- @page overview_xrc XML-based resource system overview
- Classes: #wxXmlResource, #wxXmlResourceHandler
- The XML-based resource system, known as XRC, allows user interface elements such
- as dialogs, menu bars and toolbars, to be stored in text files and loaded into
- the application at run-time. XRC files can also be compiled into binary XRS files
- or C++ code (the former makes it possible to store all resources in a single file
- and the latter is useful when you want to embed the resources into the executable).
- There are several advantages to using XRC resources.
- @li Recompiling and linking an application is not necessary if the
- resources change.
- @li If you use a dialog designer that generates C++ code, it can be hard
- to reintegrate this into existing C++ code. Separation of resources and code
- is a more elegant solution.
- @li You can choose between different alternative resource files at run time,
- if necessary.
- @li The XRC format uses sizers for flexibility, allowing dialogs to be resizable
- and highly portable.
- @li The XRC format is a wxWidgets standard,
- and can be generated or postprocessed by any program that understands it.
- As it is basedon the XML standard, existing XML editors can be used for
- simple editing purposes.
- XRC was written by Vaclav Slavik.
- @li @ref overview_xrc_concepts
- @li @ref overview_xrc_binaryresourcefiles
- @li @ref overview_xrc_embeddedresource
- @li @ref overview_xrc_cppsample
- @li @ref overview_xrc_sample
- @li @ref overview_xrc_fileformat
- @li @ref overview_xrc_cppheader
- @li @ref overview_xrc_newresourcehandlers
- <hr>
- @section overview_xrc_concepts XRC concepts
- These are the typical steps for using XRC files in your application.
- @li Include the appropriate headers: normally "wx/xrc/xmlres.h" will suffice;
- @li If you are going to use XRS files (see @ref overview_xrc_binaryresourcefiles), install
- wxFileSystem archive handler first with @c wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxArchiveFSHandler);
- @li call @c wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers() from your wxApp::OnInit function,
- and then call @c wxXmlResource::Get()->Load("myfile.xrc") to load the resource file;
- @li to create a dialog from a resource, create it using the default constructor, and then
- load it using for example @c wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(dlg, this, "dlg1");
- @li set up event tables as usual but use the @c XRCID(str) macro to translate from XRC string names
- to a suitable integer identifier, for example <tt>EVT_MENU(XRCID("quit"), MyFrame::OnQuit)</tt>.
- To create an XRC file, you can use one of the following methods.
- @li Create the file by hand;
- @li use wxDesigner (http://www.roebling.de), a commercial dialog designer/RAD tool;
- @li use DialogBlocks (http://www.anthemion.co.uk/dialogblocks), a commercial dialog editor;
- @li use XRCed (http://xrced.sf.net), a wxPython-based dialog editor that you can find in the
- @c wxPython/tools subdirectory of the wxWidgets SVN archive;
- @li use wxGlade (http://wxglade.sf.net), a GUI designer written in wxPython.
- At the moment it can generate Python, C++ and XRC;
- A complete list of third-party tools that write to XRC can be found at
- http://www.wxwidgets.org/wiki/index.php/Tools.
- It is highly recommended that you use a resource editing tool, since it's fiddly
- writing XRC files by hand.
- You can use wxXmlResource::Load in a number of ways.
- You can pass an XRC file (XML-based text resource file) or a zip-compressed file
- (see @ref overview_xrc_binaryresourcefiles), with extension ZIP or XRS, containing
- other XRC.
- You can also use embedded C++ resources (see @ref overview_xrc_embeddedresource).
- @section overview_xrc_binaryresourcefiles Using binary resource files
- To compile binary resource files, use the command-line @c wxrc utility.
- It takes one or more file parameters (the input XRC files) and the following
- switches and options:
- @li -h (--help): show a help message
- @li -v (--verbose): show verbose logging information
- @li -c (--cpp-code): write C++ source rather than a XRS file
- @li -e (--extra-cpp-code): if used together with -c, generates C++ header file
- containing class definitions for the windows defined by the XRC file
- (see special subsection)
- @li -u (--uncompressed): do not compress XML files (C++ only)
- @li -g (--gettext): output underscore-wrapped strings that poEdit or gettext can scan.
