#include "wx/caret.h"
+#include "wx/dnd.h"
+#include "wx/mac/uma.h"
-#include "wx/mac/uma.h"
#ifndef __DARWIN__
#include <Windows.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
-#include "wx/dnd.h"
#include <string.h>
extern wxList wxPendingDelete;
#ifdef __WXUNIVERSAL__
-#else // __WXMAC__
-#endif // __WXUNIVERSAL__/__WXMAC__
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxWindowMac, wxWindowBase)
-enum {
- kEventControlVisibilityChanged = 157
+ kEventControlVisibilityChanged = 157
static const EventTypeSpec eventList[] =
+ { kEventClassCommand, kEventProcessCommand } ,
+ { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlHit } ,
+ { kEventClassTextInput, kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent } ,
+ { kEventClassTextInput, kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlDraw } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlVisibilityChanged } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlEnabledStateChanged } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlHiliteChanged } ,
{ kEventClassControl , kEventControlSetFocusPart } ,
{ kEventClassService , kEventServiceGetTypes },
{ kEventClassService , kEventServiceCopy },
{ kEventClassService , kEventServicePaste },
- // { kEventClassControl , kEventControlInvalidateForSizeChange } , // 10.3 only
-// { kEventClassControl , kEventControlBoundsChanged } ,
+// { kEventClassControl , kEventControlInvalidateForSizeChange } , // 10.3 only
+// { kEventClassControl , kEventControlBoundsChanged } ,
} ;
static pascal OSStatus wxMacWindowControlEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
cEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamDirectObject , &controlRef ) ;
- switch( GetEventKind( event ) )
+ switch ( GetEventKind( event ) )
case kEventControlDraw :
RgnHandle allocatedRgn = NULL ;
wxRegion visRegion = thisWindow->MacGetVisibleRegion() ;
Rect controlBounds ;
- if ( thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsCompositing() == false )
+ if ( ! thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsCompositing() )
- if ( thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsRootControl() == false )
- GetControlBounds( thisWindow->GetPeer()->GetControlRef() , &controlBounds ) ;
- else
+ if ( thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsRootControl() )
thisWindow->GetPeer()->GetRect( &controlBounds ) ;
+ else
+ GetControlBounds( thisWindow->GetPeer()->GetControlRef() , &controlBounds ) ;
if ( cEvent.GetParameter<RgnHandle>(kEventParamRgnHandle, &updateRgn) != noErr )
- if ( thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsCompositing() == false )
+ if ( ! thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsCompositing() )
allocatedRgn = NewRgn() ;
CopyRgn( updateRgn , allocatedRgn ) ;
OffsetRgn( allocatedRgn , -controlBounds.left , -controlBounds.top ) ;
// hide the given region by the new region that must be shifted
wxMacNativeToWindow( thisWindow , allocatedRgn ) ;
updateRgn = allocatedRgn ;
// as this update region is in native window locals we must adapt it to wx window local
allocatedRgn = NewRgn() ;
CopyRgn( updateRgn , allocatedRgn ) ;
// hide the given region by the new region that must be shifted
wxMacNativeToWindow( thisWindow , allocatedRgn ) ;
updateRgn = allocatedRgn ;
Rect rgnBounds ;
GetRegionBounds( updateRgn , &rgnBounds ) ;
if ( thisWindow->MacIsUserPane() )
- CGContextRef cgContext = cEvent.GetParameter<CGContextRef>(kEventParamCGContextRef) ;
static float color = 0.5 ;
static channel = 0 ;
- HIRect bounds;
- HIViewGetBounds( controlRef, &bounds );
+ HIRect bounds;
+ CGContextRef cgContext = cEvent.GetParameter<CGContextRef>(kEventParamCGContextRef) ;
+ HIViewGetBounds( controlRef, &bounds );
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( cgContext, channel == 0 ? color : 0.5 ,
channel == 1 ? color : 0.5 , channel == 2 ? color : 0.5 , 1 );
CGContextFillRect( cgContext, bounds );
bool created = false ;
- CGContextRef cgContext = 0 ;
+ CGContextRef cgContext = NULL ;
if ( cEvent.GetParameter<CGContextRef>(kEventParamCGContextRef, &cgContext) != noErr )
wxASSERT( thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsCompositing() == false ) ;
// this parameter is not provided on non-composited windows
created = true ;
// rest of the code expects this to be already transformed and clipped for local
CGrafPtr port = GetWindowPort( (WindowRef) thisWindow->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() ) ;
Rect bounds ;
#if 0
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( cgContext , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
- CGContextFillRect(cgContext , CGRectMake( 0 , 0 ,
- controlBounds.right - controlBounds.left ,
- controlBounds.bottom - controlBounds.top ) );
+ CGContextFillRect( cgContext ,
+ CGRectMake( 0 , 0 ,
+ controlBounds.right - controlBounds.left ,
+ controlBounds.bottom - controlBounds.top ) );
thisWindow->MacSetCGContextRef( cgContext ) ;
wxMacCGContextStateSaver sg( cgContext ) ;
if ( thisWindow->MacDoRedraw( updateRgn , cEvent.GetTicks() ) )
result = noErr ;
thisWindow->MacSetCGContextRef( NULL ) ;
if ( created )
CGContextRelease( cgContext ) ;
Boolean focusEverything = false ;
ControlPartCode controlPart = cEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>(kEventParamControlPart , typeControlPartCode );
#ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__
if ( cEvent.GetParameter<Boolean>(kEventParamControlFocusEverything , &focusEverything ) == noErr )
static bool inKillFocusEvent = false ;
if ( !inKillFocusEvent )
inKillFocusEvent = true ;
if ( textCtrl->IsEditable() )
pasteTypes = cEvent.GetParameter< CFMutableArrayRef >( kEventParamServicePasteTypes , typeCFMutableArrayRef ) ;
- static const OSType textDataTypes[] = { kTXNTextData /* , 'utxt' , 'PICT', 'MooV', 'AIFF' */ };
+ static const OSType textDataTypes[] = { kTXNTextData /* , 'utxt', 'PICT', 'MooV', 'AIFF' */ };
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < WXSIZEOF(textDataTypes) ; ++i )
CFStringRef typestring = CreateTypeStringWithOSType(textDataTypes[i]);
if ( typestring )
if ( copyTypes )
- CFArrayAppendValue (copyTypes, typestring) ;
+ CFArrayAppendValue(copyTypes, typestring) ;
if ( pasteTypes )
- CFArrayAppendValue (pasteTypes, typestring) ;
+ CFArrayAppendValue(pasteTypes, typestring) ;
CFRelease( typestring ) ;
ScrapRef scrapRef = cEvent.GetParameter< ScrapRef > ( kEventParamScrapRef , typeScrapRef ) ;
Size textSize, pastedSize ;
- verify_noerr( GetScrapFlavorSize (scrapRef, kTXNTextData, &textSize) ) ;
+ verify_noerr( GetScrapFlavorSize(scrapRef, kTXNTextData, &textSize) ) ;
textSize++ ;
char *content = new char[textSize] ;
- GetScrapFlavorData (scrapRef, kTXNTextData, &pastedSize, content );
- content[textSize-1] = 0 ;
+ GetScrapFlavorData(scrapRef, kTXNTextData, &pastedSize, content );
+ content[textSize - 1] = 0 ;
- textCtrl->WriteText( wxString( content , wxConvLocal ) );
