# Name: wx.lib.plot.py
-# Purpose:
+# Purpose: Line, Bar and Scatter Graphs
# Author: Gordon Williams
# o wxScrolledMessageDialog -> ScrolledMessageDialog
+# Oct 6, 2004 Gordon Williams (g_will@cyberus.ca)
+# - Added bar graph demo
+# - Modified line end shape from round to square.
+# - Removed FloatDCWrapper for conversion to ints and ints in arguments
+# Oct 15, 2004 Gordon Williams (g_will@cyberus.ca)
+# - Imported modules given leading underscore to name.
+# - Added Cursor Line Tracking and User Point Labels.
+# - Demo for Cursor Line Tracking and Point Labels.
+# - Size of plot preview frame adjusted to show page better.
+# - Added helper functions PositionUserToScreen and PositionScreenToUser in PlotCanvas.
+# - Added functions GetClosestPoints (all curves) and GetClosestPoint (only closest curve)
+# can be in either user coords or screen coords.
This is a simple light weight plotting module that can be used with
Boa or easily integrated into your own wxPython application. The
emphasis is on small size and fast plotting for large data sets. It
has a reasonable number of features to do line and scatter graphs
-easily. It is not as sophisticated or as powerful as SciPy Plt or
-Chaco. Both of these are great packages but consume huge amounts of
-computer resources for simple plots. They can be found at
+easily as well as simple bar graphs. It is not as sophisticated or
+as powerful as SciPy Plt or Chaco. Both of these are great packages
+but consume huge amounts of computer resources for simple plots.
+They can be found at http://scipy.com
This file contains two parts; first the re-usable library stuff, then,
after a "if __name__=='__main__'" test, a simple frame and a few default
Right mouse click - zoom out centred on click location.
-import string
-import time
+import string as _string
+import time as _time
import wx
-# Needs Numeric
+# Needs Numeric or numarray or NumPy
- import Numeric
+ import numpy as _Numeric
- import numarray as Numeric #if numarray is used it is renamed Numeric
+ import numarray as _Numeric #if numarray is used it is renamed Numeric
- msg= """
- This module requires the Numeric or numarray module,
- which could not be imported. It probably is not installed
- (it's not part of the standard Python distribution). See the
- Python site (http://www.python.org) for information on
- downloading source or binaries."""
- raise ImportError, "Numeric or numarray not found. \n" + msg
+ try:
+ import Numeric as _Numeric
+ except:
+ msg= """
+ This module requires the Numeric/numarray or NumPy module,
+ which could not be imported. It probably is not installed
+ (it's not part of the standard Python distribution). See the
+ Numeric Python site (http://numpy.scipy.org) for information on
+ downloading source or binaries."""
+ raise ImportError, "Numeric,numarray or NumPy not found. \n" + msg
def __init__(self, points, attr):
- self.points = Numeric.array(points)
+ self._points = _Numeric.array(points).astype(_Numeric.Float64)
+ self._logscale = (False, False)
self.currentScale= (1,1)
self.currentShift= (0,0)
self.scaled = self.points
raise KeyError, "Style attribute incorrect. Should be one of %s" % self._attributes.keys()
self.attributes[name] = value
+ def setLogScale(self, logscale):
+ self._logscale = logscale
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name == 'points':
+ if len(self._points)>0:
+ data = _Numeric.array(self._points,copy=True)
+ if self._logscale[0]:
+ data = self.log10(data, 0)
+ if self._logscale[1]:
+ data = self.log10(data, 1)
+ return data
+ else:
+ return self._points
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, name
+ def log10(self, data, ind):
+ data = _Numeric.compress(data[:,ind]>0,data,0)
+ data[:,ind] = _Numeric.log10(data[:,ind])
+ return data
def boundingBox(self):
if len(self.points) == 0:
# no curves to draw
# defaults to (-1,-1) and (1,1) but axis can be set in Draw
- minXY= Numeric.array([-1,-1])
- maxXY= Numeric.array([ 1, 1])
+ minXY= _Numeric.array([-1.0,-1.0])
+ maxXY= _Numeric.array([ 1.0, 1.0])
- minXY= Numeric.minimum.reduce(self.points)
- maxXY= Numeric.maximum.reduce(self.points)
+ minXY= _Numeric.minimum.reduce(self.points)
+ maxXY= _Numeric.maximum.reduce(self.points)
return minXY, maxXY
def scaleAndShift(self, scale=(1,1), shift=(0,0)):
def getLegend(self):
return self.attributes['legend']
+ def getClosestPoint(self, pntXY, pointScaled= True):
+ """Returns the index of closest point on the curve, pointXY, scaledXY, distance
+ x, y in user coords
+ if pointScaled == True based on screen coords
+ if pointScaled == False based on user coords
+ """
+ if pointScaled == True:
+ #Using screen coords
+ p = self.scaled
+ pxy = self.currentScale * _Numeric.array(pntXY)+ self.currentShift
+ else:
+ #Using user coords
+ p = self.points
+ pxy = _Numeric.array(pntXY)
+ #determine distance for each point
+ d= _Numeric.sqrt(_Numeric.add.reduce((p-pxy)**2,1)) #sqrt(dx^2+dy^2)
+ pntIndex = _Numeric.argmin(d)
+ dist = d[pntIndex]
+ return [pntIndex, self.points[pntIndex], self.scaled[pntIndex], dist]
class PolyLine(PolyPoints):
"""Class to define line type and style
- All methods except __init__ are private.
