IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxRegionIterator, wxObject)
// wxRegionRefData implementation
m_refData = new wxRegionRefData(rect.x , rect.y , rect.width , rect.height);
-wxRegion::wxRegion(size_t n, const wxPoint *points, wxPolygonFillMode WXUNUSED(fillStyle))
+ Copyright 1987, 1998 The Open Group
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ documentation.
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall
+ not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+ other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
+ from The Open Group.
+ */
+/* miscanfill.h */
+ * scanfill.h
+ *
+ * Written by Brian Kelleher; Jan 1985
+ *
+ * This file contains a few macros to help track
+ * the edge of a filled object. The object is assumed
+ * to be filled in scanline order, and thus the
+ * algorithm used is an extension of Bresenham's line
+ * drawing algorithm which assumes that y is always the
+ * major axis.
+ * Since these pieces of code are the same for any filled shape,
+ * it is more convenient to gather the library in one
+ * place, but since these pieces of code are also in
+ * the inner loops of output primitives, procedure call
+ * overhead is out of the question.
+ * See the author for a derivation if needed.
+ */
+ * In scan converting polygons, we want to choose those pixels
+ * which are inside the polygon. Thus, we add .5 to the starting
+ * x coordinate for both left and right edges. Now we choose the
+ * first pixel which is inside the pgon for the left edge and the
+ * first pixel which is outside the pgon for the right edge.
+ * Draw the left pixel, but not the right.
+ *
+ * How to add .5 to the starting x coordinate:
+ * If the edge is moving to the right, then subtract dy from the
+ * error term from the general form of the algorithm.
+ * If the edge is moving to the left, then add dy to the error term.
+ *
+ * The reason for the difference between edges moving to the left
+ * and edges moving to the right is simple: If an edge is moving
+ * to the right, then we want the algorithm to flip immediately.
+ * If it is moving to the left, then we don't want it to flip until
+ * we traverse an entire pixel.
+ */
+#define BRESINITPGON(dy, x1, x2, xStart, d, m, m1, incr1, incr2) { \
+int dx; /* local storage */ \
+/* \
+* if the edge is horizontal, then it is ignored \
+* and assumed not to be processed. Otherwise, do this stuff. \
+*/ \
+if ((dy) != 0) { \
+xStart = (x1); \
+dx = (x2) - xStart; \
+if (dx < 0) { \
+m = dx / (dy); \
+m1 = m - 1; \
+incr1 = -2 * dx + 2 * (dy) * m1; \
+incr2 = -2 * dx + 2 * (dy) * m; \
+d = 2 * m * (dy) - 2 * dx - 2 * (dy); \
+} else { \
+m = dx / (dy); \
+m1 = m + 1; \
+incr1 = 2 * dx - 2 * (dy) * m1; \
+incr2 = 2 * dx - 2 * (dy) * m; \
+d = -2 * m * (dy) + 2 * dx; \
+} \
+} \
+#define BRESINCRPGON(d, minval, m, m1, incr1, incr2) { \
+if (m1 > 0) { \
+if (d > 0) { \
+minval += m1; \
+d += incr1; \
+} \
+else { \
+minval += m; \
+d += incr2; \
+} \
+} else {\
+if (d >= 0) { \
+minval += m1; \
+d += incr1; \
+} \
+else { \
+minval += m; \
+d += incr2; \
+} \
+} \
+ * This structure contains all of the information needed
+ * to run the bresenham algorithm.
+ * The variables may be hardcoded into the declarations
+ * instead of using this structure to make use of
+ * register declarations.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ int minor; /* minor axis */
+ int d; /* decision variable */
+ int m, m1; /* slope and slope+1 */
+ int incr1, incr2; /* error increments */
+#define BRESINITPGONSTRUCT(dmaj, min1, min2, bres) \
+BRESINITPGON(dmaj, min1, min2, bres.minor, bres.d, \
+bres.m, bres.m1, bres.incr1, bres.incr2)
+BRESINCRPGON(bres.d, bres.minor, bres.m, bres.m1, bres.incr1, bres.incr2)
+/* mipoly.h */
+ * fill.h
+ *
+ * Created by Brian Kelleher; Oct 1985
+ *
+ * Include file for filled polygon routines.