+ textCtrl->WriteText( wxString( content , wxConvLocal ) );
textCtrl->WriteText( wxString( content ) ) ;
return result ;
+pascal OSStatus wxMacUnicodeTextEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
+ OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
+ wxWindowMac* focus = (wxWindowMac*) data ;
+ wchar_t* uniChars = NULL ;
+ UInt32 when = EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) ;
+ UniChar* charBuf = NULL;
+ UInt32 dataSize = 0 ;
+ int numChars = 0 ;
+ UniChar buf[2] ;
+ if ( GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamTextInputSendText, typeUnicodeText, NULL, 0 , &dataSize, NULL ) == noErr )
+ {
+ numChars = dataSize / sizeof( UniChar) + 1;
+ charBuf = buf ;
+ if ( numChars * 2 > sizeof(buf) )
+ charBuf = new UniChar[ numChars ] ;
+ else
+ charBuf = buf ;
+ uniChars = new wchar_t[ numChars ] ;
+ GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamTextInputSendText, typeUnicodeText, NULL, dataSize , NULL , charBuf ) ;
+ charBuf[ numChars - 1 ] = 0;
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 2
+ uniChars = (wchar_t*) charBuf ;
+ memcpy( uniChars , charBuf , numChars * 2 ) ;
+ // the resulting string will never have more chars than the utf16 version, so this is safe
+ wxMBConvUTF16 converter ;
+ numChars = converter.MB2WC( uniChars , (const char*)charBuf , numChars ) ;
+ }
+ switch ( GetEventKind( event ) )
+ {
+ case kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea :
+ {
+ // An IME input event may return several characters, but we need to send one char at a time to
+ for (int pos=0 ; pos < numChars ; pos++)
+ {
+ WXEVENTREF formerEvent = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() ;
+ WXEVENTHANDLERCALLREF formerHandler = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEventHandlerCallRef() ;
+ wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( event , handler ) ;
+ UInt32 message = (0 << 8) + ((char)uniChars[pos] );
+ if ( wxTheApp->MacSendCharEvent(
+ focus , message , 0 , when , 0 , 0 , uniChars[pos] ) )
+ {
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( formerEvent , formerHandler ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ break ;
+ case kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent :
+ {
+ UInt32 keyCode, modifiers ;
+ Point point ;
+ EventRef rawEvent ;
+ unsigned char charCode ;
+ GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamTextInputSendKeyboardEvent, typeEventRef, NULL, sizeof(rawEvent), NULL, &rawEvent ) ;
+ GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, NULL, sizeof(char), NULL, &charCode );
+ GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &keyCode );
+ GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &modifiers );
+ GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof(Point), NULL, &point );
+ UInt32 message = (keyCode << 8) + charCode;
+ // An IME input event may return several characters, but we need to send one char at a time to
+ for (int pos=0 ; pos < numChars ; pos++)
+ {
+ WXEVENTREF formerEvent = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() ;
+ WXEVENTHANDLERCALLREF formerHandler = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEventHandlerCallRef() ;
+ wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( event , handler ) ;
+ if ( wxTheApp->MacSendCharEvent(
+ focus , message , modifiers , when , point.h , point.v , uniChars[pos] ) )
+ {
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( formerEvent , formerHandler ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break ;
+ }
+ delete [] uniChars ;
+ if ( charBuf != buf )
+ delete [] charBuf ;
+ return result ;
+static pascal OSStatus wxMacWindowCommandEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
+ OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
+ wxWindowMac* focus = (wxWindowMac*) data ;
+ HICommand command ;
+ wxMacCarbonEvent cEvent( event ) ;
+ cEvent.GetParameter<HICommand>(kEventParamDirectObject,typeHICommand,&command) ;
+ wxMenuItem* item = NULL ;
+ wxMenu* itemMenu = wxFindMenuFromMacCommand( command , item ) ;
+ int id = wxMacCommandToId( command.commandID ) ;
+ if ( item )
+ {
+ wxASSERT( itemMenu != NULL ) ;
+ switch ( cEvent.GetKind() )
+ {
+ case kEventProcessCommand :
+ {
+ if (item->IsCheckable())
+ item->Check( !item->IsChecked() ) ;
+ if ( itemMenu->SendEvent( id , item->IsCheckable() ? item->IsChecked() : -1 ) )
+ result = noErr ;
+ else
+ {
+ wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED , id);
+ event.SetEventObject(focus);
+ event.SetInt(item->IsCheckable() ? item->IsChecked() : -1);
+ if ( focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) )
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ }
+ break ;
+ case kEventCommandUpdateStatus:
+ {
+ wxUpdateUIEvent event(id);
+ event.SetEventObject( itemMenu );
+ bool processed = false;
+ // Try the menu's event handler
+ {
+ wxEvtHandler *handler = itemMenu->GetEventHandler();
+ if ( handler )
+ processed = handler->ProcessEvent(event);
+ }
+ // Try the window the menu was popped up from
+ // (and up through the hierarchy)
+ if ( !processed )
+ {
+ const wxMenuBase *menu = itemMenu;
+ while ( menu )
+ {
+ wxWindow *win = menu->GetInvokingWindow();
+ if ( win )
+ {
+ processed = win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ menu = menu->GetParent();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !processed )
+ {
+ processed = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
+ }
+ if ( processed )
+ {
+ // if anything changed, update the changed attribute
+ if (event.GetSetText())
+ itemMenu->SetLabel(id, event.GetText());
+ if (event.GetSetChecked())
+ itemMenu->Check(id, event.GetChecked());
+ if (event.GetSetEnabled())
+ itemMenu->Enable(id, event.GetEnabled());
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ }
+ break ;
+ default :
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ return result ;
pascal OSStatus wxMacWindowEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
EventRef formerEvent = (EventRef) wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() ;
switch ( GetEventClass( event ) )
+ case kEventClassCommand :
+ result = wxMacWindowCommandEventHandler( handler , event , data ) ;
+ break ;
case kEventClassControl :
result = wxMacWindowControlEventHandler( handler, event, data ) ;
break ;
result = wxMacWindowServiceEventHandler( handler, event , data ) ;
break ;
+ case kEventClassTextInput :
+ result = wxMacUnicodeTextEventHandler( handler , event , data ) ;
+ break ;
default :
break ;
int x = 0 , y = 0;
RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn() ;
GetClip( rgn ) ;
- MacWindowToRootWindow( &x,&y ) ;
+ MacWindowToRootWindow( &x, &y ) ;
OffsetRgn( rgn , -x , -y ) ;
wxMacWindowStateSaver sv( this ) ;
SectRgn( rgn , (RgnHandle) MacGetVisibleRegion().GetWXHRGN() , rgn ) ;
m_peer = NULL ;
m_frozenness = 0 ;
m_backgroundTransparent = false;
