+ def GetClosestPoints(self, pntXY, pointScaled= True):
+ """Returns list with
+ [curveNumber, legend, index of closest point, pointXY, scaledXY, distance]
+ list for each curve.
+ Returns [] if no curves are being plotted.
+ x, y in user coords
+ if pointScaled == True based on screen coords
+ if pointScaled == False based on user coords
+ """
+ if self.last_draw == None:
+ #no graph available
+ return []
+ graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
+ l = []
+ for curveNum,obj in enumerate(graphics):
+ #check there are points in the curve
+ if len(obj.points) == 0:
+ continue #go to next obj
+ #[curveNumber, legend, index of closest point, pointXY, scaledXY, distance]
+ cn = [curveNum]+ [obj.getLegend()]+ obj.getClosestPoint( pntXY, pointScaled)
+ l.append(cn)
+ return l
+ def GetClosetPoint(self, pntXY, pointScaled= True):
+ """Returns list with
+ [curveNumber, legend, index of closest point, pointXY, scaledXY, distance]
+ list for only the closest curve.
+ Returns [] if no curves are being plotted.
+ x, y in user coords
+ if pointScaled == True based on screen coords
+ if pointScaled == False based on user coords
+ """
+ #closest points on screen based on screen scaling (pointScaled= True)
+ #list [curveNumber, index, pointXY, scaledXY, distance] for each curve
+ closestPts= self.GetClosestPoints(pntXY, pointScaled)
+ if closestPts == []:
+ return [] #no graph present
+ #find one with least distance
+ dists = [c[-1] for c in closestPts]
+ mdist = min(dists) #Min dist
+ i = dists.index(mdist) #index for min dist
+ return closestPts[i] #this is the closest point on closest curve
+ def UpdatePointLabel(self, mDataDict):
+ """Updates the pointLabel point on screen with data contained in
+ mDataDict.
+ mDataDict will be passed to your function set by
+ SetPointLabelFunc. It can contain anything you
+ want to display on the screen at the scaledXY point
+ you specify.
+ This function can be called from parent window with onClick,
+ onMotion events etc.
+ """
+ if self.last_PointLabel != None:
+ #compare pointXY
+ if mDataDict["pointXY"] != self.last_PointLabel["pointXY"]:
+ #closest changed
+ self._drawPointLabel(self.last_PointLabel) #erase old
+ self._drawPointLabel(mDataDict) #plot new
+ else:
+ #just plot new with no erase
+ self._drawPointLabel(mDataDict) #plot new
+ #save for next erase
+ self.last_PointLabel = mDataDict