colour = self.attributes['colour']
width = self.attributes['width'] * printerScale
style= self.attributes['style']
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.NamedColour(colour), int(width), style))
+ if not isinstance(colour, wx.Colour):
+ colour = wx.NamedColour(colour)
+ pen = wx.Pen(colour, width, style)
+ pen.SetCap(wx.CAP_BUTT)
+ dc.SetPen(pen)
if coord == None:
fillstyle = self.attributes['fillstyle']
marker = self.attributes['marker']
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.NamedColour(colour),int(width)))
+ if colour and not isinstance(colour, wx.Colour):
+ colour = wx.NamedColour(colour)
+ if fillcolour and not isinstance(fillcolour, wx.Colour):
+ fillcolour = wx.NamedColour(fillcolour)
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour, width))
if fillcolour:
- dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.NamedColour(fillcolour),fillstyle))
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(fillcolour,fillstyle))
- dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.NamedColour(colour), fillstyle))
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(colour, fillstyle))
if coord == None:
self._drawmarkers(dc, self.scaled, marker, size)
def _circle(self, dc, coords, size=1):
fact= 2.5*size
wh= 5.0*size
- rect= Numeric.zeros((len(coords),4),Numeric.Float)+[0.0,0.0,wh,wh]
+ rect= _Numeric.zeros((len(coords),4),_Numeric.Float)+[0.0,0.0,wh,wh]
rect[:,0:2]= coords-[fact,fact]
- dc.DrawEllipseList(rect.astype(Numeric.Int32))
+ dc.DrawEllipseList(rect.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
def _dot(self, dc, coords, size=1):
def _square(self, dc, coords, size=1):
fact= 2.5*size
wh= 5.0*size
- rect= Numeric.zeros((len(coords),4),Numeric.Float)+[0.0,0.0,wh,wh]
+ rect= _Numeric.zeros((len(coords),4),_Numeric.Float)+[0.0,0.0,wh,wh]
rect[:,0:2]= coords-[fact,fact]
- dc.DrawRectangleList(rect.astype(Numeric.Int32))
+ dc.DrawRectangleList(rect.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
def _triangle(self, dc, coords, size=1):
shape= [(-2.5*size,1.44*size), (2.5*size,1.44*size), (0.0,-2.88*size)]
- poly= Numeric.repeat(coords,3)
+ poly= _Numeric.repeat(coords,3)
poly.shape= (len(coords),3,2)
poly += shape
- dc.DrawPolygonList(poly.astype(Numeric.Int32))
+ dc.DrawPolygonList(poly.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
def _triangle_down(self, dc, coords, size=1):
shape= [(-2.5*size,-1.44*size), (2.5*size,-1.44*size), (0.0,2.88*size)]
- poly= Numeric.repeat(coords,3)
+ poly= _Numeric.repeat(coords,3)
poly.shape= (len(coords),3,2)
poly += shape
- dc.DrawPolygonList(poly.astype(Numeric.Int32))
+ dc.DrawPolygonList(poly.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
def _cross(self, dc, coords, size=1):
fact= 2.5*size
for f in [[-fact,-fact,fact,fact],[-fact,fact,fact,-fact]]:
- lines= Numeric.concatenate((coords,coords),axis=1)+f
- dc.DrawLineList(lines.astype(Numeric.Int32))
+ lines= _Numeric.concatenate((coords,coords),axis=1)+f
+ dc.DrawLineList(lines.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
def _plus(self, dc, coords, size=1):
fact= 2.5*size
for f in [[-fact,0,fact,0],[0,-fact,0,fact]]:
- lines= Numeric.concatenate((coords,coords),axis=1)+f
- dc.DrawLineList(lines.astype(Numeric.Int32))
+ lines= _Numeric.concatenate((coords,coords),axis=1)+f
+ dc.DrawLineList(lines.astype(_Numeric.Int32))
class PlotGraphics:
"""Container to hold PolyXXX objects and graph labels
self.xLabel= xLabel
self.yLabel= yLabel
+ def setLogScale(self, logscale):
+ if type(logscale) != tuple:
+ raise TypeError, 'logscale must be a tuple of bools, e.g. (False, False)'
+ if len(self.objects) == 0:
+ return
+ for o in self.objects:
+ o.setLogScale(logscale)
def boundingBox(self):
p1, p2 = self.objects[0].boundingBox()
for o in self.objects[1:]:
p1o, p2o = o.boundingBox()
- p1 = Numeric.minimum(p1, p1o)
- p2 = Numeric.maximum(p2, p2o)
+ p1 = _Numeric.minimum(p1, p1o)
+ p2 = _Numeric.maximum(p2, p2o)
return p1, p2
def scaleAndShift(self, scale=(1,1), shift=(0,0)):
def draw(self, dc):
for o in self.objects:
- #t=time.clock() # profile info
+ #t=_time.clock() # profile info
o.draw(dc, self.printerScale)
- #dt= time.clock()-t
+ #dt= _time.clock()-t
#print o, "time=", dt
def getSymExtent(self, printerScale):
symExt = self.objects[0].getSymExtent(printerScale)
for o in self.objects[1:]:
oSymExt = o.getSymExtent(printerScale)
- symExt = Numeric.maximum(symExt, oSymExt)
+ symExt = _Numeric.maximum(symExt, oSymExt)
return symExt
def getLegendNames(self):
# Main window that you will want to import into your application.
-class PlotCanvas(wx.Window):
- """Subclass of a wx.Window to allow simple general plotting
+class PlotCanvas(wx.Panel):
+ """
+ Subclass of a wx.Panel which holds two scrollbars and the actual
+ plotting canvas (self.canvas). It allows for simple general plotting
of data with zoom, labels, and automatic axis scaling."""
