-#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
+#!/usr/bin/env python
-import wx
-##First, make sure Numeric or numarray can be imported.
- import Numeric
- import RandomArray
- haveNumeric = True
+ import numpy as N
+ import numpy.random as RandomArray
+ haveNumpy = True
+ #print "Using numpy, version:", N.__version__
except ImportError:
- # Numeric isn't there, let's try numarray
- try:
- import numarray as Numeric
- import numarray.random_array as RandomArray
- haveNumeric = True
- except ImportError:
- # numarray isn't there either
- haveNumeric = False
- errorText = (
- "The FloatCanvas requires either the Numeric or numarray module\n\n"
- "You can get them at:\n"
- "http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy\n\n"
- "NOTE: The Numeric module is substantially faster than numarray for this\n"
- "purpose, if you have lots of objects\n"
- )
+ # numpy isn't there
+ haveNumpy = False
+ errorText = (
+ "The FloatCanvas requires the numpy module, version 1.* \n\n"
+ "You can get info about it at:\n"
+ "http://numpy.scipy.org/\n\n"
+ )
def BuildDrawFrame(): # this gets called when needed, rather than on import
- from floatcanvas import NavCanvas, FloatCanvas
+ from floatcanvas import NavCanvas, FloatCanvas, Resources
except ImportError: # if it's not there locally, try the wxPython lib.
- from wx.lib.floatcanvas import NavCanvas, FloatCanvas
+ from wx.lib.floatcanvas import NavCanvas, FloatCanvas, Resources
import wx.lib.colourdb
import time, random
file_menu = wx.Menu()
item = file_menu.Append(-1, "&Close","Close this frame")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, item)
+ item = file_menu.Append(-1, "&SavePNG","Save the current image as a PNG")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSavePNG, item)
MenuBar.Append(file_menu, "&File")
draw_menu = wx.Menu()
+ item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Clear","Clear the Canvas")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.Clear, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Draw Test","Run a test of drawing random components")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.DrawTest, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "Draw &Map","Run a test of drawing a map")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.DrawMap, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Text Test","Run a test of text drawing")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.TestText, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&ScaledText Test","Run a test of text drawing")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.TestScaledText, item)
- item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Clear","Clear the Canvas")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.Clear, item)
+ item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&ScaledTextBox Test","Run a test of the Scaled Text Box")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.TestScaledTextBox, item)
+ item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Bitmap Test","Run a test of the Bitmap Object")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.TestBitmap, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Hit Test","Run a test of the hit test code")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.TestHitTest, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "Hit Test &Foreground","Run a test of the hit test code with a foreground Object")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.TestHitTestForeground, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Animation","Run a test of Animation")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.TestAnimation, item)
- item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Speed","Run a test of Drawing Speed")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.SpeedTest, item)
+ #item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Speed","Run a test of Drawing Speed")
+ #self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.SpeedTest, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "Change &Properties","Run a test of Changing Object Properties")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.PropertiesChangeTest, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Arrows","Run a test of Arrows")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ArrowTest, item)
+ item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&ArrowLine Test","Run a test of drawing Arrow Lines")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ArrowLineTest, item)
+ item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Hide","Run a test of hiding and showing objects")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.HideTest, item)
MenuBar.Append(draw_menu, "&Tests")
view_menu = wx.Menu()
- self.CreateStatusBar()
- # Add the Canvas
- self.Canvas = NavCanvas.NavCanvas(self,
- -1,
- (500,500),
- Debug = 0,
- BackgroundColor = "DARK SLATE BLUE")
+ self.CreateStatusBar()
- wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnCloseWindow)
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MOTION(self.Canvas, self.OnMove )
- #FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_UP(self.Canvas, self.OnLeftUp )
+ # Add the Canvas
+ NC = NavCanvas.NavCanvas(self,
+ Debug = 0,
+ BackgroundColor = "DARK SLATE BLUE")
+ self.Canvas = NC.Canvas # reference the contained FloatCanvas
+ self.MsgWindow = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY,
+ "Look Here for output from events\n",
+ style = (wx.TE_MULTILINE |
+ )
+ ##Create a sizer to manage the Canvas and message window
+ MainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ MainSizer.Add(NC, 4, wx.EXPAND)
+ MainSizer.Add(self.MsgWindow, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)
+ self.SetSizer(MainSizer)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow)
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMove)
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.OnWheel)
self.EventsAreBound = False
- ## getting all the colors and linestyles for random objects
+ ## getting all the colors for random objects
self.colors = wx.lib.colourdb.getColourList()
- #self.LineStyles = FloatCanvas.DrawObject.LineStyleList.keys()
return None
+ def Log(self, text):
+ self.MsgWindow.AppendText(text)
+ if not text[-1] == "\n":
+ self.MsgWindow.AppendText("\n")
def BindAllMouseEvents(self):
if not self.EventsAreBound:
## Here is how you catch FloatCanvas mouse events
- FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self.Canvas, self.OnLeftDown )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_UP(self.Canvas, self.OnLeftUp )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self.Canvas, self.OnLeftDouble )
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp)
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDouble)
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(self.Canvas, self.OnMiddleDown )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_UP(self.Canvas, self.OnMiddleUp )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK(self.Canvas, self.OnMiddleDouble )
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.OnMiddleDown)
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_UP, self.OnMiddleUp)
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK, self.OnMiddleDouble)
- FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self.Canvas, self.OnRightDown )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_UP(self.Canvas, self.OnRightUp )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK(self.Canvas, self.OnRightDouble )
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown)
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightUp)
+ self.Canvas.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK, self.OnRightDouble)
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL(self.Canvas, self.OnWheel )
self.EventsAreBound = True
def UnBindAllMouseEvents(self):
## Here is how you unbind FloatCanvas mouse events
- FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_UP(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None)
+ self.Canvas.Unbind(FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DOWN)
+ self.Canvas.Unbind(FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_UP)
+ self.Canvas.Unbind(FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK)
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_UP(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None )
+ self.Canvas.Unbind(FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN)
+ self.Canvas.Unbind(FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_UP)
+ self.Canvas.Unbind(FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK)
- FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_UP(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_UP(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None)
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_UP(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_UP(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None )
- FloatCanvas.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL(self.Canvas, None )
+ self.Canvas.Unbind(FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN)
+ self.Canvas.Unbind(FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_UP)