-// Destructor
-#endif // __WXUNIVERSAL__
// destroy children before destroying this window itself
return (WXWidget) m_peer->GetControlRef() ;
void wxWindowMac::MacInstallEventHandler( WXWidget control )
- wxAssociateControlWithMacControl( (ControlRef) control , this ) ;
- InstallControlEventHandler( (ControlRef) control , GetwxMacWindowEventHandlerUPP(),
+ wxAssociateControlWithMacControl( (ControlRef) control , this ) ;
+ InstallControlEventHandler( (ControlRef)control , GetwxMacWindowEventHandlerUPP(),
GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, this,
(EventHandlerRef *)&m_macControlEventHandler);
if ( (ControlRef) control == m_peer->GetControlRef() )
- m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneDrawUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneDrawProc()) ;
- m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneHitTestProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneHitTestProc()) ;
- m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneTrackingProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneTrackingProc()) ;
- m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneIdleUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneIdleProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneIdleProc()) ;
- m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneKeyDownProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc()) ;
- m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneActivateUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneActivateProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneActivateProc()) ;
- m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneFocusUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneFocusProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneFocusProc()) ;
- m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneBackgroundProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneDrawUPP>(kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag, GetwxMacControlUserPaneDrawProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP>(kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneHitTestProcTag, GetwxMacControlUserPaneHitTestProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP>(kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneTrackingProcTag, GetwxMacControlUserPaneTrackingProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneIdleUPP>(kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneIdleProcTag, GetwxMacControlUserPaneIdleProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP>(kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneKeyDownProcTag, GetwxMacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneActivateUPP>(kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneActivateProcTag, GetwxMacControlUserPaneActivateProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneFocusUPP>(kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneFocusProcTag, GetwxMacControlUserPaneFocusProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP>(kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneBackgroundProcTag, GetwxMacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc()) ;
// Constructor
-bool wxWindowMac::Create(wxWindowMac *parent, wxWindowID id,
- const wxPoint& pos,
- const wxSize& size,
- long style,
- const wxString& name)
+bool wxWindowMac::Create(wxWindowMac *parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxString& name)
wxCHECK_MSG( parent, false, wxT("can't create wxWindowMac without parent") );
| kControlHandlesTracking
| kControlSupportsFocus
| kControlWantsActivate
- | kControlWantsIdle
- ;
+ | kControlWantsIdle ;
m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
- ::CreateUserPaneControl( MAC_WXHWND(GetParent()->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds, features , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
+ OSStatus err =::CreateUserPaneControl( MAC_WXHWND(GetParent()->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds, features , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
+ verify_noerr( err );
- MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;
+ MacPostControlCreate(pos, size) ;
#ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__
// Don't give scrollbars to wxControls unless they ask for them
- if ( (! IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)) && ! IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxStatusBar))) ||
- (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)) && ( style & wxHSCROLL || style & wxVSCROLL)))
+ if ( (! IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)) && ! IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxStatusBar)))
+ || (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)) && ((style & wxHSCROLL) || (style & wxVSCROLL))))
MacCreateScrollBars( style ) ;
wxASSERT_MSG( m_peer != NULL && m_peer->Ok() , wxT("No valid mac control") ) ;
- m_peer->SetReference( (long) this ) ;
- GetParent()->AddChild(this);
+ m_peer->SetReference( (long)this ) ;
+ GetParent()->AddChild( this );
MacInstallEventHandler( (WXWidget) m_peer->GetControlRef() );
break ;
- m_peer->SetData<ControlSize>(kControlEntireControl, kControlSizeTag,&size ) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlSize>(kControlEntireControl, kControlSizeTag, &size ) ;
wxFont font ;
font.MacCreateThemeFont( themeFont ) ;
bool wxWindowMac::SetFont(const wxFont& font)
- bool retval = wxWindowBase::SetFont( font ) ;
+ bool retval = wxWindowBase::SetFont( font );
MacUpdateControlFont() ;
bool wxWindowMac::SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& col )
- if ( !wxWindowBase::SetForegroundColour(col) )
- return false ;
+ bool retval = wxWindowBase::SetForegroundColour( col );
- MacUpdateControlFont() ;
+ if (retval)
+ MacUpdateControlFont();
- return true ;
+ return retval;
bool wxWindowMac::SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col )
wxBrush brush ;
wxColour newCol(GetBackgroundColour());
- if ( newCol == wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE) )
+ if ( newCol == wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE ) )
brush.MacSetTheme( kThemeBrushDocumentWindowBackground ) ;
- else if ( newCol == wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE ) )
+ else if ( newCol == wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE ) )
brush.MacSetTheme( kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundActive ) ;
brush.SetColour( newCol ) ;
MacSetBackgroundBrush( brush ) ;
MacUpdateControlFont() ;
return true ;
bool wxWindowMac::MacCanFocus() const
- // there is currently no way to determine whether the window is running in full keyboard
- // access mode, therefore we cannot rely on these features, yet the only other way would be
- // to issue a SetKeyboardFocus event and verify after whether it succeeded, this would risk problems
- // in event handlers...