- Outputs to stdout, or a file if -o is used
- @li -n (--function) name: specify C++ function name (use with -c)
- @li -o (--output) filename: specify the output file, such as resource.xrs or resource.cpp
- @li -l (--list-of-handlers) filename: output a list of necessary handlers to this file
- For example:
- @code
- % wxrc resource.xrc
- % wxrc resource.xrc -o resource.xrs
- % wxrc resource.xrc -v -c -o resource.cpp
- @endcode
- @note
- XRS file is essentially a renamed ZIP archive which means that you can manipulate
- it with standard ZIP tools. Note that if you are using XRS files, you have
- to initialize the #wxFileSystem archive handler first! It is a simple
- thing to do:
- @code
- #include wx/filesys.h
- #include wx/fs_arc.h
- ...
- wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxArchiveFSHandler);
- @endcode
- @section overview_xrc_embeddedresource Using embedded resources
- It is sometimes useful to embed resources in the executable itself instead
- of loading an external file (e.g. when your app is small and consists only of one
- exe file). XRC provides means to convert resources into regular C++ file that
- can be compiled and included in the executable.
- Use the @c -c switch to
- @c wxrc utility to produce C++ file with embedded resources. This file will
- contain a function called @e InitXmlResource (unless you override this with
- a command line switch). Use it to load the resource:
- @code
- extern void InitXmlResource(); // defined in generated file
- ...
- wxXmlResource::Get()-InitAllHandlers();
- InitXmlResource();
- ...
- @endcode
- @section overview_xrc_cppsample XRC C++ sample
- This is the C++ source file (xrcdemo.cpp) for the XRC sample.
- @code
- #include "wx/wx.h"
- #include "wx/image.h"
- #include "wx/xrc/xmlres.h"
- // the application icon
- #if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__) || defined(__WXMAC__)
- #include "rc/appicon.xpm"
- #endif
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // private classes
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Define a new application type, each program should derive a class from wxApp
- class MyApp : public wxApp
- {
- public:
- // override base class virtuals
- // ----------------------------
- // this one is called on application startup and is a good place for the app
- // initialization (doing it here and not in the ctor allows to have an error
- // return: if OnInit() returns @false, the application terminates)
- virtual bool OnInit();
- };
- // Define a new frame type: this is going to be our main frame
- class MyFrame : public wxFrame
- {
- public:
- // ctor(s)
- MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
- // event handlers (these functions should _not_ be virtual)
- void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnDlg1(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnDlg2(wxCommandEvent& event);
- private:
- // any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro
- };
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // event tables and other macros for wxWidgets
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
- EVT_MENU(XRCID("menu_quit"), MyFrame::OnQuit)
- EVT_MENU(XRCID("menu_about"), MyFrame::OnAbout)
- EVT_MENU(XRCID("menu_dlg1"), MyFrame::OnDlg1)
- EVT_MENU(XRCID("menu_dlg2"), MyFrame::OnDlg2)
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // the application class
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here
- bool MyApp::OnInit()
- {
- wxImage::AddHandler(new wxGIFHandler);
- wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers();
- wxXmlResource::Get()->Load("rc/resource.xrc");
- MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame("XML resources demo",
- wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340));
- frame->Show(true);
- return true;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // main frame
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // frame constructor
- MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
- : wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, title, pos, size)
- {
- SetIcon(wxICON(appicon));
- SetMenuBar(wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenuBar("mainmenu"));
- SetToolBar(wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadToolBar(this, "toolbar"));
- }
- // event handlers
- void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- {
- // true is to force the frame to close
- Close(true);
- }
- void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- {
- wxString msg;
- msg.Printf( _T("This is the about dialog of XML resources demo.\n")
- _T("Welcome to %s"), wxVERSION_STRING);
- wxMessageBox(msg, "About XML resources demo", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
- }
- void MyFrame::OnDlg1(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- {
- wxDialog dlg;
- wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(&dlg, this, "dlg1");
- dlg.ShowModal();
- }
- void MyFrame::OnDlg2(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- {
- wxDialog dlg;
- wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(&dlg, this, "dlg2");
- dlg.ShowModal();
- }
- @endcode
- @section overview_xrc_sample XRC resource file sample
- This is the XML file (resource.xrc) for the XRC sample.