+ self.Canvas.Unbind(FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK)
self.EventsAreBound = False
- def PrintCoords(self,event):
- print "coords are: %s"%(event.Coords,)
- print "pixel coords are: %s\n"%(event.GetPosition(),)
+ def PrintCoords(self,event):
+ self.Log("coords are: %s"%(event.Coords,))
+ self.Log("pixel coords are: %s\n"%(event.GetPosition(),))
+ def OnSavePNG(self, event=None):
+ import os
+ dlg = wx.FileDialog(
+ self, message="Save file as ...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(),
+ defaultFile="", wildcard="*.png", style=wx.SAVE
+ )
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ path = dlg.GetPath()
+ if not(path[-4:].lower() == ".png"):
+ path = path+".png"
+ self.Canvas.SaveAsImage(path)
def OnLeftDown(self, event):
- print "Left Button has been clicked in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("LeftDown")
def OnLeftUp(self, event):
- print "Left up in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("LeftUp")
def OnLeftDouble(self, event):
- print "Left Double Click in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("LeftDouble")
def OnMiddleDown(self, event):
- print "Middle Button clicked in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("MiddleDown")
def OnMiddleUp(self, event):
- print "Middle Button Up in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("MiddleUp")
def OnMiddleDouble(self, event):
- print "Middle Button Double clicked in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("MiddleDouble")
def OnRightDown(self, event):
- print "Right Button has been clicked in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("RightDown")
def OnRightUp(self, event):
- print "Right Button Up in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("RightUp")
def OnRightDouble(self, event):
- print "Right Button Double clicked in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("RightDouble")
def OnWheel(self, event):
- print "Mouse Wheel Moved in DrawFrame"
+ self.Log("Mouse Wheel")
Rot = event.GetWheelRotation()
- print "Wheel Rotation is:", Rot
- print "Wheel Delta is:", event.GetWheelDelta()
Rot = Rot / abs(Rot) * 0.1
if event.ControlDown(): # move left-right
self.Canvas.MoveImage( (Rot, 0), "Panel" )
Updates the status bar with the world coordinates
self.SetStatusText("%.2f, %.2f"%tuple(event.Coords))
+ event.Skip()
def OnAbout(self, event):
- print "OnAbout called"
- dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "This is a small program to demonstrate\n"
- "the use of the FloatCanvas\n",
- "About Me", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
+ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self,
+ "This is a small program to demonstrate\n"
+ "the use of the FloatCanvas\n",
+ "About Me",
def Clear(self,event = None):
- self.Canvas.ClearAll()
- self.Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ self.Canvas.InitAll()
def OnQuit(self,event):
def DrawTest(self,event=None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ """
+ This demo draws a few of everything
+ """
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
Range = (-10,10)
colors = self.colors
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ Canvas.InitAll()
+ #
+ ## these set the limits for how much you can zoom in and out
+ Canvas.MinScale = 14
+ Canvas.MaxScale = 500
- ## Random tests of everything:
+ ############# Random tests of everything ##############
# Rectangles
for i in range(3):
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
lw = random.randint(1,5)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- h = random.randint(1,5)
- w = random.randint(1,5)
- Canvas.AddRectangle(x,y,w,h,LineWidth = lw,FillColor = colors[cf])
+ wh = (random.randint(1,5), random.randint(1,5))
+ Canvas.AddRectangle(xy, wh, LineWidth = lw, FillColor = colors[cf])
# Ellipses
for i in range(3):
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
lw = random.randint(1,5)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
h = random.randint(1,5)
w = random.randint(1,5)
- Canvas.AddEllipse(x,y,h,w,LineWidth = lw,FillColor = colors[cf])
+ Canvas.AddEllipse(xy, (h,w), LineWidth = lw,FillColor = colors[cf])
# Points
for i in range(5):
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
D = random.randint(1,50)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- Canvas.AddPoint((x,y), Color = colors[cf], Diameter = D)
+ Canvas.AddPoint(xy, Color = colors[cf], Diameter = D)
+ # SquarePoints
+ for i in range(500):
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ S = random.randint(1, 50)
+ cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
+ Canvas.AddSquarePoint(xy, Color = colors[cf], Size = S)
# Circles
for i in range(5):
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
D = random.randint(1,5)
lw = random.randint(1,5)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
cl = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- Canvas.AddCircle(x,y,D,LineWidth = lw,LineColor = colors[cl],FillColor = colors[cf])
- Canvas.AddText("Circle # %i"%(i),x,y,Size = 12,BackgroundColor = None,Position = "cc")
+ Canvas.AddCircle(xy, D, LineWidth = lw, LineColor = colors[cl], FillColor = colors[cf])
+ Canvas.AddText("Circle # %i"%(i), xy, Size = 12, BackgroundColor = None, Position = "cc")
# Lines
for i in range(5):
points = []
for i in range(3):
ts = random.randint(10,40)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
- Canvas.AddText(String, x, y, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc")
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ Canvas.AddText(String, xy, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc")
# Scaled Text
String = "Scaled text"
for i in range(3):
ts = random.random()*3 + 0.2
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
- Canvas.AddScaledText(String, x, y, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc")
+ Point = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ Canvas.AddScaledText(String, Point, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc")
# Arrows
N = 5
LineColor = colors[random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)],
ArrowHeadAngle = random.uniform(20,90))
+ # ArrowLines
+ for i in range(5):
+ points = []
+ for j in range(random.randint(2,10)):
+ point = (random.randint(Range[0],Range[1]),random.randint(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ points.append(point)
+ lw = random.randint(1,10)
+ cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
+ cl = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
+ Canvas.AddArrowLine(points, LineWidth = lw, LineColor = colors[cl], ArrowHeadSize= 16)
def TestAnimation(self,event=None):
having to re-draw the whole background.
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
Range = (-10,10)
self.Range = Range
Canvas = self.Canvas
+ Canvas.InitAll()
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
- ## Random tests of everything:
+ ## Random tests of everything:
colors = self.colors
# Rectangles
for i in range(3):
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]), random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
lw = random.randint(1,5)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- h = random.randint(1,5)
- w = random.randint(1,5)
- Canvas.AddRectangle(x,y,h,w,LineWidth = lw,FillColor = colors[cf])
+ wh = (random.randint(1,5), random.randint(1,5) )
+ Canvas.AddRectangle(xy, wh, LineWidth = lw, FillColor = colors[cf])
# Ellipses
for i in range(3):
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]), random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
lw = random.randint(1,5)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- h = random.randint(1,5)
- w = random.randint(1,5)
- Canvas.AddEllipse(x,y,h,w,LineWidth = lw,FillColor = colors[cf])
+ wh = (random.randint(1,5), random.randint(1,5) )
+ Canvas.AddEllipse(xy, wh, LineWidth = lw, FillColor = colors[cf])
# Circles
for i in range(5):
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
D = random.randint(1,5)
lw = random.randint(1,5)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
cl = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- Canvas.AddCircle(x,y,D,LineWidth = lw,LineColor = colors[cl],FillColor = colors[cf])
- Canvas.AddText("Circle # %i"%(i),x,y,Size = 12,BackgroundColor = None,Position = "cc")
+ Canvas.AddCircle(xy, D, LineWidth = lw, LineColor = colors[cl], FillColor = colors[cf])
+ Canvas.AddText("Circle # %i"%(i), xy, Size = 12, BackgroundColor = None, Position = "cc")
# Lines
for i in range(5):
for i in range(3):
ts = random.random()*3 + 0.2
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
- Canvas.AddScaledText(String, x, y, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc")
+ xy = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ Canvas.AddScaledText(String, xy, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc")
# Now the Foreground Object:
- C = Canvas.AddCircle(0,0,7,LineWidth = 2,LineColor = "Black",FillColor = "Red", InForeground = True)
- T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Click to Move",0,0, Size = 0.6, Position = 'cc', InForeground = True)
+ C = Canvas.AddCircle((0,0), 7, LineWidth = 2,LineColor = "Black",FillColor = "Red", InForeground = True)
+ T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Click to Move", (0,0), Size = 0.6, Position = 'cc', InForeground = True)
