<object_ref ref="template" name="my_dlg">
<title>My dialog</title>
is identical to:
-@subsubsection xrc_wxanimationctrl wxBannerWindow
+@subsubsection xrc_wxbannerwindow wxBannerWindow
@hdr3col{property, type, description}
-@subsubsection xrc_wxtogglebuttton wxBitmapToggleButton
+@subsubsection xrc_wxbitmaptogglebutton wxBitmapToggleButton
@hdr3col{property, type, description}
@row3col{max, integer,
Maximum allowed value (default: 100).}
@row3col{pagesize, integer,
- Line size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves
+ Page size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves
pages up or down (default: unset).}
@row3col{linesize, integer,
Line size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves it
@subsubsection xrc_wxspinctrl wxSpinCtrl
-wxSpinCtrl supports the properties as @ref xrc_wxspinbutton.
+wxSpinCtrl supports the same properties as @ref xrc_wxspinbutton and, since
+wxWidgets 2.9.5, another one:
+@row3col{base, integer,
+ Numeric base, currently can be only 10 or 16 (default: 10).}
@subsubsection xrc_wxsplitterwindow wxSplitterWindow
No additional properties.
-@subsubsection xrc_wxtogglebuttton wxToggleButton
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtogglebutton wxToggleButton
@hdr3col{property, type, description}