#pragma hdrstop
+#include "wx/defs.h"
+#if wxUSE_IMAGE
#include "wx/image.h"
#include "wx/bitmap.h"
#include "wx/debug.h"
#undef FAR
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
- #include "wx/msw/private.h"
// wxImage
unsigned char m_maskRed,m_maskGreen,m_maskBlue;
bool m_ok;
bool m_static;
wxPalette m_palette;
+#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
wxArrayString m_optionNames;
wxArrayString m_optionValues;
wxList wxImage::sm_handlers;
+wxImage wxNullImage;
#define M_IMGDATA ((wxImageRefData *)m_refData)
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), image, wxT("invalid image") );
- wxCHECK_MSG( (width > 0) && (height > 0), image, wxT("invalid image size") );
+ // can't scale to/from 0 size
+ wxCHECK_MSG( (width > 0) && (height > 0), image,
+ wxT("invalid new image size") );
+ long old_height = M_IMGDATA->m_height,
+ old_width = M_IMGDATA->m_width;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( (old_height > 0) && (old_width > 0), image,
+ wxT("invalid old image size") );
image.Create( width, height );
wxCHECK_MSG( data, image, wxT("unable to create image") );
if (M_IMGDATA->m_hasMask)
- image.SetMaskColour( M_IMGDATA->m_maskRed, M_IMGDATA->m_maskGreen, M_IMGDATA->m_maskBlue );
- long old_height = M_IMGDATA->m_height;
- long old_width = M_IMGDATA->m_width;
+ {
+ image.SetMaskColour( M_IMGDATA->m_maskRed,
+ M_IMGDATA->m_maskGreen,
+ M_IMGDATA->m_maskBlue );
+ }
char unsigned *source_data = M_IMGDATA->m_data;
char unsigned *target_data = data;
+#if 0
+ // This is nonsense, RR.
+ // We do (x, y) -> (x, y)*oldSize/newSize but the valid values of x and y
+ // are from 0 to size-1, hence all decrement the sizes
+ long old_old_width = old_width;
+ old_height--;
+ old_width--;
+ height--;
+ width--;
+ for ( long j = 0; j <= height; j++ )
+ {
+ // don't crash for images with height == 1
+ long y_offset = height ? (j * old_height / height)* old_old_width : 0;
+ for ( long i = 0; i <= width; i++ )
+ {
+ long x_offset = width ? (i * old_width) / width : 0;
+ memcpy( target_data, source_data + 3*(y_offset + x_offset), 3 );
+ target_data += 3;
+ }
+ }
for (long j = 0; j < height; j++)
long y_offset = (j * old_height / height) * old_width;
target_data += 3;
return image;
if (!HasMask() && image.HasMask())
unsigned char r = image.GetMaskRed();
unsigned char g = image.GetMaskGreen();
unsigned char b = image.GetMaskBlue();
width *= 3;
unsigned char* source_data = image.GetData() + xx*3 + yy*3*image.GetWidth();
int source_step = image.GetWidth()*3;
unsigned char* target_data = GetData() + (x+xx)*3 + (y+yy)*3*M_IMGDATA->m_width;
int target_step = M_IMGDATA->m_width*3;
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < width; i+=3)
- if ((source_data[i] != r) &&
- (source_data[i+1] != g) &&
+ if ((source_data[i] != r) &&
+ (source_data[i+1] != g) &&
(source_data[i+2] != b))
memcpy( target_data+i, source_data+i, 3 );
- }
+ }
source_data += source_step;
target_data += target_step;
+wxImage wxImage::ConvertToMono( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ) const
+ wxImage image;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), image, wxT("invalid image") );
+ image.Create( M_IMGDATA->m_width, M_IMGDATA->m_height );
+ char unsigned *data = image.GetData();
+ wxCHECK_MSG( data, image, wxT("unable to create image") );
+ if (M_IMGDATA->m_hasMask)
+ {
+ if (M_IMGDATA->m_maskRed == r && M_IMGDATA->m_maskGreen == g &&
+ M_IMGDATA->m_maskBlue == b)
+ image.SetMaskColour( 255, 255, 255 );
+ else
+ image.SetMaskColour( 0, 0, 0 );
+ }
+ long size = M_IMGDATA->m_height * M_IMGDATA->m_width;
+ char unsigned *srcd = M_IMGDATA->m_data;
+ char unsigned *tard = image.GetData();
+ for ( long i = 0; i < size; i++, srcd += 3, tard += 3 )
+ {
+ if (srcd[0] == r && srcd[1] == g && srcd[2] == b)
+ tard[0] = tard[1] = tard[2] = 255;
+ else
+ tard[0] = tard[1] = tard[2] = 0;
+ }
+ return image;
void wxImage::SetRGB( int x, int y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid image") );
return M_IMGDATA->m_height;
+bool wxImage::GetUnusedColour ( unsigned char * r, unsigned char * g, unsigned char * b )
+ wxHashTable hTable;
+ unsigned long key;
+ ComputeHistogram( hTable );
+ // start with blackest color and work to lightest
+ // 0,0,0 is quite likely to be a used color
+ unsigned char r2 = 1;
+ unsigned char g2 = 0;
+ unsigned char b2 = 0;
+ key = (r2 << 16) | (g2 << 8) | b2;
+ while ( (wxHNode *) hTable.Get(key) )
+ {
+ // color already used
+ r2 ++ ;
+ if ( r2 >= 255 )
+ {
+ r2 = 0;
+ g2 ++ ;
+ if ( g2 >= 255 )
+ {
+ g2 = 0 ;
+ b2 ++ ;
+ if ( b2 >= 255 )
+ {
+ wxLogError( _("GetUnusedColour:: No Unused Color in image ") );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ key = (r2 << 16) | (g2 << 8) | b2;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+bool wxImage::ApplyMask ( const wxImage & mask )
+ // what to do if we already have a mask ??
