+Returns TRUE if between two \helpref{wxBeginBusyCursor}{wxbeginbusycursor} and\rtfsp
+\helpref{wxEndBusyCursor}{wxendbusycursor} calls.
+See also \helpref{wxBusyCursor}{wxbusycursor}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{int}{wxMessageBox}{\param{const wxString\& }{message}, \param{const wxString\& }{caption = ``Message"}, \param{int}{ style = wxOK \pipe wxCENTRE},\\
+ \param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL}, \param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1}}
+General purpose message dialog. {\it style} may be a bit list of the
+following identifiers:
+\twocolitem{wxYES\_NO}{Puts Yes and No buttons on the message box. May be combined with
+\twocolitem{wxCANCEL}{Puts a Cancel button on the message box. May be combined with
+wxYES\_NO or wxOK.}
+\twocolitem{wxOK}{Puts an Ok button on the message box. May be combined with wxCANCEL.}
+\twocolitem{wxCENTRE}{Centres the text.}
+\twocolitem{wxICON\_EXCLAMATION}{Displays an exclamation mark symbol.}
+\twocolitem{wxICON\_HAND}{Displays an error symbol.}
+\twocolitem{wxICON\_ERROR}{Displays an error symbol - the same as wxICON\_HAND.}
+\twocolitem{wxICON\_QUESTION}{Displays a question mark symbol.}
+\twocolitem{wxICON\_INFORMATION}{Displays an information symbol.}
+The return value is one of: wxYES, wxNO, wxCANCEL, wxOK.
+For example:
+ ...
+ int answer = wxMessageBox("Quit program?", "Confirm",
+ wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL, main_frame);
+ if (answer == wxYES)
+ delete main_frame;
+ ...
+{\it message} may contain newline characters, in which case the
+message will be split into separate lines, to cater for large messages.
+Under Windows, the native MessageBox function is used unless wxCENTRE
+is specified in the style, in which case a generic function is used.
+This is because the native MessageBox function cannot centre text.
+The symbols are not shown when the generic function is used.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxShowTip}{\param{wxWindow *}{parent},
+ \param{wxTipProvider *}{tipProvider},
+ \param{bool }{showAtStartup = TRUE}}
+This function shows a "startup tip" to the user.
+\docparam{parent}{The parent window for the modal dialog}
+\docparam{tipProvider}{An object which is used to get the text of the tips.
+It may be created with the \helpref{wxCreateFileTipProvider}{wxcreatefiletipprovider} function.}
+\docparam{showAtStartup}{Should be TRUE if startup tips are shown, FALSE
+otherwise. This is used as the initial value for "Show tips at startup"
+checkbox which is shown in the tips dialog.}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{Tips overview}{tipsoverview}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\section{GDI functions}\label{gdifunctions}
+The following are relevant to the GDI (Graphics Device Interface).
+\wxheading{Include files}
+This macro loads a bitmap from either application resources (on the platforms
+for which they exist, i.e. Windows and OS2) or from an XPM file. It allows to
+avoid using {\tt \#ifdef}s when creating bitmaps.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{Bitmaps and icons overview}{wxbitmapoverview},
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{void}{wxClientDisplayRect}{\param{int *}{x}, \param{int *}{y},
+\param{int *}{width}, \param{int *}{height}}
+Returns the dimensions of the work area on the display. On Windows
+this means the area not covered by the taskbar, etc. Other platforms
+are currently defaulting to the whole display until a way is found to
+provide this info for all window managers, etc.
+Returns TRUE if the display is colour, FALSE otherwise.
+Returns the depth of the display (a value of 1 denotes a monochrome display).
+\func{void}{wxDisplaySize}{\param{int *}{width}, \param{int *}{height}}
+Returns the display size in pixels.
+\func{void}{wxDisplaySizeMM}{\param{int *}{width}, \param{int *}{height}}
+Returns the display size in millimeters.