+ *
+ * These are the data structures needed to scan
+ * convert regions. Two different scan conversion
+ * methods are available -- the even-odd method, and
+ * the winding number method.
+ * The even-odd rule states that a point is inside
+ * the polygon if a ray drawn from that point in any
+ * direction will pass through an odd number of
+ * path segments.
+ * By the winding number rule, a point is decided
+ * to be inside the polygon if a ray drawn from that
+ * point in any direction passes through a different
+ * number of clockwise and counter-clockwise path
+ * segments.
+ *
+ * These data structures are adapted somewhat from
+ * the algorithm in (Foley/Van Dam) for scan converting
+ * polygons.
+ * The basic algorithm is to start at the top (smallest y)
+ * of the polygon, stepping down to the bottom of
+ * the polygon by incrementing the y coordinate. We
+ * keep a list of edges which the current scanline crosses,
+ * sorted by x. This list is called the Active Edge Table (AET)
+ * As we change the y-coordinate, we update each entry in
+ * in the active edge table to reflect the edges new xcoord.
+ * This list must be sorted at each scanline in case
+ * two edges intersect.
+ * We also keep a data structure known as the Edge Table (ET),
+ * which keeps track of all the edges which the current
+ * scanline has not yet reached. The ET is basically a
+ * list of ScanLineList structures containing a list of
+ * edges which are entered at a given scanline. There is one
+ * ScanLineList per scanline at which an edge is entered.
+ * When we enter a new edge, we move it from the ET to the AET.
+ *
+ * From the AET, we can implement the even-odd rule as in
+ * (Foley/Van Dam).
+ * The winding number rule is a little trickier. We also
+ * keep the EdgeTableEntries in the AET linked by the
+ * nextWETE (winding EdgeTableEntry) link. This allows
+ * the edges to be linked just as before for updating
+ * purposes, but only uses the edges linked by the nextWETE
+ * link as edges representing spans of the polygon to
+ * drawn (as with the even-odd rule).
+ */
+ * for the winding number rule
+ */
+#define CLOCKWISE 1
+typedef struct _EdgeTableEntry {
+ int ymax; /* ycoord at which we exit this edge. */
+ BRESINFO bres; /* Bresenham info to run the edge */
+ struct _EdgeTableEntry *next; /* next in the list */
+ struct _EdgeTableEntry *back; /* for insertion sort */
+ struct _EdgeTableEntry *nextWETE; /* for winding num rule */
+ int ClockWise; /* flag for winding number rule */
+} EdgeTableEntry;
+typedef struct _ScanLineList{
+ int scanline; /* the scanline represented */
+ EdgeTableEntry *edgelist; /* header node */
+ struct _ScanLineList *next; /* next in the list */
+} ScanLineList;
+typedef struct {
+ int ymax; /* ymax for the polygon */
+ int ymin; /* ymin for the polygon */
+ ScanLineList scanlines; /* header node */
+} EdgeTable;
+ * Here is a struct to help with storage allocation
+ * so we can allocate a big chunk at a time, and then take
+ * pieces from this heap when we need to.
+ */
+#define SLLSPERBLOCK 25
+typedef struct _ScanLineListBlock {
+ struct _ScanLineListBlock *next;
+} ScanLineListBlock;
+ * number of points to buffer before sending them off
+ * to scanlines() : Must be an even number
+ */
+ *
+ * a few macros for the inner loops of the fill code where
+ * performance considerations don't allow a procedure call.
+ *
+ * Evaluate the given edge at the given scanline.
+ * If the edge has expired, then we leave it and fix up
+ * the active edge table; otherwise, we increment the
+ * x value to be ready for the next scanline.
