- wxString sTmp = GetLine(i).AfterFirst(wxT('='));
- return sTmp;
- }
-// in case we're compiling in non-GUI mode
-class WXDLLEXPORT wxIcon;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// constants
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MIME code tracing mask
-#define TRACE_MIME wxT("mime")
-// give trace messages about the results of mailcap tests
-#define TRACE_MIME_TEST wxT("mimetest")
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// private functions
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// there are some fields which we don't understand but for which we don't give
-// warnings as we know that they're not important - this function is used to
-// test for them
-static bool IsKnownUnimportantField(const wxString& field);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// private classes
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This class uses both mailcap and mime.types to gather information about file
-// types.
-// The information about mailcap file was extracted from metamail(1) sources
-// and documentation and subsequently revised when I found the RFC 1524
-// describing it.
-// Format of mailcap file: spaces are ignored, each line is either a comment
-// (starts with '#') or a line of the form <field1>;<field2>;...;<fieldN>.
-// A backslash can be used to quote semicolons and newlines (and, in fact,
-// anything else including itself).
-// The first field is always the MIME type in the form of type/subtype (see RFC
-// 822) where subtype may be '*' meaning "any". Following metamail, we accept
-// "type" which means the same as "type/*", although I'm not sure whether this
-// is standard.
-// The second field is always the command to run. It is subject to
-// parameter/filename expansion described below.
-// All the following fields are optional and may not be present at all. If
-// they're present they may appear in any order, although each of them should
-// appear only once. The optional fields are the following:
-// * notes=xxx is an uninterpreted string which is silently ignored
-// * test=xxx is the command to be used to determine whether this mailcap line
-// applies to our data or not. The RHS of this field goes through the
-// parameter/filename expansion (as the 2nd field) and the resulting string
-// is executed. The line applies only if the command succeeds, i.e. returns 0
-// exit code.
-// * print=xxx is the command to be used to print (and not view) the data of
-// this type (parameter/filename expansion is done here too)
-// * edit=xxx is the command to open/edit the data of this type
-// * needsterminal means that a new interactive console must be created for
-// the viewer
-// * copiousoutput means that the viewer doesn't interact with the user but
-// produces (possibly) a lof of lines of output on stdout (i.e. "cat" is a
-// good example), thus it might be a good idea to use some kind of paging
-// mechanism.
-// * textualnewlines means not to perform CR/LF translation (not honored)
-// * compose and composetyped fields are used to determine the program to be
-// called to create a new message pert in the specified format (unused).
-// Parameter/filename expansion:
-// * %s is replaced with the (full) file name
-// * %t is replaced with MIME type/subtype of the entry
-// * for multipart type only %n is replaced with the nnumber of parts and %F is
-// replaced by an array of (content-type, temporary file name) pairs for all
-// message parts (TODO)
-// * %{parameter} is replaced with the value of parameter taken from
-// Content-type header line of the message.
-// There are 2 possible formats for mime.types file, one entry per line (used
-// for global mime.types and called Mosaic format) and "expanded" format where
-// an entry takes multiple lines (used for users mime.types and called
-// Netscape format).
-// For both formats spaces are ignored and lines starting with a '#' are
-// comments. Each record has one of two following forms:
-// a) for "brief" format:
-// <mime type> <space separated list of extensions>
-// b) for "expanded" format:
-// type=<mime type> BACKSLASH
-// desc="<description>" BACKSLASH
-// exts="<comma separated list of extensions>"
-// (where BACKSLASH is a literal '\\' which we can't put here because cpp
-// misinterprets it)
-// We try to autodetect the format of mime.types: if a non-comment line starts
-// with "type=" we assume the second format, otherwise the first one.