+ if (M_IMGDATA->m_hasMask || mask.HasMask() )
+ {
+ wxLogError( _("Image already masked") );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // check that the images are the same size
+ if ( (M_IMGDATA->m_height != mask.GetHeight() ) || (M_IMGDATA->m_width != mask.GetWidth () ) )
+ {
+ wxLogError( _("Image and Mask have different sizes") );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // find unused colour
+ unsigned char r,g,b ;
+ if (!GetUnusedColour (&r, &g, &b))
+ {
+ wxLogError( _("No Unused Color in image being masked") );
+ return FALSE ;
+ }
+ char unsigned *imgdata = GetData();
+ char unsigned *maskdata = mask.GetData();
+ const int w = GetWidth();
+ const int h = GetHeight();
+ for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
+ {
+ if ((maskdata[0] > 128) && (maskdata[1] > 128) && (maskdata[2] > 128 ))
+ {
+ imgdata[0] = r;
+ imgdata[1] = g;
+ imgdata[2] = b;
+ }
+ imgdata += 3;
+ maskdata += 3;
+ }
+ M_IMGDATA->m_maskRed = r;
+ M_IMGDATA->m_maskGreen = g;
+ M_IMGDATA->m_maskBlue = b;
+ M_IMGDATA->m_hasMask = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
// Palette functions
bool wxImage::HasPalette() const
M_IMGDATA->m_palette = palette;
+#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
// Option functions (arbitrary name/value mapping)
void wxImage::SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxString& value)
void wxImage::InitStandardHandlers()
- AddHandler( new wxBMPHandler );
+ AddHandler(new wxBMPHandler);
+#if wxUSE_XPM && !defined(__WXGTK__) && !defined(__WXMOTIF__)
+ AddHandler(new wxXPMHandler);
void wxImage::CleanUpHandlers()
#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS
-// MSW conversion routines
+// wxBitmap convertion routines
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
+#if wxUSE_GUI
-wxBitmap wxImage::ConvertToBitmap() const
+#ifdef __WXGTK__
+wxBitmap wxImage::ConvertToMonoBitmap( unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue ) const
- if ( !Ok() )
- return wxNullBitmap;
- // sizeLimit is the MS upper limit for the DIB size
-#ifdef WIN32
- int sizeLimit = 1024*768*3;
- int sizeLimit = 0x7fff ;
- // width and height of the device-dependent bitmap
- int width = GetWidth();
- int bmpHeight = GetHeight();
- // calc the number of bytes per scanline and padding
- int bytePerLine = width*3;
- int sizeDWORD = sizeof( DWORD );
- int lineBoundary = bytePerLine % sizeDWORD;
- int padding = 0;
- if( lineBoundary > 0 )
- {
- padding = sizeDWORD - lineBoundary;
- bytePerLine += padding;
- }
- // calc the number of DIBs and heights of DIBs
- int numDIB = 1;
- int hRemain = 0;
- int height = sizeLimit/bytePerLine;
- if( height >= bmpHeight )
- height = bmpHeight;
- else
- {
- numDIB = bmpHeight / height;
- hRemain = bmpHeight % height;
- if( hRemain >0 ) numDIB++;
- }
- // set bitmap parameters
- wxBitmap bitmap;
- wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), bitmap, wxT("invalid image") );
- bitmap.SetWidth( width );
- bitmap.SetHeight( bmpHeight );
- bitmap.SetDepth( wxDisplayDepth() );
- // create a DIB header
- int headersize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- BITMAPINFO *lpDIBh = (BITMAPINFO *) malloc( headersize );
- wxCHECK_MSG( lpDIBh, bitmap, wxT("could not allocate memory for DIB header") );
- // Fill in the DIB header
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSize = headersize;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biWidth = (DWORD)width;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = (DWORD)(-height);
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine*height;
- // the general formula for biSizeImage:
- // ( ( ( ((DWORD)width*24) +31 ) & ~31 ) >> 3 ) * height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- // These seem not really needed for our purpose here.
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- // memory for DIB data
- unsigned char *lpBits;
- lpBits = (unsigned char *)malloc( lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage );
- if( !lpBits )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate memory for DIB") );
- free( lpDIBh );
- return bitmap;
- }
- // create and set the device-dependent bitmap
- HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
- HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
- HBITMAP hbitmap;
- hbitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, width, bmpHeight );
- ::SelectObject( memdc, hbitmap);
- HPALETTE hOldPalette = 0;
- if (GetPalette().Ok())
- {
- hOldPalette = ::SelectPalette(memdc, (HPALETTE) GetPalette().GetHPALETTE(), FALSE);
- ::RealizePalette(memdc);
- }
- // copy image data into DIB data and then into DDB (in a loop)
- unsigned char *data = GetData();
- int i, j, n;
- int origin = 0;
- unsigned char *ptdata = data;
- unsigned char *ptbits;
- for( n=0; n<numDIB; n++ )
- {
- if( numDIB > 1 && n == numDIB-1 && hRemain > 0 )
- {
- // redefine height and size of the (possibly) last smaller DIB
- // memory is not reallocated
- height = hRemain;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = (DWORD)(-height);
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine*height;
- }
- ptbits = lpBits;
- for( j=0; j<height; j++ )
- {
- for( i=0; i<width; i++ )
- {
- *(ptbits++) = *(ptdata+2);
- *(ptbits++) = *(ptdata+1);
- *(ptbits++) = *(ptdata );
- ptdata += 3;
- }
- for( i=0; i< padding; i++ ) *(ptbits++) = 0;
- }
- ::StretchDIBits( memdc, 0, origin, width, height,\
- 0, 0, width, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
- origin += height;
- // if numDIB = 1, lines below can also be used
- // hbitmap = CreateDIBitmap( hdc, &(lpDIBh->bmiHeader), CBM_INIT, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- // The above line is equivalent to the following two lines.
- // hbitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, width, height );
- // ::SetDIBits( hdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- // or the following lines
- // hbitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, width, height );
- // HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
- // ::SelectObject( memdc, hbitmap);
- // ::SetDIBitsToDevice( memdc, 0, 0, width, height,
- // 0, 0, 0, height, (void *)lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- // ::SelectObject( memdc, 0 );
- // ::DeleteDC( memdc );
- }
- bitmap.SetHBITMAP( (WXHBITMAP) hbitmap );
- if (hOldPalette)
- SelectPalette(memdc, hOldPalette, FALSE);
- // similarly, created an mono-bitmap for the possible mask
- if( HasMask() )
- {
- hbitmap = ::CreateBitmap( (WORD)width, (WORD)bmpHeight, 1, 1, NULL );
- HGDIOBJ hbmpOld = ::SelectObject( memdc, hbitmap);
- if( numDIB == 1 ) height = bmpHeight;
- else height = sizeLimit/bytePerLine;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = (DWORD)(-height);
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine*height;
- origin = 0;
- unsigned char r = GetMaskRed();
- unsigned char g = GetMaskGreen();
- unsigned char b = GetMaskBlue();
- unsigned char zero = 0, one = 255;
- ptdata = data;
- for( n=0; n<numDIB; n++ )
- {
- if( numDIB > 1 && n == numDIB - 1 && hRemain > 0 )
- {
- // redefine height and size of the (possibly) last smaller DIB
- // memory is not reallocated
- height = hRemain;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = (DWORD)(-height);
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine*height;
- }
- ptbits = lpBits;
- for( int j=0; j<height; j++ )
- {
- for(i=0; i<width; i++ )
- {
- // was causing a code gen bug in cw : if( ( cr !=r) || (cg!=g) || (cb!=b) )
- unsigned char cr = (*(ptdata++)) ;
- unsigned char cg = (*(ptdata++)) ;
- unsigned char cb = (*(ptdata++)) ;
- if( ( cr !=r) || (cg!=g) || (cb!=b) )
- {
- *(ptbits++) = one;
- *(ptbits++) = one;
- *(ptbits++) = one;
- }
- else
- {
- *(ptbits++) = zero;
- *(ptbits++) = zero;
- *(ptbits++) = zero;
- }
- }
- for( i=0; i< padding; i++ ) *(ptbits++) = zero;
- }
- ::StretchDIBits( memdc, 0, origin, width, height,\
- 0, 0, width, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
- origin += height;
- }
- // create a wxMask object
- wxMask *mask = new wxMask();
- mask->SetMaskBitmap( (WXHBITMAP) hbitmap );
- bitmap.SetMask( mask );
- // It will be deleted when the wxBitmap object is deleted (as of 01/1999)
- /* The following can also be used but is slow to run
- wxColour colour( GetMaskRed(), GetMaskGreen(), GetMaskBlue());
- wxMask *mask = new wxMask( bitmap, colour );
- bitmap.SetMask( mask );
- */
- ::SelectObject( memdc, hbmpOld );
- }
- // free allocated resources
- ::DeleteDC( memdc );
- ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- free(lpDIBh);
- free(lpBits);
- // check the wxBitmap object
- bitmap.GetBitmapData()->SetOk();
+ wxImage mono = this->ConvertToMono( red, green, blue );
+ wxBitmap bitmap( mono, 1 );
return bitmap;
-wxImage::wxImage( const wxBitmap &bitmap )
- // check the bitmap
- if( !bitmap.Ok() )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid bitmap") );
- return;
- }
- // create an wxImage object
- int width = bitmap.GetWidth();
- int height = bitmap.GetHeight();
- Create( width, height );
- unsigned char *data = GetData();
- if( !data )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for image") );
- return;
- }
- // calc the number of bytes per scanline and padding in the DIB
- int bytePerLine = width*3;
- int sizeDWORD = sizeof( DWORD );
- int lineBoundary = bytePerLine % sizeDWORD;
- int padding = 0;
- if( lineBoundary > 0 )
- {
- padding = sizeDWORD - lineBoundary;
- bytePerLine += padding;
- }
- // create a DIB header
- int headersize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- BITMAPINFO *lpDIBh = (BITMAPINFO *) malloc( headersize );
- if( !lpDIBh )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for DIB header") );
- free( data );
- return;
- }
- // Fill in the DIB header
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSize = headersize;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = -height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine * height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- // These seem not really needed for our purpose here.