- UInt32 features = 0 ;
- m_peer->GetFeatures( & features ) ;
+ // TODO : evaluate performance hits by looking up this value, eventually cache the results for a 1 sec or so
+ // CAUTION : the value returned currently is 0 or 2, I've also found values of 1 having the same meaning,
+ // but the value range is nowhere documented
+ Boolean keyExistsAndHasValidFormat ;
+ CFIndex fullKeyboardAccess = CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValue( CFSTR("AppleKeyboardUIMode" ) ,
+ kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication, &keyExistsAndHasValidFormat );
- return features & ( kControlSupportsFocus | kControlGetsFocusOnClick ) ;
+ if ( keyExistsAndHasValidFormat && fullKeyboardAccess > 0 )
+ {
+ return true ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UInt32 features = 0 ;
+ m_peer->GetFeatures( &features ) ;
+ return features & ( kControlSupportsFocus | kControlGetsFocusOnClick ) ;
+ }
void wxWindowMac::SetFocus()
if ( err == errCouldntSetFocus )
return ;
- // enable for patch 1376506 - perhaps? (Stefan's version)
-#if 0
SetUserFocusWindow( (WindowRef)MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() );
// emulate carbon events when running under CarbonLib where they are not natively available
if ( former )
EventRef evRef = NULL ;
- verify_noerr( MacCreateEvent( NULL , kEventClassControl , kEventControlSetFocusPart , TicksToEventTime( TickCount() ) , kEventAttributeUserEvent ,
- &evRef ) );
+ err = MacCreateEvent(
+ NULL , kEventClassControl , kEventControlSetFocusPart , TicksToEventTime( TickCount() ) ,
+ kEventAttributeUserEvent , &evRef );
+ verify_noerr( err );
wxMacCarbonEvent cEvent( evRef ) ;
cEvent.SetParameter<ControlRef>( kEventParamDirectObject , (ControlRef) former->GetHandle() ) ;
cEvent.SetParameter<ControlPartCode>(kEventParamControlPart , typeControlPartCode , kControlFocusNoPart ) ;
wxMacWindowEventHandler( NULL , evRef , former ) ;
- ReleaseEvent(evRef) ;
+ ReleaseEvent( evRef ) ;
// send new focus event
EventRef evRef = NULL ;
- verify_noerr( MacCreateEvent( NULL , kEventClassControl , kEventControlSetFocusPart , TicksToEventTime( TickCount() ) , kEventAttributeUserEvent ,
- &evRef ) );
+ err = MacCreateEvent(
+ NULL , kEventClassControl , kEventControlSetFocusPart , TicksToEventTime( TickCount() ) ,
+ kEventAttributeUserEvent , &evRef );
+ verify_noerr( err );
wxMacCarbonEvent cEvent( evRef ) ;
cEvent.SetParameter<ControlRef>( kEventParamDirectObject , (ControlRef) GetHandle() ) ;
cEvent.SetParameter<ControlPartCode>(kEventParamControlPart , typeControlPartCode , kControlFocusNextPart ) ;
wxMacWindowEventHandler( NULL , evRef , this ) ;
- ReleaseEvent(evRef) ;
+ ReleaseEvent( evRef ) ;
wxApp::s_captureWindow = this ;
-wxWindow* wxWindowBase::GetCapture()
+wxWindow * wxWindowBase::GetCapture()
return wxApp::s_captureWindow ;
m_dropTarget = pDropTarget;
if ( m_dropTarget != NULL )
- // TODO
+ // TODO:
-// Old style file-manager drag&drop
+// Old-style File Manager Drag & Drop
void wxWindowMac::DragAcceptFiles(bool accept)
- // TODO
+ // TODO:
// Returns the size of the native control. In the case of the toplevel window
void wxWindowMac::MacGetPositionAndSizeFromControl(int& x, int& y,
int& w, int& h) const
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Not supported anymore") ) ;
+ wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Not currently supported") ) ;
// From a wx position / size calculate the appropriate size of the native control
-bool wxWindowMac::MacGetBoundsForControl(const wxPoint& pos,
- const wxSize& size,
- int& x, int& y,
- int& w, int& h , bool adjustOrigin ) const
+bool wxWindowMac::MacGetBoundsForControl(
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ int& x, int& y,
+ int& w, int& h , bool adjustOrigin ) const
- bool isCompositing = MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacUsesCompositing() ;
// the desired size, minus the border pixels gives the correct size of the control
x = (int)pos.x;
y = (int)pos.y;
- // todo the default calls may be used as soon as PostCreateControl Is moved here
- w = wxMax(size.x,0) ; // WidthDefault( size.x );
- h = wxMax(size.y,0) ; // HeightDefault( size.y ) ;
+ // TODO: the default calls may be used as soon as PostCreateControl Is moved here
+ w = wxMax(size.x, 0) ; // WidthDefault( size.x );
+ h = wxMax(size.y, 0) ; // HeightDefault( size.y ) ;
+ bool isCompositing = MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacUsesCompositing() ;
if ( !isCompositing )
GetParent()->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ;
void wxWindowMac::DoScreenToClient(int *x, int *y) const
WindowRef window = (WindowRef) MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() ;
+ wxCHECK_RET( window , wxT("TopLevel Window missing") ) ;
- wxCHECK_RET( window , wxT("TopLevel Window Missing") ) ;
- {
- Point localwhere = {0, 0} ;
+ Point localwhere = { 0, 0 } ;
- if (x)
- localwhere.h = *x ;
- if (y)
- localwhere.v = *y ;
+ if (x)