-// there may be more than one entry for one and the same mime type, to
-// choose the right one we have to run the command specified in the test
-// field on our data.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// wxGNOME
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// GNOME stores the info we're interested in in several locations:
-// 1. xxx.keys files under /usr/share/mime-info
-// 2. xxx.keys files under ~/.gnome/mime-info
-// The format of xxx.keys file is the following:
-// mimetype/subtype:
-// field=value
-// with blank lines separating the entries and indented lines starting with
-// TABs. We're interested in the field icon-filename whose value is the path
-// containing the icon.
-// Update (Chris Elliott): apparently there may be an optional "[lang]" prefix
-// just before the field name.
-bool wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::CheckGnomeDirsExist ()
- wxString gnomedir;
- wxGetHomeDir( &gnomedir );
- wxString sTmp = gnomedir;
- sTmp = sTmp + wxT("/.gnome");
- if (! wxDir::Exists ( sTmp ) )
- {
- if (!wxMkdir ( sTmp ))
- {
- wxLogError(wxT("Failed to create directory %s/.gnome."), sTmp.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- }
- sTmp = sTmp + wxT("/mime-info");
- if (! wxDir::Exists ( sTmp ) )
- {
- if (!wxMkdir ( sTmp ))
- {
- wxLogError(wxT("Failed to create directory %s/mime-info."), sTmp.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::WriteGnomeKeyFile(int index, bool delete_index)
- wxString gnomedir;
- wxGetHomeDir( &gnomedir );
- wxMimeTextFile outfile( gnomedir + wxT("/.gnome/mime-info/user.keys"));
- // if this fails probably Gnome is not installed ??
- // create it anyway as a private mime store
-#if defined(__WXGTK20__) && wxUSE_UNICODE
- if (! outfile.Open ( wxConvUTF8) )
- if (! outfile.Open () )
- {
- if (delete_index)
- return false;
- if (!CheckGnomeDirsExist() )
- return false;
- outfile.Create();
- }
- wxString sTmp, strType = m_aTypes[index];
- int nIndex = outfile.pIndexOf(strType);
- if ( nIndex == wxNOT_FOUND )
- {
- outfile.AddLine ( strType + wxT(':') );
- // see file:/usr/doc/gnome-libs-devel-1.0.40/devel-docs/mime-type-handling.txt
- // as this does not deal with internationalisation
- // wxT( "\t[en_US]") + verb + wxT ('=') + cmd + wxT(" %f");
- wxMimeTypeCommands * entries = m_aEntries[index];
- size_t count = entries->GetCount();
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- {
- sTmp = entries->GetVerbCmd(i);
- sTmp.Replace( wxT("%s"), wxT("%f") );
- sTmp = wxT( "\t") + sTmp;
- outfile.AddLine( sTmp );
- }
- //for international use do something like this
- //outfile.AddLine ( wxString( "\t[en_US]icon-filename=") + cmd );
- outfile.AddLine( wxT( "\ticon-filename=") + m_aIcons[index] );
- }
- else
- {
- if (delete_index)
- outfile.CommentLine(nIndex);
- wxMimeTypeCommands sOld;
- size_t nOld = nIndex + 1;
- bool oldEntryEnd = false;
- while ( (nOld < outfile.GetLineCount() )&& (!oldEntryEnd))
- {
- sTmp = outfile.GetLine(nOld);
- if ( (sTmp[0u] == wxT('\t')) || (sTmp[0u] == wxT('#')) )
- {
- // we have another line to deal with
- outfile.CommentLine(nOld);
- nOld ++;
- // add the line to our store
- if ((!delete_index) && (sTmp[0u] == wxT('\t')))
- sOld.Add(sTmp);
- }
- // next mimetpye ?? or blank line
- else
- oldEntryEnd = true;
- }
- // list of entries in our data; these should all be in sOld,
- // though sOld may also contain other entries , eg flags
- if (!delete_index)
- {
- wxMimeTypeCommands * entries = m_aEntries[index];
- size_t i;
- for (i=0; i < entries->GetCount(); i++)
- {
- // replace any entries in sold that match verbs we know
- sOld.AddOrReplaceVerb( entries->GetVerb(i), entries->GetCmd(i) );
- }
- //sOld should also contain the icon
- if ( !m_aIcons[index].empty() )
- sOld.AddOrReplaceVerb( wxT("icon-filename"), m_aIcons[index] );
- for (i=0; i < sOld.GetCount(); i++)
- {
- sTmp = sOld.GetVerbCmd(i);
- sTmp.Replace( wxT("%s"), wxT("%f") );
- sTmp = wxT("\t") + sTmp;
- nIndex ++;
- outfile.InsertLine( sTmp, nIndex );
- }
- }
- }
- bool bTmp = outfile.Write();
- return bTmp;
-bool wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::WriteGnomeMimeFile(int index, bool delete_index)
- wxString gnomedir;
- wxGetHomeDir( &gnomedir );
- wxMimeTextFile outfile( gnomedir + wxT("/.gnome/mime-info/user.mime"));
- // if this fails probably Gnome is not installed ??