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- // memory for DIB data
- unsigned char *lpBits;
- lpBits = (unsigned char *) malloc( lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage );
- if( !lpBits )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for DIB") );
- free( data );
- free( lpDIBh );
- return;
- }
- // copy data from the device-dependent bitmap to the DIB
- HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
- HBITMAP hbitmap;
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP) bitmap.GetHBITMAP();
- ::GetDIBits( hdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- // copy DIB data into the wxImage object
- int i, j;
- unsigned char *ptdata = data;
- unsigned char *ptbits = lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+2);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+1);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits );
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
- }
- // similarly, set data according to the possible mask bitmap
- if( bitmap.GetMask() && bitmap.GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap() )
- {
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP) bitmap.GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap();
- // memory DC created, color set, data copied, and memory DC deleted
- HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
- ::SetTextColor( memdc, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
- ::SetBkColor( memdc, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
- ::GetDIBits( memdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- ::DeleteDC( memdc );
- // background color set to RGB(16,16,16) in consistent with wxGTK
- unsigned char r=16, g=16, b=16;
- ptdata = data;
- ptbits = lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- if( *ptbits != 0 )
- ptdata += 3;
- else
- {
- *(ptdata++) = r;
- *(ptdata++) = g;
- *(ptdata++) = b;
- }
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
- }
- SetMaskColour( r, g, b );
- SetMask( TRUE );
- }
- else
- {
- SetMask( FALSE );
- }
- // free allocated resources
- ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- free(lpDIBh);
- free(lpBits);
-#ifdef __WXMAC__
-#ifdef __UNIX__
- #include <QD/PictUtils.h>
- #include <PictUtils.h>
-extern CTabHandle wxMacCreateColorTable( int numColors ) ;
-extern void wxMacDestroyColorTable( CTabHandle colors ) ;
-extern void wxMacSetColorTableEntry( CTabHandle newColors , int index , int red , int green , int blue ) ;
-extern GWorldPtr wxMacCreateGWorld( int width , int height , int depth ) ;
-extern void wxMacDestroyGWorld( GWorldPtr gw ) ;
wxBitmap wxImage::ConvertToBitmap() const
- // width and height of the device-dependent bitmap
- int width = GetWidth();
- int height = GetHeight();
- // Create picture
- wxBitmap bitmap( width , height , wxDisplayDepth() ) ;
- // Create mask
- if (HasMask())
- {
- /*
- unsigned char *mask_data = (unsigned char*)malloc( ((width >> 3)+8) * height );
- mask_image = gdk_image_new_bitmap( gdk_visual_get_system(), mask_data, width, height );
- wxMask *mask = new wxMask();
- mask->m_bitmap = gdk_pixmap_new( (GdkWindow*)&gdk_root_parent, width, height, 1 );
- bitmap.SetMask( mask );
- */
- }
- // Render
- int r_mask = GetMaskRed();
- int g_mask = GetMaskGreen();
- int b_mask = GetMaskBlue();
- CGrafPtr origPort ;
- GDHandle origDevice ;
- GetGWorld( &origPort , &origDevice ) ;
- SetGWorld( bitmap.GetHBITMAP() , NULL ) ;
- register unsigned char* data = GetData();
- int index = 0;
- for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
- {
- unsigned char r = data[index++];
- unsigned char g = data[index++];
- unsigned char b = data[index++];
- RGBColor color ;
- color.red = ( r << 8 ) + r ;
- color.green = ( g << 8 ) + g ;
- color.blue = ( b << 8 ) + b ;
- SetCPixel( x , y , &color ) ;
- }
- } // for height
- SetGWorld( origPort , origDevice ) ;
- if ( HasMask() )
- {
- wxColour colour( GetMaskRed(), GetMaskGreen(), GetMaskBlue());
- wxMask *mask = new wxMask( bitmap, colour );
- bitmap.SetMask( mask );
- }
+ wxBitmap bitmap( *this );
return bitmap;
wxImage::wxImage( const wxBitmap &bitmap )
- // check the bitmap
- if( !bitmap.Ok() )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( "invalid bitmap" );
- return;
- }
- // create an wxImage object
- int width = bitmap.GetWidth();
- int height = bitmap.GetHeight();
- Create( width, height );
- /*
- unsigned char *data = GetData();
- if( !data )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( "could not allocate data for image" );
- return;
- }
- // calc the number of bytes per scanline and padding in the DIB
- int bytePerLine = width*3;
- int sizeDWORD = sizeof( DWORD );
- div_t lineBoundary = div( bytePerLine, sizeDWORD );
- int padding = 0;
- if( lineBoundary.rem > 0 )
- {
- padding = sizeDWORD - lineBoundary.rem;
- bytePerLine += padding;
- }
+ *this = bitmap.ConvertToImage();
- // create a DIB header
- int headersize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- LPBITMAPINFO lpDIBh = (BITMAPINFO *) malloc( headersize );
- if( !lpDIBh )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( "could not allocate data for DIB header" );
- free( data );
- return;
- }
- // Fill in the DIB header
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSize = headersize;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = -height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine * height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- // These seem not really needed for our purpose here.