+ * The winding number rule is in effect, so we must notify
+ * the caller when the edge has been removed so he
+ * can reorder the Winding Active Edge Table.
+ */
+#define EVALUATEEDGEWINDING(pAET, pPrevAET, y, fixWAET) { \
+if (pAET->ymax == y) { /* leaving this edge */ \
+pPrevAET->next = pAET->next; \
+pAET = pPrevAET->next; \
+fixWAET = 1; \
+if (pAET) \
+pAET->back = pPrevAET; \
+} \
+else { \
+pPrevAET = pAET; \
+pAET = pAET->next; \
+} \
+ * Evaluate the given edge at the given scanline.
+ * If the edge has expired, then we leave it and fix up
+ * the active edge table; otherwise, we increment the
+ * x value to be ready for the next scanline.
+ * The even-odd rule is in effect.
+ */
+if (pAET->ymax == y) { /* leaving this edge */ \
+pPrevAET->next = pAET->next; \
+pAET = pPrevAET->next; \
+if (pAET) \
+pAET->back = pPrevAET; \
+} \
+else { \
+pPrevAET = pAET; \
+pAET = pAET->next; \
+} \
+/* mipolyutil.c */
+static bool miCreateETandAET(
+ int /*count*/,
+ const wxPoint * /*pts*/,
+ EdgeTable * /*ET*/,
+ EdgeTableEntry * /*AET*/,
+ EdgeTableEntry * /*pETEs*/,
+ ScanLineListBlock * /*pSLLBlock*/
+ );
+static void miloadAET(
+ EdgeTableEntry * /*AET*/,
+ EdgeTableEntry * /*ETEs*/
+ );
+static void micomputeWAET(
+ EdgeTableEntry * /*AET*/
+ );
+static int miInsertionSort(
+ EdgeTableEntry * /*AET*/
+ );
+static void miFreeStorage(
+ ScanLineListBlock * /*pSLLBlock*/
+ );
+ * fillUtils.c
+ *
+ * Written by Brian Kelleher; Oct. 1985
+ *
+ * This module contains all of the utility functions
+ * needed to scan convert a polygon.
+ *
+ */
+ * InsertEdgeInET
+ *
+ * Insert the given edge into the edge table.
+ * First we must find the correct bucket in the
+ * Edge table, then find the right slot in the
+ * bucket. Finally, we can insert it.
+ *
+ */
+static bool
+miInsertEdgeInET(EdgeTable *ET, EdgeTableEntry *ETE, int scanline,
+ ScanLineListBlock **SLLBlock, int *iSLLBlock)
- wxUnusedVar(n);
- wxUnusedVar(points);
+ EdgeTableEntry *start, *prev;
+ ScanLineList *pSLL, *pPrevSLL;
+ ScanLineListBlock *tmpSLLBlock;
+ /*
+ * find the right bucket to put the edge into
+ */
+ pPrevSLL = &ET->scanlines;
+ pSLL = pPrevSLL->next;
+ while (pSLL && (pSLL->scanline < scanline))
+ {
+ pPrevSLL = pSLL;
+ pSLL = pSLL->next;
+ }
+ /*
+ * reassign pSLL (pointer to ScanLineList) if necessary
+ */
+ if ((!pSLL) || (pSLL->scanline > scanline))
+ {
+ if (*iSLLBlock > SLLSPERBLOCK-1)
+ {
+ tmpSLLBlock =
+ (ScanLineListBlock *)malloc(sizeof(ScanLineListBlock));
+ if (!tmpSLLBlock)
+ return FALSE;
+ (*SLLBlock)->next = tmpSLLBlock;
+ tmpSLLBlock->next = (ScanLineListBlock *)NULL;
+ *SLLBlock = tmpSLLBlock;
+ *iSLLBlock = 0;
+ }
+ pSLL = &((*SLLBlock)->SLLs[(*iSLLBlock)++]);
+ pSLL->next = pPrevSLL->next;
+ pSLL->edgelist = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
+ pPrevSLL->next = pSLL;
+ }
+ pSLL->scanline = scanline;
+ /*
+ * now insert the edge in the right bucket
+ */
+ prev = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
+ start = pSLL->edgelist;
+ while (start && (start->bres.minor < ETE->bres.minor))
+ {
+ prev = start;
+ start = start->next;
+ }
+ ETE->next = start;
+ if (prev)
+ prev->next = ETE;
+ else
+ pSLL->edgelist = ETE;
+ return TRUE;
-#if 0
- // no non-QD APIs available
- // TODO : remove ?