- // create it anyway as a private mime store
- if (! outfile.Open() )
- {
- if (delete_index)
- return false;
- if (!CheckGnomeDirsExist() )
- return false;
- outfile.Create();
- }
- wxString strType = m_aTypes[index];
- int nIndex = outfile.pIndexOf(strType);
- if ( nIndex == wxNOT_FOUND )
- {
- outfile.AddLine( strType );
- outfile.AddLine( wxT("\text:") + m_aExtensions.Item(index) );
- }
- else
- {
- if (delete_index)
- {
- outfile.CommentLine(nIndex);
- outfile.CommentLine(nIndex+1);
- }
- else
- {
- // check for next line being the right one to replace ??
- wxString sOld = outfile.GetLine(nIndex+1);
- if (sOld.Contains( wxT("\text: ")))
- {
- outfile.GetLine(nIndex+1) = wxT("\text: ") + m_aExtensions.Item(index);
- }
- else
- {
- outfile.InsertLine( wxT("\text: ") + m_aExtensions.Item(index), nIndex + 1 );
- }
- }
- }
- bool bTmp = outfile.Write();
- return bTmp;
-void wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::LoadGnomeDataFromKeyFile(const wxString& filename,
- const wxArrayString& dirs)
- wxTextFile textfile(filename);
-#if defined(__WXGTK20__) && wxUSE_UNICODE
- if ( !textfile.Open(wxConvUTF8) )
- if ( !textfile.Open() )
- return;
- wxLogTrace(TRACE_MIME, wxT("--- Opened Gnome file %s ---"),
- filename.c_str());
- // values for the entry being parsed
- wxString curMimeType, curIconFile;
- wxMimeTypeCommands * entry = new wxMimeTypeCommands;
- // these are always empty in this file
- wxArrayString strExtensions;
- wxString strDesc;
- const wxChar *pc;
- size_t nLineCount = textfile.GetLineCount();
- size_t nLine = 0;
- while ( nLine < nLineCount)
- {
- pc = textfile[nLine].c_str();
- if ( *pc != wxT('#') )
- {
- wxLogTrace(TRACE_MIME, wxT("--- Reading from Gnome file %s '%s' ---"),
- filename.c_str(),pc);
- wxString sTmp(pc);
- if (sTmp.Contains(wxT("=")) )
- {
- if (sTmp.Contains( wxT("icon-filename=") ) )
- {
- // GNOME 1:
- curIconFile = sTmp.AfterFirst(wxT('='));
- }
- else if (sTmp.Contains( wxT("icon_filename=") ) )
- {
- // GNOME 2:
- curIconFile = sTmp.AfterFirst(wxT('='));
- if (!wxFileExists(curIconFile))
- {
- size_t nDirs = dirs.GetCount();
- for (size_t nDir = 0; nDir < nDirs; nDir++)
- {
- wxFileName newFile( curIconFile );
- newFile.SetPath( dirs[nDir] );
- newFile.AppendDir( wxT("pixmaps") );
- newFile.AppendDir( wxT("document-icons") );
- newFile.SetExt( wxT("png") );
- if (newFile.FileExists())
