+// wxWakeUpIdle
+void wxWakeUpIdle()
+ if (!wxThread::IsMain())
+ wxMutexGuiEnter();
+ if (g_isIdle)
+ wxapp_install_idle_handler();
+ if (!wxThread::IsMain())
+ wxMutexGuiLeave();
+// local functions
+// the callback functions must be extern "C" to comply with GTK+ declarations
+extern "C"
+static gint wxapp_pending_callback( gpointer WXUNUSED(data) )
+ if (!wxTheApp) return TRUE;
+ // When getting called from GDK's time-out handler
+ // we are no longer within GDK's grab on the GUI
+ // thread so we must lock it here ourselves.
+ gdk_threads_enter();
+ // Sent idle event to all who request them.
+ wxTheApp->ProcessPendingEvents();
+ g_pendingTag = 0;
+ // Flush the logged messages if any.
+#if wxUSE_LOG
+ wxLog::FlushActive();
+#endif // wxUSE_LOG
+ // Release lock again
+ gdk_threads_leave();
+ // Return FALSE to indicate that no more idle events are
+ // to be sent (single shot instead of continuous stream)
+ return FALSE;
+static gint wxapp_idle_callback( gpointer WXUNUSED(data) )
+ if (!wxTheApp)
+ return TRUE;
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+ // don't generate the idle events while the assert modal dialog is shown,
+ // this completely confuses the apps which don't expect to be reentered
+ // from some safely-looking functions
+ if ( wxTheApp->IsInAssert() )
+ {
+ // But repaint the assertion message if necessary
+ if (wxTopLevelWindows.GetCount() > 0)
+ {
+ wxWindow* win = (wxWindow*) wxTopLevelWindows.Last()->Data();
+ if (win->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxGenericMessageDialog)))
+ win->OnInternalIdle();
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+#endif // __WXDEBUG__
+ // When getting called from GDK's time-out handler
+ // we are no longer within GDK's grab on the GUI
+ // thread so we must lock it here ourselves.
+ gdk_threads_enter();
+ // Indicate that we are now in idle mode and event handlers
+ // will have to reinstall the idle handler again.
+ g_isIdle = TRUE;
+ wxTheApp->m_idleTag = 0;
+ // Send idle event to all who request them as long as
+ // no events have popped up in the event queue.
+ while (wxTheApp->ProcessIdle() && (gtk_events_pending() == 0))
+ ;
+ // Release lock again
+ gdk_threads_leave();
+ // Return FALSE to indicate that no more idle events are
+ // to be sent (single shot instead of continuous stream).
+ return FALSE;
+#ifdef HAVE_POLL
+ #define wxPoll poll
+ #define wxPollFd pollfd
+#else // !HAVE_POLL
+typedef GPollFD wxPollFd;
+int wxPoll(wxPollFd *ufds, unsigned int nfds, int timeout)
+ // convert timeout from ms to struct timeval (s/us)
+ timeval tv_timeout;
+ tv_timeout.tv_sec = timeout/1000;
+ tv_timeout.tv_usec = (timeout%1000)*1000;
+ // remember the highest fd used here
+ int fdMax = -1;
+ // and fill the sets for select()
+ fd_set readfds;
+ fd_set writefds;
+ fd_set exceptfds;
+ FD_ZERO(&readfds);
+ FD_ZERO(&writefds);
+ FD_ZERO(&exceptfds);
+ unsigned int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nfds; i++ )
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG( ufds[i].fd < FD_SETSIZE, _T("fd out of range") );
+ if ( ufds[i].events & G_IO_IN )
+ FD_SET(ufds[i].fd, &readfds);
+ if ( ufds[i].events & G_IO_PRI )
+ FD_SET(ufds[i].fd, &exceptfds);
+ if ( ufds[i].events & G_IO_OUT )
+ FD_SET(ufds[i].fd, &writefds);
+ if ( ufds[i].fd > fdMax )
+ fdMax = ufds[i].fd;
+ }
+ fdMax++;
+ int res = select(fdMax, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptfds, &tv_timeout);
+ // translate the results back
+ for ( i = 0; i < nfds; i++ )
+ {
+ ufds[i].revents = 0;
+ if ( FD_ISSET(ufds[i].fd, &readfds ) )
+ ufds[i].revents |= G_IO_IN;
+ if ( FD_ISSET(ufds[i].fd, &exceptfds ) )
+ ufds[i].revents |= G_IO_PRI;
+ if ( FD_ISSET(ufds[i].fd, &writefds ) )
+ ufds[i].revents |= G_IO_OUT;
+ }
+ return res;
+static gint wxapp_poll_func( GPollFD *ufds, guint nfds, gint timeout )
+ gdk_threads_enter();
+ wxMutexGuiLeave();
+ g_mainThreadLocked = TRUE;
+ // we rely on the fact that glib GPollFD struct is really just pollfd but
+ // I wonder how wise is this in the long term (VZ)
+ gint res = wxPoll( (wxPollFd *) ufds, nfds, timeout );
+ wxMutexGuiEnter();
+ g_mainThreadLocked = FALSE;
+ gdk_threads_leave();
+ return res;
+#endif // wxUSE_THREADS
+} // extern "C"
+void wxapp_install_idle_handler()
+ wxASSERT_MSG( wxTheApp->m_idleTag == 0, wxT("attempt to install idle handler twice") );
+ g_isIdle = FALSE;
+ if (g_pendingTag == 0)
+ g_pendingTag = gtk_idle_add_priority( 900, wxapp_pending_callback, (gpointer) NULL );
+ // This routine gets called by all event handlers
+ // indicating that the idle is over. It may also
+ // get called from other thread for sending events
+ // to the main thread (and processing these in
+ // idle time). Very low priority.
+ wxTheApp->m_idleTag = gtk_idle_add_priority( 1000, wxapp_idle_callback, (gpointer) NULL );
+// Access to the root window global
+GtkWidget* wxGetRootWindow()
+ if (gs_RootWindow == NULL)
+ {
+ gs_RootWindow = gtk_window_new( GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL );
+ gtk_widget_realize( gs_RootWindow );
+ }
+ return gs_RootWindow;