- // OS X somehow does not collect the region invisibly as before, so sometimes things
- // get drawn on screen instead of just being combined into a region, therefore we allocate a temp gworld now
- GWorldPtr gWorld = NULL;
- GWorldPtr oldWorld;
- GDHandle oldGDHandle;
- OSStatus err;
- Rect destRect = { 0, 0, 1, 1 };
- ::GetGWorld( &oldWorld, &oldGDHandle );
- err = ::NewGWorld( &gWorld, 32, &destRect, NULL, NULL, 0 );
- if ( err == noErr )
+ * CreateEdgeTable
+ *
+ * This routine creates the edge table for
+ * scan converting polygons.
+ * The Edge Table (ET) looks like:
+ *
+ * EdgeTable
+ * --------
+ * | ymax | ScanLineLists
+ * |scanline|-->------------>-------------->...
+ * -------- |scanline| |scanline|
+ * |edgelist| |edgelist|
+ * --------- ---------
+ * | |
+ * | |
+ * V V
+ * list of ETEs list of ETEs
+ *
+ * where ETE is an EdgeTableEntry data structure,
+ * and there is one ScanLineList per scanline at
+ * which an edge is initially entered.
+ *
+ */
+static bool
+miCreateETandAET(int count, const wxPoint * pts, EdgeTable *ET, EdgeTableEntry *AET,
+ EdgeTableEntry *pETEs, ScanLineListBlock *pSLLBlock)
+ const wxPoint* top, *bottom;
+ const wxPoint* PrevPt, *CurrPt;
+ int iSLLBlock = 0;
+ int dy;
+ if (count < 2) return TRUE;
+ /*
+ * initialize the Active Edge Table
+ */
+ AET->next = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
+ AET->back = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
+ AET->nextWETE = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
+ AET->bres.minor = INT_MIN;
+ /*
+ * initialize the Edge Table.
+ */
+ ET-> = (ScanLineList *)NULL;
+ ET->ymax = INT_MIN;
+ ET->ymin = INT_MAX;
+ pSLLBlock->next = (ScanLineListBlock *)NULL;
+ PrevPt = &pts[count-1];
+ /*
+ * for each vertex in the array of points.
+ * In this loop we are dealing with two vertices at
+ * a time -- these make up one edge of the polygon.
+ */
+ while (count--)
- ::SetGWorld( gWorld, GetGDevice() );
+ CurrPt = pts++;
+ /*
+ * find out which point is above and which is below.
+ */
+ if (PrevPt->y > CurrPt->y)
+ {
+ bottom = PrevPt, top = CurrPt;
+ pETEs->ClockWise = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bottom = CurrPt, top = PrevPt;
+ pETEs->ClockWise = 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * don't add horizontal edges to the Edge table.