C.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.MoveMe)
C.Text = T
#print "Did %i frames in %f seconds"%(N, (time.time() - start) )
- def TestHitTest(self,event=None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ def TestHitTest(self, event=None):
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ Canvas.InitAll()
#Add a Hit-able rectangle
w, h = 60, 20
dx = 80
dy = 40
- x,y = 20, 20
- FontSize = 8
+ x, y = 20, 20
+ FontSize = 10
#Add one that is not HitAble
- Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2)
- Canvas.AddText("Not Hit-able", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddRectangle((x,y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2)
+ Canvas.AddText("Not Hit-able", (x,y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
x += dx
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2)
R.Name = "Line Rectangle"
R.HitFill = False
R.HitLineWidth = 5 # Makes it a little easier to hit
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Left Click Line", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Left Click Line", (x,y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "Red"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + "Rectangle"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Left Click Fill", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Left Click Fill", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x = 20
y += dy
color = "LightBlue"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Rectangle"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_RIGHT_DOWN, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Right Click Fill", x, y, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Right Click Fill", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "Grey"
- R = Canvas.AddEllipse(x, y, w, h,LineWidth = 2,FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddEllipse((x, y), (w, h),LineWidth = 2,FillColor = color)
R.Name = color +" Ellipse"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_RIGHT_DOWN, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Right Click Fill", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Right Click Fill", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "Brown"
- R = Canvas.AddCircle(x+dx/2, y+dy/2, dx/4, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddCircle((x+dx/2, y+dy/2), dx/4, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Circle"
R.HitFill = True
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DCLICK, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Left D-Click Fill", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Left D-Click Fill", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x = 20
y += dy
color = "Pink"
- R = Canvas.AddCircle(x+dx/2, y+dy/2, dx/4, LineWidth = 2,FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddCircle((x+dx/2, y+dy/2), dx/4, LineWidth = 2,FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Circle"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_UP, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Left Up Fill", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Left Up Fill", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "White"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Rectangle"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Middle Down", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Middle Down", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "AQUAMARINE"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Rectangle"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_MIDDLE_UP, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Middle Up", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Middle Up", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x = 20
y += dy
color = "CORAL"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Rectangle"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_MIDDLE_DCLICK, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Middle DoubleClick", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Middle DoubleClick", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "CYAN"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Rectangle"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_RIGHT_UP, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Right Up", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Right Up", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "LIME GREEN"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Rectangle"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_RIGHT_DCLICK, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Right Double Click", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Right Double Click", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x = 20
y += dy
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_RIGHT_DOWN, self.RectGotHitRight)
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectGotHitLeft)
- Canvas.AddText("L and R Click", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("L and R Click", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "SALMON"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Rectangle"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_ENTER_OBJECT, self.RectMouseOver)
- Canvas.AddText("Mouse Enter", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Mouse Enter", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEAVE_OBJECT, self.RectMouseLeave)
- Canvas.AddText("Mouse Leave", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Mouse Leave", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x = 20
y += dy
color = "SKY BLUE"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_ENTER_OBJECT, self.RectMouseOver)
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEAVE_OBJECT, self.RectMouseLeave)
- Canvas.AddText("Enter and Leave", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Enter and Leave", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "WHEAT"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w+12, h, LineColor = None, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w+12, h), LineColor = None, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_ENTER_OBJECT, self.RectMouseOver)
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEAVE_OBJECT, self.RectMouseLeave)
- Canvas.AddText("Mouse Enter&Leave", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Mouse Enter&Leave", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "KHAKI"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x-12, y, w+12, h, LineColor = None, FillColor = color)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x-12, y), (w+12, h), LineColor = None, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_ENTER_OBJECT, self.RectMouseOver)
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEAVE_OBJECT, self.RectMouseLeave)
- Canvas.AddText("Mouse ENter&Leave", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Mouse Enter&Leave", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x = 20
y += dy
L = Canvas.AddLine(( (x, y), (x+10, y+10), (x+w, y+h) ), LineWidth = 2, LineColor = "Red")
L.Name = "A Line"
L.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectGotHitLeft)
- Canvas.AddText("Left Down", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(L.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Left Down", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(L.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "SEA GREEN"
- Points = Numeric.array(( (x, y), (x, y+2.*h/3), (x+w, y+h), (x+w, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3,y) ), Numeric.Float)
+ Points = N.array(( (x, y), (x, y+2.*h/3), (x+w, y+h), (x+w, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3,y) ), N.float_)
R = Canvas.AddPolygon(Points, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color)
R.Name = color + " Polygon"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_RIGHT_DOWN, self.RectGotHitRight)
- Canvas.AddText("RIGHT_DOWN", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("RIGHT_DOWN", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x += dx
color = "Red"
- Points = Numeric.array(( (x, y), (x, y+2.*h/3), (x+w, y+h), (x+w, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3,y) ), Numeric.Float)
+ Points = N.array(( (x, y), (x, y+2.*h/3), (x+w, y+h), (x+w, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3,y) ), N.float_)
R = Canvas.AddPointSet(Points, Diameter = 4, Color = color)
R.Name = "PointSet"
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.PointSetGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("LEFT_DOWN", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("LEFT_DOWN", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
x = 20
y += dy
- T = Canvas.AddText("Hit-able Text", x, y, Size = 15, Color = "Red", Position = 'tl')
+ T = Canvas.AddText("Hit-able Text", (x, y), Size = 15, Color = "Red", Position = 'tl')
T.Name = "Hit-able Text"
T.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectGotHitLeft)
- Canvas.AddText("Left Down", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Left Down", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
x += dx
- T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Scaled Text", x, y, Size = 1./2*h, Color = "Pink", Position = 'bl')