- @code
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <resource version="">
- <object class="wxMenuBar" name="mainmenu">
- <style>wxMB_DOCKABLE</style>
- <object class="wxMenu" name="menu_file">
- <label>_File</label>
- <style>wxMENU_TEAROFF</style>
- <object class="wxMenuItem" name="menu_about">
- <label>_About...</label>
- <bitmap>filesave.gif</bitmap>
- </object>
- <object class="separator"/>
- <object class="wxMenuItem" name="menu_dlg1">
- <label>Dialog 1</label>
- </object>
- <object class="wxMenuItem" name="menu_dlg2">
- <label>Dialog 2</label>
- </object>
- <object class="separator"/>
- <object class="wxMenuItem" name="menu_quit">
- <label>E_xit\tAlt-X</label>
- </object>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object class="wxToolBar" name="toolbar">
- <style>wxTB_FLAT|wxTB_DOCKABLE</style>
- <margins>2,2</margins>
- <object class="tool" name="menu_open">
- <bitmap>fileopen.gif</bitmap>
- <tooltip>Open catalog</tooltip>
- </object>
- <object class="tool" name="menu_save">
- <bitmap>filesave.gif</bitmap>
- <tooltip>Save catalog</tooltip>
- </object>
- <object class="tool" name="menu_update">
- <bitmap>update.gif</bitmap>
- <tooltip>Update catalog - synchronize it with sources</tooltip>
- </object>
- <separator/>
- <object class="tool" name="menu_quotes">
- <bitmap>quotes.gif</bitmap>
- <toggle>1</toggle>
- <tooltip>Display quotes around the string?</tooltip>
- </object>
- <object class="separator"/>
- <object class="tool" name="menu_fuzzy">
- <bitmap>fuzzy.gif</bitmap>
- <tooltip>Toggled if selected string is fuzzy translation</tooltip>
- <toggle>1</toggle>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object class="wxDialog" name="dlg1">
- <object class="wxBoxSizer">
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxBitmapButton">
- <bitmap>fuzzy.gif</bitmap>
- <focus>fileopen.gif</focus>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxPanel">
- <object class="wxStaticText">
- <label>fdgdfgdfgdfg</label>
- </object>
- <style>wxBORDER\_SUNKEN</style>
- </object>
- <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER</flag>
- </object>
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxButton">
- <label>Buttonek</label>
- </object>
- <border>10d</border>
- <flag>wxALL</flag>
- </object>
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxHtmlWindow">
- <htmlcode><h1>Hi,</h1>man</htmlcode>
- <size>100,45d</size>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxNotebook">
- <object class="notebookpage">
- <object class="wxPanel">
- <object class="wxBoxSizer">
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxHtmlWindow">
- <htmlcode>Hello, we are inside a <u>NOTEBOOK</u>...</htmlcode>
- <size>50,50d</size>
- </object>
- <option>1</option>
- </object>
- </object>
- </object>
- <label>Page</label>
- </object>
- <object class="notebookpage">
- <object class="wxPanel">
- <object class="wxBoxSizer">
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxHtmlWindow">
- <htmlcode>Hello, we are inside a <u>NOTEBOOK</u>...</htmlcode>
- <size>50,50d</size>
- </object>
- </object>
- </object>
- </object>
- <label>Page 2</label>
- </object>
- <usenotebooksizer>1</usenotebooksizer>
- </object>
- <flag>wxEXPAND</flag>
- </object>
- <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object class="wxDialog" name="dlg2">
- <object class="wxBoxSizer">
- <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient>
- <object class="sizeritem" name="dfgdfg">
- <object class="wxTextCtrl">
- <size>200,200d</size>
- <style>wxTE_MULTILINE|wxBORDER_SUNKEN</style>
- <value>Hello, this is an ordinary multiline\n textctrl....</value>
- </object>
- <option>1</option>
- <flag>wxEXPAND|wxALL</flag>
- <border>10</border>
- </object>
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxBoxSizer">
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxButton" name="wxID_OK">
- <label>Ok</label>
- <default>1</default>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxButton" name="wxID_CANCEL">
- <label>Cancel</label>
- </object>
- <border>10</border>
- <flag>wxLEFT</flag>
- </object>
- </object>
- <flag>wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM|wxALIGN_RIGHT</flag>
- <border>10</border>
- </object>
- </object>
- <title>Second testing dialog</title>
- </object>
- </resource>
- @endcode
- @section overview_xrc_fileformat XRC file format
- Please see Technical Note 14 (docs/tech/tn0014.txt) in your wxWidgets
- distribution.
- @section overview_xrc_cppheader C++ header file generation
- Using the @c -e switch together with @c -c, a C++ header file is written
- containing class definitions for the GUI windows defined in the XRC file.
- This code generation can make it easier to use XRC and automate program
- development.
- The classes can be used as basis for development, freeing the
- programmer from dealing with most of the XRC specifics (e.g. @c XRCCTRL).
- For each top level window defined in the XRC file a C++ class definition is
- generated, containing as class members the named widgets of the window.
- A default constructor for each class is also generated. Inside the constructor
- all XRC loading is done and all class members representing widgets are initialized.