+ */
+ if (bottom->y != top->y)
+ {
+ pETEs->ymax = bottom->y-1; /* -1 so we don't get last scanline */
+ /*
+ * initialize integer edge algorithm
+ */
+ dy = bottom->y - top->y;
+ BRESINITPGONSTRUCT(dy, top->x, bottom->x, pETEs->bres);
+ if (!miInsertEdgeInET(ET, pETEs, top->y, &pSLLBlock, &iSLLBlock))
+ {
+ miFreeStorage(pSLLBlock->next);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ET->ymax = wxMax(ET->ymax, PrevPt->y);
+ ET->ymin = wxMin(ET->ymin, PrevPt->y);
+ pETEs++;
+ }
+ PrevPt = CurrPt;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
- OpenRgn();
+ * loadAET
+ *
+ * This routine moves EdgeTableEntries from the
+ * EdgeTable into the Active Edge Table,
+ * leaving them sorted by smaller x coordinate.
+ *
+ */
- wxCoord x1, x2 , y1 , y2 ;
- x2 = x1 = points[0].x ;
- y2 = y1 = points[0].y ;
+static void
+miloadAET(EdgeTableEntry *AET, EdgeTableEntry *ETEs)
+ EdgeTableEntry *pPrevAET;
+ EdgeTableEntry *tmp;
+ pPrevAET = AET;
+ AET = AET->next;
+ while (ETEs)
+ {
+ while (AET && (AET->bres.minor < ETEs->bres.minor))
+ {
+ pPrevAET = AET;
+ AET = AET->next;
+ }
+ tmp = ETEs->next;
+ ETEs->next = AET;
+ if (AET)
+ AET->back = ETEs;
+ ETEs->back = pPrevAET;
+ pPrevAET->next = ETEs;
+ pPrevAET = ETEs;
+ ETEs = tmp;
+ }
- ::MoveTo( x1, y1 );
- for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
+ * computeWAET
+ *
+ * This routine links the AET by the
+ * nextWETE (winding EdgeTableEntry) link for
+ * use by the winding number rule. The final
+ * Active Edge Table (AET) might look something
+ * like:
+ *
+ * AET
+ * ---------- --------- ---------
+ * |ymax | |ymax | |ymax |
+ * | ... | |... | |... |
+ * |next |->|next |->|next |->...
+ * |nextWETE| |nextWETE| |nextWETE|
+ * --------- --------- ^--------
+ * | | |
+ * V-------------------> V---> ...
+ *
+ */
+static void
+micomputeWAET(EdgeTableEntry *AET)
+ EdgeTableEntry *pWETE;
+ int inside = 1;
+ int isInside = 0;
+ AET->nextWETE = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
+ pWETE = AET;
+ AET = AET->next;
+ while (AET)
+ {
+ if (AET->ClockWise)
+ isInside++;
+ else
+ isInside--;
+ if ((!inside && !isInside) ||
+ ( inside && isInside))
- x2 = points[i].x ;
- y2 = points[i].y ;
- ::LineTo( x2, y2 );
+ pWETE->nextWETE = AET;
+ pWETE = AET;
+ inside = !inside;
+ AET = AET->next;
+ }
+ pWETE->nextWETE = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
- // close the polyline if necessary
- if ( x1 != x2 || y1 != y2 )
- ::LineTo( x1, y1 ) ;
+ * InsertionSort
+ *
+ * Just a simple insertion sort using
+ * pointers and back pointers to sort the Active
+ * Edge Table.
+ *
+ */
- RgnHandle tempRgn = NewRgn();
- CloseRgn( tempRgn ) ;
+static int
+miInsertionSort(EdgeTableEntry *AET)
+ EdgeTableEntry *pETEchase;
+ EdgeTableEntry *pETEinsert;
+ EdgeTableEntry *pETEchaseBackTMP;
+ int changed = 0;
+ AET = AET->next;
+ while (AET)
+ {
+ pETEinsert = AET;
+ pETEchase = AET;
+ while (pETEchase->back->bres.minor > AET->bres.minor)
+ pETEchase = pETEchase->back;
+ AET = AET->next;
+ if (pETEchase != pETEinsert)
+ {
+ pETEchaseBackTMP = pETEchase->back;
+ pETEinsert->back->next = AET;
+ if (AET)
+ AET->back = pETEinsert->back;
+ pETEinsert->next = pETEchase;
+ pETEchase->back->next = pETEinsert;
+ pETEchase->back = pETEinsert;
+ pETEinsert->back = pETEchaseBackTMP;
+ changed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return(changed);
- ::SetGWorld( oldWorld, oldGDHandle );
- wxCFRef<HIShapeRef> tempShape( HIShapeCreateWithQDRgn(tempRgn ) );
- m_refData = new wxRegionRefData(tempShape);
- DisposeRgn( tempRgn );
+ * Clean up our act.