+ T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Scaled Text", (x, y), Size = 1./2*h, Color = "Pink", Position = 'bl')
Canvas.AddPointSet( (x, y), Diameter = 3)
T.Name = "Scaled Text"
T.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectGotHitLeft)
- Canvas.AddText("Left Down", x, y, Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Left Down", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
+ x += dx
+ color = "Cyan"
+ Point = (x + w/2, y)
+ #Points = N.array(( (x, y), (x, y+2.*h/3), (x+w, y+h), (x+w, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3, y+h/2.), (x + 2.*w/3,y) ), N.float_)
+ R = Canvas.AddSquarePoint(Point, Size = 8, Color = color)
+ R.Name = "SquarePoint"
+ R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectGotHit)
+ Canvas.AddText("LEFT_DOWN", (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y), Size = FontSize, Position = "tl")
def TestHitTestForeground(self,event=None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ Canvas.InitAll()
#Add a Hitable rectangle
w, h = 60, 20
x,y = 20, 20
color = "Red"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w, h, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = False)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), (w, h), LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = False)
R.Name = color + "Rectangle"
R.HitFill = True
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectGotHit)
- Canvas.AddText("Left Click Fill", x, y, Position = "bl")
- Canvas.AddText(R.Name, x, y+h, Position = "tl")
+ Canvas.AddText("Left Click Fill", (x, y), Position = "bl")
+ Canvas.AddText(R.Name, (x, y+h), Position = "tl")
## A set of Rectangles that move together
## custom FloatCanvas DrawObject
self.MovingRects = []
+ WH = (w/2, h/2)
x += dx
color = "LightBlue"
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w/2, h/2, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = True)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), WH, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = True)
R.HitFill = True
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectMoveLeft)
- L = Canvas.AddText("Left", x + w/4, y + h/4, Position = "cc", InForeground = True)
+ L = Canvas.AddText("Left", (x + w/4, y + h/4), Position = "cc", InForeground = True)
self.MovingRects.extend( (R,L) )
x += w/2
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w/2, h/2, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = True)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), WH, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = True)
R.HitFill = True
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectMoveRight)
- L = Canvas.AddText("Right", x + w/4, y + h/4, Position = "cc", InForeground = True)
+ L = Canvas.AddText("Right", (x + w/4, y + h/4), Position = "cc", InForeground = True)
self.MovingRects.extend( (R,L) )
x -= w/2
y += h/2
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w/2, h/2, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = True)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), WH, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = True)
R.HitFill = True
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectMoveUp)
- L = Canvas.AddText("Up", x + w/4, y + h/4, Position = "cc", InForeground = True)
+ L = Canvas.AddText("Up", (x + w/4, y + h/4), Position = "cc", InForeground = True)
self.MovingRects.extend( (R,L) )
x += w/2
- R = Canvas.AddRectangle(x, y, w/2, h/2, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = True)
+ R = Canvas.AddRectangle((x, y), WH, LineWidth = 2, FillColor = color, InForeground = True)
R.HitFill = True
R.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RectMoveDown)
- L = Canvas.AddText("Down", x + w/4, y + h/4, Position = "cc", InForeground = True)
+ L = Canvas.AddText("Down", (x + w/4, y + h/4), Position = "cc", InForeground = True)
self.MovingRects.extend( (R,L) )
elif Dir == "right": X += 10
elif Dir == "up": Y += 10
elif Dir == "down": Y -= 10
- Object.SetXY(X,Y)
+ Object.SetPoint((X,Y))
def PointSetGotHit(self, Object):
- print Object.Name, "Got Hit\n"
+ self.Log(Object.Name + "Got Hit\n")
def RectGotHit(self, Object):
- print Object.Name, "Got Hit\n"
+ self.Log(Object.Name + "Got Hit\n")
def RectGotHitRight(self, Object):
- print Object.Name, "Got Hit With Right\n"
+ self.Log(Object.Name + "Got Hit With Right\n")
def RectGotHitLeft(self, Object):
- print Object.Name, "Got Hit with Left\n"
+ self.Log(Object.Name + "Got Hit with Left\n")
def RectMouseOver(self, Object):
- print "Mouse entered:", Object.Name
+ self.Log("Mouse entered:" + Object.Name)
def RectMouseLeave(self, Object):
- print "Mouse left ", Object.Name
+ self.Log("Mouse left " + Object.Name)
def TestText(self, event= None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ Canvas.InitAll()
- x,y = (0, 0)
+ DefaultSize = 12
+ Point = (3, 0)
## Add a non-visible rectangle, just to get a Bounding Box
## Text objects have a zero-size bounding box, because it changes with zoom
- Canvas.AddRectangle(-10,-10,20,20,LineWidth = 1, LineColor = None)
+ Canvas.AddRectangle((-10,-10),
+ (20,20),
+ LineWidth = 1,
+ LineColor = None)
# Text
String = "Some text"
- self.Canvas.AddText("Top Left",x,y,Size = 14,Color = "Yellow",BackgroundColor = "Blue", Position = "tl")
- self.Canvas.AddText("Bottom Left",x,y,Size = 14,Color = "Cyan",BackgroundColor = "Black",Position = "bl")
- self.Canvas.AddText("Top Right",x,y,Size = 14,Color = "Black",BackgroundColor = "Cyan",Position = "tr")
- self.Canvas.AddText("Bottom Right",x,y,Size = 14,Color = "Blue",BackgroundColor = "Yellow",Position = "br")
- Canvas.AddPointSet((x,y), Color = "White", Diameter = 2)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Top Left",Point,Size = DefaultSize,Color = "Yellow",BackgroundColor = "Blue", Position = "tl")
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Bottom Left",Point,Size = DefaultSize,Color = "Cyan",BackgroundColor = "Black",Position = "bl")
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Top Right",Point,Size = DefaultSize,Color = "Black",BackgroundColor = "Cyan",Position = "tr")
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Bottom Right",Point,Size = DefaultSize,Color = "Blue",BackgroundColor = "Yellow",Position = "br")
+ Canvas.AddPointSet((Point), Color = "White", Diameter = 2)
- x,y = (0, 2)
+ Point = (3, 2)
- Canvas.AddPointSet((x,y), Color = "White", Diameter = 2)
- self.Canvas.AddText("Top Center",x,y,Size = 14,Color = "Black",Position = "tc")
- self.Canvas.AddText("Bottom Center",x,y,Size = 14,Color = "White",Position = "bc")
+ Canvas.AddPointSet((Point), Color = "White", Diameter = 2)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Top Center",Point,Size = DefaultSize,Color = "Black",Position = "tc")
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Bottom Center",Point,Size = DefaultSize,Color = "White",Position = "bc")
- x,y = (0, 4)
+ Point = (3, 4)
- Canvas.AddPointSet((x,y), Color = "White", Diameter = 2)
- self.Canvas.AddText("Center Right",x,y,Size = 14,Color = "Black",Position = "cr")
- self.Canvas.AddText("Center Left",x,y,Size = 14,Color = "Black",Position = "cl")
+ Canvas.AddPointSet((Point), Color = "White", Diameter = 2)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Center Right",Point,Size = DefaultSize,Color = "Black",Position = "cr")
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Center Left",Point,Size = DefaultSize,Color = "Black",Position = "cl")
- x,y = (0, -2)
+ Point = (3, -2)
- Canvas.AddPointSet((x,y), Color = "White", Diameter = 2)
- self.Canvas.AddText("Center Center",x,y,Size = 14,Color = "Black",Position = "cc")
+ Canvas.AddPointSet((Point), Color = "White", Diameter = 2)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Center Center",
+ Point, Size = DefaultSize,
+ Color = "Black",
+ Position = "cc")
- self.Canvas.AddText("40 Pixels",-10,8,Size = 40)
- self.Canvas.AddText("20 Pixels",-10,5,Size = 20)
- self.Canvas.AddText("10 Pixels",-10,3,Size = 10)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("40 Pixels", (-10,8), Size = 40)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("20 Pixels", (-10,5), Size = 20)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("10 Pixels", (-10,3), Size = 10)
- self.Canvas.AddText("MODERN Font", -10, 0, Family = wx.MODERN)
- self.Canvas.AddText("DECORATIVE Font", -10, -1, Family = wx.DECORATIVE)
- self.Canvas.AddText("ROMAN Font", -10, -2, Family = wx.ROMAN)
- self.Canvas.AddText("SCRIPT Font", -10, -3, Family = wx.SCRIPT)
- self.Canvas.AddText("ROMAN BOLD Font", -10, -4, Family = wx.ROMAN, Weight=wx.BOLD)
- self.Canvas.AddText("ROMAN ITALIC BOLD Font", -10, -5, Family = wx.ROMAN, Weight=wx.BOLD, Style=wx.ITALIC)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("MODERN Font", (-10, 0), Family = wx.MODERN)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("DECORATIVE Font", (-10, -1), Family = wx.DECORATIVE)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("ROMAN Font", (-10, -2), Family = wx.ROMAN)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("SCRIPT Font", (-10, -3), Family = wx.SCRIPT)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("ROMAN BOLD Font", (-10, -4), Family = wx.ROMAN, Weight=wx.BOLD)
+ self.Canvas.AddText("ROMAN ITALIC BOLD Font", (-10, -5), Family = wx.ROMAN, Weight=wx.BOLD, Style=wx.ITALIC)