+ localwhere.h = *x ;
+ if (y)
+ localwhere.v = *y ;
- QDGlobalToLocalPoint( GetWindowPort( window ) , &localwhere ) ;
+ QDGlobalToLocalPoint( GetWindowPort( window ) , &localwhere ) ;
- if (x)
- *x = localwhere.h ;
- if (y)
- *y = localwhere.v ;
- }
+ if (x)
+ *x = localwhere.h ;
+ if (y)
+ *y = localwhere.v ;
MacRootWindowToWindow( x , y ) ;
void wxWindowMac::DoClientToScreen(int *x, int *y) const
WindowRef window = (WindowRef) MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() ;
- wxCHECK_RET( window , wxT("TopLevel Window Missing") ) ;
+ wxCHECK_RET( window , wxT("TopLevel window missing") ) ;
wxPoint origin = GetClientAreaOrigin() ;
if (x)
MacWindowToRootWindow( x , y ) ;
- {
- Point localwhere = { 0,0 };
- if (x)
- localwhere.h = * x ;
- if (y)
- localwhere.v = * y ;
+ Point localwhere = { 0, 0 };
+ if (x)
+ localwhere.h = *x ;
+ if (y)
+ localwhere.v = *y ;
- QDLocalToGlobalPoint( GetWindowPort( window ) , &localwhere ) ;
+ QDLocalToGlobalPoint( GetWindowPort( window ) , &localwhere ) ;
- if (x)
- *x = localwhere.h ;
- if (y)
- *y = localwhere.v ;
- }
+ if (x)
+ *x = localwhere.h ;
+ if (y)
+ *y = localwhere.v ;
void wxWindowMac::MacClientToRootWindow( int *x , int *y ) const
void wxWindowMac::MacWindowToRootWindow( int *x , int *y ) const
wxPoint pt ;
if (x)
pt.x = *x ;
if (y)
void wxWindowMac::MacGetContentAreaInset( int &left , int &top , int &right , int &bottom )
RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn() ;
if ( m_peer->GetRegion( kControlContentMetaPart , rgn ) == noErr )
- Rect structure ;
- Rect content ;
+ Rect structure, content ;
GetRegionBounds( rgn , &content ) ;
m_peer->GetRect( &structure ) ;
OffsetRect( &structure, -structure.left , -structure.top ) ;
left = content.left - structure.left ;
- top = content.top - structure.top ;
+ top = content.top - structure.top ;
right = structure.right - content.right ;
bottom = structure.bottom - content.bottom ;
left = top = right = bottom = 0 ;
DisposeRgn( rgn ) ;
RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn() ;
if ( m_peer->GetRegion( kControlContentMetaPart , rgn ) == noErr )
- Rect content ;
- Rect structure ;
+ Rect content, structure ;
GetRegionBounds( rgn , &content ) ;
m_peer->GetRect( &structure ) ;
// structure is in parent coordinates, but we only need width and height, so it's ok
sizeTotal.x += (structure.right - structure.left) - (content.right - content.left) ;
- sizeTotal.y += (structure.bottom - structure.top) - (content.bottom - content.top ) ;
+ sizeTotal.y += (structure.bottom - structure.top) - (content.bottom - content.top) ;
DisposeRgn( rgn ) ;
sizeTotal.x += MacGetLeftBorderSize() + MacGetRightBorderSize() ;
*x = ww;
if (y)
*y = hh;
bool wxWindowMac::SetCursor(const wxCursor& cursor)
CGrafPtr savePort ;
Boolean swapped = QDSwapPort( GetWindowPort( window ) , &savePort ) ;
- // TODO If we ever get a GetCurrentEvent.. replacement for the mouse
- // position, use it...
+ // TODO: If we ever get a GetCurrentEvent... replacement
+ // for the mouse position, use it...
Point pt ;
- GetMouse( &pt ) ;
ControlPartCode part ;
ControlRef control ;
+ GetMouse( &pt ) ;
control = wxMacFindControlUnderMouse( tlw , pt , window , &part ) ;
if ( control )
mouseWin = wxFindControlFromMacControl( control ) ;
if ( x == -1 && y == -1 )
wxPoint mouse = wxGetMousePosition();
- x = mouse.x; y = mouse.y;
+ x = mouse.x;
+ y = mouse.y;
menu->MacBeforeDisplay( true ) ;
- long menuResult = ::PopUpMenuSelect((MenuHandle) menu->GetHMenu() ,y,x, 0) ;
+ long menuResult = ::PopUpMenuSelect((MenuHandle) menu->GetHMenu() , y, x, 0) ;
if ( HiWord(menuResult) != 0 )
- MenuCommand id ;
- GetMenuItemCommandID( GetMenuHandle(HiWord(menuResult)) , LoWord(menuResult) , &id ) ;
+ MenuCommand macid;
+ GetMenuItemCommandID( GetMenuHandle(HiWord(menuResult)) , LoWord(menuResult) , &macid );
+ int id = wxMacCommandToId( macid );
wxMenuItem* item = NULL ;
wxMenu* realmenu ;
- item = menu->FindItem(id, &realmenu) ;
- if (item->IsCheckable())
- item->Check( !item->IsChecked() ) ;
+ item = menu->FindItem( id, &realmenu ) ;
+ if ( item )
+ {
+ if (item->IsCheckable())
+ item->Check( !item->IsChecked() ) ;
- menu->SendEvent( id , item->IsCheckable() ? item->IsChecked() : -1 ) ;
+ menu->SendEvent( id , item->IsCheckable() ? item->IsChecked() : -1 ) ;
+ }
- menu->MacAfterDisplay( true ) ;
- menu->SetInvokingWindow(NULL);
+ menu->MacAfterDisplay( true ) ;
+ menu->SetInvokingWindow( NULL );
return true;
-#endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
void wxWindowMac::MacInvalidateBorders()
// now we know that we have something to do at all
// as the borders are drawn on the parent we have to properly invalidate all these areas
- RgnHandle updateInner = NewRgn() ,
- updateOuter = NewRgn() ;
+ RgnHandle updateInner , updateOuter;
+ Rect rect ;
// this rectangle is in HIViewCoordinates under OSX and in Window Coordinates under Carbon
- Rect rect ;
+ updateInner = NewRgn() ;
+ updateOuter = NewRgn() ;