+\func{wxIconOrCursor}{wxDROP\_ICON}{\param{const char *}{name}}
+This macro creates either a cursor (MSW) or an icon (elsewhere) with the given
+name. Under MSW, the cursor is loaded from the resource file and the icon is
+loaded from XPM file under other platforms.
+This macro should be used with
+\helpref{wxDropSource constructor}{wxdropsourcewxdropsource}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+This macro loads an icon from either application resources (on the platforms
+for which they exist, i.e. Windows and OS2) or from an XPM file. It allows to
+avoid using {\tt \#ifdef}s when creating icons.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{Bitmaps and icons overview}{wxbitmapoverview},
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxMakeMetafilePlaceable}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}, \param{int }{minX}, \param{int }{minY},
+ \param{int }{maxX}, \param{int }{maxY}, \param{float }{scale=1.0}}
+Given a filename for an existing, valid metafile (as constructed using \helpref{wxMetafileDC}{wxmetafiledc})
+makes it into a placeable metafile by prepending a header containing the given
+bounding box. The bounding box may be obtained from a device context after drawing
+into it, using the functions wxDC::MinX, wxDC::MinY, wxDC::MaxX and wxDC::MaxY.
+In addition to adding the placeable metafile header, this function adds
+the equivalent of the following code to the start of the metafile data:
+ SetMapMode(dc, MM_ANISOTROPIC);
+ SetWindowOrg(dc, minX, minY);
+ SetWindowExt(dc, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
+This simulates the wxMM\_TEXT mapping mode, which wxWindows assumes.
+Placeable metafiles may be imported by many Windows applications, and can be
+used in RTF (Rich Text Format) files.
+{\it scale} allows the specification of scale for the metafile.
+This function is only available under Windows.
+\func{void}{wxSetCursor}{\param{wxCursor *}{cursor}}
+Globally sets the cursor; only has an effect in Windows and GTK.
+See also \helpref{wxCursor}{wxcursor}, \helpref{wxWindow::SetCursor}{wxwindowsetcursor}.
+\section{Printer settings}\label{printersettings}
+{\bf NB:} These routines are obsolete and should no longer be used!
+The following functions are used to control PostScript printing. Under
+Windows, PostScript output can only be sent to a file.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Gets the printer command used to print a file. The default is {\tt lpr}.
+Gets the PostScript output filename.
+Gets the printing mode controlling where output is sent (PS\_PREVIEW, PS\_FILE or PS\_PRINTER).
+The default is PS\_PREVIEW.
+Gets the additional options for the print command (e.g. specific printer). The default is nothing.
+Gets the orientation (PS\_PORTRAIT or PS\_LANDSCAPE). The default is PS\_PORTRAIT.
+Gets the command used to view a PostScript file. The default depends on the platform.
+\func{void}{wxGetPrinterScaling}{\param{float *}{x}, \param{float *}{y}}
+Gets the scaling factor for PostScript output. The default is 1.0, 1.0.
+\func{void}{wxGetPrinterTranslation}{\param{float *}{x}, \param{float *}{y}}
+Gets the translation (from the top left corner) for PostScript output. The default is 0.0, 0.0.
+\func{void}{wxSetPrinterCommand}{\param{const wxString\& }{command}}
+Sets the printer command used to print a file. The default is {\tt lpr}.
+\func{void}{wxSetPrinterFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Sets the PostScript output filename.
+\func{void}{wxSetPrinterMode}{\param{int }{mode}}
+Sets the printing mode controlling where output is sent (PS\_PREVIEW, PS\_FILE or PS\_PRINTER).
+The default is PS\_PREVIEW.
+\func{void}{wxSetPrinterOptions}{\param{const wxString\& }{options}}
+Sets the additional options for the print command (e.g. specific printer). The default is nothing.
+\func{void}{wxSetPrinterOrientation}{\param{int}{ orientation}}
+Sets the orientation (PS\_PORTRAIT or PS\_LANDSCAPE). The default is PS\_PORTRAIT.
+\func{void}{wxSetPrinterPreviewCommand}{\param{const wxString\& }{command}}
+Sets the command used to view a PostScript file. The default depends on the platform.