- def __init__(self, parent, id = -1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
- size=wx.DefaultSize, style= wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name= ""):
- """Constucts a window, which can be a child of a frame, dialog or
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ """Constructs a panel, which can be a child of a frame or
any other non-control window"""
- wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name)
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent)
+ sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(2,2,0,0)
+ self.canvas = wx.Window(self, -1)
+ self.sb_vert = wx.ScrollBar(self, -1, style=wx.SB_VERTICAL)
+ self.sb_vert.SetScrollbar(0,1000,1000,1000)
+ self.sb_hor = wx.ScrollBar(self, -1, style=wx.SB_HORIZONTAL)
+ self.sb_hor.SetScrollbar(0,1000,1000,1000)
+ sizer.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ sizer.Add(self.sb_vert, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ sizer.Add(self.sb_hor, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ sizer.Add((0,0))
+ sizer.AddGrowableRow(0, 1)
+ sizer.AddGrowableCol(0, 1)
+ self.sb_vert.Show(False)
+ self.sb_hor.Show(False)
+ self.SetSizer(sizer)
+ self.Fit()
self.border = (1,1)
# Create some mouse events for zooming
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseLeftDown)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnMouseLeftUp)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnMouseDoubleClick)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnMouseRightDown)
+ self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseLeftDown)
+ self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnMouseLeftUp)
+ self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
+ self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnMouseDoubleClick)
+ self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnMouseRightDown)
+ # scrollbar events
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK, self.OnScroll)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP, self.OnScroll)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN, self.OnScroll)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL_LINEUP, self.OnScroll)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN, self.OnScroll)
# set curser as cross-hairs
- self.SetCursor(wx.CROSS_CURSOR)
+ self.canvas.SetCursor(wx.CROSS_CURSOR)
+ self.HandCursor = wx.CursorFromImage(getHandImage())
+ self.GrabHandCursor = wx.CursorFromImage(getGrabHandImage())
+ self.MagCursor = wx.CursorFromImage(getMagPlusImage())
# Things for printing
self.print_data = wx.PrintData()
self.printerScale = 1
self.parent= parent
+ # scrollbar variables
+ self._sb_ignore = False
+ self._adjustingSB = False
+ self._sb_xfullrange = 0
+ self._sb_yfullrange = 0
+ self._sb_xunit = 0
+ self._sb_yunit = 0
+ self._dragEnabled = False
+ self._screenCoordinates = _Numeric.array([0.0, 0.0])
+ self._logscale = (False, False)
# Zooming variables
self._zoomInFactor = 0.5
self._zoomOutFactor = 2
- self._zoomCorner1= Numeric.array([0.0, 0.0]) # left mouse down corner
- self._zoomCorner2= Numeric.array([0.0, 0.0]) # left mouse up corner
+ self._zoomCorner1= _Numeric.array([0.0, 0.0]) # left mouse down corner
+ self._zoomCorner2= _Numeric.array([0.0, 0.0]) # left mouse up corner
self._zoomEnabled= False
self._hasDragged= False
self._fontSizeTitle= 15
self._fontSizeLegend= 7
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ # pointLabels
+ self._pointLabelEnabled= False
+ self.last_PointLabel= None
+ self._pointLabelFunc= None
+ self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeave)
+ self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
# OnSize called to make sure the buffer is initialized.
# This might result in OnSize getting called twice on some
# platforms at initialization, but little harm done.
- if wx.Platform != "__WXMAC__":
- self.OnSize(None) # sets the initial size based on client size
+ self.OnSize(None) # sets the initial size based on client size
+ self._gridColour = wx.NamedColour('black')
+ def SetCursor(self, cursor):
+ self.canvas.SetCursor(cursor)
+ def GetGridColour(self):
+ return self._gridColour
+ def SetGridColour(self, colour):
+ if isinstance(colour, wx.Colour):
+ self._gridColour = colour
+ else:
+ self._gridColour = wx.NamedColour(colour)
# SaveFile
.png Save a Portable Network Graphics file.
.jpg Save a Joint Photographic Experts Group file.
- if string.lower(fileName[-3:]) not in ['bmp','xbm','xpm','png','jpg']:
+ if _string.lower(fileName[-3:]) not in ['bmp','xbm','xpm','png','jpg']:
dlg1 = wx.FileDialog(
"Choose a file with extension bmp, gif, xbm, xpm, png, or jpg", ".", "",
if dlg1.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
fileName = dlg1.GetPath()
# Check for proper exension
- if string.lower(fileName[-3:]) not in ['bmp','xbm','xpm','png','jpg']:
+ if _string.lower(fileName[-3:]) not in ['bmp','xbm','xpm','png','jpg']:
dlg2 = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'File name extension\n'
'must be one of\n'
'bmp, xbm, xpm, png, or jpg',
# File name has required extension
- fType = string.lower(fileName[-3:])
+ fType = _string.lower(fileName[-3:])
if fType == "bmp":
tp= wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP # Save a Windows bitmap file.
elif fType == "xbm":
- self.print_data=data.GetPrintData() # updates print_data
+ self.print_data=wx.PrintData(data.GetPrintData()) # updates print_data
"""Print current plot."""
