-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// wxMsgCatalog corresponds to one loaded message catalog.
-// This is a "low-level" class and is used only by wxLocale (that's why
-// it's designed to be stored in a linked list)
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class wxMsgCatalog
- wxMsgCatalog() { m_conv = NULL; }
- ~wxMsgCatalog();
- // load the catalog from disk
- bool LoadFile(const wxString& filename,
- const wxString& domain,
- const wxString& msgIdCharset);
- bool LoadData(const wxScopedCharTypeBuffer<char>& data,
- const wxString& domain,
- const wxString& msgIdCharset);
- // get name of the catalog
- wxString GetDomain() const { return m_domain; }
- // get the translated string: returns NULL if not found
- const wxString *GetString(const wxString& sz, unsigned n = UINT_MAX) const;
- // public variable pointing to the next element in a linked list (or NULL)
- wxMsgCatalog *m_pNext;
- wxMessagesHash m_messages; // all messages in the catalog
- wxString m_domain; // name of the domain
- // the conversion corresponding to this catalog charset if we installed it
- // as the global one
- wxCSConv *m_conv;
- wxPluralFormsCalculatorPtr m_pluralFormsCalculator;