+\func{void}{wxSetPrinterScaling}{\param{float }{x}, \param{float }{y}}
+Sets the scaling factor for PostScript output. The default is 1.0, 1.0.
+\func{void}{wxSetPrinterTranslation}{\param{float }{x}, \param{float }{y}}
+Sets the translation (from the top left corner) for PostScript output. The default is 0.0, 0.0.
+\section{Clipboard functions}\label{clipsboard}
+These clipboard functions are implemented for Windows only. The use of these functions
+is deprecated and the code is no longer maintained. Use the \helpref{wxClipboard}{wxclipboard}
+class instead.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Returns TRUE if this application has already opened the clipboard.
+Closes the clipboard to allow other applications to use it.
+Empties the clipboard.
+Enumerates the formats found in a list of available formats that belong
+to the clipboard. Each call to this function specifies a known
+available format; the function returns the format that appears next in
+the list.
+{\it dataFormat} specifies a known format. If this parameter is zero,
+the function returns the first format in the list.
+The return value specifies the next known clipboard data format if the
+function is successful. It is zero if the {\it dataFormat} parameter specifies
+the last format in the list of available formats, or if the clipboard
+is not open.
+Before it enumerates the formats function, an application must open the clipboard by using the
+wxOpenClipboard function.
+\func{wxObject *}{wxGetClipboardData}{\param{int}{dataFormat}}
+Gets data from the clipboard.
+{\it dataFormat} may be one of:
+\item wxCF\_TEXT or wxCF\_OEMTEXT: returns a pointer to new memory containing a null-terminated text string.
+\item wxCF\_BITMAP: returns a new wxBitmap.
+The clipboard must have previously been opened for this call to succeed.
+\func{bool}{wxGetClipboardFormatName}{\param{int}{dataFormat}, \param{const wxString\& }{formatName}, \param{int}{maxCount}}
+Gets the name of a registered clipboard format, and puts it into the buffer {\it formatName} which is of maximum
+length {\it maxCount}. {\it dataFormat} must not specify a predefined clipboard format.
+Returns TRUE if the given data format is available on the clipboard.
+Opens the clipboard for passing data to it or getting data from it.
+\func{int}{wxRegisterClipboardFormat}{\param{const wxString\& }{formatName}}
+Registers the clipboard data format name and returns an identifier.
+\func{bool}{wxSetClipboardData}{\param{int}{dataFormat}, \param{wxObject *}{data}, \param{int}{width}, \param{int}{height}}
+Passes data to the clipboard.
+{\it dataFormat} may be one of:
+\item wxCF\_TEXT or wxCF\_OEMTEXT: {\it data} is a null-terminated text string.
+\item wxCF\_BITMAP: {\it data} is a wxBitmap.
+\item wxCF\_DIB: {\it data} is a wxBitmap. The bitmap is converted to a DIB (device independent bitmap).
+\item wxCF\_METAFILE: {\it data} is a wxMetafile. {\it width} and {\it height} are used to give recommended dimensions.
+The clipboard must have previously been opened for this call to succeed.
+\section{Miscellaneous functions}\label{miscellany}
+Generates an integer identifier unique to this run of the program.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{void}{wxRegisterId}{\param{long}{ id}}
+Ensures that ids subsequently generated by {\bf NewId} do not clash with
+the given {\bf id}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Called when wxWindows exits, to clean up the DDE system. This no longer needs to be
+called by the application.
+See also \helpref{wxDDEInitialize}{wxddeinitialize}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Initializes the DDE system. May be called multiple times without harm.
+This no longer needs to be called by the application: it will be called
+by wxWindows if necessary.
+See also \helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient}, \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection},
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{void}{wxEnableTopLevelWindow}{\param{bool}{ enable = TRUE}}
+This function enables or disables all top level windows. It is used by
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{int}{wxFindMenuItemId}{\param{wxFrame *}{frame}, \param{const wxString\& }{menuString}, \param{const wxString\& }{itemString}}
+Find a menu item identifier associated with the given frame's menu bar.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{wxWindow *}{wxFindWindowByLabel}{\param{const wxString\& }{label}, \param{wxWindow *}{parent=NULL}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+\helpref{wxWindow::FindWindowByLabel}{wxwindowfindwindowbylabel} instead.