if paper != None:
- pdd = wx.PrintDialogData()
- pdd.SetPrintData(self.print_data)
+ pdd = wx.PrintDialogData(self.print_data)
printer = wx.Printer(pdd)
out = PlotPrintout(self)
print_ok = printer.Print(self.parent, out)
if print_ok:
- self.print_data = printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData()
+ self.print_data = wx.PrintData(printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData())
def PrintPreview(self):
wx.MessageDialog(self, "Print Preview failed.\n" \
"Check that default printer is configured\n", \
"Print error", wx.OK|wx.CENTRE).ShowModal()
- self.preview.SetZoom(30)
+ self.preview.SetZoom(40)
# search up tree to find frame instance
frameInst= self
while not isinstance(frameInst, wx.Frame):
frame = wx.PreviewFrame(self.preview, frameInst, "Preview")
- frame.SetSize((500,400))
+ frame.SetSize((600,550))
+ def setLogScale(self, logscale):
+ if type(logscale) != tuple:
+ raise TypeError, 'logscale must be a tuple of bools, e.g. (False, False)'
+ if self.last_draw is not None:
+ graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
+ graphics.setLogScale(logscale)
+ self.last_draw = (graphics, None, None)
+ self.SetXSpec('min')
+ self.SetYSpec('min')
+ self._logscale = logscale
+ def getLogScale(self):
+ return self._logscale
def SetFontSizeAxis(self, point= 10):
"""Set the tick and axis label font size (default is 10 point)"""
self._fontSizeAxis= point
"""Get current Legend font size in points"""
return self._fontSizeLegend
+ def SetShowScrollbars(self, value):
+ """Set True to show scrollbars"""
+ if value not in [True,False]:
+ raise TypeError, "Value should be True or False"
+ if value == self.GetShowScrollbars():
+ return
+ self.sb_vert.Show(value)
+ self.sb_hor.Show(value)
+ wx.CallAfter(self.Layout)
+ def GetShowScrollbars(self):
+ """Set True to show scrollbars"""
+ return self.sb_vert.IsShown()
+ def SetEnableDrag(self, value):
+ """Set True to enable drag."""
+ if value not in [True,False]:
+ raise TypeError, "Value should be True or False"
+ if value:
+ if self.GetEnableZoom():
+ self.SetEnableZoom(False)
+ self.SetCursor(self.HandCursor)
+ else:
+ self.SetCursor(wx.CROSS_CURSOR)
+ self._dragEnabled = value
+ def GetEnableDrag(self):
+ return self._dragEnabled
def SetEnableZoom(self, value):
"""Set True to enable zooming."""
if value not in [True,False]:
raise TypeError, "Value should be True or False"
+ if value:
+ if self.GetEnableDrag():
+ self.SetEnableDrag(False)
+ self.SetCursor(self.MagCursor)
+ else:
+ self.SetCursor(wx.CROSS_CURSOR)
self._zoomEnabled= value
def GetEnableZoom(self):
def SetEnableGrid(self, value):
"""Set True to enable grid."""
- if value not in [True,False]:
- raise TypeError, "Value should be True or False"
+ if value not in [True,False,'Horizontal','Vertical']:
+ raise TypeError, "Value should be True, False, Horizontal or Vertical"
self._gridEnabled= value
"""True if Legend enabled."""
return self._legendEnabled
+ def SetEnablePointLabel(self, value):
+ """Set True to enable pointLabel."""
+ if value not in [True,False]:
+ raise TypeError, "Value should be True or False"
+ self._pointLabelEnabled= value
+ self.Redraw() #will erase existing pointLabel if present
+ self.last_PointLabel = None
+ def GetEnablePointLabel(self):
+ """True if pointLabel enabled."""
+ return self._pointLabelEnabled
+ def SetPointLabelFunc(self, func):
+ """Sets the function with custom code for pointLabel drawing
+ ******** more info needed ***************
+ """
+ self._pointLabelFunc= func
+ def GetPointLabelFunc(self):
+ """Returns pointLabel Drawing Function"""
+ return self._pointLabelFunc
def Reset(self):
"""Unzoom the plot."""
+ self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
if self.last_draw is not None:
- self.Draw(self.last_draw[0])
+ self._Draw(self.last_draw[0])
def ScrollRight(self, units):
"""Move view right number of axis units."""
+ self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
if self.last_draw is not None:
graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
xAxis= (xAxis[0]+units, xAxis[1]+units)
- self.Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis)
+ self._Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis)
def ScrollUp(self, units):
"""Move view up number of axis units."""
+ self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
if self.last_draw is not None:
- graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
- yAxis= (yAxis[0]+units, yAxis[1]+units)
- self.Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis)
+ graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
+ yAxis= (yAxis[0]+units, yAxis[1]+units)
+ self._Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis)
+ def GetXY(self, event):
+ """Wrapper around _getXY, which handles log scales"""
+ x,y = self._getXY(event)
+ if self.getLogScale()[0]:
+ x = _Numeric.power(10,x)
+ if self.getLogScale()[1]:
+ y = _Numeric.power(10,y)
+ return x,y
- def GetXY(self,event):
+ def _getXY(self,event):
"""Takes a mouse event and returns the XY user axis values."""