# NOTE: this font exists on my Linux box..who knows were else you'll find it!
- Font = wx.Font(20, wx.DEFAULT, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, "zapf chancery")
- self.Canvas.AddText("zapf chancery Font", -10, -6, Font = Font)
+ Font = wx.Font(20, wx.DEFAULT, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, "helvetica")
+ self.Canvas.AddText("Helvetica Italic", (-10, -6), Font = Font)
def TestScaledText(self, event= None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ Canvas.InitAll()
- x,y = (0, 0)
+ Point = (0, 0)
- T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Top Left",x,y,Size = 5,Color = "Yellow",BackgroundColor = "Blue", Position = "tl")
- T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Bottom Left",x,y,Size = 5,Color = "Cyan",BackgroundColor = "Black",Position = "bl")
- T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Top Right",x,y,Size = 5,Color = "Black",BackgroundColor = "Cyan",Position = "tr")
- T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Bottom Right",x,y,Size = 5,Color = "Blue",BackgroundColor = "Yellow",Position = "br")
- Canvas.AddPointSet((x,y), Color = "Red", Diameter = 4)
+ T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Top Left",
+ Point,
+ Size = 5,
+ Color = "Yellow",
+ BackgroundColor = "Blue",
+ Position = "tl")
+ T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Bottom Left",Point,Size = 5,Color = "Cyan",BackgroundColor = "Black",Position = "bl")
+ T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Top Right",Point,Size = 5,Color = "Black",BackgroundColor = "Cyan",Position = "tr")
+ T = Canvas.AddScaledText("Bottom Right",Point,Size = 5,Color = "Blue",BackgroundColor = "Yellow",Position = "br")
+ Canvas.AddPointSet((Point), Color = "Red", Diameter = 4)
- x,y = (0, 20)
+ Point = (0, 20)
- Canvas.AddScaledText("Top Center",x,y,Size = 7,Color = "Black",Position = "tc")
- Canvas.AddScaledText("Bottom Center",x,y,Size = 7,Color = "White",Position = "bc")
- Canvas.AddPointSet((x,y), Color = "White", Diameter = 4)
+ Canvas.AddScaledText("Top Center",Point,Size = 7,Color = "Black",Position = "tc")
+ Canvas.AddScaledText("Bottom Center",Point,Size = 7,Color = "White",Position = "bc")
+ Canvas.AddPointSet((Point), Color = "White", Diameter = 4)
- x,y = (0, -20)
+ Point = (0, -20)
- Canvas.AddScaledText("Center Right",x,y,Size = 9,Color = "Black",Position = "cr")
- Canvas.AddScaledText("Center Left",x,y,Size = 9,Color = "Black",Position = "cl")
- Canvas.AddPointSet((x,y), Color = "White", Diameter = 4)
+ Canvas.AddScaledText("Center Right",Point,Size = 9,Color = "Black",Position = "cr")
+ Canvas.AddScaledText("Center Left",Point,Size = 9,Color = "Black",Position = "cl")
+ Canvas.AddPointSet((Point), Color = "White", Diameter = 4)
x = -200
- self.Canvas.AddScaledText("MODERN Font", x, 0, Size = 7, Family = wx.MODERN, Color = (0,0,0))
- self.Canvas.AddScaledText("DECORATIVE Font", x, -10, Size = 7, Family = wx.DECORATIVE, Color = (0,0,1))
- self.Canvas.AddScaledText("ROMAN Font", x, -20, Size = 7, Family = wx.ROMAN)
- self.Canvas.AddScaledText("SCRIPT Font", x, -30, Size = 7, Family = wx.SCRIPT)
- self.Canvas.AddScaledText("ROMAN BOLD Font", x, -40, Size = 7, Family = wx.ROMAN, Weight=wx.BOLD)
- self.Canvas.AddScaledText("ROMAN ITALIC BOLD Font", x, -50, Size = 7, Family = wx.ROMAN, Weight=wx.BOLD, Style=wx.ITALIC)
+ self.Canvas.AddScaledText("MODERN Font", (x, 0), Size = 7, Family = wx.MODERN, Color = (0,0,0))
+ self.Canvas.AddScaledText("DECORATIVE Font", (x, -10), Size = 7, Family = wx.DECORATIVE, Color = (0,0,1))
+ self.Canvas.AddScaledText("ROMAN Font", (x, -20), Size = 7, Family = wx.ROMAN)
+ self.Canvas.AddScaledText("SCRIPT Font", (x, -30), Size = 7, Family = wx.SCRIPT)
+ self.Canvas.AddScaledText("ROMAN BOLD Font", (x, -40), Size = 7, Family = wx.ROMAN, Weight=wx.BOLD)
+ self.Canvas.AddScaledText("ROMAN ITALIC BOLD Font", (x, -50), Size = 7, Family = wx.ROMAN, Weight=wx.BOLD, Style=wx.ITALIC)
Canvas.AddPointSet((x,0), Color = "White", Diameter = 4)
- # NOTE: this font exists on my Linux box..who knows were else you'll find it!
- x,y = (-100, 50)
- Font = wx.Font(12, wx.DEFAULT, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, "zapf chancery")
- T = self.Canvas.AddScaledText("zapf chancery Font", x, y, Size = 20, Font = Font, Position = 'bc')
+ # NOTE: this font exists on my OS-X.who knows were else you'll find it!