+Find a window by its label. Depending on the type of window, the label may be a window title
+or panel item label. If {\it parent} is NULL, the search will start from all top-level
+frames and dialog boxes; if non-NULL, the search will be limited to the given window hierarchy.
+The search is recursive in both cases.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{wxWindow *}{wxFindWindowByName}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{wxWindow *}{parent=NULL}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+\helpref{wxWindow::FindWindowByName}{wxwindowfindwindowbyname} instead.
+Find a window by its name (as given in a window constructor or {\bf Create} function call).
+If {\it parent} is NULL, the search will start from all top-level
+frames and dialog boxes; if non-NULL, the search will be limited to the given window hierarchy.
+The search is recursive in both cases.
+If no such named window is found, {\bf wxFindWindowByLabel} is called.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{wxWindow *}{wxFindWindowAtPoint}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
+Find the deepest window at the given mouse position in screen coordinates,
+returning the window if found, or NULL if not.
+\func{wxWindow *}{wxFindWindowAtPointer}{\param{wxPoint\& }{pt}}
+Find the deepest window at the mouse pointer position, returning the window
+and current pointer position in screen coordinates.
+\func{wxWindow *}{wxGetActiveWindow}{\void}
+Gets the currently active window (Windows only).
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Under X only, returns the current display name. See also \helpref{wxSetDisplayName}{wxsetdisplayname}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Returns the mouse position in screen coordinates.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxGetResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{section}, \param{const wxString\& }{entry},
+ \param{const wxString\& *}{value}, \param{const wxString\& }{file = NULL}}
+\func{bool}{wxGetResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{section}, \param{const wxString\& }{entry},
+ \param{float *}{value}, \param{const wxString\& }{file = NULL}}
+\func{bool}{wxGetResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{section}, \param{const wxString\& }{entry},
+ \param{long *}{value}, \param{const wxString\& }{file = NULL}}
+\func{bool}{wxGetResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{section}, \param{const wxString\& }{entry},
+ \param{int *}{value}, \param{const wxString\& }{file = NULL}}
+Gets a resource value from the resource database (for example, WIN.INI, or
+.Xdefaults). If {\it file} is NULL, WIN.INI or .Xdefaults is used,
+otherwise the specified file is used.
+Under X, if an application class (wxApp::GetClassName) has been defined,
+it is appended to the string /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/ to try to find
+an applications default file when merging all resource databases.
+The reason for passing the result in an argument is that it
+can be convenient to define a default value, which gets overridden
+if the value exists in the resource file. It saves a separate
+test for that resource's existence, and it also allows
+the overloading of the function for different types.
+See also \helpref{wxWriteResource}{wxwriteresource}, \helpref{wxConfigBase}{wxconfigbase}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{wxWindow *}{wxGetTopLevelParent}{\param{wxWindow }{*win}}
+Returns the first top level parent of the given window, or in other words, the
+frame or dialog containing it, or {\tt NULL}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{wxString}{wxLoadUserResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{resourceName}, \param{const wxString\& }{resourceType=``TEXT"}}
+Loads a user-defined Windows resource as a string. If the resource is found, the function creates
+a new character array and copies the data into it. A pointer to this data is returned. If unsuccessful, NULL is returned.
+The resource must be defined in the {\tt .rc} file using the following syntax:
+myResource TEXT file.ext
+where {\tt file.ext} is a file that the resource compiler can find.
+One use of this is to store {\tt .wxr} files instead of including the data in the C++ file; some compilers
+cannot cope with the long strings in a {\tt .wxr} file. The resource data can then be parsed
+using \helpref{wxResourceParseString}{wxresourceparsestring}.