- screenPos= Numeric.array( event.GetPosition())
- x,y= (screenPos-self._pointShift)/self._pointScale
+ x,y= self.PositionScreenToUser(event.GetPosition())
return x,y
+ def PositionUserToScreen(self, pntXY):
+ """Converts User position to Screen Coordinates"""
+ userPos= _Numeric.array(pntXY)
+ x,y= userPos * self._pointScale + self._pointShift
+ return x,y
+ def PositionScreenToUser(self, pntXY):
+ """Converts Screen position to User Coordinates"""
+ screenPos= _Numeric.array(pntXY)
+ x,y= (screenPos-self._pointShift)/self._pointScale
+ return x,y
def SetXSpec(self, type= 'auto'):
"""xSpec- defines x axis type. Can be 'none', 'min' or 'auto'
return self._ySpec
def GetXMaxRange(self):
+ xAxis = self._getXMaxRange()
+ if self.getLogScale()[0]:
+ xAxis = _Numeric.power(10,xAxis)
+ return xAxis
+ def _getXMaxRange(self):
"""Returns (minX, maxX) x-axis range for displayed graph"""
graphics= self.last_draw[0]
p1, p2 = graphics.boundingBox() # min, max points of graphics
return xAxis
def GetYMaxRange(self):
+ yAxis = self._getYMaxRange()
+ if self.getLogScale()[1]:
+ yAxis = _Numeric.power(10,yAxis)
+ return yAxis
+ def _getYMaxRange(self):
"""Returns (minY, maxY) y-axis range for displayed graph"""
graphics= self.last_draw[0]
p1, p2 = graphics.boundingBox() # min, max points of graphics
return yAxis
def GetXCurrentRange(self):
+ xAxis = self._getXCurrentRange()
+ if self.getLogScale()[0]:
+ xAxis = _Numeric.power(10,xAxis)
+ return xAxis
+ def _getXCurrentRange(self):
"""Returns (minX, maxX) x-axis for currently displayed portion of graph"""
return self.last_draw[1]
def GetYCurrentRange(self):
+ yAxis = self._getYCurrentRange()
+ if self.getLogScale()[1]:
+ yAxis = _Numeric.power(10,yAxis)
+ return yAxis
+ def _getYCurrentRange(self):
"""Returns (minY, maxY) y-axis for currently displayed portion of graph"""
return self.last_draw[2]
def Draw(self, graphics, xAxis = None, yAxis = None, dc = None):
- """Draw objects in graphics with specified x and y axis.
- graphics- instance of PlotGraphics with list of PolyXXX objects
- xAxis - tuple with (min, max) axis range to view
- yAxis - same as xAxis
- dc - drawing context - doesn't have to be specified.
- If it's not, the offscreen buffer is used
- """
+ """Wrapper around _Draw, which handles log axes"""
+ graphics.setLogScale(self.getLogScale())
# check Axis is either tuple or none
if type(xAxis) not in [type(None),tuple]:
- raise TypeError, "xAxis should be None or (minX,maxX)"
+ raise TypeError, "xAxis should be None or (minX,maxX)"+str(type(xAxis))
if type(yAxis) not in [type(None),tuple]:
- raise TypeError, "yAxis should be None or (minY,maxY)"
+ raise TypeError, "yAxis should be None or (minY,maxY)"+str(type(xAxis))
# check case for axis = (a,b) where a==b caused by improper zooms
if xAxis != None:
if xAxis[0] == xAxis[1]:
+ if self.getLogScale()[0]:
+ xAxis = _Numeric.log10(xAxis)
if yAxis != None:
if yAxis[0] == yAxis[1]:
+ if self.getLogScale()[1]:
+ yAxis = _Numeric.log10(yAxis)
+ self._Draw(graphics, xAxis, yAxis, dc)
+ def _Draw(self, graphics, xAxis = None, yAxis = None, dc = None):
+ """\
+ Draw objects in graphics with specified x and y axis.
+ graphics- instance of PlotGraphics with list of PolyXXX objects
+ xAxis - tuple with (min, max) axis range to view
+ yAxis - same as xAxis
+ dc - drawing context - doesn't have to be specified.