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- // memory for DIB data
- unsigned char *lpBits;
- lpBits = (unsigned char *) malloc( lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage );
- if( !lpBits )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( "could not allocate data for DIB" );
- free( data );
- free( lpDIBh );
- return;
- }
- // copy data from the device-dependent bitmap to the DIB
- HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
- HBITMAP hbitmap;
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP) bitmap.GetHBITMAP();
- ::GetDIBits( hdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- // copy DIB data into the wxImage object
- int i, j;
- unsigned char *ptdata = data;
- unsigned char *ptbits = lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+2);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+1);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits );
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
- }
- // similarly, set data according to the possible mask bitmap
- if( bitmap.GetMask() && bitmap.GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap() )
- {
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP) bitmap.GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap();
- // memory DC created, color set, data copied, and memory DC deleted
- HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
- ::SetTextColor( memdc, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
- ::SetBkColor( memdc, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
- ::GetDIBits( memdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- ::DeleteDC( memdc );
- // background color set to RGB(16,16,16) in consistent with wxGTK
- unsigned char r=16, g=16, b=16;
- ptdata = data;
- ptbits = lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- if( *ptbits != 0 )
- ptdata += 3;
- else
- {
- *(ptdata++) = r;
- *(ptdata++) = g;
- *(ptdata++) = b;
- }
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
- }
- SetMaskColour( r, g, b );
- SetMask( TRUE );
- }
- else
- {
- SetMask( FALSE );
- }
- // free allocated resources
- ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- free(lpDIBh);
- free(lpBits);
- */
-// GTK conversion routines
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <gdk/gdk.h>
-#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
-#include <gdk/gdkrgb.h>
-extern GtkWidget *wxRootWindow;
-wxBitmap wxImage::ConvertToMonoBitmap( unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue )
- wxBitmap bitmap;
- wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), bitmap, wxT("invalid image") );
- int width = GetWidth();
- int height = GetHeight();
- bitmap.SetHeight( height );
- bitmap.SetWidth( width );
- bitmap.SetBitmap( gdk_pixmap_new( wxRootWindow->window, width, height, 1 ) );
- bitmap.SetDepth( 1 );
- GdkVisual *visual = gdk_window_get_visual( wxRootWindow->window );
- wxASSERT( visual );
- // Create picture image
- unsigned char *data_data = (unsigned char*)malloc( ((width >> 3)+8) * height );
- GdkImage *data_image =
- gdk_image_new_bitmap( visual, data_data, width, height );
- // Create mask image
- GdkImage *mask_image = (GdkImage*) NULL;
- if (HasMask())
- {
- unsigned char *mask_data = (unsigned char*)malloc( ((width >> 3)+8) * height );
- mask_image = gdk_image_new_bitmap( visual, mask_data, width, height );
- wxMask *mask = new wxMask();
- mask->m_bitmap = gdk_pixmap_new( wxRootWindow->window, width, height, 1 );
- bitmap.SetMask( mask );
- }
- int r_mask = GetMaskRed();
- int g_mask = GetMaskGreen();
- int b_mask = GetMaskBlue();
- unsigned char* data = GetData();
- int index = 0;
- for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
- {
- int r = data[index];
- index++;
- int g = data[index];
- index++;
- int b = data[index];
- index++;
- if (HasMask())
- {
- if ((r == r_mask) && (b == b_mask) && (g == g_mask))
- gdk_image_put_pixel( mask_image, x, y, 1 );
- else
- gdk_image_put_pixel( mask_image, x, y, 0 );
- }
- if ((r == red) && (b == blue) && (g == green))
- gdk_image_put_pixel( data_image, x, y, 1 );
- else
- gdk_image_put_pixel( data_image, x, y, 0 );
- } // for
- } // for
- // Blit picture
- GdkGC *data_gc = gdk_gc_new( bitmap.GetBitmap() );
- gdk_draw_image( bitmap.GetBitmap(), data_gc, data_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height );
- gdk_image_destroy( data_image );
- gdk_gc_unref( data_gc );
- // Blit mask
- if (HasMask())
- {
- GdkGC *mask_gc = gdk_gc_new( bitmap.GetMask()->GetBitmap() );
- gdk_draw_image( bitmap.GetMask()->GetBitmap(), mask_gc, mask_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height );
- gdk_image_destroy( mask_image );
- gdk_gc_unref( mask_gc );
- }
- return bitmap;
-wxBitmap wxImage::ConvertToBitmap() const
- wxBitmap bitmap;
- wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), bitmap, wxT("invalid image") );
- int width = GetWidth();
- int height = GetHeight();
- bitmap.SetHeight( height );
- bitmap.SetWidth( width );
- bitmap.SetPixmap( gdk_pixmap_new( wxRootWindow->window, width, height, -1 ) );
- // Retrieve depth
- GdkVisual *visual = gdk_window_get_visual( wxRootWindow->window );
- wxASSERT( visual );
- int bpp = visual->depth;
- bitmap.SetDepth( bpp );
- if ((bpp == 16) && (visual->red_mask != 0xf800)) bpp = 15;
- if (bpp < 8) bpp = 8;
- if (!HasMask() && (bpp > 8))
- {
- static bool s_hasInitialized = FALSE;
- if (!s_hasInitialized)
- {
- gdk_rgb_init();
- s_hasInitialized = TRUE;
- }
- GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new( bitmap.GetPixmap() );
- gdk_draw_rgb_image( bitmap.GetPixmap(),
- gc,
- 0, 0,
- width, height,
- GetData(),
- width*3 );
- gdk_gc_unref( gc );
- return bitmap;
- }
- // Create picture image
- GdkImage *data_image =
- gdk_image_new( GDK_IMAGE_FASTEST, visual, width, height );
- // Create mask image
- GdkImage *mask_image = (GdkImage*) NULL;
- if (HasMask())
- {
- unsigned char *mask_data = (unsigned char*)malloc( ((width >> 3)+8) * height );
- mask_image = gdk_image_new_bitmap( visual, mask_data, width, height );
- wxMask *mask = new wxMask();
- mask->m_bitmap = gdk_pixmap_new( wxRootWindow->window, width, height, 1 );
- bitmap.SetMask( mask );
- }
- // Render
- enum byte_order { RGB, RBG, BRG, BGR, GRB, GBR };
- byte_order b_o = RGB;
- if (bpp >= 24)
- {
- if ((visual->red_mask > visual->green_mask) && (visual->green_mask > visual->blue_mask)) b_o = RGB;
- else if ((visual->red_mask > visual->blue_mask) && (visual->blue_mask > visual->green_mask)) b_o = RGB;
- else if ((visual->blue_mask > visual->red_mask) && (visual->red_mask > visual->green_mask)) b_o = BRG;
- else if ((visual->blue_mask > visual->green_mask) && (visual->green_mask > visual->red_mask)) b_o = BGR;
- else if ((visual->green_mask > visual->red_mask) && (visual->red_mask > visual->blue_mask)) b_o = GRB;
- else if ((visual->green_mask > visual->blue_mask) && (visual->blue_mask > visual->red_mask)) b_o = GBR;
- }
- int r_mask = GetMaskRed();
- int g_mask = GetMaskGreen();
- int b_mask = GetMaskBlue();
- unsigned char* data = GetData();
- int index = 0;
- for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
- {
- int r = data[index];
- index++;
- int g = data[index];