m_peer->GetRect( &rect ) ;
- RectRgn( updateInner , &rect ) ;
+ RectRgn( updateInner, &rect ) ;
InsetRect( &rect , -outerBorder , -outerBorder ) ;
- RectRgn( updateOuter , &rect ) ;
- DiffRgn( updateOuter , updateInner ,updateOuter ) ;
+ RectRgn( updateOuter, &rect ) ;
+ DiffRgn( updateOuter, updateInner , updateOuter ) ;
#ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__
GetParent()->m_peer->SetNeedsDisplay( updateOuter ) ;
InvalWindowRgn( tlw , updateOuter ) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateOuter) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateInner) ;
-#if 0
- RgnHandle updateInner = NewRgn() , updateOuter = NewRgn() ;
- RectRgn( updateInner , &rect ) ;
- InsetRect( &rect , -4 , -4 ) ;
- RectRgn( updateOuter , &rect ) ;
- DiffRgn( updateOuter , updateInner ,updateOuter ) ;
- wxPoint parent(0,0);
- GetParent()->MacWindowToRootWindow( &parent.x , &parent.y ) ;
- parent -= GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin() ;
- OffsetRgn( updateOuter , -parent.x , -parent.y ) ;
- GetParent()->m_peer->SetNeedsDisplay( true , updateOuter ) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateOuter) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateInner) ;
-#if 0
- if ( m_peer )
- {
- // deleting a window while it is shown invalidates the region occupied by border or
- // focus
- if ( IsShown() && ( outerBorder > 0 ) )
- {
- // as the borders are drawn on the parent we have to properly invalidate all these areas
- RgnHandle updateInner = NewRgn() , updateOuter = NewRgn() , updateTotal = NewRgn() ;
- Rect rect ;
- m_peer->GetRect( &rect ) ;
- RectRgn( updateInner , &rect ) ;
- InsetRect( &rect , -outerBorder , -outerBorder ) ;
- RectRgn( updateOuter , &rect ) ;
- DiffRgn( updateOuter , updateInner ,updateOuter ) ;
- wxPoint parent(0,0);
- GetParent()->MacWindowToRootWindow( &parent.x , &parent.y ) ;
- parent -= GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin() ;
- OffsetRgn( updateOuter , -parent.x , -parent.y ) ;
- CopyRgn( updateOuter , updateTotal ) ;
- GetParent()->m_peer->SetNeedsDisplay( true , updateTotal ) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateOuter) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateInner) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateTotal) ;
- }
- }
-#if 0
- Rect r = wxMacGetBoundsForControl(this , wxPoint( actualX,actualY), wxSize( actualWidth, actualHeight ) , false ) ;
- int outerBorder = MacGetLeftBorderSize() ;
- if ( m_peer->NeedsFocusRect() && m_peer->HasFocus() )
- outerBorder += 4 ;
- if ( vis && ( outerBorder > 0 ) )
- {
- // as the borders are drawn on the parent we have to properly invalidate all these areas
- RgnHandle updateInner = NewRgn() , updateOuter = NewRgn() , updateTotal = NewRgn() ;
- Rect rect ;
- m_peer->GetRect( &rect ) ;
- RectRgn( updateInner , &rect ) ;
- InsetRect( &rect , -outerBorder , -outerBorder ) ;
- RectRgn( updateOuter , &rect ) ;
- DiffRgn( updateOuter , updateInner ,updateOuter ) ;
- /*
- wxPoint parent(0,0);
- // no offsetting needed when compositing
- GetParent()->MacWindowToRootWindow( &parent.x , &parent.y ) ;
- parent -= GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin() ;
- OffsetRgn( updateOuter , -parent.x , -parent.y ) ;
- */
- CopyRgn( updateOuter , updateTotal ) ;
- rect = r ;
- RectRgn( updateInner , &rect ) ;
- InsetRect( &rect , -outerBorder , -outerBorder ) ;
- RectRgn( updateOuter , &rect ) ;
- DiffRgn( updateOuter , updateInner ,updateOuter ) ;
- OffsetRgn( updateOuter , -parent.x , -parent.y ) ;
- UnionRgn( updateOuter , updateTotal , updateTotal ) ;
- GetParent()->m_peer->SetNeedsDisplay( updateTotal ) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateOuter) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateInner) ;
- DisposeRgn(updateTotal) ;
- }
+ DisposeRgn( updateOuter ) ;
+ DisposeRgn( updateInner ) ;
void wxWindowMac::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
if ((m_maxHeight != -1) && (actualHeight > m_maxHeight))
actualHeight = m_maxHeight;
- bool doMove = false ;
- bool doResize = false ;
+ bool doMove = false, doResize = false ;
if ( actualX != former_x || actualY != former_y )
doMove = true ;
MacRepositionScrollBars() ;
if ( doMove )
- wxPoint point(actualX,actualY);
+ wxPoint point(actualX, actualY);
wxMoveEvent event(point, m_windowId);
GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) ;
Rect bestsize = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
int bestWidth, bestHeight ;
- m_peer->GetBestRect( &bestsize ) ;
+ m_peer->GetBestRect( &bestsize ) ;
if ( EmptyRect( &bestsize ) )
- bestsize.left = bestsize.top = 0 ;
- bestsize.right = 16 ;
+ bestsize.left =
+ bestsize.top = 0 ;
+ bestsize.right =
bestsize.bottom = 16 ;
if ( IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( wxScrollBar ) ) )
bestsize.bottom = 16 ;
bestsize.bottom = 24 ;
-#endif // wxUSE_SPINBTN
// return wxWindowBase::DoGetBestSize() ;
// get the current size and position...
int currentX, currentY;
- GetPosition(¤tX, ¤tY);
+ int currentW, currentH;
- int currentW,currentH;
+ GetPosition(¤tX, ¤tY);
GetSize(¤tW, ¤tH);
// ... and don't do anything (avoiding flicker) if it's already ok
MacRepositionScrollBars() ; // we might have a real position shift
- if ( x == wxDefaultCoord && !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) )
- x = currentX;
- if ( y == wxDefaultCoord && !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) )
- y = currentY;
+ if ( !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) )
+ {
+ if ( x == wxDefaultCoord )
+ x = currentX;
+ if ( y == wxDefaultCoord )
+ y = currentY;
+ }
- AdjustForParentClientOrigin(x, y, sizeFlags);
+ AdjustForParentClientOrigin( x, y, sizeFlags );
wxSize size = wxDefaultSize;
if ( width == wxDefaultCoord )
if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT )
if ( size.x == wxDefaultCoord )
- {
size = DoGetBestSize();
- }
- //else: already called DoGetBestSize() above
+ // else: already called DoGetBestSize() above
height = size.y;
- DoMoveWindow(x, y, width, height);
+ DoMoveWindow( x, y, width, height );
wxPoint wxWindowMac::GetClientAreaOrigin() const
- content.left = content.top = 0 ;
+ content.left =
+ content.top = 0 ;
DisposeRgn( rgn ) ;
return wxPoint( content.left + MacGetLeftBorderSize() , content.top + MacGetTopBorderSize() );
if ( !wxWindowBase::Show(show) )
return false;
- // TODO use visibilityChanged Carbon Event for OSX
+ // TODO: use visibilityChanged Carbon Event for OSX
if ( m_peer )
m_peer->SetVisibility( show , true ) ;
if ( former != MacIsReallyShown() )
MacPropagateVisibilityChanged() ;
return true;
while ( node )
child = node->GetData();
- // if ( child->IsEnabled() )
+ if (child /* && child->IsEnabled() */)
child->MacPropagateHiliteChanged() ;
node = node->GetNext();
wxWindow* win = this ;
- while ( win->IsShown() )
+ while ( win->IsShown() )
if ( win->IsTopLevel() )
return true ;
if ( rect )
Rect r ;
wxMacRectToNative( rect , &r ) ;
m_peer->SetNeedsDisplay( &r ) ;
void wxWindowMac::Thaw()
- wxASSERT_MSG( m_frozenness > 0, _T("Thaw() without matching Freeze()") );
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_frozenness > 0, wxT("Thaw() without matching Freeze()") );
if ( !--m_frozenness )
// Coordinates relative to the window
-void wxWindowMac::WarpPointer (int x_pos, int y_pos)
+void wxWindowMac::WarpPointer(int x_pos, int y_pos)
// We really don't move the mouse programmatically under Mac.
if ( MacGetTopLevelWindow() == NULL )
return ;
- if ( MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacUsesCompositing() && (m_macBackgroundBrush.Ok() == false || m_macBackgroundBrush.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT ) )
+ if ( MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacUsesCompositing() && (!m_macBackgroundBrush.Ok() || m_macBackgroundBrush.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT ) )
event.Skip() ;
bool hasFocus = m_peer->NeedsFocusRect() && m_peer->HasFocus() ;
bool hasBothScrollbars = (m_hScrollBar && m_hScrollBar->IsShown()) && (m_vScrollBar && m_vScrollBar->IsShown()) ;
- m_peer->GetRect( &rect ) ;
// back to the surrounding frame rectangle
+ m_peer->GetRect( &rect ) ;
InsetRect( &rect, -1 , -1 ) ;
rect.bottom - rect.top ) ;
HIThemeFrameDrawInfo info ;
- memset( &info, 0 , sizeof( info ) ) ;
+ memset( &info, 0 , sizeof(info) ) ;
info.version = 0 ;
info.kind = 0 ;
void wxWindowMac::SetScrollbar(int orient, int pos, int thumbVisible,
int range, bool refresh)
+ bool showScroller;
if ( orient == wxHORIZONTAL )
if ( m_hScrollBar )
- if ( range == 0 || thumbVisible >= range )
- {
- if ( m_hScrollBar->IsShown() )
- m_hScrollBar->Show(false) ;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !m_hScrollBar->IsShown() )
- m_hScrollBar->Show(true) ;
- }
+ showScroller = ((range != 0) && (range > thumbVisible));
+ if ( m_hScrollBar->IsShown() != showScroller )
+ m_hScrollBar->Show( showScroller ) ;
m_hScrollBar->SetScrollbar( pos , thumbVisible , range , thumbVisible , refresh ) ;
if ( m_vScrollBar )
- if ( range == 0 || thumbVisible >= range )
- {
- if ( m_vScrollBar->IsShown() )
- m_vScrollBar->Show(false) ;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !m_vScrollBar->IsShown() )
- m_vScrollBar->Show(true) ;
- }
+ showScroller = ((range != 0) && (range > thumbVisible));
+ if ( m_vScrollBar->IsShown() != showScroller )
+ m_vScrollBar->Show( showScroller ) ;
m_vScrollBar->SetScrollbar( pos , thumbVisible , range , thumbVisible , refresh ) ;
// Does a physical scroll
void wxWindowMac::ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect)
- if ( dx == 0 && dy ==0 )
+ if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0 )
return ;
int width , height ;
// note there currently is a bug in OSX which makes inefficient refreshes in case an entire control
// area is scrolled, this does not occur if width and height are 2 pixels less,
- // TODO write optimal workaround
- wxRect scrollrect( MacGetLeftBorderSize() , MacGetTopBorderSize() , width , height ) ;
+ // TODO: write optimal workaround