+ If it's not, the offscreen buffer is used
+ """
if dc == None:
- # allows using floats for certain functions
- dc = FloatDCWrapper(wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer))
+ # sets new dc and clears it
+ dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self.canvas), self._Buffer)
p2[0],p2[1] = xAxis[1], yAxis[1] # upper right corner user scale (xmax,ymax)
# Both axis specified in Draw
- p1= Numeric.array([xAxis[0], yAxis[0]]) # lower left corner user scale (xmin,ymin)
- p2= Numeric.array([xAxis[1], yAxis[1]]) # upper right corner user scale (xmax,ymax)
+ p1= _Numeric.array([xAxis[0], yAxis[0]]) # lower left corner user scale (xmin,ymin)
+ p2= _Numeric.array([xAxis[1], yAxis[1]]) # upper right corner user scale (xmax,ymax)
- self.last_draw = (graphics, xAxis, yAxis) # saves most recient values
+ self.last_draw = (graphics, _Numeric.array(xAxis), _Numeric.array(yAxis)) # saves most recient values
# Get ticks and textExtents for axis if required
if self._xSpec is not 'none':
- xticks = self._ticks(xAxis[0], xAxis[1])
+ xticks = self._xticks(xAxis[0], xAxis[1])
xTextExtent = dc.GetTextExtent(xticks[-1][1])# w h of x axis text last number on axis
xticks = None
xTextExtent= (0,0) # No text for ticks
if self._ySpec is not 'none':
- yticks = self._ticks(yAxis[0], yAxis[1])
- yTextExtentBottom= dc.GetTextExtent(yticks[0][1])
- yTextExtentTop = dc.GetTextExtent(yticks[-1][1])
- yTextExtent= (max(yTextExtentBottom[0],yTextExtentTop[0]),
- max(yTextExtentBottom[1],yTextExtentTop[1]))
+ yticks = self._yticks(yAxis[0], yAxis[1])
+ if self.getLogScale()[1]:
+ yTextExtent = dc.GetTextExtent('-2e-2')
+ else:
+ yTextExtentBottom = dc.GetTextExtent(yticks[0][1])
+ yTextExtentTop = dc.GetTextExtent(yticks[-1][1])
+ yTextExtent= (max(yTextExtentBottom[0],yTextExtentTop[0]),
+ max(yTextExtentBottom[1],yTextExtentTop[1]))
yticks = None
yTextExtent= (0,0) # No text for ticks
lhsW= yTextExtent[0]+ yLabelWH[1]
bottomH= max(xTextExtent[1], yTextExtent[1]/2.)+ xLabelWH[1]
topH= yTextExtent[1]/2. + titleWH[1]
- textSize_scale= Numeric.array([rhsW+lhsW,bottomH+topH]) # make plot area smaller by text size
- textSize_shift= Numeric.array([lhsW, bottomH]) # shift plot area by this amount
+ textSize_scale= _Numeric.array([rhsW+lhsW,bottomH+topH]) # make plot area smaller by text size
+ textSize_shift= _Numeric.array([lhsW, bottomH]) # shift plot area by this amount
# drawing title and labels text
self._drawLegend(dc,graphics,rhsW,topH,legendBoxWH, legendSymExt, legendTextExt)
# allow for scaling and shifting plotted points
- scale = (self.plotbox_size-textSize_scale) / (p2-p1)* Numeric.array((1,-1))
- shift = -p1*scale + self.plotbox_origin + textSize_shift * Numeric.array((1,-1))
+ scale = (self.plotbox_size-textSize_scale) / (p2-p1)* _Numeric.array((1,-1))
+ shift = -p1*scale + self.plotbox_origin + textSize_shift * _Numeric.array((1,-1))
self._pointScale= scale # make available for mouse events
self._pointShift= shift
self._drawAxes(dc, p1, p2, scale, shift, xticks, yticks)
ptx,pty,rectWidth,rectHeight= self._point2ClientCoord(p1, p2)
# Draw the lines and markers
- #start = time.clock()
+ #start = _time.clock()
- # print "entire graphics drawing took: %f second"%(time.clock() - start)
+ # print "entire graphics drawing took: %f second"%(_time.clock() - start)
# remove the clipping region
+ self._adjustScrollbars()
- def Redraw(self, dc= None):
+ def Redraw(self, dc=None):
"""Redraw the existing plot."""
if self.last_draw is not None:
graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
- self.Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis,dc)
+ self._Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis,dc)
def Clear(self):
"""Erase the window."""
- dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer)
+ self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
+ dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self.canvas), self._Buffer)
self.last_draw = None
Centers on the X,Y coords given in Center
Zooms by the Ratio = (Xratio, Yratio) given
+ self.last_PointLabel = None #reset maker
x,y = Center
if self.last_draw != None:
(graphics, xAxis, yAxis) = self.last_draw
h = (yAxis[1] - yAxis[0]) * Ratio[1]
xAxis = ( x - w/2, x + w/2 )
yAxis = ( y - h/2, y + h/2 )
- self.Draw(graphics, xAxis, yAxis)
+ self._Draw(graphics, xAxis, yAxis)
+ def GetClosestPoints(self, pntXY, pointScaled= True):
+ """Returns list with
+ [curveNumber, legend, index of closest point, pointXY, scaledXY, distance]
+ list for each curve.
+ Returns [] if no curves are being plotted.
+ x, y in user coords
+ if pointScaled == True based on screen coords
+ if pointScaled == False based on user coords
+ """
+ if self.last_draw == None:
+ #no graph available
+ return []
+ graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
+ l = []
+ for curveNum,obj in enumerate(graphics):
+ #check there are points in the curve
+ if len(obj.points) == 0:
+ continue #go to next obj
+ #[curveNumber, legend, index of closest point, pointXY, scaledXY, distance]
+ cn = [curveNum]+ [obj.getLegend()]+ obj.getClosestPoint( pntXY, pointScaled)
+ l.append(cn)
+ return l
+ def GetClosetPoint(self, pntXY, pointScaled= True):
+ """Returns list with
+ [curveNumber, legend, index of closest point, pointXY, scaledXY, distance]
+ list for only the closest curve.
+ Returns [] if no curves are being plotted.
+ x, y in user coords
+ if pointScaled == True based on screen coords
+ if pointScaled == False based on user coords
+ """
+ #closest points on screen based on screen scaling (pointScaled= True)
+ #list [curveNumber, index, pointXY, scaledXY, distance] for each curve
+ closestPts= self.GetClosestPoints(pntXY, pointScaled)
+ if closestPts == []:
+ return [] #no graph present
+ #find one with least distance
+ dists = [c[-1] for c in closestPts]
+ mdist = min(dists) #Min dist
+ i = dists.index(mdist) #index for min dist
+ return closestPts[i] #this is the closest point on closest curve
+ def UpdatePointLabel(self, mDataDict):
+ """Updates the pointLabel point on screen with data contained in
+ mDataDict.
+ mDataDict will be passed to your function set by
+ SetPointLabelFunc. It can contain anything you
+ want to display on the screen at the scaledXY point
+ you specify.