- index++;
- int b = data[index];
- index++;
- if (HasMask())
- {
- if ((r == r_mask) && (b == b_mask) && (g == g_mask))
- gdk_image_put_pixel( mask_image, x, y, 1 );
- else
- gdk_image_put_pixel( mask_image, x, y, 0 );
- }
- switch (bpp)
- {
- case 8:
- {
- int pixel = -1;
- if (wxTheApp->m_colorCube)
- {
- pixel = wxTheApp->m_colorCube[ ((r & 0xf8) << 7) + ((g & 0xf8) << 2) + ((b & 0xf8) >> 3) ];
- }
- else
- {
- GdkColormap *cmap = gtk_widget_get_default_colormap();
- GdkColor *colors = cmap->colors;
- int max = 3 * (65536);
- for (int i = 0; i < cmap->size; i++)
- {
- int rdiff = (r << 8) - colors[i].red;
- int gdiff = (g << 8) - colors[i].green;
- int bdiff = (b << 8) - colors[i].blue;
- int sum = ABS (rdiff) + ABS (gdiff) + ABS (bdiff);
- if (sum < max) { pixel = i; max = sum; }
- }
- }
- gdk_image_put_pixel( data_image, x, y, pixel );
- break;
- }
- case 15:
- {
- guint32 pixel = ((r & 0xf8) << 7) | ((g & 0xf8) << 2) | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
- gdk_image_put_pixel( data_image, x, y, pixel );
- break;
- }
- case 16:
- {
- guint32 pixel = ((r & 0xf8) << 8) | ((g & 0xfc) << 3) | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
- gdk_image_put_pixel( data_image, x, y, pixel );
- break;
- }
- case 32:
- case 24:
- {
- guint32 pixel = 0;
- switch (b_o)
- {
- case RGB: pixel = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; break;
- case RBG: pixel = (r << 16) | (b << 8) | g; break;
- case BRG: pixel = (b << 16) | (r << 8) | g; break;
- case BGR: pixel = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; break;
- case GRB: pixel = (g << 16) | (r << 8) | b; break;
- case GBR: pixel = (g << 16) | (b << 8) | r; break;
- }
- gdk_image_put_pixel( data_image, x, y, pixel );
- }
- default: break;
- }
- } // for
- } // for
- // Blit picture
- GdkGC *data_gc = gdk_gc_new( bitmap.GetPixmap() );
- gdk_draw_image( bitmap.GetPixmap(), data_gc, data_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height );
- gdk_image_destroy( data_image );
- gdk_gc_unref( data_gc );
- // Blit mask
- if (HasMask())
- {
- GdkGC *mask_gc = gdk_gc_new( bitmap.GetMask()->GetBitmap() );
- gdk_draw_image( bitmap.GetMask()->GetBitmap(), mask_gc, mask_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height );
- gdk_image_destroy( mask_image );
- gdk_gc_unref( mask_gc );
- }
- return bitmap;
-wxImage::wxImage( const wxBitmap &bitmap )
- wxCHECK_RET( bitmap.Ok(), wxT("invalid bitmap") );
- GdkImage *gdk_image = (GdkImage*) NULL;
- if (bitmap.GetPixmap())
- {
- gdk_image = gdk_image_get( bitmap.GetPixmap(),
- 0, 0,
- bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight() );
- } else
- if (bitmap.GetBitmap())
- {
- gdk_image = gdk_image_get( bitmap.GetBitmap(),
- 0, 0,
- bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight() );
- } else
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Ill-formed bitmap") );
- }
- wxCHECK_RET( gdk_image, wxT("couldn't create image") );
- Create( bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight() );
- char unsigned *data = GetData();
- if (!data)
- {
- gdk_image_destroy( gdk_image );
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("couldn't create image") );
- return;
- }
- GdkImage *gdk_image_mask = (GdkImage*) NULL;
- if (bitmap.GetMask())
- {
- gdk_image_mask = gdk_image_get( bitmap.GetMask()->GetBitmap(),
- 0, 0,
- bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight() );
- SetMaskColour( 16, 16, 16 ); // anything unlikely and dividable
- }
- int bpp = -1;
- int red_shift_right = 0;
- int green_shift_right = 0;
- int blue_shift_right = 0;
- int red_shift_left = 0;
- int green_shift_left = 0;
- int blue_shift_left = 0;
- bool use_shift = FALSE;
- if (bitmap.GetPixmap())
- {
- GdkVisual *visual = gdk_window_get_visual( bitmap.GetPixmap() );
- if (visual == NULL) visual = gdk_window_get_visual( wxRootWindow->window );
- bpp = visual->depth;
- if (bpp == 16) bpp = visual->red_prec + visual->green_prec + visual->blue_prec;
- red_shift_right = visual->red_shift;
- red_shift_left = 8-visual->red_prec;
- green_shift_right = visual->green_shift;
- green_shift_left = 8-visual->green_prec;
- blue_shift_right = visual->blue_shift;
- blue_shift_left = 8-visual->blue_prec;
- use_shift = (visual->type == GDK_VISUAL_TRUE_COLOR) || (visual->type == GDK_VISUAL_DIRECT_COLOR);
- }
- if (bitmap.GetBitmap())
- {
- bpp = 1;
- }
- GdkColormap *cmap = gtk_widget_get_default_colormap();
- long pos = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < bitmap.GetHeight(); j++)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.GetWidth(); i++)
- {
- wxUint32 pixel = gdk_image_get_pixel( gdk_image, i, j );
- if (bpp == 1)
- {
- if (pixel == 0)
- {
- data[pos] = 0;
- data[pos+1] = 0;
- data[pos+2] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- data[pos] = 255;
- data[pos+1] = 255;
- data[pos+2] = 255;
- }
- }
- else if (use_shift)
- {
- data[pos] = (pixel >> red_shift_right) << red_shift_left;
- data[pos+1] = (pixel >> green_shift_right) << green_shift_left;
- data[pos+2] = (pixel >> blue_shift_right) << blue_shift_left;
- }
- else if (cmap->colors)
- {
- data[pos] = cmap->colors[pixel].red >> 8;
- data[pos+1] = cmap->colors[pixel].green >> 8;
- data[pos+2] = cmap->colors[pixel].blue >> 8;
- }
- else
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Image conversion failed. Unknown visual type.") );
- }
- if (gdk_image_mask)
- {
- int mask_pixel = gdk_image_get_pixel( gdk_image_mask, i, j );
- if (mask_pixel == 0)
- {
- data[pos] = 16;
- data[pos+1] = 16;
- data[pos+2] = 16;
- }
- }
- pos += 3;
- }
- }
- gdk_image_destroy( gdk_image );
- if (gdk_image_mask) gdk_image_destroy( gdk_image_mask );
-// Motif conversion routines
-#ifdef __WXMOTIF__
-#ifdef __VMS__
-#pragma message disable nosimpint
-#include <Xm/Xm.h>
-#ifdef __VMS__
-#pragma message enable nosimpint
-#include "wx/utils.h"
-#include <math.h>
-Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 11:45:40 +0100
-From: Frits Boel <boel@niob.knaw.nl>
-To: julian.smart@ukonline.co.uk
-Subject: Patch for Motif ConvertToBitmap
-Hi Julian,
-I've been working on a wxWin application for image processing. From the
-beginning, I was surprised by the (lack of) speed of ConvertToBitmap,
-till I looked in the source code of image.cpp. I saw that converting a
-wxImage to a bitmap with 8-bit pixels is done with comparing every pixel
-to the 256 colors of the palet. A very time-consuming piece of code!
-Because I wanted a faster application, I've made a 'patch' for this. In
-short: every pixel of the image is compared to a sorted list with
-colors. If the color is found in the list, the palette entry is
-returned; if the color is not found, the color palette is searched and
-then the palette entry is returned and the color added to the sorted
-Maybe there is another method for this, namely changing the palette
-itself (if the colors are known, as is the case with tiffs with a
-colormap). I did not look at this, maybe someone else did?
-The code of the patch is attached, have a look on it, and maybe you will
-ship it with the next release of wxMotif?
-Frits Boel
-Software engineer at Hubrecht Laboratory, The Netherlands.