- A simple example will help understand how the scheme works. Suppose you have
- a XRC file defining a top level window @c TestWnd_Base, which subclasses @c wxFrame
- (any other class like @c wxDialog will do also), and has subwidgets @c wxTextCtrl A
- and @c wxButton B.
- The XRC file and corresponding class definition in the header file will
- be something like:
- @code
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <resource version="">
- <object class="wxFrame" name="TestWnd_Base">
- <size>-1,-1</size>
- <title>Test</title>
- <object class="wxBoxSizer">
- <orient>wxHORIZONTAL</orient>
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxTextCtrl" name="A">
- <label>Test label</label>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object class="sizeritem">
- <object class="wxButton" name="B">
- <label>Test button</label>
- </object>
- </object>
- </object>
- </object>
- </resource>
- class TestWnd_Base : public wxFrame {
- protected:
- wxTextCtrl* A;
- wxButton* B;
- private:
- void InitWidgetsFromXRC(){
- wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadObject(this,NULL,"TestWnd","wxFrame");
- A = XRCCTRL(*this,"A",wxTextCtrl);
- B = XRCCTRL(*this,"B",wxButton);
- }
- public:
- TestWnd::TestWnd(){
- InitWidgetsFromXRC();
- }
- };
- @endcode
- The generated window class can be used as basis for the full window class. The
- class members which represent widgets may be accessed by name instead of using
- @c XRCCTRL every time you wish to reference them (note that they are @c protected
- class members), though you must still use @c XRCID to refer to widget IDs in the
- event table.
- Example:
- @code
- #include "resource.h"
- class TestWnd : public TestWnd_Base {
- public:
- TestWnd(){
- // A, B already initialised at this point
- A->SetValue("Updated in TestWnd::TestWnd");
- B->SetValue("Nice :)");
- }
- void OnBPressed(wxEvent& event){
- Close();
- }
- };
- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TestWnd,TestWnd_Base)
- EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("B"),TestWnd::OnBPressed)
- @endcode
- It is also possible to access the wxSizerItem of a sizer that is part of
- a resource. This can be done using @c XRCSIZERITEM as shown.
- The resource file can have something like this for a sizer item.
- @code
- <object class="spacer" name="area">
- <size>400, 300</size>
- </object>
- @endcode
- The code can then access the sizer item by using @c XRCSIZERITEM and
- @c XRCID together.
- @code
- wxSizerItem* item = XRCSIZERITEM(*this, "area");
- @endcode
- @section overview_xrc_newresourcehandlers Adding new resource handlers
- Adding a new resource handler is pretty easy.
- Typically, to add an handler for the @c MyControl class, you'll want to create
- the @c xh_mycontrol.h and @c xh_mycontrol.cpp files.
- The header needs to contains the @c MyControlXmlHandler class definition:
- @code
- class MyControlXmlHandler : public wxXmlResourceHandler
- {
- public:
- // Constructor.
- MyControlXmlHandler();
- // Creates the control and returns a pointer to it.
- virtual wxObject *DoCreateResource();
- // Returns @true if we know how to create a control for the given node.
- virtual bool CanHandle(wxXmlNode *node);
- // Register with wxWidgets' dynamic class subsystem.
- };
- @endcode
- The implementation of your custom XML handler will typically look as:
- @code
- // Register with wxWidgets' dynamic class subsystem.
- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(MyControlXmlHandler, wxXmlResourceHandler)
- MyControlXmlHandler::MyControlXmlHandler()
- {
- // this call adds support for all wxWindows class styles
- // (e.g. wxBORDER_SIMPLE, wxBORDER_SUNKEN, wxWS_EX_* etc etc)
- AddWindowStyles();
- // if MyControl class supports e.g. MYCONTROL_DEFAULT_STYLE
- // you should use:
- }
- wxObject *MyControlXmlHandler::DoCreateResource()
- {
- // the following macro will init a pointer named "control"
- // with a new instance of the MyControl class, but will NOT
- // Create() it!
- XRC_MAKE_INSTANCE(control, MyControl)
- // this is the point where you'll typically need to do the most
- // important changes: here the control is created and initialized.
- // You'll want to use the wxXmlResourceHandler's getters to
- // do most of your work.