+ */
+static void
+miFreeStorage(ScanLineListBlock *pSLLBlock)
+ ScanLineListBlock *tmpSLLBlock;
+ while (pSLLBlock)
+ {
+ tmpSLLBlock = pSLLBlock->next;
+ free(pSLLBlock);
+ pSLLBlock = tmpSLLBlock;
- else
+/* mipolygen.c */
+static bool
+scanFillGeneralPoly( wxRegion* rgn,
+ int count, /* number of points */
+ const wxPoint *ptsIn, /* the points */
+ wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle
+ )
+ EdgeTableEntry *pAET; /* the Active Edge Table */
+ int y; /* the current scanline */
+ int nPts = 0; /* number of pts in buffer */
+ EdgeTableEntry *pWETE; /* Winding Edge Table */
+ ScanLineList *pSLL; /* Current ScanLineList */
+ wxPoint * ptsOut; /* ptr to output buffers */
+ int *width;
+ wxPoint FirstPoint[NUMPTSTOBUFFER]; /* the output buffers */
+ int FirstWidth[NUMPTSTOBUFFER];
+ EdgeTableEntry *pPrevAET; /* previous AET entry */
+ EdgeTable ET; /* Edge Table header node */
+ EdgeTableEntry AET; /* Active ET header node */
+ EdgeTableEntry *pETEs; /* Edge Table Entries buff */
+ ScanLineListBlock SLLBlock; /* header for ScanLineList */
+ int fixWAET = 0;
+ if (count < 3)
+ return(TRUE);
+ if(!(pETEs = (EdgeTableEntry *)
+ malloc(sizeof(EdgeTableEntry) * count)))
+ return(FALSE);
+ ptsOut = FirstPoint;
+ width = FirstWidth;
+ if (!miCreateETandAET(count, ptsIn, &ET, &AET, pETEs, &SLLBlock))
- m_refData = new wxRegionRefData;
+ free(pETEs);
+ return(FALSE);
+ pSLL =;
+ if (fillStyle == wxODDEVEN_RULE)
+ {
+ /*
+ * for each scanline
+ */
+ for (y = ET.ymin; y < ET.ymax; y++)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Add a new edge to the active edge table when we
+ * get to the next edge.
+ */
+ if (pSLL && y == pSLL->scanline)
+ {
+ miloadAET(&AET, pSLL->edgelist);
+ pSLL = pSLL->next;
+ }
+ pPrevAET = &AET;
+ pAET =;
+ /*
+ * for each active edge
+ */
+ while (pAET)
+ {
+ ptsOut->x = pAET->bres.minor;
+ ptsOut++->y = y;
+ *width++ = pAET->next->bres.minor - pAET->bres.minor;
+ nPts++;
+ /*
+ * send out the buffer when its full
+ */
+ {
+ // (*pgc->ops->FillSpans)(dst, pgc,
+ // nPts, FirstPoint, FirstWidth,1);
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < nPts; ++i)
+ {
+ wxRect rect;
+ rect.y = FirstPoint[i].y;
+ rect.x = FirstPoint[i].x;
+ rect.height = 1;
+ rect.width = FirstWidth[i];
+ rgn->Union(rect);
+ }
+ ptsOut = FirstPoint;
+ width = FirstWidth;
+ nPts = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ miInsertionSort(&AET);
+ }
+ }
+ else /* default to WindingNumber */
+ {
+ /*
+ * for each scanline
+ */
+ for (y = ET.ymin; y < ET.ymax; y++)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Add a new edge to the active edge table when we
+ * get to the next edge.