+This function is available under Windows only.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{void}{wxPostDelete}{\param{wxObject *}{object}}
+Tells the system to delete the specified object when
+all other events have been processed. In some environments, it is
+necessary to use this instead of deleting a frame directly with the
+delete operator, because some GUIs will still send events to a deleted window.
+Now obsolete: use \helpref{wxWindow::Close}{wxwindowclose} instead.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{void}{wxPostEvent}{\param{wxEvtHandler *}{dest}, \param{wxEvent\& }{event}}
+In a GUI application, this function posts {\it event} to the specified {\it dest}
+object using \helpref{wxEvtHandler::AddPendingEvent}{wxevthandleraddpendingevent}.
+Otherwise, it dispatches {\it event} immediately using
+See the respective documentation for details (and caveats).
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{void}{wxSetDisplayName}{\param{const wxString\& }{displayName}}
+Under X only, sets the current display name. This is the X host and display name such
+as ``colonsay:0.0", and the function indicates which display should be used for creating
+windows from this point on. Setting the display within an application allows multiple
+displays to be used.
+See also \helpref{wxGetDisplayName}{wxgetdisplayname}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{wxString}{wxStripMenuCodes}{\param{const wxString\& }{in}}
+\func{void}{wxStripMenuCodes}{\param{char *}{in}, \param{char *}{out}}
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+\helpref{wxMenuItem::GetLabelFromText}{wxmenuitemgetlabelfromtext} instead.
+Strips any menu codes from {\it in} and places the result
+in {\it out} (or returns the new string, in the first form).
+Menu codes include \& (mark the next character with an underline
+as a keyboard shortkey in Windows and Motif) and $\backslash$t (tab in Windows).
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxWriteResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{section}, \param{const wxString\& }{entry},
+ \param{const wxString\& }{value}, \param{const wxString\& }{file = NULL}}
+\func{bool}{wxWriteResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{section}, \param{const wxString\& }{entry},
+ \param{float }{value}, \param{const wxString\& }{file = NULL}}
+\func{bool}{wxWriteResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{section}, \param{const wxString\& }{entry},
+ \param{long }{value}, \param{const wxString\& }{file = NULL}}
+\func{bool}{wxWriteResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{section}, \param{const wxString\& }{entry},
+ \param{int }{value}, \param{const wxString\& }{file = NULL}}
+Writes a resource value into the resource database (for example, WIN.INI, or
+.Xdefaults). If {\it file} is NULL, WIN.INI or .Xdefaults is used,
+otherwise the specified file is used.
+Under X, the resource databases are cached until the internal function
+\rtfsp{\bf wxFlushResources} is called automatically on exit, when
+all updated resource databases are written to their files.
+Note that it is considered bad manners to write to the .Xdefaults
+file under Unix, although the WIN.INI file is fair game under Windows.
+See also \helpref{wxGetResource}{wxgetresource}, \helpref{wxConfigBase}{wxconfigbase}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\section{Byte order macros}\label{byteordermacros}
+The endian-ness issues (that is the difference between big-endian and
+little-endian architectures) are important for the portable programs working
+with the external binary data (for example, data files or data coming from
+network) which is usually in some fixed, platform-independent format. The
+macros are helpful for transforming the data to the correct format.
+\func{wxInt32}{wxINT32\_SWAP\_ALWAYS}{\param{wxInt32 }{value}}
+\func{wxUint32}{wxUINT32\_SWAP\_ALWAYS}{\param{wxUint32 }{value}}
+\func{wxInt16}{wxINT16\_SWAP\_ALWAYS}{\param{wxInt16 }{value}}
+\func{wxUint16}{wxUINT16\_SWAP\_ALWAYS}{\param{wxUint16 }{value}}
+These macros will swap the bytes of the {\it value} variable from little
+endian to big endian or vice versa unconditionally, i.e. independently of the
+current platform.
