+ /**
+ Class representing message parameters.
+ An object of this class may be passed to wxFileType::GetOpenCommand()
+ and GetPrintCommand() if more than the file name needs to be specified.
+ */
+ class MessageParameters
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Constructor
+ MessageParameters() { }
+ /// Constructor taking a filename and a mime type.
+ MessageParameters(const wxString& filename,
+ const wxString& mimetype = wxEmptyString);
+ /// Return the filename.
+ const wxString& GetFileName() const;
+ /// Return the MIME type.
+ const wxString& GetMimeType() const;
+ /// Overridable method for derived classes. Returns empty string by default.
+ virtual wxString GetParamValue(const wxString& name) const;
+ /// Trivial but virtual dtor as this class can be inherited from.
+ virtual ~MessageParameters() { }
+ };