDlg : public wxPanel
- private:
- bool widgetPtrsSet;
- wxString saveName;
- // Pointers to all widgets on the dialog
- wxButton *pCreateBtn, *pEditBtn, *pDeleteBtn, *pCopyBtn, *pSaveBtn, *pCancelBtn;
- wxButton *pPrevBtn, *pNextBtn, *pQueryBtn, *pResetBtn, *pDoneBtn, *pHelpBtn;
- wxButton *pNameListBtn;
- wxTextCtrl *pNameTxt, *pAddress1Txt, *pAddress2Txt,*pCityTxt, *pStateTxt, *pCountryTxt,*pPostalCodeTxt;
- wxStaticText *pNameMsg, *pAddress1Msg, *pAddress2Msg,*pCityMsg, *pStateMsg, *pCountryMsg,*pPostalCodeMsg;
- wxTextCtrl *pJoinDateTxt,*pContribTxt, *pLinesTxt;
- wxStaticText *pJoinDateMsg,*pContribMsg, *pLinesMsg;
- wxRadioBox *pDeveloperRadio;
- wxChoice *pNativeLangChoice;
- wxStaticText *pNativeLangMsg;
- public:
- enum DialogModes mode;
- Ccontact *Contact; // this is the table object that will be being manipulated
- CeditorDlg(wxWindow *parent);
- void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
- void OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
- void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
- void FieldsEditable();
- void SetMode(enum DialogModes m);
- bool PutData();
- bool GetData();
- bool Save();
- bool GetNextRec();
- bool GetPrevRec();
- bool GetRec(char *whereStr);
+ private:
+ bool widgetPtrsSet;
+ wxString saveName;
+ // Pointers to all widgets on the dialog
+ wxButton *pCreateBtn, *pEditBtn, *pDeleteBtn, *pCopyBtn, *pSaveBtn, *pCancelBtn;
+ wxButton *pPrevBtn, *pNextBtn, *pQueryBtn, *pResetBtn, *pDoneBtn, *pHelpBtn;
+ wxButton *pNameListBtn;
+ wxTextCtrl *pNameTxt, *pAddress1Txt, *pAddress2Txt,*pCityTxt, *pStateTxt, *pCountryTxt,*pPostalCodeTxt;
+ wxStaticText *pNameMsg, *pAddress1Msg, *pAddress2Msg,*pCityMsg, *pStateMsg, *pCountryMsg,*pPostalCodeMsg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pJoinDateTxt,*pContribTxt, *pLinesTxt;
+ wxStaticText *pJoinDateMsg,*pContribMsg, *pLinesMsg;
+ wxRadioBox *pDeveloperRadio;
+ wxChoice *pNativeLangChoice;
+ wxStaticText *pNativeLangMsg;
+ public:
+ bool initialized;
+ enum DialogModes mode;
+ Ccontact *Contact; // this is the table object that will be being manipulated
+ CeditorDlg(wxWindow *parent);
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ void OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
+ void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
+ bool Initialize();
+ void FieldsEditable();
+ void SetMode(enum DialogModes m);
+ bool PutData();
+ bool GetData();
+ bool Save();
+ bool GetNextRec();
+ bool GetPrevRec();
+ bool GetRec(char *whereStr);
}; // CeditorDlg
class CparameterDlg : public wxDialog
- private:
- bool widgetPtrsSet;
- enum DialogModes mode;
- bool saved;
- Cparameters savedParamSettings;
- // Pointers to all widgets on the dialog
- wxStaticText *pParamODBCSourceMsg;
- wxListBox *pParamODBCSourceList;
- wxStaticText *pParamUserNameMsg, *pParamPasswordMsg;
- wxTextCtrl *pParamUserNameTxt, *pParamPasswordTxt;
- wxButton *pParamSaveBtn, *pParamCancelBtn;
- public:
- CparameterDlg(wxWindow *parent);
- void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
- void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
- bool PutData();
- bool GetData();
- bool Save();
- void FillDataSourceList();
+ private:
+ bool widgetPtrsSet;
+ enum DialogModes mode;
+ bool saved;
+ Cparameters savedParamSettings;
+ // Pointers to all widgets on the dialog
+ wxStaticText *pParamODBCSourceMsg;
+ wxListBox *pParamODBCSourceList;
+ wxStaticText *pParamUserNameMsg, *pParamPasswordMsg, *pParamDirPathMsg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pParamUserNameTxt, *pParamPasswordTxt, *pParamDirPathTxt;
+ wxButton *pParamSaveBtn, *pParamCancelBtn;
+ public:
+ CparameterDlg(wxWindow *parent);
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ void OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
+ void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
+ bool PutData();
+ bool GetData();
+ bool Save();
+ void FillDataSourceList();
}; // CparameterDlg
// *************************** CqueryDlg ***************************
enum qryOp
- qryOpEQ,
- qryOpLT,
- qryOpGT,
- qryOpLE,
- qryOpGE,
- qryOpBEGINS,
- qryOpLIKE,
+ qryOpEQ,
+ qryOpLT,
+ qryOpGT,
+ qryOpLE,
+ qryOpGE,
+ qryOpBEGINS,
+ qryOpLIKE,
// Query strings
-char * const langQRY_EQ = "column = column | value";
-char * const langQRY_LT = "column < column | value";
-char * const langQRY_GT = "column > column | value";
-char * const langQRY_LE = "column <= column | value";
-char * const langQRY_GE = "column >= column | value";
-char * const langQRY_BEGINS = "columns that BEGIN with the string entered";