+ */
+ if (pSLL && y == pSLL->scanline)
+ {
+ miloadAET(&AET, pSLL->edgelist);
+ micomputeWAET(&AET);
+ pSLL = pSLL->next;
+ }
+ pPrevAET = &AET;
+ pAET =;
+ pWETE = pAET;
+ /*
+ * for each active edge
+ */
+ while (pAET)
+ {
+ /*
+ * if the next edge in the active edge table is
+ * also the next edge in the winding active edge
+ * table.
+ */
+ if (pWETE == pAET)
+ {
+ ptsOut->x = pAET->bres.minor;
+ ptsOut++->y = y;
+ *width++ = pAET->nextWETE->bres.minor - pAET->bres.minor;
+ nPts++;
+ /*
+ * send out the buffer
+ */
+ {
+ // (*pgc->ops->FillSpans)(dst, pgc,
+ // nPts, FirstPoint, FirstWidth,1);
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < nPts ; ++i)
+ {
+ wxRect rect;
+ rect.y = FirstPoint[i].y;
+ rect.x = FirstPoint[i].x;
+ rect.height = 1;
+ rect.width = FirstWidth[i];
+ rgn->Union(rect);
+ }
+ ptsOut = FirstPoint;
+ width = FirstWidth;
+ nPts = 0;
+ }
+ pWETE = pWETE->nextWETE;
+ while (pWETE != pAET)
+ pWETE = pWETE->nextWETE;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * reevaluate the Winding active edge table if we
+ * just had to resort it or if we just exited an edge.
+ */
+ if (miInsertionSort(&AET) || fixWAET)
+ {
+ micomputeWAET(&AET);
+ fixWAET = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get any spans that we missed by buffering
+ */
+ // (*pgc->ops->FillSpans)(dst, pgc,
+ // nPts, FirstPoint, FirstWidth,1);
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < nPts; ++i)
+ {
+ wxRect rect;
+ rect.y = FirstPoint[i].y;
+ rect.x = FirstPoint[i].x;
+ rect.height = 1;
+ rect.width = FirstWidth[i];
+ rgn->Union(rect);
+ }
+ free(pETEs);
+ miFreeStorage(;
+ return(TRUE);
+wxRegion::wxRegion(size_t n, const wxPoint *points, wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle)
+ // Set the region to a polygon shape generically using a bitmap with the
+ // polygon drawn on it.
+ m_refData = new wxRegionRefData();
+ scanFillGeneralPoly(this,n,points,fillStyle);
- wxFAIL_MSG( "not implemented" );
- m_refData = NULL;
+ wxCoord mx = 0;
+ wxCoord my = 0;
+ wxPoint p;
+ size_t idx;
+ // Find the max size needed to draw the polygon
+ for (idx=0; idx<n; idx++)
+ {
+ wxPoint pt = points[idx];
+ if (pt.x > mx)
+ mx = pt.x;
+ if (pt.y > my)
+ my = pt.y;
+ }
+ // Make the bitmap
+ wxBitmap bmp(mx, my);
+ wxMemoryDC dc(bmp);
+ dc.SetBackground(*wxBLACK_BRUSH);
+ dc.Clear();
+ dc.SetPen(*wxWHITE_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH);
+ dc.DrawPolygon(n, (wxPoint*)points, 0, 0, fillStyle);
+ dc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
+ bmp.SetMask(new wxMask(bmp, *wxBLACK));
+ // Use it to set this region
+ Union(bmp);
return true ;
+bool wxRegion::DoUnionWithRect(const wxRect& rect)
+ if ( !m_refData )
+ {
+ m_refData = new wxRegionRefData(rect.x , rect.y , rect.width , rect.height);
+ return true;
+ }
+ AllocExclusive();
+ CGRect r = CGRectMake(rect.x , rect.y , rect.width , rect.height);
+ HIShapeUnionWithRect(M_REGION , &r);
+ return true;
//! Union /e region with this.