+\func{wxInt32}{wxINT32\_SWAP\_ON\_BE}{\param{wxInt32 }{value}}
+\func{wxUint32}{wxUINT32\_SWAP\_ON\_BE}{\param{wxUint32 }{value}}
+\func{wxInt16}{wxINT16\_SWAP\_ON\_BE}{\param{wxInt16 }{value}}
+\func{wxUint16}{wxUINT16\_SWAP\_ON\_BE}{\param{wxUint16 }{value}}
+This macro will swap the bytes of the {\it value} variable from little
+endian to big endian or vice versa if the program is compiled on a
+big-endian architecture (such as Sun work stations). If the program has
+been compiled on a little-endian architecture, the value will be unchanged.
+Use these macros to read data from and write data to a file that stores
+data in little-endian (for example Intel i386) format.
+\func{wxInt32}{wxINT32\_SWAP\_ON\_LE}{\param{wxInt32 }{value}}
+\func{wxUint32}{wxUINT32\_SWAP\_ON\_LE}{\param{wxUint32 }{value}}
+\func{wxInt16}{wxINT16\_SWAP\_ON\_LE}{\param{wxInt16 }{value}}
+\func{wxUint16}{wxUINT16\_SWAP\_ON\_LE}{\param{wxUint16 }{value}}
+This macro will swap the bytes of the {\it value} variable from little
+endian to big endian or vice versa if the program is compiled on a
+little-endian architecture (such as Intel PCs). If the program has
+been compiled on a big-endian architecture, the value will be unchanged.
+Use these macros to read data from and write data to a file that stores
+data in big-endian format.
+\section{RTTI functions}\label{rttimacros}
+wxWindows uses its own RTTI ("run-time type identification") system which
+predates the current standard C++ RTTI and so is kept for backwards
+compatribility reasons but also because it allows some things which the
+standard RTTI doesn't directly support (such as creating a class from its
+The standard C++ RTTI can be used in the user code without any problems and in
+general you shouldn't need to use the functions and the macros in this section
+unless you are thinking of modifying or adding any wxWindows classes.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{RTTI overview}{runtimeclassoverview}
+\func{wxClassInfo *}{CLASSINFO}{className}
+Returns a pointer to the wxClassInfo object associated with this class.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Used inside a class declaration to declare that the class should be
+made known to the class hierarchy, but objects of this class cannot be created
+dynamically. The same as DECLARE\_CLASS.
+class wxCommand: public wxObject
+ private:
+ ...
+ public:
+ ...
+\wxheading{Include files}
+This is used in headers to create a forward declaration of the wxGetApp function implemented
+by IMPLEMENT\_APP. It creates the declaration {\tt className\& wxGetApp(void)}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Used inside a class declaration to declare that the class should be
+made known to the class hierarchy, but objects of this class cannot be created
+dynamically. The same as DECLARE\_ABSTRACT\_CLASS.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Used inside a class declaration to declare that the objects of this class should be dynamically
+creatable from run-time type information.
+class wxFrame: public wxWindow
+ private:
+ const wxString\& frameTitle;
+ public:
+ ...
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{}{IMPLEMENT\_ABSTRACT\_CLASS}{className, baseClassName}
+Used in a C++ implementation file to complete the declaration of
+a class that has run-time type information. The same as IMPLEMENT\_CLASS.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{}{IMPLEMENT\_ABSTRACT\_CLASS2}{className, baseClassName1, baseClassName2}
+Used in a C++ implementation file to complete the declaration of
+a class that has run-time type information and two base classes. The same as IMPLEMENT\_CLASS2.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+This is used in the application class implementation file to make the application class known to
+wxWindows for dynamic construction. You use this instead of
+Old form:
+ MyApp myApp;
+New form:
+See also \helpref{DECLARE\_APP}{declareapp}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{}{IMPLEMENT\_CLASS}{className, baseClassName}
+Used in a C++ implementation file to complete the declaration of
+a class that has run-time type information. The same as IMPLEMENT\_ABSTRACT\_CLASS.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{}{IMPLEMENT\_CLASS2}{className, baseClassName1, baseClassName2}
+Used in a C++ implementation file to complete the declaration of a
+class that has run-time type information and two base classes. The
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{}{IMPLEMENT\_DYNAMIC\_CLASS}{className, baseClassName}
+Used in a C++ implementation file to complete the declaration of
+a class that has run-time type information, and whose instances
+can be created dynamically.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{}{IMPLEMENT\_DYNAMIC\_CLASS2}{className, baseClassName1, baseClassName2}
+Used in a C++ implementation file to complete the declaration of
+a class that has run-time type information, and whose instances
+can be created dynamically. Use this for classes derived from two
+base classes.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{classname *}{wxConstCast}{ptr, classname}
+This macro expands into {\tt const\_cast<classname *>(ptr)} if the compiler
+supports {\it const\_cast} or into an old, C-style cast, otherwise.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\func{wxObject *}{wxCreateDynamicObject}{\param{const wxString\& }{className}}
+Creates and returns an object of the given class, if the class has been
+registered with the dynamic class system using DECLARE... and IMPLEMENT... macros.