+ Point = (-100, 50)
+ Font = wx.Font(12, wx.DEFAULT, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, "helvetica")
+ T = self.Canvas.AddScaledText("Helvetica Italic", Point, Size = 20, Font = Font, Position = 'bc')
+ Point = (-50, -50)
+ Font = wx.Font(12, wx.DEFAULT, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, "times")
+ T = self.Canvas.AddScaledText("Times Font", Point, Size = 8, Font = Font)
+ self.Canvas.ZoomToBB()
+ def TestScaledTextBox(self, event= None):
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
+ self.UnBindAllMouseEvents()
+ Canvas = self.Canvas
+ Canvas.InitAll()
+ Point = (45,40)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("A Two Line\nString",
+ Point,
+ 2,
+ Color = "Black",
+ BackgroundColor = None,
+ LineColor = "Red",
+ LineStyle = "Solid",
+ LineWidth = 1,
+ Width = None,
+ PadSize = 5,
+ Family = wx.ROMAN,
+ Style = wx.NORMAL,
+ Weight = wx.NORMAL,
+ Underlined = False,
+ Position = 'br',
+ Alignment = "left",
+ InForeground = False)
+ # All defaults
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("A Two Line\nString",
+ Point,
+ 2)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("A Two Line\nString",
+ Point,
+ 2,
+ BackgroundColor = "Yellow",
+ LineColor = "Red",
+ LineStyle = "Solid",
+ PadSize = 5,
+ Family = wx.TELETYPE,
+ Position = 'bl')
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("A String\nThis box is clickable",
+ Point,
+ 2,
+ BackgroundColor = "Yellow",
+ LineColor = "Red",
+ LineStyle = "Solid",
+ PadSize = 5,
+ Family = wx.TELETYPE,
+ Position = 'tr')
+ Box.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.binding2)
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter = 4)
+ Point = (45,15)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("A Two Line\nString",
+ Point,
+ 2,
+ Color = "Black",
+ BackgroundColor = 'Red',
+ LineColor = "Blue",
+ LineStyle = "LongDash",
+ LineWidth = 2,
+ Width = None,
+ PadSize = 5,
+ Family = wx.TELETYPE,
+ Style = wx.NORMAL,
+ Weight = wx.NORMAL,
+ Underlined = False,
+ Position = 'cr',
+ Alignment = "left",
+ InForeground = False)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("A Two Line\nString",
+ Point,
+ 1.5,
+ Color = "Black",
+ BackgroundColor = 'Red',
+ LineColor = "Blue",
+ LineStyle = "LongDash",
+ LineWidth = 2,
+ Width = None,
+ PadSize = 5,
+ Family = wx.TELETYPE,
+ Style = wx.NORMAL,
+ Weight = wx.NORMAL,
+ Underlined = False,
+ Position = 'cl',
+ Alignment = "left",
+ InForeground = False)
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter = 4)
+ Point = (45,-10)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("A Two Line\nString",
+ Point,
+ 2,
+ Color = "Black",
+ BackgroundColor = 'Red',
+ LineColor = "Blue",
+ LineStyle = "LongDash",
+ LineWidth = 2,
+ Width = None,
+ PadSize = 3,
+ Family = wx.TELETYPE,
+ Style = wx.NORMAL,
+ Weight = wx.NORMAL,
+ Underlined = False,
+ Position = 'tc',
+ Alignment = "left",
+ InForeground = False)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("A three\nLine\nString",
+ Point,
+ 1.5,
+ Color = "Black",
+ BackgroundColor = 'Red',
+ LineColor = "Blue",
+ LineStyle = "LongDash",
+ LineWidth = 2,
+ Width = None,
+ PadSize = 0.5,
+ Family = wx.TELETYPE,
+ Style = wx.NORMAL,
+ Weight = wx.NORMAL,
+ Underlined = False,
+ Position = 'bc',
+ Alignment = "left",
+ InForeground = False)
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter = 4)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("Some Auto Wrapped Text. There is enough to do.",
+ (80,40),
+ 2,
+ BackgroundColor = 'White',
+ LineWidth = 2,
+ Width = 20,
+ PadSize = 0.5,
+ Family = wx.TELETYPE,
+ )
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("Some more auto wrapped text. Wrapped to a different width.\n\nThis is another paragraph.",
+ (80,20),
+ 2,
+ BackgroundColor = 'White',
+ LineWidth = 2,
+ Width = 40,
+ PadSize = 0.5,
+ Family = wx.ROMAN,
+ Alignment = "right"
+ )
+ Point = N.array((100, -20), N.float_)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("Here is even more auto wrapped text. This time the line spacing is set to 0.8. \n\nThe Padding is set to 0.",
+ Point,
+ Size = 3,
+ BackgroundColor = 'White',
+ LineWidth = 1,
+ Width = 40,
+ PadSize = 0.0,
+ Family = wx.ROMAN,
+ Position = "cc",
+ LineSpacing = 0.8
+ )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, "Red", 2)
+ Point = N.array((0, -40), N.float_)
+ # Point = N.array((0, 0), N.float_)
+ for Position in ["tl", "bl", "tr", "br"]:
+ # for Position in ["br"]:
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("Here is a\nfour liner\nanother line\nPosition=%s"%Position,
+ Point,
+ Size = 4,
+ Color = "Red",
+ BackgroundColor = None,#'LightBlue',
+ LineWidth = 1,
+ LineColor = "White",
+ Width = None,
+ PadSize = 2,
+ Family = wx.ROMAN,
+ Position = Position,
+ LineSpacing = 0.8
+ )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, "Red", 4)
+ Point = N.array((-20, 60), N.float_)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("Here is some\ncentered\ntext",
+ Point,
+ Size = 4,
+ Color = "Red",
+ BackgroundColor = 'LightBlue',
+ LineWidth = 1,
+ LineColor = "White",
+ Width = None,
+ PadSize = 2,
+ Family = wx.ROMAN,
+ Position = "tl",
+ Alignment = "center",
+ LineSpacing = 0.8
+ )
+ Point = N.array((-20, 20), N.float_)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("Here is some\nright aligned\ntext",
+ Point,
+ Size = 4,
+ Color = "Red",
+ BackgroundColor = 'LightBlue',
+ LineColor = None,
+ Width = None,
+ PadSize = 2,
+ Family = wx.ROMAN,
+ Position = "tl",
+ Alignment = "right",
+ LineSpacing = 0.8
+ )
+ Point = N.array((100, -60), N.float_)
+ Box = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("Here is some auto wrapped text. This time it is centered, rather than right aligned.\n\nThe Padding is set to 2.",
+ Point,
+ Size = 3,
+ BackgroundColor = 'White',
+ LineWidth = 1,
+ Width = 40,
+ PadSize = 2.0,
+ Family = wx.ROMAN,
+ Position = "cc",
+ LineSpacing = 0.8,
+ Alignment = 'center',
+ )
+ self.Canvas.ZoomToBB()
+ def binding2(self, event):
+ self.Log("I'm the TextBox")
+ def TestBitmap(self, event= None):
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
- x,y = (-50, -50)
- Font = wx.Font(12, wx.DEFAULT, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, "bookman")
- T = self.Canvas.AddScaledText("Bookman Font", x, y, Size = 8, Font = Font)
+ self.UnBindAllMouseEvents()
+ Canvas = self.Canvas
+ Canvas.InitAll()
+ Canvas.AddRectangle((10, 20),
+ (400, 100),
+ LineWidth = 3,
+ LineColor = "Blue",
+ FillColor = "Red")
+ bmp = Resources.getMagPlusBitmap()
+ Canvas.AddText("These are Unscaled Bitmaps:", (140, 90))
+ Point = (150, 50)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddBitmap(bmp, Point, Position = "cc" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Point = (200, 50)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddBitmap(bmp, Point, Position = "br" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Point = (200, 50)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddBitmap(bmp, Point, Position = "bl" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Point = (200, 50)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddBitmap(bmp, Point, Position = "tr" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Point = (200, 50)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddBitmap(bmp, Point, Position = "tl" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Point = (250, 50)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddBitmap(bmp, Point, Position = "cr" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Point = (250, 50)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddBitmap(bmp, Point, Position = "cl" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Point = (300, 50)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddBitmap(bmp, Point, Position = "tc" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Point = (300, 50)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddBitmap(bmp, Point, Position = "bc" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Canvas.AddScaledText("These are Scaled Bitmaps:", (220, -60), Size = 10, Position = "tr")
+ Point = (250, -100)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddScaledBitmap(bmp, Point, Height = 50, Position = "bc" )
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddScaledBitmap(bmp, Point, Height = 50, Position = "tc" )
+ Canvas.AddPoint(Point, Diameter=4, Color="Green")
+ Point = (300, -100)
+ BitMap = Canvas.AddScaledBitmap(Resources.getMondrianImage(), Point, Height = 50)
def DrawMap(self,event = None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
import os, time
+ self.Canvas.InitAll()
+ self.Canvas.SetProjectionFun("FlatEarth")
## Test of Actual Map Data
- self.Canvas.ClearAll()
- self.Canvas.SetProjectionFun("FlatEarth")
#start = time.clock()
+ self.Log("Loading Map from a File")
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True) # so log text will get displayed now.