- curIconFile = newFile.GetFullPath();
- }
- }
- }
- else //: some other field,
- {
- //may contain lines like this (RH7)
- // \t[lang]open.tex."TeX this file"=tex %f
- // \tflags.tex.flags=needsterminal
- // \topen.latex."LaTeX this file"=latex %f
- // \tflags.latex.flags=needsterminal
- // \topen=xdvi %f
- // \tview=xdvi %f
- // \topen.convert.Convert file to Postscript=dvips %f -o `basename %f .dvi`.ps
- // for now ignore lines with flags in...FIX
- sTmp = sTmp.AfterLast(wxT(']'));
- sTmp = sTmp.AfterLast(wxT('\t'));
- sTmp.Trim(false).Trim();
- if (0 == sTmp.Replace( wxT("%f"), wxT("%s") ))
- sTmp = sTmp + wxT(" %s");
- entry->Add(sTmp);
- }
- } // emd of has an equals sign
- else
- {
- // not a comment and not an equals sign
- if (sTmp.Contains(wxT('/')))
- {
- // this is the start of the new mimetype
- // overwrite any existing data
- if (! curMimeType.empty())
- {
- AddToMimeData( curMimeType, curIconFile, entry, strExtensions, strDesc);
- // now get ready for next bit
- entry = new wxMimeTypeCommands;
- }
- curMimeType = sTmp.BeforeFirst(wxT(':'));
- }
- }
- } // end of not a comment
- // ignore blank lines
- nLine ++;
- } // end of while, save any data
- if (! curMimeType.empty())
- AddToMimeData( curMimeType, curIconFile, entry, strExtensions, strDesc);
-void wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::LoadGnomeMimeTypesFromMimeFile(const wxString& filename)
- wxTextFile textfile(filename);
- if ( !textfile.Open() )
- return;
- wxLogTrace(TRACE_MIME,
- wxT("--- Opened Gnome file %s ---"),
- filename.c_str());
- // values for the entry being parsed
- wxString curMimeType, curExtList;
- const wxChar *pc;
- size_t nLineCount = textfile.GetLineCount();
- for ( size_t nLine = 0; /* nothing */; nLine++ )
- {
- if ( nLine < nLineCount )
- {
- pc = textfile[nLine].c_str();
- if ( *pc == wxT('#') )
- {
- // skip comments
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // so that we will fall into the "if" below
- pc = NULL;
- }
- if ( !pc || !*pc )
- {
- // end of the entry
- if ( !curMimeType.empty() && !curExtList.empty() )
- {
- wxLogTrace(TRACE_MIME,
- wxT("--- At end of Gnome file finding mimetype %s ---"),
- curMimeType.c_str());
- AddMimeTypeInfo(curMimeType, curExtList, wxEmptyString);
- }
- if ( !pc )
- {
- // the end - this can only happen if nLine == nLineCount
- break;
- }
- curExtList.Empty();
- continue;
- }
- // what do we have here?