-class wxSearchColor
- wxSearchColor( void );
- wxSearchColor( int size, XColor *colors );
- ~wxSearchColor( void );
- int SearchColor( int r, int g, int b );
- int AddColor( unsigned int value, int pos );
- int size;
- XColor *colors;
- unsigned int *color;
- int *entry;
- int bottom;
- int top;
-wxSearchColor::wxSearchColor( void )
- size = 0;
- colors = (XColor*) NULL;
- color = (unsigned int *) NULL;
- entry = (int*) NULL;
- bottom = 0;
- top = 0;
-wxSearchColor::wxSearchColor( int size_, XColor *colors_ )
- int i;
- size = size_;
- colors = colors_;
- color = new unsigned int[size];
- entry = new int [size];
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
- entry[i] = -1;
- }
- bottom = top = ( size >> 1 );
-wxSearchColor::~wxSearchColor( void )
- if ( color ) delete color;
- if ( entry ) delete entry;
-int wxSearchColor::SearchColor( int r, int g, int b )
- unsigned int value = ( ( ( r * 256 ) + g ) * 256 ) + b;
- int begin = bottom;
- int end = top;
- int middle;
- while ( begin <= end ) {
- middle = ( begin + end ) >> 1;
- if ( value == color[middle] ) {
- return( entry[middle] );
- } else if ( value < color[middle] ) {
- end = middle - 1;
- } else {
- begin = middle + 1;
- }
- }
- return AddColor( value, middle );
-int wxSearchColor::AddColor( unsigned int value, int pos )
- int i;
- int pixel = -1;
- int max = 3 * (65536);
- for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
- int rdiff = ((value >> 8) & 0xFF00 ) - colors[i].red;
- int gdiff = ((value ) & 0xFF00 ) - colors[i].green;
- int bdiff = ((value << 8) & 0xFF00 ) - colors[i].blue;
- int sum = abs (rdiff) + abs (gdiff) + abs (bdiff);
- if (sum < max) { pixel = i; max = sum; }
- }
- if ( entry[pos] < 0 ) {
- color[pos] = value;
- entry[pos] = pixel;
- } else if ( value < color[pos] ) {
- if ( bottom > 0 ) {
- for ( i = bottom; i < pos; i++ ) {
- color[i-1] = color[i];
- entry[i-1] = entry[i];
- }
- bottom--;
- color[pos-1] = value;
- entry[pos-1] = pixel;
- } else if ( top < size-1 ) {
- for ( i = top; i >= pos; i-- ) {
- color[i+1] = color[i];
- entry[i+1] = entry[i];
- }
- top++;
- color[pos] = value;
- entry[pos] = pixel;
- }
- } else {
- if ( top < size-1 ) {
- for ( i = top; i > pos; i-- ) {
- color[i+1] = color[i];
- entry[i+1] = entry[i];
- }
- top++;
- color[pos+1] = value;
- entry[pos+1] = pixel;
- } else if ( bottom > 0 ) {
- for ( i = bottom; i < pos; i++ ) {
- color[i-1] = color[i];
- entry[i-1] = entry[i];
- }
- bottom--;
- color[pos] = value;
- entry[pos] = pixel;
- }
- }
- return( pixel );
-wxBitmap wxImage::ConvertToBitmap() const
- wxBitmap bitmap;
- wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), bitmap, wxT("invalid image") );
- int width = GetWidth();
- int height = GetHeight();
- bitmap.SetHeight( height );
- bitmap.SetWidth( width );
- Display *dpy = (Display*) wxGetDisplay();
- Visual* vis = DefaultVisual( dpy, DefaultScreen( dpy ) );
- int bpp = DefaultDepth( dpy, DefaultScreen( dpy ) );
- // Create image
- XImage *data_image = XCreateImage( dpy, vis, bpp, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, 32, 0 );
- data_image->data = (char*) malloc( data_image->bytes_per_line * data_image->height );
- bitmap.Create( width, height, bpp );
- // Create mask
- XImage *mask_image = (XImage*) NULL;
- if (HasMask())
- {
- mask_image = XCreateImage( dpy, vis, 1, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, 32, 0 );
- mask_image->data = (char*) malloc( mask_image->bytes_per_line * mask_image->height );
- }
- // Retrieve depth info
- XVisualInfo vinfo_template;
- XVisualInfo *vi;
- vinfo_template.visual = vis;
- vinfo_template.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual( vis );
- vinfo_template.depth = bpp;
- int nitem = 0;
- vi = XGetVisualInfo( dpy, VisualIDMask|VisualDepthMask, &vinfo_template, &nitem );
- wxCHECK_MSG( vi, wxNullBitmap, wxT("no visual") );
- XFree( vi );
- if ((bpp == 16) && (vi->red_mask != 0xf800)) bpp = 15;
- if (bpp < 8) bpp = 8;
- // Render
- enum byte_order { RGB, RBG, BRG, BGR, GRB, GBR };
- byte_order b_o = RGB;
- if (bpp >= 24)
- {
- if ((vi->red_mask > vi->green_mask) && (vi->green_mask > vi->blue_mask)) b_o = RGB;
- else if ((vi->red_mask > vi->blue_mask) && (vi->blue_mask > vi->green_mask)) b_o = RGB;
- else if ((vi->blue_mask > vi->red_mask) && (vi->red_mask > vi->green_mask)) b_o = BRG;
- else if ((vi->blue_mask > vi->green_mask) && (vi->green_mask > vi->red_mask)) b_o = BGR;
- else if ((vi->green_mask > vi->red_mask) && (vi->red_mask > vi->blue_mask)) b_o = GRB;
- else if ((vi->green_mask > vi->blue_mask) && (vi->blue_mask > vi->red_mask)) b_o = GBR;
- }
- int r_mask = GetMaskRed();
- int g_mask = GetMaskGreen();
- int b_mask = GetMaskBlue();
- XColor colors[256];
- if (bpp == 8)
- {
- Colormap cmap = (Colormap) wxTheApp->GetMainColormap( dpy );
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) colors[i].pixel = i;
- XQueryColors( dpy, cmap, colors, 256 );
- }
- wxSearchColor scolor( 256, colors );
- unsigned char* data = GetData();
- bool hasMask = HasMask();
- int index = 0;
- for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
- {
- int r = data[index];
- index++;
- int g = data[index];
- index++;
- int b = data[index];
- index++;
- if (hasMask)
- {
- if ((r == r_mask) && (b == b_mask) && (g == g_mask))
- XPutPixel( mask_image, x, y, 0 );
- else
- XPutPixel( mask_image, x, y, 1 );
- }
- switch (bpp)
- {
- case 8:
- {
-#if 0 // Old, slower code
- int pixel = -1;
- /*
- if (wxTheApp->m_colorCube)
- {
- pixel = wxTheApp->m_colorCube
- [ ((r & 0xf8) << 7) + ((g & 0xf8) << 2) + ((b & 0xf8) >> 3) ];
- }
- else
- {
- */
- int max = 3 * (65536);
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- int rdiff = (r << 8) - colors[i].red;
- int gdiff = (g << 8) - colors[i].green;
- int bdiff = (b << 8) - colors[i].blue;
- int sum = abs (rdiff) + abs (gdiff) + abs (bdiff);
- if (sum < max) { pixel = i; max = sum; }
- }
- /*
- }
- */
- // And this is all to get the 'right' color...