Shorelines = self.Read_MapGen(os.path.join("data",'world.dat'),stats = 0)
#print "It took %f seconds to load %i shorelines"%(time.clock() - start,len(Shorelines) )
#start = time.clock()
#print "It took %f seconds to draw %i shorelines"%(time.clock() - start,len(Shorelines) )
def LineTest(self,event = None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
import os, time
# import random
colors = self.colors
Range = (-10,10)
## Test of drawing lots of lines
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
- #start = time.clock()
+ Canvas.InitAll()
+ #start = time.clock()
linepoints = []
linecolors = []
linewidths = []
#print "It took %f seconds to draw %i lines"%(time.clock() - start,len(linepoints) )
+ def ArrowLineTest(self,event = None):
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
+ Canvas = self.Canvas
+ Canvas.InitAll()
+ # import os, time
+## import random
+ Range = (-100,100)
+ colors = self.colors
+ # Lines
+ for i in range(5):
+ points = []
+ for j in range(random.randint(2,10)):
+ point = (random.randint(Range[0],Range[1]),random.randint(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ points.append(point)
+ lw = random.randint(1,4)
+ cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
+ cl = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
+ al = random.randint(8,20)
+ aa = random.randint(20,90)
+ Canvas.AddArrowLine(points,
+ LineWidth = lw,
+ LineColor = colors[cl],
+ ArrowHeadSize = al,
+ ArrowHeadAngle = aa)
+ Canvas.ZoomToBB()
def SpeedTest(self,event=None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
BigRange = (-1000,1000)
colors = self.colors
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ Canvas.InitAll()
# Pointset
coords = []
for i in range(1000):
- x,y = (random.uniform(BigRange[0],BigRange[1]),random.uniform(BigRange[0],BigRange[1]))
- coords.append( (x,y) )
+ Point = (random.uniform(BigRange[0],BigRange[1]),random.uniform(BigRange[0],BigRange[1]))
+ coords.append( (Point) )
print "Drawing the Points"
start = time.clock()
for Point in coords:
def PropertiesChangeTest(self,event=None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
Range = (-10,10)
colors = self.colors
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ Canvas.InitAll()
self.ColorObjectsAll = []
self.ColorObjectsLine = []
self.ColorObjectsColor = []
self.ColorObjectsText = []
##One of each object:
# Rectangle
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ Point = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
lw = random.randint(1,5)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- h = random.randint(1,5)
- w = random.randint(1,5)
- self.Rectangle = Canvas.AddRectangle(x,y,w,h,LineWidth = lw,FillColor = colors[cf])
+ wh = ( random.randint(1,5), random.randint(1,5) )
+ self.Rectangle = Canvas.AddRectangle(Point, wh, LineWidth = lw, FillColor = colors[cf])
# Ellipse
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ Point = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
lw = random.randint(1,5)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- h = random.randint(1,5)
- w = random.randint(1,5)
- self.Ellipse = Canvas.AddEllipse(x,y,h,w,LineWidth = lw,FillColor = colors[cf])
+ wh = ( random.randint(1,5), random.randint(1,5) )
+ self.Ellipse = Canvas.AddEllipse(Point, wh, LineWidth = lw, FillColor = colors[cf])
# Point
self.ColorObjectsColor.append(Canvas.AddPoint(xy, colors[cf], D))
# Circle
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ Point = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
D = random.randint(1,5)
lw = random.randint(1,5)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
cl = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- self.Circle = Canvas.AddCircle(x,y,D,LineWidth = lw,LineColor = colors[cl],FillColor = colors[cf])
+ self.Circle = Canvas.AddCircle(Point, D, LineWidth = lw, LineColor = colors[cl], FillColor = colors[cf])
# Line
String = "Unscaled text"
ts = random.randint(10,40)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
- self.ColorObjectsText.append(Canvas.AddText(String, x, y, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc"))
+ Point = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ self.ColorObjectsText.append(Canvas.AddText(String, Point, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc"))
# Scaled Text
String = "Scaled text"
ts = random.random()*3 + 0.2
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
- self.ColorObjectsText.append(Canvas.AddScaledText(String, x, y, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc"))
+ Point = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ self.ColorObjectsText.append(Canvas.AddScaledText(String, Point, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc"))
# A "Button"
- Button = Canvas.AddRectangle(-10, -12, 20, 3, LineStyle = None, FillColor = "Red")
+ Button = Canvas.AddRectangle((-10, -12), (20, 3), LineStyle = None, FillColor = "Red")
Canvas.AddScaledText("Click Here To Change Properties",
- 0, -10.5,
+ (0, -10.5),
Size = 0.7,
Color = "Black",
Position = "cc")
for Object in (self.Rectangle, self.Ellipse):
- x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
- w,h = random.randint(1,5), random.randint(1,5)
- Object.SetShape(x,y,w,h)
+ Point = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ wh = ( random.randint(1,5), random.randint(1,5) )
+ Object.SetShape(Point, wh)
self.Canvas.Draw(Force = True)
def ArrowTest(self,event=None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ Canvas.InitAll()
+ Canvas.MinScale = 15
+ Canvas.MaxScale = 30
# put in a rectangle to get a bounding box
- Canvas.AddRectangle(0,0,20,20,LineColor = None)
+ Canvas.AddRectangle((0,0), (20,20), LineColor = None)
# Draw some Arrows
Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 40, Direction = 0)
Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 100,Direction = 270,LineWidth = 3, LineColor = "Green", ArrowHeadAngle = 70)
Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 110,Direction = 315,LineWidth = 2, LineColor = "Green", ArrowHeadAngle = 90 )
- Canvas.AddText("Clickable Arrow",4,18,Position = "bc")
+ Canvas.AddText("Clickable Arrow", (4,18), Position = "bc")
Arrow = Canvas.AddArrow((4,18), 80, Direction = 90 ,LineWidth = 3, LineColor = "Red", ArrowHeadAngle = 30)
+ Arrow.HitLineWidth = 6
Arrow.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.ArrowClicked)
- Canvas.AddText("Changable Arrow",16,4,Position = "cc")
+ Canvas.AddText("Changable Arrow: try clicking it", (16,4), Position = "tc")
self.RotArrow = Canvas.AddArrow((16,4), 80, Direction = 0 ,LineWidth = 3, LineColor = "Green", ArrowHeadAngle = 30)
+ self.RotArrow.HitLineWidth = 6
self.RotArrow.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RotateArrow)
def ArrowClicked(self,event):
- print "The Arrow was Clicked"