- if ( *pc == wxT('\t') )
- {
- // this is a field=value ling
- pc++; // skip leading TAB
- static const int lenField = 5; // strlen("ext: ")
- if ( wxStrncmp(pc, wxT("ext: "), lenField) == 0 )
- {
- // skip it and take everything left until the end of line
- curExtList = pc + lenField;
- }
- //else: some other field, we don't care
- }
- else
- {
- // this is the start of the new section
- wxLogTrace(TRACE_MIME,
- wxT("--- In Gnome file finding mimetype %s ---"),
- curMimeType.c_str());
- if (! curMimeType.empty())
- AddMimeTypeInfo(curMimeType, curExtList, wxEmptyString);
- curMimeType.Empty();
- while ( *pc != wxT(':') && *pc != wxT('\0') )
- {
- curMimeType += *pc++;
- }
- }
- }
-void wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::LoadGnomeMimeFilesFromDir(
- const wxString& dirbase, const wxArrayString& dirs)
- wxASSERT_MSG( !dirbase.empty() && !wxEndsWithPathSeparator(dirbase),
- wxT("base directory shouldn't end with a slash") );
- wxString dirname = dirbase;
- dirname << wxT("/mime-info");
- if ( !wxDir::Exists(dirname) )
- return;
- wxDir dir(dirname);
- if ( !dir.IsOpened() )
- return;
- // we will concatenate it with filename to get the full path below
- dirname += wxT('/');
- wxString filename;
- bool cont;
- cont = dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxT("*.mime"), wxDIR_FILES);
- while ( cont )
- {
- LoadGnomeMimeTypesFromMimeFile(dirname + filename);
- cont = dir.GetNext(&filename);
- }
- cont = dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxT("*.keys"), wxDIR_FILES);
- while ( cont )
- {
- LoadGnomeDataFromKeyFile(dirname + filename, dirs);
- cont = dir.GetNext(&filename);
- }
- // Hack alert: We scan all icons and deduce the
- // mime-type from the file name.
- dirname = dirbase;
- dirname << wxT("/pixmaps/document-icons");
- // these are always empty in this file
- wxArrayString strExtensions;
- wxString strDesc;
- if ( !wxDir::Exists(dirname) )
- {
- // Jst test for default GPE dir also
- dirname = wxT("/usr/share/gpe/pixmaps/default/filemanager/document-icons");
- if ( !wxDir::Exists(dirname) )
- return;
- }
- wxDir dir2( dirname );
- cont = dir2.GetFirst(&filename, wxT("gnome-*.png"), wxDIR_FILES);
- while ( cont )
- {
- wxString mimeType = filename;
- mimeType.Remove( 0, 6 ); // remove "gnome-"
- mimeType.Remove( mimeType.Len()-4, 4 ); // remove ".png"
- int pos = mimeType.Find( wxT("-") );
- if (pos != wxNOT_FOUND)
- {
- mimeType.SetChar( pos, wxT('/') );
- wxString iconFile = dirname;
- iconFile << wxT("/");
- iconFile << filename;
- AddToMimeData( mimeType, iconFile, NULL, strExtensions, strDesc, true );
- }
- cont = dir2.GetNext(&filename);
- }
-void wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::GetGnomeMimeInfo(const wxString& sExtraDir)
- wxArrayString dirs;
- wxString gnomedir = wxGetenv( wxT("GNOMEDIR") );
- if (!gnomedir.empty())
- {
- gnomedir << wxT("/share");
- dirs.Add( gnomedir );
- }
- dirs.Add(wxT("/usr/share"));
- dirs.Add(wxT("/usr/local/share"));
- gnomedir = wxGetHomeDir();
- gnomedir << wxT("/.gnome");
- dirs.Add( gnomedir );
- if (!sExtraDir.empty())
- dirs.Add( sExtraDir );
- size_t nDirs = dirs.GetCount();
- for ( size_t nDir = 0; nDir < nDirs; nDir++ )
- {
- LoadGnomeMimeFilesFromDir(dirs[nDir], dirs);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// KDE
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// KDE stores the icon info in its .kdelnk files. The file for mimetype/subtype
-// may be found in either of the following locations
-// 1. $KDEDIR/share/mimelnk/mimetype/subtype.kdelnk
-// 2. ~/.kde/share/mimelnk/mimetype/subtype.kdelnk
-// The format of a .kdelnk file is almost the same as the one used by
-// wxFileConfig, i.e. there are groups, comments and entries. The icon is the
-// value for the entry "Type"
-// kde writing; see http://webcvs.kde.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/kdelibs/kio/DESKTOP_ENTRY_STANDARD
-// for now write to .kdelnk but should eventually do .desktop instead (in preference??)