- int pixel = scolor.SearchColor( r, g, b );
- XPutPixel( data_image, x, y, pixel );
- break;
- }
- case 15:
- {
- int pixel = ((r & 0xf8) << 7) | ((g & 0xf8) << 2) | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
- XPutPixel( data_image, x, y, pixel );
- break;
- }
- case 16:
- {
- int pixel = ((r & 0xf8) << 8) | ((g & 0xfc) << 3) | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
- XPutPixel( data_image, x, y, pixel );
- break;
- }
- case 32:
- case 24:
- {
- int pixel = 0;
- switch (b_o)
- {
- case RGB: pixel = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; break;
- case RBG: pixel = (r << 16) | (b << 8) | g; break;
- case BRG: pixel = (b << 16) | (r << 8) | g; break;
- case BGR: pixel = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; break;
- case GRB: pixel = (g << 16) | (r << 8) | b; break;
- case GBR: pixel = (g << 16) | (b << 8) | r; break;
- }
- XPutPixel( data_image, x, y, pixel );
- }
- default: break;
- }
- } // for
- } // for
- // Blit picture
- XGCValues gcvalues;
- gcvalues.foreground = BlackPixel( dpy, DefaultScreen( dpy ) );
- GC gc = XCreateGC( dpy, RootWindow ( dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy) ), GCForeground, &gcvalues );
- XPutImage( dpy, (Drawable)bitmap.GetPixmap(), gc, data_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height );
- XDestroyImage( data_image );
- XFreeGC( dpy, gc );
- // Blit mask
- if (HasMask())
- {
- wxBitmap maskBitmap(width, height, 1);
- GC gcMask = XCreateGC( dpy, (Pixmap) maskBitmap.GetPixmap(), (XtGCMask) 0, (XGCValues*)NULL );
- XPutImage( dpy, (Drawable)maskBitmap.GetPixmap(), gcMask, mask_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height );
- XDestroyImage( mask_image );
- XFreeGC( dpy, gcMask );
- wxMask* mask = new wxMask;
- mask->SetPixmap(maskBitmap.GetPixmap());
- bitmap.SetMask(mask);
- maskBitmap.SetPixmapNull();
- }
- return bitmap;
-wxImage::wxImage( const wxBitmap &bitmap )
- wxCHECK_RET( bitmap.Ok(), wxT("invalid bitmap") );
- Display *dpy = (Display*) wxGetDisplay();
- Visual* vis = DefaultVisual( dpy, DefaultScreen( dpy ) );
- int bpp = DefaultDepth( dpy, DefaultScreen( dpy ) );
- XImage *ximage = XGetImage( dpy,
- (Drawable)bitmap.GetPixmap(),
- 0, 0,
- bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight(),
- AllPlanes, ZPixmap );
- wxCHECK_RET( ximage, wxT("couldn't create image") );
- Create( bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight() );
- char unsigned *data = GetData();
- if (!data)
- {
- XDestroyImage( ximage );
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("couldn't create image") );
- return;
- }
- /*
- GdkImage *gdk_image_mask = (GdkImage*) NULL;
- if (bitmap.GetMask())
- {
- gdk_image_mask = gdk_image_get( bitmap.GetMask()->GetBitmap(),
- 0, 0,
- bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight() );
- SetMaskColour( 16, 16, 16 ); // anything unlikely and dividable
- }
- */
- // Retrieve depth info
- XVisualInfo vinfo_template;
- XVisualInfo *vi;
- vinfo_template.visual = vis;
- vinfo_template.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual( vis );
- vinfo_template.depth = bpp;
- int nitem = 0;
- vi = XGetVisualInfo( dpy, VisualIDMask|VisualDepthMask, &vinfo_template, &nitem );
- wxCHECK_RET( vi, wxT("no visual") );
- if ((bpp == 16) && (vi->red_mask != 0xf800)) bpp = 15;
- XFree( vi );
- XColor colors[256];
- if (bpp == 8)
- {
- Colormap cmap = (Colormap)wxTheApp->GetMainColormap( dpy );
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) colors[i].pixel = i;
- XQueryColors( dpy, cmap, colors, 256 );
- }
- long pos = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < bitmap.GetHeight(); j++)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.GetWidth(); i++)
- {
- int pixel = XGetPixel( ximage, i, j );
- if (bpp <= 8)
- {
- data[pos] = colors[pixel].red >> 8;
- data[pos+1] = colors[pixel].green >> 8;
- data[pos+2] = colors[pixel].blue >> 8;
- } else if (bpp == 15)
- {
- data[pos] = (pixel >> 7) & 0xf8;
- data[pos+1] = (pixel >> 2) & 0xf8;
- data[pos+2] = (pixel << 3) & 0xf8;
- } else if (bpp == 16)
- {
- data[pos] = (pixel >> 8) & 0xf8;
- data[pos+1] = (pixel >> 3) & 0xfc;
- data[pos+2] = (pixel << 3) & 0xf8;
- } else
- {
- data[pos] = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
- data[pos+1] = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff;
- data[pos+2] = pixel & 0xff;
- }
- /*
- if (gdk_image_mask)
- {
- int mask_pixel = gdk_image_get_pixel( gdk_image_mask, i, j );
- if (mask_pixel == 0)
- {
- data[pos] = 16;
- data[pos+1] = 16;
- data[pos+2] = 16;
- }
- }
- */
- pos += 3;
- }
- }
- XDestroyImage( ximage );
- /*
- if (gdk_image_mask) gdk_image_destroy( gdk_image_mask );
- */
-#ifdef __WXPM__
-// OS/2 Presentation manager conversion routings
-wxBitmap wxImage::ConvertToBitmap() const
- if ( !Ok() )
- return wxNullBitmap;
- wxBitmap bitmap; // remove
-// TODO:
- int sizeLimit = 1024*768*3;
- // width and height of the device-dependent bitmap
- int width = GetWidth();
- int bmpHeight = GetHeight();
- // calc the number of bytes per scanline and padding
- int bytePerLine = width*3;
- int sizeDWORD = sizeof( DWORD );
- int lineBoundary = bytePerLine % sizeDWORD;
- int padding = 0;
- if( lineBoundary > 0 )
- {
- padding = sizeDWORD - lineBoundary;
- bytePerLine += padding;
- }
- // calc the number of DIBs and heights of DIBs
- int numDIB = 1;
- int hRemain = 0;
- int height = sizeLimit/bytePerLine;
- if( height >= bmpHeight )
- height = bmpHeight;
- else
- {
- numDIB = bmpHeight / height;
- hRemain = bmpHeight % height;
- if( hRemain >0 ) numDIB++;
- }
- // set bitmap parameters
- wxBitmap bitmap;
- wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), bitmap, wxT("invalid image") );
- bitmap.SetWidth( width );
- bitmap.SetHeight( bmpHeight );
- bitmap.SetDepth( wxDisplayDepth() );
- // create a DIB header
- int headersize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- LPBITMAPINFO lpDIBh = (BITMAPINFO *) malloc( headersize );
- wxCHECK_MSG( lpDIBh, bitmap, wxT("could not allocate memory for DIB header") );
- // Fill in the DIB header
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSize = headersize;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biWidth = (DWORD)width;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = (DWORD)(-height);
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine*height;
- // the general formula for biSizeImage:
- // ( ( ( ((DWORD)width*24) +31 ) & ~31 ) >> 3 ) * height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- // These seem not really needed for our purpose here.