- // If e.g. the MyControl::Create function looks like:
- //
- // bool MyControl::Create(wxWindow *parent, int id,
- // const wxBitmap , const wxPoint ,
- // const wxBitmap , const wxPoint ,
- // const wxString , const wxFont ,
- // const wxPoint , const wxSize ,
- // long style = MYCONTROL_DEFAULT_STYLE,
- // const wxString = wxT("MyControl"));
- //
- // then the XRC for your component should look like:
- //
- // <object class="MyControl" name="some_name">
- // <first-bitmap>first.xpm</first-bitmap>
- // <second-bitmap>text.xpm</second-bitmap>
- // <first-pos>3,3</first-pos>
- // <second-pos>4,4</second-pos>
- // <the-title>a title</the-title>
- // <title-font>
- // <!-- the standard XRC tags for describing a font: <size>, <style>, <weight>, etc -->
- // </title-font>
- // <!-- XRC also accepts other usual tags for wxWindow-derived classes:
- // like e.g. <name>, <style>, <size>, <position>, etc -->
- // </object>
- //
- // and the code to read your custom tags from the XRC file is just:
- control->Create(m_parentAsWindow, GetID(),
- GetBitmap(wxT("first-bitmap")),
- GetPosition(wxT("first-pos")),
- GetBitmap(wxT("second-bitmap")),
- GetPosition(wxT("second-pos")),
- GetText(wxT("the-title")),
- GetFont(wxT("title-font")),
- GetPosition(), GetSize(), GetStyle(), GetName());
- SetupWindow(control);
- return control;
- }
- bool MyControlXmlHandler::CanHandle(wxXmlNode *node)
- {
- // this function tells XRC system that this handler can parse
- // the object class="MyControl" tags
- return IsOfClass(node, wxT("MyControl"));
- }
- @endcode
- You may want to check the #wxXmlResourceHandler documentation
- to see how many built-in getters it contains. It's very easy to retrieve also
- complex structures out of XRC files using them.
+@page overview_xrc XML Based Resource System (XRC)
+Classes: wxXmlResource, wxXmlResourceHandler
+The XML-based resource system, known as XRC, allows user interface elements
+such as dialogs, menu bars and toolbars, to be stored in text files and loaded
+into the application at run-time. XRC files can also be compiled into binary
+XRS files or C++ code (the former makes it possible to store all resources in a
+single file and the latter is useful when you want to embed the resources into
+the executable).
+There are several advantages to using XRC resources:
+@li Recompiling and linking an application is not necessary if the resources
+ change.
+@li If you use a dialog designer that generates C++ code, it can be hard to
+ reintegrate this into existing C++ code. Separation of resources and code
+ is a more elegant solution.
+@li You can choose between different alternative resource files at run time, if
+ necessary.
+@li The XRC format uses sizers for flexibility, allowing dialogs to be
+ resizable and highly portable.
+@li The XRC format is a wxWidgets standard, and can be generated or
+ postprocessed by any program that understands it. As it is based on the XML
+ standard, existing XML editors can be used for simple editing purposes.
+XRC was written by Vaclav Slavik.
+@li @ref overview_xrc_gettingstarted
+@li @ref overview_xrc_xrcsample
+@li @ref overview_xrc_binaryresourcefiles
+@li @ref overview_xrc_embeddedresource
+@li @ref overview_xrc_cppheader
+@li @ref overview_xrc_newresourcehandlers
+See also the separate @ref overview_xrcformat page for more information, and
+details about the XRC file format.
+@section overview_xrc_gettingstarted Getting Started with XRC
+<b> Creating an XRC file </b>
+You will need to write an XRC file. Though this @e can be done by hand in a
+text editor, for all but the smallest files it is advisable to use a
+specialised tool. Examples of these include:
+@e Non-free:
+@li wxDesigner <http://www.wxdesigner-software.de/>, a commercial dialog
+ designer/RAD tool.
+@li DialogBlocks <http://www.anthemion.co.uk/dialogblocks/>, a commercial
+ dialog editor.
+@e Free:
+@li XRCed <http://xrced.sf.net/>, a wxPython-based dialog editor that you
+ can find in the wxPython/tools subdirectory of the wxWidgets SVN archive.
+@li wxFormBuilder <http://wxformbuilder.org/>, a C++-based dialog editor that
+ can output C++, XRC or python.
+There's a more complete list at <http://www.wxwidgets.org/wiki/index.php/Tools>
+This small demonstration XRC file contains a simple dialog:
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<resource version="">
+ <object class="wxDialog" name="SimpleDialog">
+ <title>Simple dialog</title>
+ <object class="wxBoxSizer">
+ <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxTextCtrl" name="text"/>
+ <option>1</option>
+ <flag>wxALL|wxEXPAND</flag>
+ <border>10</border>
+ </object>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxBoxSizer">
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxButton" name="clickme_btn">
+ <label>Click</label>
+ </object>
+ <flag>wxRIGHT</flag>
+ <border>10</border>
+ </object>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxButton" name="wxID_OK">
+ <label>OK</label>
+ </object>
+ <flag>wxLEFT</flag>
+ <border>10</border>
+ </object>
+ <orient>wxHORIZONTAL</orient>
+ </object>
+ <flag>wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTRE</flag>
+ <border>10</border>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+You can keep all your XRC elements together in one file, or split them between
+<b> Loading XRC files </b>
+Before you can use XRC in an app, it must first be loaded. This code fragment
+shows how to load a single XRC file "resource.xrc" from the current working
+directory, plus all the *.xrc files contained in the subdirectory "rc".