-bool wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::CheckKDEDirsExist( const wxString &sOK, const wxString &sTest )
- if (sTest.empty())
- {
- return wxDir::Exists(sOK);
- }
- else
- {
- wxString sStart = sOK + wxT("/") + sTest.BeforeFirst(wxT('/'));
- if (!wxDir::Exists(sStart))
- wxMkdir(sStart);
- wxString sEnd = sTest.AfterFirst(wxT('/'));
- return CheckKDEDirsExist(sStart, sEnd);
- }
-bool wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::WriteKDEMimeFile(int index, bool delete_index)
- wxMimeTextFile appoutfile, mimeoutfile;
- wxString sHome = wxGetHomeDir();
- wxString sTmp = wxT(".kde/share/mimelnk/");
- wxString sMime = m_aTypes[index];
- CheckKDEDirsExist(sHome, sTmp + sMime.BeforeFirst(wxT('/')) );
- sTmp = sHome + wxT('/') + sTmp + sMime + wxT(".kdelnk");
- bool bTemp;
- bool bMimeExists = mimeoutfile.Open(sTmp);
- if (!bMimeExists)
- {
- bTemp = mimeoutfile.Create(sTmp);
- // some unknown error eg out of disk space
- if (!bTemp)
- return false;
- }
- sTmp = wxT(".kde/share/applnk/");
- CheckKDEDirsExist(sHome, sTmp + sMime.AfterFirst(wxT('/')) );
- sTmp = sHome + wxT('/') + sTmp + sMime.AfterFirst(wxT('/')) + wxT(".kdelnk");
- bool bAppExists;
- bAppExists = appoutfile.Open(sTmp);
- if (!bAppExists)
- {
- bTemp = appoutfile.Create(sTmp);
- // some unknown error eg out of disk space
- if (!bTemp)
- return false;
- }
- // fixed data; write if new file
- if (!bMimeExists)
- {
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("#KDE Config File"));
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("[KDE Desktop Entry]"));
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("Version=1.0"));
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("Type=MimeType"));
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("MimeType=") + sMime);
- }
- if (!bAppExists)
- {
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("#KDE Config File"));
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("[KDE Desktop Entry]"));
- appoutfile.AddLine(wxT("Version=1.0"));
- appoutfile.AddLine(wxT("Type=Application"));
- appoutfile.AddLine(wxT("MimeType=") + sMime + wxT(';'));
- }
- // variable data
- // ignore locale
- mimeoutfile.CommentLine(wxT("Comment="));
- if (!delete_index)
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("Comment=") + m_aDescriptions[index]);
- appoutfile.CommentLine(wxT("Name="));
- if (!delete_index)
- appoutfile.AddLine(wxT("Comment=") + m_aDescriptions[index]);
- sTmp = m_aIcons[index];
- // we can either give the full path, or the shortfilename if its in
- // one of the directories we search
- mimeoutfile.CommentLine(wxT("Icon=") );
- if (!delete_index)
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("Icon=") + sTmp );
- appoutfile.CommentLine(wxT("Icon=") );
- if (!delete_index)
- appoutfile.AddLine(wxT("Icon=") + sTmp );
- sTmp = wxT(" ") + m_aExtensions[index];
- wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(sTmp, wxT(" "));
- sTmp = wxT("Patterns=");
- mimeoutfile.CommentLine(sTmp);
- while ( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
- {
- // holds an extension; need to change it to *.ext;
- wxString e = wxT("*.") + tokenizer.GetNextToken() + wxT(";");
- sTmp = sTmp + e;
- }
- if (!delete_index)
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(sTmp);
- wxMimeTypeCommands * entries = m_aEntries[index];
- // if we don't find open just have an empty string ... FIX this
- sTmp = entries->GetCommandForVerb(wxT("open"));