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- // memory for DIB data
- unsigned char *lpBits;
- lpBits = (unsigned char *)malloc( lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage );
- if( !lpBits )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate memory for DIB") );
- free( lpDIBh );
- return bitmap;
- }
- // create and set the device-dependent bitmap
- HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
- HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
- HBITMAP hbitmap;
- hbitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, width, bmpHeight );
- ::SelectObject( memdc, hbitmap);
- // copy image data into DIB data and then into DDB (in a loop)
- unsigned char *data = GetData();
- int i, j, n;
- int origin = 0;
- unsigned char *ptdata = data;
- unsigned char *ptbits;
- for( n=0; n<numDIB; n++ )
- {
- if( numDIB > 1 && n == numDIB-1 && hRemain > 0 )
- {
- // redefine height and size of the (possibly) last smaller DIB
- // memory is not reallocated
- height = hRemain;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = (DWORD)(-height);
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine*height;
- }
- ptbits = lpBits;
- for( j=0; j<height; j++ )
- {
- for( i=0; i<width; i++ )
- {
- *(ptbits++) = *(ptdata+2);
- *(ptbits++) = *(ptdata+1);
- *(ptbits++) = *(ptdata );
- ptdata += 3;
- }
- for( i=0; i< padding; i++ ) *(ptbits++) = 0;
- }
- ::StretchDIBits( memdc, 0, origin, width, height,\
- 0, 0, width, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
- origin += height;
- // if numDIB = 1, lines below can also be used
- // hbitmap = CreateDIBitmap( hdc, &(lpDIBh->bmiHeader), CBM_INIT, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- // The above line is equivalent to the following two lines.
- // hbitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, width, height );
- // ::SetDIBits( hdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- // or the following lines
- // hbitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, width, height );
- // HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
- // ::SelectObject( memdc, hbitmap);
- // ::SetDIBitsToDevice( memdc, 0, 0, width, height,
- // 0, 0, 0, height, (void *)lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- // ::SelectObject( memdc, 0 );
- // ::DeleteDC( memdc );
- }
- bitmap.SetHBITMAP( (WXHBITMAP) hbitmap );
- // similarly, created an mono-bitmap for the possible mask
- if( HasMask() )
- {
- hbitmap = ::CreateBitmap( (WORD)width, (WORD)bmpHeight, 1, 1, NULL );
- ::SelectObject( memdc, hbitmap);
- if( numDIB == 1 ) height = bmpHeight;
- else height = sizeLimit/bytePerLine;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = (DWORD)(-height);
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine*height;
- origin = 0;
- unsigned char r = GetMaskRed();
- unsigned char g = GetMaskGreen();
- unsigned char b = GetMaskBlue();
- unsigned char zero = 0, one = 255;
- ptdata = data;
- for( n=0; n<numDIB; n++ )
- {
- if( numDIB > 1 && n == numDIB - 1 && hRemain > 0 )
- {
- // redefine height and size of the (possibly) last smaller DIB
- // memory is not reallocated
- height = hRemain;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = (DWORD)(-height);
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine*height;
- }
- ptbits = lpBits;
- for( int j=0; j<height; j++ )
- {
- for(i=0; i<width; i++ )
- {
- if( (*(ptdata++)!=r) | (*(ptdata++)!=g) | (*(ptdata++)!=b) )
- {
- *(ptbits++) = one;
- *(ptbits++) = one;
- *(ptbits++) = one;
- }
- else
- {
- *(ptbits++) = zero;
- *(ptbits++) = zero;
- *(ptbits++) = zero;
- }
- }
- for( i=0; i< padding; i++ ) *(ptbits++) = zero;
- }
- ::StretchDIBits( memdc, 0, origin, width, height,\
- 0, 0, width, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
- origin += height;
- }
- // create a wxMask object
- wxMask *mask = new wxMask();
- mask->SetMaskBitmap( (WXHBITMAP) hbitmap );
- bitmap.SetMask( mask );
- }
- // free allocated resources
- ::SelectObject( memdc, 0 );
- ::DeleteDC( memdc );
- ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- free(lpDIBh);
- free(lpBits);
- // check the wxBitmap object
- if( bitmap.GetHBITMAP() )
- bitmap.SetOk( TRUE );
- else
- bitmap.SetOk( FALSE );
- return bitmap;
-wxImage::wxImage( const wxBitmap &bitmap )
- // check the bitmap
- if( !bitmap.Ok() )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid bitmap") );
- return;
- }
- // create an wxImage object
- int width = bitmap.GetWidth();
- int height = bitmap.GetHeight();
- Create( width, height );
- unsigned char *data = GetData();
- if( !data )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for image") );
- return;
- }
- // calc the number of bytes per scanline and padding in the DIB
- int bytePerLine = width*3;
- int sizeDWORD = sizeof( DWORD );
- int lineBoundary = bytePerLine % sizeDWORD;
- int padding = 0;
- if( lineBoundary > 0 )
- {
- padding = sizeDWORD - lineBoundary;
- bytePerLine += padding;
- }
-// TODO:
- // create a DIB header
- int headersize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- LPBITMAPINFO lpDIBh = (BITMAPINFO *) malloc( headersize );
- if( !lpDIBh )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for DIB header") );
- free( data );
- return;
- }
- // Fill in the DIB header
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSize = headersize;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = -height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine * height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- // These seem not really needed for our purpose here.
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- // memory for DIB data
- unsigned char *lpBits;
- lpBits = (unsigned char *) malloc( lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage );
- if( !lpBits )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for DIB") );
- free( data );
- free( lpDIBh );
- return;
- }
- // copy data from the device-dependent bitmap to the DIB
- HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
- HBITMAP hbitmap;
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP) bitmap.GetHBITMAP();
- ::GetDIBits( hdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- // copy DIB data into the wxImage object
- int i, j;
- unsigned char *ptdata = data;
- unsigned char *ptbits = lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+2);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+1);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits );
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
- }
- // similarly, set data according to the possible mask bitmap
- if( bitmap.GetMask() && bitmap.GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap() )
- {
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP) bitmap.GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap();
- // memory DC created, color set, data copied, and memory DC deleted
- HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
- ::SetTextColor( memdc, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
- ::SetBkColor( memdc, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
- ::GetDIBits( memdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- ::DeleteDC( memdc );
- // background color set to RGB(16,16,16) in consistent with wxGTK
- unsigned char r=16, g=16, b=16;
- ptdata = data;
- ptbits = lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- if( *ptbits != 0 )
- ptdata += 3;
- else
- {
- *(ptdata++) = r;
- *(ptdata++) = g;
- *(ptdata++) = b;
- }
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
- }
- SetMaskColour( r, g, b );
- SetMask( TRUE );
- }
- else
- {
- SetMask( FALSE );
- }
- // free allocated resources
- ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- free(lpDIBh);
- free(lpBits);
// A module to allow wxImage initialization/cleanup
// without calling these functions from app.cpp or from
wxHashTable h;
wxObject dummy;
- unsigned char r, g, b, *p;
+ unsigned char r, g, b;
+ unsigned char *p;
unsigned long size, nentries, key;
p = GetData();
unsigned long wxImage::ComputeHistogram( wxHashTable &h )
- unsigned char r, g, b, *p;
+ unsigned char r, g, b;
+ unsigned char *p;
unsigned long size, nentries, key;
wxHNode *hnode;
return rotated;
+#endif // wxUSE_IMAGE