-char * const langQRY_CONTAINS = "columns that CONTAIN the string entered";
-char * const langQRY_LIKE = "% matches 0 or more of any char; _ matches 1 char";
-char * const langQRY_BETWEEN = "column BETWEEN value AND value";
+char * const langQRY_EQ = "column = column | value";
+char * const langQRY_LT = "column < column | value";
+char * const langQRY_GT = "column > column | value";
+char * const langQRY_LE = "column <= column | value";
+char * const langQRY_GE = "column >= column | value";
+char * const langQRY_BEGINS = "columns that BEGIN with the string entered";
+char * const langQRY_CONTAINS = "columns that CONTAIN the string entered";
+char * const langQRY_LIKE = "% matches 0 or more of any char; _ matches 1 char";
+char * const langQRY_BETWEEN = "column BETWEEN value AND value";
class CqueryDlg : public wxDialog
- private:
- CcolInf *colInf; // Column inf. returned by db->GetColumns()
- wxTable *dbTable;
- char *masterTableName;
- char *pWhere; // A pointer to the storage for the resulting where clause
- wxDB *pDB;
- public:
- bool widgetPtrsSet;
- // Widget pointers
- wxStaticText *pQueryCol1Msg;
- wxChoice *pQueryCol1Choice;
- wxStaticText *pQueryNotMsg;
- wxCheckBox *pQueryNotCheck;
- wxStaticText *pQueryOperatorMsg;
- wxChoice *pQueryOperatorChoice;
- wxStaticText *pQueryCol2Msg;
- wxChoice *pQueryCol2Choice;
- wxStaticText *pQueryValue1Msg;
- wxTextCtrl *pQueryValue1Txt;
- wxStaticText *pQueryValue2Msg;
- wxTextCtrl *pQueryValue2Txt;
- wxStaticText *pQuerySqlWhereMsg;
- wxTextCtrl *pQuerySqlWhereMtxt;
- wxButton *pQueryAddBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryAndBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryOrBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryLParenBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryRParenBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryDoneBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryClearBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryCountBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryHelpBtn;
- wxStaticBox *pQueryHintGrp;
- wxStaticText *pQueryHintMsg;
- wxTextCtrl *pFocusTxt;
- CqueryDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxDB *pDb, char *tblName[], char *pWhereArg);
- void OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
- void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
- void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
-// bool SetWidgetPtrs();
- void AppendToWhere(char *s);
- void ProcessAddBtn();
- void ProcessCountBtn();
- bool ValidateWhereClause();
+ private:
+ wxDbColInf *colInf; // Column inf. returned by db->GetColumns()
+ wxDbTable *dbTable;
+ char *masterTableName;
+ char *pWhere; // A pointer to the storage for the resulting where clause
+ wxDb *pDB;
+ public:
+ bool widgetPtrsSet;
+ // Widget pointers
+ wxStaticText *pQueryCol1Msg;
+ wxChoice *pQueryCol1Choice;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryNotMsg;
+ wxCheckBox *pQueryNotCheck;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryOperatorMsg;
+ wxChoice *pQueryOperatorChoice;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryCol2Msg;
+ wxChoice *pQueryCol2Choice;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryValue1Msg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pQueryValue1Txt;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryValue2Msg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pQueryValue2Txt;
+ wxStaticText *pQuerySqlWhereMsg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pQuerySqlWhereMtxt;
+ wxButton *pQueryAddBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryAndBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryOrBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryLParenBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryRParenBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryDoneBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryClearBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryCountBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryHelpBtn;
+ wxStaticBox *pQueryHintGrp;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryHintMsg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pFocusTxt;
+ CqueryDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxDb *pDb, char *tblName[], char *pWhereArg);
+ ~CqueryDlg();
+ void OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
+ void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
+ void AppendToWhere(char *s);
+ void ProcessAddBtn();
+ void ProcessCountBtn();
+ bool ValidateWhereClause();
}; // CqueryDlg