#ifndef _WX_HTMLPARS_H_
#define _WX_HTMLPARS_H_
-#ifdef __GNUG__
+#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
#pragma interface "htmlpars.h"
#include "wx/html/htmltag.h"
#include "wx/filesys.h"
+#include "wx/hash.h"
+#include "wx/fontenc.h"
class WXDLLEXPORT wxHtmlParser;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxHtmlTagHandler;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxHtmlEntitiesParser;
+class wxHtmlTextPieces;
+class wxHtmlParserState;
+enum wxHtmlURLType
// This class handles generic parsing of HTML document : it scans
// the document and divide it into blocks of tags (where one block
// consists of starting and ending tag and of text between these
wxFileSystem* GetFS() const { return m_FS; }
+ // Opens file if the parser is allowed to open given URL (may be forbidden
+ // for security reasons)
+ virtual wxFSFile *OpenURL(wxHtmlURLType type, const wxString& url) const;
// You can simply call this method when you need parsed output.
// This method does these things:
// 1. call InitParser(source);
// Parses the m_Source from begin_pos to end_pos-1.
// (in noparams version it parses whole m_Source)
void DoParsing(int begin_pos, int end_pos);
- inline void DoParsing() {DoParsing(0, m_Source.Length());};
+ void DoParsing();
+ // Returns pointer to the tag at parser's current position
+ wxHtmlTag *GetCurrentTag() const { return m_CurTag; }
// Returns product of parsing
// Returned value is result of parsing of the part. The type of this result
wxString* GetSource() {return &m_Source;}
void SetSource(const wxString& src);
+ // Sets HTML source and remebers current parser's state so that it can
+ // later be restored. This is useful for on-line modifications of
+ // HTML source (for example, <pre> handler replaces spaces with
+ // and newlines with <br>)
+ virtual void SetSourceAndSaveState(const wxString& src);
+ // Restores parser's state from stack or returns FALSE if the stack is
+ // empty
+ virtual bool RestoreState();
+ // DOM structure
+ void CreateDOMTree();
+ void DestroyDOMTree();
+ void CreateDOMSubTree(wxHtmlTag *cur,
+ int begin_pos, int end_pos,
+ wxHtmlTagsCache *cache);
// Adds text to the output.
// This is called from Parse() and must be overriden in derived classes.
// txt is not guaranteed to be only one word. It is largest continuous part of text
// (= not broken by tags)
// NOTE : using char* because of speed improvements
- virtual void AddText(const char* txt) = 0;
+ virtual void AddText(const wxChar* txt) = 0;
// Adds tag and proceeds it. Parse() may (and usually is) called from this method.
// This is called from Parse() and may be overriden.
wxHtmlEntitiesParser *GetEntitiesParser() const { return m_entitiesParser; }
- // source being parsed
- wxString m_Source;
- // tags cache, used during parsing.
- wxHtmlTagsCache *m_Cache;
- wxHashTable m_HandlersHash;
+ // DOM tree:
+ wxHtmlTag *m_CurTag;
+ wxHtmlTag *m_Tags;
+ wxHtmlTextPieces *m_TextPieces;
+ size_t m_CurTextPiece;
+ wxString m_Source;
+ wxHtmlParserState *m_SavedStates;
// handlers that handle particular tags. The table is accessed by
// key = tag's name.
// This attribute MUST be filled by derived class otherwise it would
// m_HandlersList is list of all handlers and it is guaranteed to contain
// only one reference to each handler instance.
wxList m_HandlersList;
+ wxHashTable m_HandlersHash;
// class for opening files (file system)
wxFileSystem *m_FS;
// Parses entities in input and replaces them with respective characters
// (with respect to output encoding)
wxString Parse(const wxString& input);
+ // Returns character for given entity or 0 if the enity is unknown
wxChar GetEntityChar(const wxString& entity);
+ // Returns character that represents given Unicode code
wxChar GetCharForCode(unsigned code);
wxMBConv *m_conv;
wxFontEncoding m_encoding;