+#include "wx/xrc/xmlres.h"
+bool MyApp::OnInit()
+ ...
+ wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers();
+ wxXmlResource::Get()->Load("resource.xrc");
+ wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadAllFiles("rc");
+ ...
+It's normal to load any XRC files at the beginning of an app. Though it is
+possible to unload a file later, it's seldom necessary.
+<b> Using an XRC item </b>
+The XRC file(s) are now loaded into the app's virtual filesystem. From there,
+you must do another sort of load when you want to use an individual object.
+Yes, it's confusingly named, but you first Load() the file, and later load each
+top-level object when its needed.
+This is how you would use the above simple dialog in your code.
+void MyClass::ShowDialog()
+ wxDialog dlg;
+ if (wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(&dlg, NULL, "SimpleDialog"))
+ dlg.ShowModal();
+See how simple the code is. All the instantiation is done invisibly by the XRC
+Though you'll most often use wxXmlResource::LoadDialog, there are also
+equivalents that load a frame, a menu etc; and the generic
+wxXmlResource::LoadObject. See wxXmlResource for more details.
+<b> Accessing XRC child controls </b>
+The last section showed how to load top-level windows like dialogs, but what
+about child windows like the wxTextCtrl named "text" that the dialog contains?
+You can't 'load' an individual child control in the same way. Instead you use
+the XRCCTRL macro to get a pointer to the child. To expand the previous code:
+void MyClass::ShowDialog()
+ wxDialog dlg;
+ if (!wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(&dlg, NULL, "SimpleDialog"))
+ return;
+ wxTextCtrl* pText = XRCCTRL(dlg, "text", wxTextCtrl);
+ if (pText)
+ pText->ChangeValue("This is a simple dialog");
+ dlg.ShowModal();
+XRCCTRL takes a reference to the parent container and uses wxWindow::FindWindow
+to search inside it for a wxWindow with the supplied name (here "text"). It
+returns a pointer to that control, cast to the type in the third parameter; so
+a similar effect could be obtained by writing:
+pText = (wxTextCtrl*)(dlg.FindWindowByName("text"));
+<b> XRC and IDs </b>
+The ID of a control is often needed, e.g. for use in an event table
+or with wxEvtHandler::Bind. It can easily be found by passing the name of the
+control to the XRCID macro:
+void MyClass::ShowDialog()
+ wxDialog dlg;
+ if (!wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(&dlg, NULL, "SimpleDialog"))
+ return;
+ XRCCTRL(dlg, "text", wxTextCtrl)->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED,
+ wxTextEventHandler(MyClass::OnTextEntered), this, XRCID("text"));
+ XRCCTRL(dlg, "clickme_btn", wxButton)->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(MyClass::OnClickme), this, XRCID("clickme_btn"));
+ dlg.ShowModal();
+A few points to note:
+@li The value of the int returned by XRCID("foo") is guaranteed to be unique
+within an app.
+@li However that value isn't predictable, and you shouldn't rely on it being
+consistent between runs. It certainly won't be the same in different apps.
+@li @ref page_stockitems such as wxID_OK work correctly without requiring XRCID
+(because, internally, XRCID("wxID_OK") is mapped to wxID_OK).
+@li Both XRCID and XRCCTRL use the 'name' of the control (as in
+wxWindow::GetName). This is different from the label that the user sees on
+e.g. a wxButton.
+<b> Subclassing in XRC </b>
+You will often want to use subclassed wx controls in your code. There are three
+ways to do this from XRC:
+@li Very rarely you might need to
+@ref overview_xrcformat_extending_custom "create your own wxXmlResourceHandler"
+@li Occasionally wxXmlResource::AttachUnknownControl may be best. See
+@ref overview_xrcformat_extending_unknown
+@li Usually though, the simple 'subclass' keyword will suffice.
+Suppose you wanted the wxTextCtrl named "text" to be created as your derived
+class MyTextCtrl. The only change needed in the XRC file would be in this line:
+ <object class="wxTextCtrl" name="text" subclass="MyTextCtrl"/>
+The only change in your code would be to use MyTextCtrl in XRCCTRL. However for
+the subclass to be created successfully, it's important to ensure that it uses
+wxWidget's RTTI mechanism: see @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_subclass for
+the details.
+@section overview_xrc_xrcsample The XRC sample
+A major resource for learning how to use XRC is the @sample{xrc}. This
+demonstrates all of the standard uses of XRC, and some of the less common ones.
+It is strongly suggested that you run it, and look at the well-commented
+source code to see how it works.
+@section overview_xrc_binaryresourcefiles Binary Resource Files
+To compile binary resource files, use the command-line @c wxrc utility. It
+takes one or more file parameters (the input XRC files) and the following
+switches and options:
+@li -h (--help): Show a help message.
+@li -v (--verbose): Show verbose logging information.
+@li -c (--cpp-code): Write C++ source rather than a XRS file.
+@li -e (--extra-cpp-code): If used together with -c, generates C++ header file
+ containing class definitions for the windows defined by the XRC file (see
+ special subsection).
+@li -u (--uncompressed): Do not compress XML files (C++ only).
+@li -g (--gettext): Output underscore-wrapped strings that poEdit or gettext
+ can scan. Outputs to stdout, or a file if -o is used.
+@li -n (--function) @<name@>: Specify C++ function name (use with -c).
+@li -o (--output) @<filename@>: Specify the output file, such as resource.xrs
+ or resource.cpp.
+@li -l (--list-of-handlers) @<filename@>: Output a list of necessary handlers
+ to this file.
+For example:
+$ wxrc resource.xrc
+$ wxrc resource.xrc -o resource.xrs
+$ wxrc resource.xrc -v -c -o resource.cpp
+@note XRS file is essentially a renamed ZIP archive which means that you can
+manipulate it with standard ZIP tools. Note that if you are using XRS files,
+you have to initialize the wxFileSystem archive handler first! It is a simple
+thing to do:
+#include <wx/filesys.h>
+#include <wx/fs_arc.h>
+wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxArchiveFSHandler);
+@section overview_xrc_embeddedresource Using Embedded Resources
+It is sometimes useful to embed resources in the executable itself instead of
+loading an external file (e.g. when your app is small and consists only of one
+exe file). XRC provides means to convert resources into regular C++ file that
+can be compiled and included in the executable.
+Use the @c -c switch to @c wxrc utility to produce C++ file with embedded
+resources. This file will contain a function called @c InitXmlResource (unless
+you override this with a command line switch). Use it to load the resource:
+extern void InitXmlResource(); // defined in generated file
+@section overview_xrc_cppheader C++ header file generation
+Using the @c -e switch together with @c -c, a C++ header file is written
+containing class definitions for the GUI windows defined in the XRC file. This
+code generation can make it easier to use XRC and automate program development.
+The classes can be used as basis for development, freeing the programmer from
+dealing with most of the XRC specifics (e.g. @c XRCCTRL).
+For each top level window defined in the XRC file a C++ class definition is
+generated, containing as class members the named widgets of the window. A
+default constructor for each class is also generated. Inside the constructor
+all XRC loading is done and all class members representing widgets are
+A simple example will help understand how the scheme works. Suppose you have a
+XRC file defining a top level window @c TestWnd_Base, which subclasses wxFrame
+(any other class like @c wxDialog will do also), and has subwidgets wxTextCtrl A
+and wxButton B.
+The XRC file and corresponding class definition in the header file will be
+something like:
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<resource version="">
+ <object class="wxFrame" name="TestWnd_Base">
+ <size>-1,-1</size>
+ <title>Test</title>
+ <object class="wxBoxSizer">
+ <orient>wxHORIZONTAL</orient>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxTextCtrl" name="A">
+ <label>Test label</label>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxButton" name="B">
+ <label>Test button</label>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+class TestWnd_Base : public wxFrame
+ wxTextCtrl* A;
+ wxButton* B;
+ void InitWidgetsFromXRC()
+ {
+ wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadObject(this, NULL, "TestWnd", "wxFrame");
+ A = XRCCTRL(*this, "A", wxTextCtrl);
+ B = XRCCTRL(*this, "B", wxButton);
+ }
+ TestWnd::TestWnd()
+ {
+ InitWidgetsFromXRC();
+ }
+The generated window class can be used as basis for the full window class. The
+class members which represent widgets may be accessed by name instead of using
+@c XRCCTRL every time you wish to reference them (note that they are
+@c protected class members), though you must still use @c XRCID to refer to
+widget IDs in the event table.
+#include "resource.h"
+class TestWnd : public TestWnd_Base
+ TestWnd()
+ {
+ // A, B already initialised at this point
+ A->SetValue("Updated in TestWnd::TestWnd");
+ B->SetValue("Nice :)");
+ }
+ void OnBPressed(wxEvent& event)
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+ EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("B"), TestWnd::OnBPressed)
+It is also possible to access the wxSizerItem of a sizer that is part of a
+resource. This can be done using @c XRCSIZERITEM as shown.
+The resource file can have something like this for a sizer item.
+<object class="spacer" name="area">
+ <size>400, 300</size>
+The code can then access the sizer item by using @c XRCSIZERITEM and @c XRCID
+wxSizerItem* item = XRCSIZERITEM(*this, "area");
+@section overview_xrc_newresourcehandlers Adding New Resource Handlers
+Adding a new resource handler is pretty easy.
+Typically, to add an handler for the @c MyControl class, you'll want to create
+the @c xh_mycontrol.h and @c xh_mycontrol.cpp files.
+The header needs to contains the @c MyControlXmlHandler class definition:
+class MyControlXmlHandler : public wxXmlResourceHandler
+ // Constructor.
+ MyControlXmlHandler();
+ // Creates the control and returns a pointer to it.
+ virtual wxObject *DoCreateResource();
+ // Returns true if we know how to create a control for the given node.
+ virtual bool CanHandle(wxXmlNode *node);
+ // Register with wxWidgets' dynamic class subsystem.
+The implementation of your custom XML handler will typically look as:
+// Register with wxWidgets' dynamic class subsystem.
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(MyControlXmlHandler, wxXmlResourceHandler)
+ // this call adds support for all wxWindows class styles
+ // (e.g. wxBORDER_SIMPLE, wxBORDER_SUNKEN, wxWS_EX_* etc etc)
+ AddWindowStyles();
+ // if MyControl class supports e.g. MYCONTROL_DEFAULT_STYLE
+ // you should use:
+wxObject *MyControlXmlHandler::DoCreateResource()
+ // the following macro will init a pointer named "control"
+ // with a new instance of the MyControl class, but will NOT
+ // Create() it!
+ XRC_MAKE_INSTANCE(control, MyControl)
+ // this is the point where you'll typically need to do the most
+ // important changes: here the control is created and initialized.
+ // You'll want to use the wxXmlResourceHandler's getters to
+ // do most of your work.
+ // If e.g. the MyControl::Create function looks like:
+ //
+ // bool MyControl::Create(wxWindow *parent, int id,
+ // const wxBitmap &first, const wxPoint &posFirst,
+ // const wxBitmap &second, const wxPoint &posSecond,
+ // const wxString &theTitle, const wxFont &titleFont,
+ // const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size,
+ // long style = MYCONTROL_DEFAULT_STYLE,
+ // const wxString &name = wxT("MyControl"));
+ //
+ // Then the XRC for your component should look like:
+ //
+ // <object class="MyControl" name="some_name">
+ // <first-bitmap>first.xpm</first-bitmap>
+ // <second-bitmap>text.xpm</second-bitmap>
+ // <first-pos>3,3</first-pos>
+ // <second-pos>4,4</second-pos>
+ // <the-title>a title</the-title>
+ // <title-font>
+ // <!-- Standard XRC tags for a font: <size>, <style>, <weight>, etc -->
+ // </title-font>
+ // <!-- XRC also accepts other usual tags for wxWindow-derived classes:
+ // like e.g. <name>, <style>, <size>, <position>, etc -->
+ // </object>
+ //
+ // And the code to read your custom tags from the XRC file is just:
+ control->Create(m_parentAsWindow, GetID(),
+ GetBitmap(wxT("first-bitmap")),
+ GetPosition(wxT("first-pos")),
+ GetBitmap(wxT("second-bitmap")),
+ GetPosition(wxT("second-pos")),
+ GetText(wxT("the-title")),
+ GetFont(wxT("title-font")),
+ GetPosition(), GetSize(), GetStyle(), GetName());
+ SetupWindow(control);
+ return control;
+bool MyControlXmlHandler::CanHandle(wxXmlNode *node)
+ // this function tells XRC system that this handler can parse
+ // the <object class="MyControl"> tags
+ return IsOfClass(node, wxT("MyControl"));
+You may want to check the wxXmlResourceHandler documentation to see how many
+built-in getters it contains. It's very easy to retrieve also complex
+structures out of XRC files using them.