In wxWindows this class manages message catalogs which contain the translations
of the strings used to the current language.
-\perlnote{In wxPerl the {\tt Wx} module exports a '\_' function
-that corresponds to the '\_' C++ macro.
+\perlnote{In wxPerl you can't use the '\_' function name, so
+the {\tt Wx::Locale} module can export the {\tt gettext} and
+{\tt gettext\_noop} under any given name.
- use Wx qw(_);
+ # this imports gettext ( equivalent to Wx::GetTranslation
+ # and gettext_noop ( a noop )
+ # into your module
+ use Wx::Locale qw(:default);
# ....
- print _( ``Panic!'' );
+ # use the functions
+ print gettext( ``Panic!'' );
- my( \$button ) = Wx::Button->new( \$window, -1, _( ``Label'' ) );
+ button = Wx::Button->new( window, -1, gettext( ``Label'' ) );
+If you need to translate a lot of strings, then adding gettext( ) around
+each one is a long task ( that is why \_( ) was introduced ), so just choose
+a shorter name for gettext:
+ #
+ use Wx::Locale 'gettext' => 't',
+ 'gettext_noop' => 'gettext_noop';
+ # ...
+ # use the functions
+ print t( ``Panic!!'' );
+ # ...
\wxheading{See also}
-\helpref{I18n overview}{internationalization}
+\helpref{Internationalization overview}{internationalization},\\
+\helpref{Internat sample}{sampleinternat}
\wxheading{Include files}
See \helpref{Init()}{wxlocaleinit} for parameters description.
-\func{}{wxLocale}{\param{const char }{*szName}, \param{const char }{*szShort = NULL}, \param{const char }{*szLocale = NULL}, \param{bool }{bLoadDefault = TRUE}, \param{bool }{bConvertEncoding = FALSE}}
+\func{}{wxLocale}{\param{const char }{*szName}, \param{const char }{*szShort = NULL}, \param{const char }{*szLocale = NULL}, \param{bool }{bLoadDefault = true}, \param{bool }{bConvertEncoding = false}}
See \helpref{Init()}{wxlocaleinit} for parameters description.
All loaded catalogs will be used for message lookup by GetString() for the
current locale.
-Returns TRUE if catalog was successfully loaded, FALSE otherwise (which might
+Returns true if catalog was successfully loaded, false otherwise (which might
mean that the catalog is not found or that it isn't in the correct format).
\func{static void}{AddLanguage}{\param{const wxLanguageInfo\& }{info}}
Adds custom, user-defined language to the database of known languages. This
-database is used in conjuction with the first form of
+database is used in conjunction with the first form of
wxLanguageInfo is defined as follows:
{\it Language} should be greater than wxLANGUAGE\_USER\_DEFINED.
+\perlnote{In wxPerl Wx::LanguageInfo has only one method:\par
+Wx::LanguageInfo->new( language, canonicalName, WinLang, WinSubLang, Description )}
+\constfunc{static wxLanguageInfo *}{FindLanguageInfo}{\param{const wxString\& }{locale}}
+This function may be used to find the language description structure for the
+given locale, specified either as a two letter ISO language code (for example,
+"pt"), a language code followed by the country code ("pt\_BR") or a full, human
+readable, language description ("Portuguese-Brazil").
+Returns the information for the given language or {\tt NULL} if this language
+is unknown. Note that even if the returned pointer is valid, the caller should
+{\it not} delete it.
+\wxheading{See also}
Note that you can call this function only if you used the form of
\helpref{Init}{wxlocaleinit} that takes wxLanguage argument.
+\constfunc{static wxLanguageInfo *}{GetLanguageInfo}{\param{int }{lang}}
+Returns a pointer to wxLanguageInfo structure containing information about the
+given language or {\tt NULL} if this language is unknown. Note that even if the
+returned pointer is valid, the caller should {\it not} delete it.
+See \helpref{AddLanguage}{wxlocaleaddlanguage} for the wxLanguageInfo
\func{bool}{Init}{\param{int }{language = wxLANGUAGE\_DEFAULT}, \param{int }{flags =
-\func{bool}{Init}{\param{const char }{*szName}, \param{const char }{*szShort = NULL}, \param{const char }{*szLocale = NULL}, \param{bool }{bLoadDefault = TRUE}, \param{bool }{bConvertEncoding = FALSE}}
+\func{bool}{Init}{\param{const char }{*szName}, \param{const char }{*szShort = NULL}, \param{const char }{*szLocale = NULL}, \param{bool }{bLoadDefault = true}, \param{bool }{bConvertEncoding = false}}
The second form is deprecated, use the first one unless you know what you are
for the given locale containing the translations of standard wxWindows messages
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxLOCALE\_CONV\_ENCODING}}{Automatically convert message
-catalogs to platform's native encoding. Note that it will do only basic
+catalogs to platform's default encoding. Note that it will do only basic
conversion between well-known pair like iso8859-1 and windows-1252 or
iso8859-2 and windows-1250. See \helpref{Writing non-English applications}{nonenglishoverview} for detailed
-description of this behaviour.}
+description of this behaviour. Note that this flag is meaningless in Unicode build.}
\docparam{szLocale}{The parameter for the call to setlocale(). Note that it is
-\docparam{bLoadDefault}{May be set to FALSE to prevent loading of the message catalog
+\docparam{bLoadDefault}{May be set to false to prevent loading of the message catalog
for the given locale containing the translations of standard wxWindows messages.
This parameter would be rarely used in normal circumstances.}
-\docparam{bConvertEncoding}{May be set to TRUE to do automatic conversion of message
+\docparam{bConvertEncoding}{May be set to true to do automatic conversion of message
catalogs to platform's native encoding. Note that it will do only basic
conversion between well-known pair like iso8859-1 and windows-1252 or
iso8859-2 and windows-1250.
application and so all subsequent calls to wxGetTranslation() will try to
translate the messages using the message catalogs for this locale.
-Returns TRUE on success or FALSE if the given locale couldn't be set.
+Returns true on success or false if the given locale couldn't be set.
\constfunc{bool}{IsLoaded}{\param{const char* }{domain}}
-Check if the given catalog is loaded, and returns TRUE if it is.
+Check if the given catalog is loaded, and returns true if it is.
According to GNU gettext tradition, each catalog
normally corresponds to 'domain' which is more or less the application name.
-Returns TRUE if the locale could be set successfully.
+Returns true if the locale could be set successfully.