+This is defined in debug mode to be call the redefined new operator
+with filename and line number arguments. The definition is:
+#define WXDEBUG_NEW new(__FILE__,__LINE__)
+In non-debug mode, this is defined as the normal new operator.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{classname *}{wxDynamicCast}{ptr, classname}
+This macro returns the pointer {\it ptr} cast to the type {\it classname *} if
+the pointer is of this type (the check is done during the run-time) or
+{\tt NULL} otherwise. Usage of this macro is preferred over obsoleted
+wxObject::IsKindOf() function.
+The {\it ptr} argument may be {\tt NULL}, in which case {\tt NULL} will be
+ wxWindow *win = wxWindow::FindFocus();
+ wxTextCtrl *text = wxDynamicCast(win, wxTextCtrl);
+ if ( text )
+ {
+ // a text control has the focus...
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no window has the focus or it is not a text control
+ }
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{RTTI overview}{runtimeclassoverview}\\
+\func{classname *}{wxDynamicCastThis}{classname}
+This macro is equivalent to {\tt wxDynamicCast(this, classname)} but the
+latter provokes spurious compilation warnings from some compilers (because it
+tests whether {\tt this} pointer is non {\tt NULL} which is always true), so
+this macro should be used to avoid them.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\func{classname *}{wxStaticCast}{ptr, classname}
+This macro checks that the cast is valid in debug mode (an assert failure will
+result if {\tt wxDynamicCast(ptr, classname) == NULL}) and then returns the
+result of executing an equivalent of {\tt static\_cast<classname *>(ptr)}.
+\section{Resource functions}\label{resourcefuncs}
+\overview{Resource functions}{resourceformats}
+This section details functions for manipulating wxWindows (.WXR) resource
+files and loading user interface elements from resources.
+\normalbox{Please note that this use of the word `resource' is different from that used when talking
+about initialisation file resource reading and writing, using such functions
+as wxWriteResource and wxGetResource. It is just an unfortunate clash of terminology.}
+\helponly{For an overview of the wxWindows resource mechanism, see \helpref{the wxWindows resource system}{resourceformats}.}
+See also \helpref{wxWindow::LoadFromResource}{wxwindowloadfromresource} for
+loading from resource data.
+\func{bool}{wxResourceAddIdentifier}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{int }{value}}
+Used for associating a name with an integer identifier (equivalent to dynamically\rtfsp
+{\tt\#}defining a name to an integer). Unlikely to be used by an application except
+perhaps for implementing resource functionality for interpreted languages.
+Clears the wxWindows resource table.
+\func{wxBitmap *}{wxResourceCreateBitmap}{\param{const wxString\& }{resource}}
+Creates a new bitmap from a file, static data, or Windows resource, given a valid
+wxWindows bitmap resource identifier. For example, if the .WXR file contains
+the following:
+static const wxString\& project_resource = "bitmap(name = 'project_resource',\
+ bitmap = ['project', wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP_RESOURCE, 'WINDOWS'],\
+ bitmap = ['project.xpm', wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM, 'X']).";
+then this function can be called as follows: