+#ifndef __WXX11__
class wxToolTip : public wxObject {
wxToolTip(const wxString &tip);
static void Enable(bool flag);
static void SetDelay(long milliseconds);
class wxCaret {
wxCaret(wxWindow* window, const wxSize& size);
bool IsOk();
bool IsVisible();
- %name(GetPositionTuple)void GetPosition(int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT);
wxPoint GetPosition();
- %name(GetSizeTuple)void GetSize(int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT);
+ DocDeclAName(
+ void, GetPosition(int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT),
+ "GetPositionTuple() -> (x,y)",
+ GetPositionTuple);
wxSize GetSize();
+ DocDeclAName(
+ void, GetSize( int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT ),
+ "GetSizeTuple() -> (width, height)",
+ GetSizeTuple);
wxWindow *GetWindow();
- %name(MoveXY)void Move(int x, int y);
+ %Rename(MoveXY, void, Move(int x, int y));
void Move(const wxPoint& pt);
- %name(SetSizeWH) void SetSize(int width, int height);
+ %Rename(SetSizeWH, void, SetSize(int width, int height));
void SetSize(const wxSize& size);
- void Show(int show = True);
+ void Show(int show = true);
void Hide();
- %pragma(python) addtoclass = "def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsOk()"
+ %pythoncode { def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsOk() }
%inline %{
class wxBusyCursor {
wxBusyCursor(wxCursor* cursor = wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR);
class wxWindowDisabler {
wxWindowDisabler(wxWindow *winToSkip = NULL);
class wxBusyInfo : public wxObject {
wxBusyInfo(const wxString& message);
class wxFileHistory : public wxObject
- wxFileHistory(int maxFiles = 9);
+ wxFileHistory(int maxFiles = 9, wxWindowID idBase = wxID_FILE1);
// Operations
void Save(wxConfigBase& config);
void AddFilesToMenu();
- %name(AddFilesToThisMenu)void AddFilesToMenu(wxMenu* menu);
+ %Rename(AddFilesToThisMenu, void, AddFilesToMenu(wxMenu* menu));
// Accessors
wxString GetHistoryFile(int i) const;
int GetCount() const;
- %pragma(python) addtoclass = "GetNoHistoryFiles = GetCount"
+ %pythoncode { GetNoHistoryFiles = GetCount }
const wxString& path = wxPyEmptyString);
// default ctor, use Create() after it
- %name(PreSingleInstanceChecker) wxSingleInstanceChecker();
+ %RenameCtor(PreSingleInstanceChecker, wxSingleInstanceChecker());
// WM_PRINT. For most native widgets nothing is drawn to the dc
// at all, with or without Themes.
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PrintWindow_t)(HWND, HDC, UINT);
- static bool s_triedToLoad = False;
+ static bool s_triedToLoad = false;
static PrintWindow_t pfnPrintWindow = NULL;
if ( !s_triedToLoad )
- s_triedToLoad = True;
+ s_triedToLoad = true;
wxDynamicLibrary dllUser32(_T("user32.dll"));
if ( dllUser32.IsLoaded() )