+ wxRect scrollrect( MacGetLeftBorderSize() , MacGetTopBorderSize() , width , height ) ;
if ( rect )
scrollrect.Intersect( *rect ) ;
if ( m_peer->GetNeedsDisplay() )
- // becuase HIViewScrollRect does not scroll the already invalidated area we have two options
+ // because HIViewScrollRect does not scroll the already invalidated area we have two options:
// either immediate redraw or full invalidate
#if 1
// is the better overall solution, as it does not slow down scrolling
// as the native control might be not a 0/0 wx window coordinates, we have to offset
scrollrect.Offset( -MacGetLeftBorderSize() , -MacGetTopBorderSize() ) ;
- m_peer->ScrollRect( (&scrollrect) , dx , dy ) ;
+ m_peer->ScrollRect( &scrollrect , dx , dy ) ;
// becuase HIViewScrollRect does not scroll the already invalidated area we have two options
// either immediate redraw or full invalidate
Update() ;
wxPoint pos;
- pos.x = pos.y = 0;
+ pos.x =
+ pos.y = 0;
Rect scrollrect;
RgnHandle updateRgn = NewRgn() ;
RgnHandle scrollRgn = NewRgn() ;
RectRgn( scrollRgn , &scrollrect ) ;
GetWindowUpdateRgn( rootWindow , formerUpdateRgn ) ;
- Point pt = {0,0} ;
+ Point pt = {0, 0} ;
LocalToGlobal( &pt ) ;
OffsetRgn( formerUpdateRgn , -pt.h , -pt.v ) ;
SectRgn( formerUpdateRgn , scrollRgn , formerUpdateRgn ) ;
MacOffsetRgn( formerUpdateRgn , dx , dy ) ;
SectRgn( formerUpdateRgn , scrollRgn , formerUpdateRgn ) ;
- InvalWindowRgn( rootWindow, formerUpdateRgn ) ;
+ InvalWindowRgn( rootWindow, formerUpdateRgn ) ;
- InvalWindowRgn(rootWindow , updateRgn ) ;
+ InvalWindowRgn(rootWindow, updateRgn ) ;
DisposeRgn( updateRgn ) ;
DisposeRgn( formerUpdateRgn ) ;
DisposeRgn( scrollRgn ) ;
//wxChildFocusEvent eventFocus(this);
- bool bIsFocusEvent = (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SET_FOCUS);
- // enable for patch 1376506 - perhaps?
-#if 0
- if ( bIsFocusEvent )
- SetUserFocusWindow( GetControlOwner( GetPeer()->GetControlRef() ) );
- else
- SetUserFocusWindow( kUserFocusAuto );
if ( MacGetTopLevelWindow() && m_peer->NeedsFocusRect() )
wxTopLevelWindowMac* top = MacGetTopLevelWindow();
if ( top )
- wxPoint pt(0,0) ;
+ wxPoint pt(0, 0) ;
wxMacControl::Convert( &pt , GetParent()->m_peer , top->m_peer ) ;
rect.left += pt.x ;
rect.right += pt.x ;
rect.bottom += pt.y ;
+ bool bIsFocusEvent = (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SET_FOCUS);
DrawThemeFocusRect( &rect , bIsFocusEvent ) ;
if ( !bIsFocusEvent )
const wxRegion& wxWindowMac::MacGetVisibleRegion( bool includeOuterStructures )
static wxRegion emptyrgn ;
if ( !m_isBeingDeleted && MacIsReallyShown() /*m_peer->IsVisible() */ )
MacUpdateClippedRects() ;
wxSize size ;
const wxWindow* child = this ;
const wxWindow* parent = NULL ;
while ( !child->IsTopLevel() && ( parent = child->GetParent() ) != NULL )
if ( parent->MacIsChildOfClientArea(child) )
wxWindowDC dc(this) ;
wxMacPortSetter helper(&dc) ;
- child->MacPaintBorders(0, 0) ;
+ child->MacPaintBorders(0, 0) ;
int width, height ;
GetClientSize( &width , &height ) ;
- wxPoint vPoint(width-scrlsize, 0) ;
+ wxPoint vPoint(width - scrlsize, 0) ;
wxSize vSize(scrlsize, height - adjust) ;
- wxPoint hPoint(0 , height-scrlsize ) ;
- wxSize hSize( width - adjust, scrlsize) ;
+ wxPoint hPoint(0, height - scrlsize) ;
+ wxSize hSize(width - adjust, scrlsize) ;
if ( style & wxVSCROLL )
m_vScrollBar = new wxScrollBar(this, wxID_ANY, vPoint, vSize , wxVERTICAL);
bool wxWindowMac::MacIsChildOfClientArea( const wxWindow* child ) const
- if ( child != NULL && ( child == m_hScrollBar || child == m_vScrollBar ) )
- return false ;
- else
- return true ;
+ bool result = ((child == NULL) || ((child != m_hScrollBar) && (child != m_vScrollBar)));
+ return result ;
void wxWindowMac::MacRepositionScrollBars()
if (HasFlag(wxRAISED_BORDER) || HasFlag( wxSUNKEN_BORDER) || HasFlag(wxDOUBLE_BORDER))
+ // this metric is only the 'outset' outside the simple frame rect
GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricEditTextFrameOutset , &border ) ;
- border += 1 ; // the metric above is only the 'outset' outside the simple frame rect
+ border += 1 ;
else if (HasFlag(wxSIMPLE_BORDER))
+ // this metric is only the 'outset' outside the simple frame rect
GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricListBoxFrameOutset , &border ) ;
- border += 1 ; // the metric above is only the 'outset' outside the simple frame rect
+ border += 1 ;
return border ;
if ( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN )
// copied from wxGTK : CS
+ // VZ: shouldn't we move this to base class then?
// generate a "context menu" event: this is similar to wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN
// except that:
int x, y, w, h ;
- window->MacGetBoundsForControl( pos , size , x , y, w, h , adjustForOrigin) ;
- Rect bounds = { y, x, y + h, x + w };
+ window->MacGetBoundsForControl( pos , size , x , y, w, h , adjustForOrigin ) ;
+ Rect bounds = { y, x, y + h, x + w };
return bounds ;
bool wxWindowMac::Reparent(wxWindowBase *newParentBase)
wxWindowMac *newParent = (wxWindowMac *)newParentBase;
if ( !wxWindowBase::Reparent(newParent) )
return false;