- virtual void ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy, const wxRect* rect = NULL );
- public: // cannot get private going yet
- void PreCreation( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos,
- const wxSize &size, long style, const wxString &name );
- void PostCreation(void);
- bool HasVMT(void);
- virtual void ImplementSetSize(void);
- virtual void ImplementSetPosition(void);
- void GetDrawingOffset( long *x, long *y );
- wxWindow *m_parent;
- wxList m_children;
- int m_x,m_y;
- int m_width,m_height;
- int m_retCode;
- wxEvtHandler *m_eventHandler;
- wxValidator *m_windowValidator;
- wxDropTarget *m_pDropTarget;
- wxWindowID m_windowId;
- wxCursor *m_cursor;
- wxFont m_font;
- wxColour m_backgroundColour;
- wxColour m_defaultBackgroundColour;
- wxColour m_foregroundColour ;
- wxColour m_defaultForegroundColour;
- wxRegion m_updateRegion;
- long m_windowStyle;
- bool m_isShown;
- bool m_isEnabled;
- wxString m_windowName;
- long m_drawingOffsetX,m_drawingOffsetY;
- GtkWidget *m_widget;
- GtkWidget *m_wxwindow;
- GtkAdjustment *m_hAdjust,*m_vAdjust;
- float m_oldHorizontalPos;
- float m_oldVerticalPos;
- bool m_needParent;
- bool m_hasScrolling;
- bool m_hasVMT;
- bool m_sizeSet;
- public: // Layout section
- wxLayoutConstraints * m_constraints;
- wxList * m_constraintsInvolvedIn;
- wxSizer * m_windowSizer;
- wxWindow * m_sizerParent;
- bool m_autoLayout;
- wxLayoutConstraints *GetConstraints(void) const;
- void SetConstraints( wxLayoutConstraints *constraints );
- void SetAutoLayout( bool autoLayout );
- bool GetAutoLayout(void) const;
- bool Layout(void);
- void SetSizer( wxSizer *sizer );
- wxSizer *GetSizer(void) const;
- void SetSizerParent( wxWindow *win );
- wxWindow *GetSizerParent(void) const;
- void UnsetConstraints(wxLayoutConstraints *c);
- inline wxList *GetConstraintsInvolvedIn(void) const ;
- void AddConstraintReference(wxWindow *otherWin);
- void RemoveConstraintReference(wxWindow *otherWin);
- void DeleteRelatedConstraints(void);
- virtual void ResetConstraints(void);
- virtual void SetConstraintSizes(bool recurse = TRUE);
- virtual bool LayoutPhase1(int *noChanges);
- virtual bool LayoutPhase2(int *noChanges);
- virtual bool DoPhase(int);
- virtual void TransformSizerToActual(int *x, int *y) const ;
- virtual void SizerSetSize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- virtual void SizerMove(int x, int y);
- virtual void SetSizeConstraint(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- virtual void MoveConstraint(int x, int y);
- virtual void GetSizeConstraint(int *w, int *h) const ;
- virtual void GetClientSizeConstraint(int *w, int *h) const ;
- virtual void GetPositionConstraint(int *x, int *y) const ;
+ virtual void ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy,
+ const wxRect* rect = (wxRect *) NULL );
+ virtual void SetDropTarget( wxDropTarget *dropTarget );
+#endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP
+ virtual bool IsDoubleBuffered() const { return false; }
+ // implementation
+ // --------------
+ virtual WXWidget GetHandle() const { return m_widget; }
+ // I don't want users to override what's done in idle so everything that
+ // has to be done in idle time in order for wxGTK to work is done in
+ // OnInternalIdle
+ virtual void OnInternalIdle();
+ // Internal represention of Update()
+ void GtkUpdate();
+ // For compatibility across platforms (not in event table)
+ void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {}
+ // Used by all window classes in the widget creation process.
+ bool PreCreation( wxWindowGTK *parent, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size );
+ void PostCreation();
+ // Internal addition of child windows. differs from class
+ // to class not by using virtual functions but by using
+ // the m_insertCallback.
+ void DoAddChild(wxWindowGTK *child);
+ // This methods sends wxPaintEvents to the window. It reads the
+ // update region, breaks it up into rects and sends an event
+ // for each rect. It is also responsible for background erase
+ // events and NC paint events. It is called from "draw" and
+ // "expose" handlers as well as from ::Update()
+ void GtkSendPaintEvents();
+ // The methods below are required because many native widgets
+ // are composed of several subwidgets and setting a style for
+ // the widget means setting it for all subwidgets as well.
+ // also, it is not clear which native widget is the top
+ // widget where (most of) the input goes. even tooltips have
+ // to be applied to all subwidgets.