bool wxRegion::DoCombine(const wxRegion& region, wxRegionOp op)
WXHRGN wxRegion::GetWXHRGN() const
+ if ( !m_refData )
+ return NULL;
return M_REGION ;
if (!m_refData)
return wxOutRegion;
- CGPoint p = { x, y } ;
+ CGPoint p = CGPointMake( x, y ) ;
if (HIShapeContainsPoint( M_REGION , &p ) )
return wxInRegion;
long m_current ;
-OSStatus wxMacRegionToRectsCounterCallback(
- UInt16 message, RgnHandle WXUNUSED(region), const Rect *WXUNUSED(rect), void *data )
- long *m_numRects = (long*) data ;
- if ( message == kQDRegionToRectsMsgInit )
- {
- (*m_numRects) = 0 ;
- }
- else if (message == kQDRegionToRectsMsgParse)
- {
- (*m_numRects) += 1 ;
- }
- return noErr;
-OSStatus wxMacRegionToRectsSetterCallback(
- UInt16 message, RgnHandle WXUNUSED(region), const Rect *rect, void *data )
- if (message == kQDRegionToRectsMsgParse)
- {
- RegionToRectsCallbackData *cb = (RegionToRectsCallbackData*) data ;
- cb->m_rects[cb->m_current++] = wxRect( rect->left , rect->top , rect->right - rect->left , rect->bottom - rect->top ) ;
- }
- return noErr;
OSStatus wxOSXRegionToRectsCounterCallback(
int message, HIShapeRef WXUNUSED(region), const CGRect *WXUNUSED(rect), void *data )
return noErr;
void wxRegionIterator::Reset(const wxRegion& region)
m_current = 0;
m_rects = new wxRect[m_numRects];
m_rects[0] = m_region.GetBox();
- if ( HIShapeEnumerate != NULL )
+ OSStatus err = HIShapeEnumerate (OTHER_M_REGION(region), kHIShapeParseFromTopLeft, wxOSXRegionToRectsCounterCallback,
+ (void*)&m_numRects);
+ if (err == noErr)
- OSStatus err = HIShapeEnumerate (OTHER_M_REGION(region), kHIShapeParseFromTopLeft, wxOSXRegionToRectsCounterCallback,
- (void*)&m_numRects);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- m_rects = new wxRect[m_numRects];
- RegionToRectsCallbackData data ;
- data.m_rects = m_rects ;
- data.m_current = 0 ;
- HIShapeEnumerate( OTHER_M_REGION(region), kHIShapeParseFromTopLeft, wxOSXRegionToRectsSetterCallback,
- (void*)&data );
- }
- else
- {
- m_numRects = 0;
- }
+ m_rects = new wxRect[m_numRects];
+ RegionToRectsCallbackData data ;
+ data.m_rects = m_rects ;
+ data.m_current = 0 ;
+ HIShapeEnumerate( OTHER_M_REGION(region), kHIShapeParseFromTopLeft, wxOSXRegionToRectsSetterCallback,
+ (void*)&data );
- OSStatus err = noErr;
- RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn();
- HIShapeGetAsQDRgn(OTHER_M_REGION(region), rgn);
- err = QDRegionToRects (rgn, kQDParseRegionFromTopLeft, wxMacRegionToRectsCounterCallback
- , (void*)&m_numRects);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- m_rects = new wxRect[m_numRects];
- RegionToRectsCallbackData data ;
- data.m_rects = m_rects ;
- data.m_current = 0 ;
- QDRegionToRects( rgn , kQDParseRegionFromTopLeft, wxMacRegionToRectsSetterCallback,
- (void*)&data );
- }
- else
- {
- m_numRects = 0;
- }
- DisposeRgn( rgn );
+ m_numRects = 0;