- sTmp.Replace( wxT("%s"), wxT("%f") );
- mimeoutfile.CommentLine(wxT("DefaultApp=") );
- if (!delete_index)
- mimeoutfile.AddLine(wxT("DefaultApp=") + sTmp);
- sTmp.Replace( wxT("%f"), wxT("") );
- appoutfile.CommentLine(wxT("Exec="));
- if (!delete_index)
- appoutfile.AddLine(wxT("Exec=") + sTmp);
- if (entries->GetCount() > 1)
- {
- //other actions as well as open
- }
- bTemp = false;
- if (mimeoutfile.Write())
- bTemp = true;
- mimeoutfile.Close();
- if (appoutfile.Write())
- bTemp = true;
- appoutfile.Close();
- return bTemp;
-void wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::LoadKDELinksForMimeSubtype(const wxString& dirbase,
- const wxString& subdir,
- const wxString& filename,
- const wxArrayString& icondirs)
- wxMimeTextFile file;
- if ( !file.Open(dirbase + filename) )
- return;
- wxLogTrace(TRACE_MIME, wxT("loading KDE file %s"),
- (dirbase+filename).c_str());
- wxMimeTypeCommands * entry = new wxMimeTypeCommands;
- wxArrayString sExts;
- wxString mimetype, mime_desc, strIcon;
- int nIndex = file.pIndexOf( wxT("MimeType=") );
- if (nIndex == wxNOT_FOUND)
- {
- // construct mimetype from the directory name and the basename of the
- // file (it always has .kdelnk extension)
- mimetype << subdir << wxT('/') << filename.BeforeLast( wxT('.') );
- }
- else
- mimetype = file.GetCmd(nIndex);
- // first find the description string: it is the value in either "Comment="
- // line or "Comment[<locale_name>]=" one
- nIndex = wxNOT_FOUND;
- wxString comment;
-#if wxUSE_INTL
- wxLocale *locale = wxGetLocale();
- if ( locale )
- {
- // try "Comment[locale name]" first
- comment << wxT("Comment[") + locale->GetName() + wxT("]=");
- nIndex = file.pIndexOf(comment);
- }
-#endif // wxUSE_INTL
- if ( nIndex == wxNOT_FOUND )
- {
- comment = wxT("Comment=");
- nIndex = file.pIndexOf(comment);
- }
- if ( nIndex != wxNOT_FOUND )
- mime_desc = file.GetCmd(nIndex);
- //else: no description
- // next find the extensions
- wxString mime_extension;
- nIndex = file.pIndexOf(wxT("Patterns="));
- if ( nIndex != wxNOT_FOUND )
- {
- wxString exts = file.GetCmd(nIndex);
- wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(exts, wxT(";"));
- while ( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
- {
- wxString e = tokenizer.GetNextToken();
- if ( e.Left(2) != wxT("*.") )
- continue; // don't support too difficult patterns
- if ( !mime_extension.empty() )
- {
- // separate from the previous ext
- mime_extension << wxT(' ');
- }
- mime_extension << e.Mid(2);
- }
- }
- sExts.Add(mime_extension);
- // ok, now we can take care of icon:
- nIndex = file.pIndexOf(wxT("Icon="));
- if ( nIndex != wxNOT_FOUND )
- {
- strIcon = file.GetCmd(nIndex);
- wxLogTrace(TRACE_MIME, wxT(" icon %s"), strIcon.c_str());
- //it could be the real path, but more often a short name
- if (!wxFileExists(strIcon))
- {
- // icon is just the short name
- if ( !strIcon.empty() )
- {
- // we must check if the file exists because it may be stored
- // in many locations, at least ~/.kde and $KDEDIR
- size_t nDir, nDirs = icondirs.GetCount();
- for ( nDir = 0; nDir < nDirs; nDir++ )
- {
- wxFileName fnameIcon( strIcon );
- wxFileName fname( icondirs[nDir], fnameIcon.GetName() );
- fname.SetExt( wxT("png") );
- if (fname.FileExists())
- {
- strIcon = fname.GetFullPath();
- wxLogTrace(TRACE_MIME, wxT(" iconfile %s"), strIcon.c_str());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // now look for lines which know about the application
- // exec= or DefaultApp=