+ virtual GtkWidget* GetConnectWidget();
+ virtual bool IsOwnGtkWindow( GdkWindow *window );
+ void ConnectWidget( GtkWidget *widget );
+ virtual void ApplyToolTip( GtkTooltips *tips, const wxChar *tip );
+#endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
+ // Call after modifing the value of m_hAdjust or m_vAdjust to bring the
+ // scrolbar in sync (this does not generate any wx events)
+ void GtkUpdateScrollbar(int orient);
+ // Called from GTK signal handlers. it indicates that
+ // the layouting functions have to be called later on
+ // (i.e. in idle time, implemented in OnInternalIdle() ).
+ void GtkUpdateSize() { m_sizeSet = false; }
+ // fix up the mouse event coords, used by wxListBox only so far
+ virtual void FixUpMouseEvent(GtkWidget * WXUNUSED(widget),
+ wxCoord& WXUNUSED(x),
+ wxCoord& WXUNUSED(y)) { }
+ // is this window transparent for the mouse events (as wxStaticBox is)?
+ virtual bool IsTransparentForMouse() const { return false; }
+ // is this a radiobutton (used by radiobutton code itself only)?
+ virtual bool IsRadioButton() const { return false; }
+ // position and size of the window
+ int m_x, m_y;
+ int m_width, m_height;
+ int m_oldClientWidth,m_oldClientHeight;
+ // see the docs in src/gtk/window.cpp
+ GtkWidget *m_widget; // mostly the widget seen by the rest of GTK
+ GtkWidget *m_wxwindow; // mostly the client area as per wxWidgets
+ // this widget will be queried for GTK's focus events
+ GtkWidget *m_focusWidget;
+#ifdef HAVE_XIM
+ // XIM support for wxWidgets
+ GdkIC *m_ic;
+ GdkICAttr *m_icattr;
+#endif // HAVE_XIM
+ // The area to be cleared (and not just refreshed)
+ // We cannot make this distinction under GTK 2.0.
+ wxRegion m_clearRegion;
+ // scrolling stuff
+ GtkAdjustment *m_hAdjust,*m_vAdjust;
+ float m_oldHorizontalPos;
+ float m_oldVerticalPos;
+ // extra (wxGTK-specific) flags
+ bool m_needParent:1; // ! wxFrame, wxDialog, wxNotebookPage ?
+ bool m_noExpose:1; // wxGLCanvas has its own redrawing
+ bool m_nativeSizeEvent:1; // wxGLCanvas sends wxSizeEvent upon "alloc_size"
+ bool m_hasScrolling:1;
+ bool m_hasVMT:1;
+ bool m_sizeSet:1;
+ bool m_resizing:1;
+ bool m_acceptsFocus:1; // true if not static
+ bool m_hasFocus:1; // true if == FindFocus()
+ bool m_isScrolling:1; // dragging scrollbar thumb?
+ bool m_clipPaintRegion:1; // true after ScrollWindow()
+ bool m_needsStyleChange:1; // May not be able to change
+ // background style until OnIdle
+ // C++ has no virtual methods in the constrcutor of any class but we need
+ // different methods of inserting a child window into a wxFrame,
+ // wxMDIFrame, wxNotebook etc. this is the callback that will get used.
+ wxInsertChildFunction m_insertCallback;
+ // implement the base class pure virtuals
+ virtual void DoClientToScreen( int *x, int *y ) const;
+ virtual void DoScreenToClient( int *x, int *y ) const;
+ virtual void DoGetPosition( int *x, int *y ) const;
+ virtual void DoGetSize( int *width, int *height ) const;
+ virtual void DoGetClientSize( int *width, int *height ) const;
+ virtual void DoSetSize(int x, int y,
+ int width, int height,
+ int sizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO);
+ virtual void DoSetClientSize(int width, int height);
+ virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height);
+ virtual void DoCaptureMouse();
+ virtual void DoReleaseMouse();
+ virtual void DoSetToolTip( wxToolTip *tip );
+#endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
+ // common part of all ctors (not virtual because called from ctor)
+ void Init();
+ // Called by ApplyWidgetStyle (which is called by SetFont() and
+ // SetXXXColour etc to apply style changed to native widgets) to create
+ // modified GTK style with non-standard attributes. If forceStyle=true,
+ // creates empty GtkRcStyle if there are no modifications, otherwise
+ // returns NULL in such case.
+ GtkRcStyle *CreateWidgetStyle(bool forceStyle = false);
+ // Overridden in many GTK widgets who have to handle subwidgets
+ virtual void ApplyWidgetStyle(bool forceStyle = false);
+ // helper function to ease native widgets wrapping, called by
+ // ApplyWidgetStyle -- override this, not ApplyWidgetStyle
+ virtual void DoApplyWidgetStyle(GtkRcStyle *style);