+ This function can be called from parent window with onClick,
+ onMotion events etc.
+ """
+ if self.last_PointLabel != None:
+ #compare pointXY
+ if _Numeric.sometrue(mDataDict["pointXY"] != self.last_PointLabel["pointXY"]):
+ #closest changed
+ self._drawPointLabel(self.last_PointLabel) #erase old
+ self._drawPointLabel(mDataDict) #plot new
+ else:
+ #just plot new with no erase
+ self._drawPointLabel(mDataDict) #plot new
+ #save for next erase
+ self.last_PointLabel = mDataDict
# event handlers **********************************
def OnMotion(self, event):
self._drawRubberBand(self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2) # remove old
self._hasDragged= True
- self._zoomCorner2[0], self._zoomCorner2[1] = self.GetXY(event)
+ self._zoomCorner2[0], self._zoomCorner2[1] = self._getXY(event)
self._drawRubberBand(self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2) # add new
+ elif self._dragEnabled and event.LeftIsDown():
+ coordinates = event.GetPosition()
+ newpos, oldpos = map(_Numeric.array, map(self.PositionScreenToUser, [coordinates, self._screenCoordinates]))
+ dist = newpos-oldpos
+ self._screenCoordinates = coordinates
+ if self.last_draw is not None:
+ graphics, xAxis, yAxis= self.last_draw
+ yAxis -= dist[1]
+ xAxis -= dist[0]
+ self._Draw(graphics,xAxis,yAxis)
def OnMouseLeftDown(self,event):
- self._zoomCorner1[0], self._zoomCorner1[1]= self.GetXY(event)
+ self._zoomCorner1[0], self._zoomCorner1[1]= self._getXY(event)
+ self._screenCoordinates = _Numeric.array(event.GetPosition())
+ if self._dragEnabled:
+ self.SetCursor(self.GrabHandCursor)
+ self.canvas.CaptureMouse()
def OnMouseLeftUp(self, event):
if self._zoomEnabled:
if self._hasDragged == True:
self._drawRubberBand(self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2) # remove old
- self._zoomCorner2[0], self._zoomCorner2[1]= self.GetXY(event)
+ self._zoomCorner2[0], self._zoomCorner2[1]= self._getXY(event)
self._hasDragged = False # reset flag
- minX, minY= Numeric.minimum( self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2)
- maxX, maxY= Numeric.maximum( self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2)
+ minX, minY= _Numeric.minimum( self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2)
+ maxX, maxY= _Numeric.maximum( self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2)
+ self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
if self.last_draw != None:
- self.Draw(self.last_draw[0], xAxis = (minX,maxX), yAxis = (minY,maxY), dc = None)
+ self._Draw(self.last_draw[0], xAxis = (minX,maxX), yAxis = (minY,maxY), dc = None)
#else: # A box has not been drawn, zoom in on a point
## this interfered with the double click, so I've disables it.
- # X,Y = self.GetXY(event)
+ # X,Y = self._getXY(event)
# self.Zoom( (X,Y), (self._zoomInFactor,self._zoomInFactor) )
+ if self._dragEnabled:
+ self.SetCursor(self.HandCursor)
+ if self.canvas.HasCapture():
+ self.canvas.ReleaseMouse()
def OnMouseDoubleClick(self,event):
if self._zoomEnabled:
- self.Reset()
+ # Give a little time for the click to be totally finished
+ # before (possibly) removing the scrollbars and trigering
+ # size events, etc.
+ wx.FutureCall(200,self.Reset)
def OnMouseRightDown(self,event):
if self._zoomEnabled:
- X,Y = self.GetXY(event)
+ X,Y = self._getXY(event)
self.Zoom( (X,Y), (self._zoomOutFactor, self._zoomOutFactor) )
def OnPaint(self, event):
# All that is needed here is to draw the buffer to screen
- dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self._Buffer)
+ if self.last_PointLabel != None:
+ self._drawPointLabel(self.last_PointLabel) #erase old
+ self.last_PointLabel = None
+ dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self.canvas, self._Buffer)
def OnSize(self,event):
# The Buffer init is done here, to make sure the buffer is always
# the same size as the Window
- Size = self.GetClientSize()
+ Size = self.canvas.GetClientSize()
+ Size.width = max(1, Size.width)
+ Size.height = max(1, Size.height)
# Make new offscreen bitmap: this bitmap will always have the
# current drawing in it, so it can be used to save the image to
# a file, or whatever.
- self._Buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(Size[0],Size[1])
+ self._Buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(Size.width, Size.height)
+ self.last_PointLabel = None #reset pointLabel
if self.last_draw is None:
graphics, xSpec, ySpec = self.last_draw
- self.Draw(graphics,xSpec,ySpec)
+ self._Draw(graphics,xSpec,ySpec)
+ def OnLeave(self, event):
+ """Used to erase pointLabel when mouse outside window"""
+ if self.last_PointLabel != None:
+ self._drawPointLabel(self.last_PointLabel) #erase old
+ self.last_PointLabel = None
+ def OnScroll(self, evt):
+ if not self._adjustingSB:
+ self._sb_ignore = True
+ sbpos = evt.GetPosition()
+ if evt.GetOrientation() == wx.VERTICAL:
+ fullrange,pagesize = self.sb_vert.GetRange(),self.sb_vert.GetPageSize()
+ sbpos = fullrange-pagesize-sbpos
+ dist = sbpos*self._sb_yunit-(self._getYCurrentRange()[0]-self._sb_yfullrange[0])
+ self.ScrollUp(dist)
+ if evt.GetOrientation() == wx.HORIZONTAL:
+ dist = sbpos*self._sb_xunit-(self._getXCurrentRange()[0]-self._sb_xfullrange[0])
+ self.ScrollRight(dist)
# Private Methods **************************************************
def _setSize(self, width=None, height=None):
"""DC width and height."""
