<!-- $Id$ -->
-<!-- Master bakefile for wxWindows -->
+<!-- Master bakefile for wxWidgets -->
- <set var="BUILDING_LIB">1</set>
+ <!-- make sure setup.h is created as soon as possible: -->
+ <phony id="setup_h" cond="FORMAT!='autoconf'">
+ <dependency-of>all</dependency-of>
+ </phony>
+ <set var="BUILDING_LIB">1</set>
<!-- common rules, names etc. for wx: -->
<include file="common.bkl"/>
<!-- list of files sorted into categories: -->
<include file="files.bkl"/>
- <!-- wxWindows variant where everything is in one library: -->
+ <!-- wxWidgets variant where everything is in one library: -->
<include file="monolithic.bkl"/>
<!-- ...and when there are multiple libraries: -->
- <!-- <include file="multilib.bkl"/> -->
+ <include file="multilib.bkl"/>
+ <if cond="FORMAT in ['msvc6prj','msevc4prj']">
+ </set>
+ </if>
+ <!-- OpenGL canvas is built as separate library in both cases: -->
+ <include file="opengl.bkl"/>
+ <!-- Dynamically loadable plugins: -->
+ <include file="plugins.bkl"/>
<!-- Samples target (not dependency of 'all'): -->
- <!-- [ FIXME disabled; currently causes make install to go into samples ]
<subproject id="samples">
- <dir>samples</dir>
+ <installable>no</installable>
+ <dir cond="FORMAT=='autoconf'">samples</dir>
+ <dir cond="FORMAT!='autoconf' and TOOLKIT=='MSW'">../../samples</dir>
- -->
<if cond="FORMAT=='autoconf'">
<!-- "make install": -->
<action id="install-wxconfig">
- (cd $(BINDIR) && rm -f wx-config && $(LN_S) wx$(TOOLCHAIN_NAME)-config wx-config)
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/wx/config
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) && rm -f wx$(TOOLCHAIN_NAME)-config && $(LN_S) wx-config wx$(TOOLCHAIN_NAME)-config)
+ <!-- Locales: -->
+ <using module="gettext"/>
+ <gettext-catalogs id="locale">
+ <srcdir>$(SRCDIR)/locale</srcdir>
+ <catalog-name>wxstd</catalog-name>
+ <linguas>
+ ca cs da de el es fi fr hu id it ja nl pl ru sl sv tr uk
+ zh zh_CN zh_TW
+ </linguas>
+ <install-to>$(LOCALEDIR)</install-to>
+ </gettext-catalogs>
<!-- Mac OS X resources: -->
<set var="MACOS_R">lib/libwx_$(TOOLCHAIN_NAME).$(WXSOVERSION[0]).r</set>
<set var="__targetname">$(MACOS_R)</set>
- $(RESCOMP) -d __UNIX__ -useDF ../src/mac/apprsrc.r ../src/mac/carbrsrc.r ../src/mac/corersrc.r -o $(MACOS_RSRC)
+ $(RESCOMP) -d __UNIX__ -useDF $(top_srcdir)/src/mac/carbon/apprsrc.r $(top_srcdir)/src/mac/carbon/carbrsrc.r $(top_srcdir)/src/mac/carbon/corersrc.r -o $(MACOS_RSRC)
$(DEREZ) $(MACOS_RSRC) Carbon.r -useDF >$(MACOS_R)
<clean-files>$(MACOS_RSRC) $(MACOS_R)</clean-files>
+ <action id="cocoa-res" cond="TOOLKIT=='COCOA'">
+ <dependency-of>all</dependency-of>
+ <set var="__targetname">$(MACOS_R)</set>
+ <command>
+ $(RESCOMP) -d __UNIX__ -useDF $(top_srcdir)/src/cocoa/dummy.r -o $(MACOS_RSRC)
+ </command>
+ <clean-files>$(MACOS_RSRC) $(MACOS_R)</clean-files>
+ </action>
+ <action id="cocoa-res-install" cond="TOOLKIT=='COCOA'">
+ <dependency-of>install</dependency-of>
+ <depends>macos-res</depends>
+ <command>
+ </command>
+ </action>
+ </if>
+ <!-- copy setup.h on Windows: -->
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf' and TOOLKIT=='MSW'">
+ <mkdir id="libdir">
+ <dir>$(LIBDIRNAME)</dir>
+ </mkdir>
+ <mkdir id="libdir_setup">
+ <depends>libdir</depends>
+ <dir>$(SETUPHDIR)</dir>
+ </mkdir>
+ <mkdir id="libdir_setup_wx">
+ <depends>libdir_setup</depends>
+ <dependency-of>setup_h</dependency-of>
+ <dir>$(SETUPHDIR)/wx</dir>
+ </mkdir>
+ <set var="SETUP_H_SUBDIR">
+ <if cond="WXUNIV=='1'">univ</if>
+ <if cond="WXUNIV=='0'">msw</if>
+ </set>
+ <copy-file-to-file-if-not-exist id="master_setup.h">
+ <src>$(SRCDIR)/include/wx/$(SETUP_H_SUBDIR)/setup0.h</src>
+ <dst>$(SRCDIR)/include/wx/$(SETUP_H_SUBDIR)/setup.h</dst>
+ <dependency-of>setup_h</dependency-of>
+ </copy-file-to-file-if-not-exist>
+ <copy-file-to-file-if-not-exist id="setup.h">
+ <dependency-of>setup_h</dependency-of>
+ <src>$(SRCDIR)/include/wx/$(SETUP_H_SUBDIR)/setup.h</src>
+ <dst>$(SETUPHDIR)/wx/setup.h</dst>
+ </copy-file-to-file-if-not-exist>
+ </if>
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='autoconf'">
+ <!-- Show this banner after installation: -->
+ <modify-target target="install">
+ <command>
+@echo " "
+@echo " ------------------------------------------------------"
+@echo " "
+@echo " The installation of wxWidgets is finished. On certain"
+@echo " platforms (e.g. Linux) you'll now have to run ldconfig"
+@echo " if you installed a shared library and also modify the"
+@echo " LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or equivalent) environment variable."
+@echo " "
+@echo " wxWidgets comes with no guarantees and doesn't claim"
+@echo " to be suitable for any purpose."
+@echo " "
+@echo " Read the wxWidgets Licence on licencing conditions."
+@echo " "
+@echo " ------------------------------------------------------"
+@echo " "
+ </command>
+ </modify-target>
+ <!-- add "make dist" target to autoconf: -->
+ <set var="VARS_DONT_ELIMINATE" append="1">
+ </set>
+ <fragment format="autoconf" file="make_dist.mk"/>
+ <include file="build_cfg.bkl"/>