// Global structure for holding ODBC connection information
// - darf nur einmal im Projekte definiert werden ?? Extra Databasse Klasse ?
-struct wxDbConnectInf ConnectInf; // Für DBase
+wxDbConnectInf ConnectInf; // Für DBase
-extern wxDbList* WXDLLEXPORT PtrBegDbList; /* from db.cpp, used in getting back error results from db connections */
+extern WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(wxDbList*) PtrBegDbList; /* from db.cpp, used in getting back error results from db connections */
char *GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(char *ErrFile, int ErrLine)
Zeiger_auf_NULL(1); // Clean up Tables and Databases (Commit, Close und delete)
} // BrowserDB destructor
-bool BrowserDB::Initialize(int Quite)
+bool BrowserDB::Initialize(int Quiet)
- if (!OnStartDB(Quite))
+ if (!OnStartDB(Quiet))
wxLogMessage(_("\n\n-E-> BrowserDB::OnStartDB(%s) : Failed ! "),ODBCSource.c_str());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
} // BrowserDB:Initialize
-bool BrowserDB::OnStartDB(int Quite)
+bool BrowserDB::OnStartDB(int Quiet)
wxStopWatch sw;
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
wxLogMessage(_("\n-I-> BrowserDB::OnStartDB(%s) : Begin "),ODBCSource.c_str());
if (db_BrowserDB != NULL)
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
wxLogMessage(_("\n-I-> BrowserDB::OnStartDB() : DB is allready open."));
return TRUE;
// Initialize the ODBC Environment for Database Operations
if (SQLAllocEnv(&ConnectInf.Henv) != SQL_SUCCESS)
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
wxLogMessage(_("\n-E-> BrowserDB::OnStartDB() : DB CONNECTION ERROR : A problem occured while trying to get a connection to the data source"));
return FALSE;
strcpy(ConnectInf.Dsn, "");
strcpy(ConnectInf.Uid, "");
strcpy(ConnectInf.AuthStr, "");
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
wxLogMessage(_("\n-E-> BrowserDB::OnConnectDataSource() DB CONNECTION ERROR : Unable to connect to the data source.\n\nCheck the name of your data source to verify it has been correctly entered/spelled.\n\nWith some databases, the user name and password must\nbe created with full rights to the table prior to making a connection\n(using tools provided by the database manufacturer)"));
wxLogMessage(_("-I-> BrowserDB::OnStartDB(%s) : End - Time needed : %ld ms"),ODBCSource.c_str(),sw.Time());
return FALSE;
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
Temp1 = db_BrowserDB->GetDatabaseName();
Temp2 = db_BrowserDB->GetDataSource();
} else return FALSE;
-bool BrowserDB::OnCloseDB(int Quite)
+bool BrowserDB::OnCloseDB(int Quiet)
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
wxLogMessage(_("-I-> BrowserDB::OnCloseDB() : Begin "));
if (db_BrowserDB)
db_BrowserDB = NULL;
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
wxLogMessage(_("\n-I-> BrowserDB::OnCloseDB() : End "));
return TRUE;
-bool BrowserDB::OnGetNext(int Cols,int Quite)
+bool BrowserDB::OnGetNext(int Cols,int Quiet)
int i_dbDataType;
return TRUE;
-bool BrowserDB::OnSelect(wxString tb_Name, int Quite)
+bool BrowserDB::OnSelect(wxString tb_Name, int Quiet)
wxStopWatch sw;
wxString SQLStmt;
// SetColDefs ( 0,"NAME", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, Name, SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(Name), TRUE, TRUE); // Primary index
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
wxLogMessage(_("\n-I-> BrowserDB::OnSelect(%s) Records(%d): End - Time needed : %ld ms"),tb_Name.c_str(),i_Records,sw.Time());
return TRUE;
-bool BrowserDB::OnExecSql(wxString SQLStmt, int Quite)
+bool BrowserDB::OnExecSql(wxString SQLStmt, int Quiet)
if (!db_BrowserDB->ExecSql((char *)(SQLStmt.GetData())))
Temp0.Printf(_("\n-E-> BrowserDB::OnExecSQL - ODBC-Error with ExecSql of >%s<.\n-E-> "),SQLStmt.c_str());
Temp0 += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__);
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
wxMessageBox("-E-> BrowserDB::OnExecSql - ExecSql()");
return FALSE;
- if (!Quite)
+ if (!Quiet)
// wxLogMessage(_("\n-I-> BrowserDB::OnExecSql(%s) - End - Time needed : %ld ms"),SQLStmt.c_str(),sw.Time());
return TRUE;
-wxDbInf* BrowserDB::OnGetCatalog(int Quite)
+wxDbInf* BrowserDB::OnGetCatalog(int Quiet)
char UName[255];
return ct_BrowserDB;
-wxColInf* BrowserDB::OnGetColumns(char *tableName, int numCols,int Quite)
+wxDbColInf* BrowserDB::OnGetColumns(char *tableName, int numCols, int Quiet)
char UName[255];
int i;
cl_BrowserDB = db_BrowserDB->GetColumns(tableName,&numCols,UName);
- cl_BrowserDB->pColFor = new wxColFor[numCols];
+ cl_BrowserDB->pColFor = new wxDbColFor[numCols];
for (i=0;i<numCols;i++)