+ self.Log("The Arrow was Clicked")
def RotateArrow(self,event):
- print "The Changeable Arrow was Clicked"
+ ##print "The Changeable Arrow was Clicked"
## You can do them either one at a time, or both at once
## Doing them both at once prevents the arrow points from being calculated twice
#self.RotArrow.SetDirection(self.RotArrow.Direction + random.uniform(-90,90))
self.Canvas.Draw(Force = True)
- def TempTest(self, event= None):
- wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ def HideTest(self, event=None):
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
Canvas = self.Canvas
- Canvas.ClearAll()
- Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ Canvas.InitAll()
+ Range = (-10,10)
+ # Create a couple random Polygons
+ points = []
+ for j in range(6):
+ point = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ points.append(point)
+ Poly = Canvas.AddPolygon(points,
+ LineWidth = 2,
+ LineColor = "Black",
+ FillColor = "LightBlue",
+ FillStyle = 'Solid')
+ points = []
+ for j in range(6):
+ point = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
+ points.append(point)
+ Poly2 = Canvas.AddPolygon(points,
+ LineWidth = 2,
+ LineColor = "Black",
+ FillColor = "Purple",
+ FillStyle = 'Solid',
+ InForeground = True)
+ HideButton = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("Click To Hide\nBackground Polygon",
+ (-10, 0),
+ .5,
+ BackgroundColor="Red",
+ PadSize = 0.5,
+ Position = 'tr',
+ Alignment="center",
+ )
+ HideButton.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.HidePoly)
+ HideButton.HidePoly = Poly
+ HideButton2 = Canvas.AddScaledTextBox("Click To Hide\nForeground Polygon",
+ (-10, 5),
+ .5,
+ BackgroundColor="Red",
+ PadSize = 0.5,
+ Position = 'tr',
+ Alignment="center",
+ )
+ # Put a reference to the Polygon in the Button object
+ HideButton2.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.HidePoly)
+ HideButton2.HidePoly = Poly2
+ Canvas.ZoomToBB()
+ def HidePoly(self, Button):
+ Poly = Button.HidePoly
+ if Poly.Visible:
+ Poly.Visible = False
+ Button.SetText(Button.String.replace("Hide","Show"))
+ else:
+ Poly.Visible = True
+ Button.SetText(Button.String.replace("Show", "Hide"))
+ self.Canvas.Draw(True)
+ def TempTest(self, event= None):
+ """
+ This is the start of a poly editor test, but it's not complete
+ so you can only run it through a command line flag:
+ python FloatCanvasDemo.py --temp
+ """
+ wx.GetApp().Yield(True)
+ self.UnBindAllMouseEvents()
+ Canvas = self.Canvas
+ Canvas.InitAll()
Range = (-10,10)
# Create a random Polygon
def SelectPoly(self, Object):
- print "In SelectPoly"
Canvas = self.Canvas
if Object is self.SelectedPoly:
def SelectPointHit(self, Point):
- print "Point Num: %i Hit"%Point.VerticeNum
+ self.Log("Point Num: %i Hit"%Point.VerticeNum)
self.SelectedPoint = Point
def Read_MapGen(self, filename, stats = 0,AllLines=0):
for line in data:
if line:
if line == "# -b": #New segment beginning
- if segment: Shorelines.append(Numeric.array(segment))
+ if segment: Shorelines.append(N.array(segment))
segment = []
- if segment: Shorelines.append(Numeric.array(segment))
+ if segment: Shorelines.append(N.array(segment))
if stats:
NumSegments = len(Shorelines)
if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # running stand alone, Use wxversion:
+# import wxversion
+# wxversion.select("2.6")
+# wxversion.select("2.8")
+ import wx
# check options:
import sys, getopt
- optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'l',["local","all","text","map","stext","hit","hitf","animate","speed","temp","props","arrow"])
- if not haveNumeric:
+ optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'l',["all",
+ "text",
+ "map",
+ "stext",
+ "stextbox",
+ "bitmap",
+ "hit",
+ "hitf",
+ "animate",
+ "speed",
+ "temp",
+ "props",
+ "arrow",
+ "arrowline",
+ "hide"])
+ if not haveNumpy:
raise ImportError(errorText)
StartUpDemo = "all" # the default
- for opt in optlist:
- if opt[0] == "--all":
- StartUpDemo = "all"
- elif opt[0] == "--text":
- StartUpDemo = "text"
- elif opt[0] == "--map":
- StartUpDemo = "map"
- elif opt[0] == "--stext":
- StartUpDemo = "stext"
- elif opt[0] == "--hit":
- StartUpDemo = "hit"
- elif opt[0] == "--hitf":
- StartUpDemo = "hitf"
- elif opt[0] == "--animate":
- StartUpDemo = "animate"
- elif opt[0] == "--speed":
- StartUpDemo = "speed"
- elif opt[0] == "--temp":
- StartUpDemo = "temp"
- elif opt[0] == "--props":
- StartUpDemo = "props"
- elif opt[0] == "--arrow":
- StartUpDemo = "arrow"
- try:
- import fixdc
- except ImportError:
- print ("\n *************Notice*************\n"
- "The fixdc module fixes the DC API for wxPython2.5.1.6 You can get the module from:\n"
- "http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/fixdc.py?download\n"
- " It will set up the DC methods to match both older and upcoming versions\n")
- raise
+ if optlist:
+ StartUpDemo = optlist[0][0][2:]
class DemoApp(wx.App):
## check to see if the demo is set to start in a particular mode.
+ ## fixme: should this be in a dict instead?
if StartUpDemo == "text":
- if StartUpDemo == "stext":
+ elif StartUpDemo == "stext":
+ elif StartUpDemo == "stextbox":
+ frame.TestScaledTextBox()
+ elif StartUpDemo == "bitmap":
+ frame.TestBitmap()
elif StartUpDemo == "all":
elif StartUpDemo == "map":
elif StartUpDemo == "hit":
elif StartUpDemo == "hitf":
- "starting TestHitTestForeground"
elif StartUpDemo == "animate":
- "starting TestAnimation"
elif StartUpDemo == "speed":
- "starting SpeedTest"
elif StartUpDemo == "temp":
- "starting temp Test"
elif StartUpDemo == "props":
- "starting PropertiesChange Test"
elif StartUpDemo == "arrow":
- "starting arrow Test"
+ elif StartUpDemo == "arrowline":
+ frame.ArrowLineTest()
+ elif StartUpDemo == "hide":
+ frame.HideTest()
return True
# It's not running stand-alone, set up for wxPython demo.
- if not haveNumeric:
+ # don't neeed wxversion here.
+ import wx
+ if not haveNumpy:
## TestPanel and runTest used for integration into wxPython Demo
class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, log):
self.log = log
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
- import images
+ from wx.lib.floatcanvas.ScreenShot import getScreenShotBitmap
note1 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, errorText)
note2 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "This is what the FloatCanvas can look like:")
S.Add((10, 10), 1)
S.Add(note1, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
S.Add(note2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.BOTTOM, 4)
- S.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(self,-1,images.getFloatCanvasBitmap()),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ S.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(self,-1,getScreenShotBitmap()),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
S.Add((10, 10), 1)