// modify the tip as soon as it is read. If return wxEmptyString, then
// the tip is skipped, and the next one is read.
virtual wxString PreprocessTip(const wxString& tip);
+ %property(CurrentTip, GetCurrentTip, doc="See `GetCurrentTip`");
+ %property(Tip, GetTip, doc="See `GetTip`");
// Now let SWIG know about it
class wxPyTipProvider : public wxTipProvider {
+ %pythonAppend wxPyTipProvider setCallbackInfo(PyTipProvider)
wxPyTipProvider(size_t currentTip);
void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class);
- %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setCallbackInfo(self, wxPyTipProvider)"
// not, the dialog on startup depending on its value, not this class).
// The function returns True if this checkbox is checked, False otherwise.
-bool wxShowTip(wxWindow *parent, wxTipProvider *tipProvider, bool showAtStartup = True);
+bool wxShowTip(wxWindow *parent, wxTipProvider *tipProvider, bool showAtStartup = true);
// a function which returns an implementation of wxTipProvider using the
// specified text file as the source of tips (each line is a tip).
%newobject wxCreateFileTipProvider;
wxTipProvider* wxCreateFileTipProvider(const wxString& filename, size_t currentTip);