if width == None:
- (self.width,self.height) = self.GetClientSize()
+ (self.width,self.height) = self.canvas.GetClientSize()
self.width, self.height= width,height
- self.plotbox_size = 0.97*Numeric.array([self.width, self.height])
+ self.plotbox_size = 0.97*_Numeric.array([self.width, self.height])
xo = 0.5*(self.width-self.plotbox_size[0])
yo = self.height-0.5*(self.height-self.plotbox_size[1])
- self.plotbox_origin = Numeric.array([xo, yo])
+ self.plotbox_origin = _Numeric.array([xo, yo])
def _setPrinterScale(self, scale):
"""Used to thicken lines and increase marker size for print out."""
"""Used for printing."""
if self.last_draw != None:
graphics, xSpec, ySpec= self.last_draw
- self.Draw(graphics,xSpec,ySpec,printDC)
+ self._Draw(graphics,xSpec,ySpec,printDC)
+ def _drawPointLabel(self, mDataDict):
+ """Draws and erases pointLabels"""
+ width = self._Buffer.GetWidth()
+ height = self._Buffer.GetHeight()
+ tmp_Buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(width,height)
+ dcs = wx.MemoryDC()
+ dcs.SelectObject(tmp_Buffer)
+ dcs.Clear()
+ dcs.BeginDrawing()
+ self._pointLabelFunc(dcs,mDataDict) #custom user pointLabel function
+ dcs.EndDrawing()
+ dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+ #this will erase if called twice
+ dc.Blit(0, 0, width, height, dcs, 0, 0, wx.EQUIV) #(NOT src) XOR dst
def _drawLegend(self,dc,graphics,rhsW,topH,legendBoxWH, legendSymExt, legendTextExt):
"""Draws legend symbols and text"""
if isinstance(o,PolyMarker):
# draw marker with legend
pnt= (trhc[0]+legendLHS+legendSymExt[0]/2., trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.)
- o.draw(dc, self.printerScale, coord= Numeric.array([pnt]))
+ o.draw(dc, self.printerScale, coord= _Numeric.array([pnt]))
elif isinstance(o,PolyLine):
# draw line with legend
pnt1= (trhc[0]+legendLHS, trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.)
pnt2= (trhc[0]+legendLHS+legendSymExt[0], trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.)
- o.draw(dc, self.printerScale, coord= Numeric.array([pnt1,pnt2]))
+ o.draw(dc, self.printerScale, coord= _Numeric.array([pnt1,pnt2]))
raise TypeError, "object is neither PolyMarker or PolyLine instance"
# draw legend txt
txtList= graphics.getLegendNames()
txtExt= dc.GetTextExtent(txtList[0])
for txt in graphics.getLegendNames()[1:]:
- txtExt= Numeric.maximum(txtExt,dc.GetTextExtent(txt))
+ txtExt= _Numeric.maximum(txtExt,dc.GetTextExtent(txt))
maxW= symExt[0]+txtExt[0]
maxH= max(symExt[1],txtExt[1])
# padding .1 for lhs of legend box and space between lines
"""Draws/erases rect box from corner1 to corner2"""
ptx,pty,rectWidth,rectHeight= self._point2ClientCoord(corner1, corner2)
# draw rectangle
- dc = wx.ClientDC( self )
+ dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush( wx.WHITE, wx.TRANSPARENT ) )
- dc.DrawRectangle( (ptx,pty), (rectWidth,rectHeight))
+ dc.DrawRectangle( ptx,pty, rectWidth,rectHeight)
def _point2ClientCoord(self, corner1, corner2):
"""Converts user point coords to client screen int coords x,y,width,height"""
- c1= Numeric.array(corner1)
- c2= Numeric.array(corner2)
+ c1= _Numeric.array(corner1)
+ c2= _Numeric.array(corner2)
# convert to screen coords
pt1= c1*self._pointScale+self._pointShift
pt2= c2*self._pointScale+self._pointShift
# make height and width positive
- pul= Numeric.minimum(pt1,pt2) # Upper left corner
- plr= Numeric.maximum(pt1,pt2) # Lower right corner
+ pul= _Numeric.minimum(pt1,pt2) # Upper left corner
+ plr= _Numeric.maximum(pt1,pt2) # Lower right corner
rectWidth, rectHeight= plr-pul
ptx,pty= pul
- return int(ptx),int(pty),int(rectWidth),int(rectHeight) # return ints
+ return ptx, pty, rectWidth, rectHeight
def _axisInterval(self, spec, lower, upper):
"""Returns sensible axis range for given spec"""
range = upper-lower
if range == 0.:
return lower-0.5, upper+0.5
- log = Numeric.log10(range)
- power = Numeric.floor(log)
+ log = _Numeric.log10(range)
+ power = _Numeric.floor(log)
fraction = log-power
if fraction <= 0.05:
power = power-1
def _drawAxes(self, dc, p1, p2, scale, shift, xticks, yticks):
penWidth= self.printerScale # increases thickness for printing only
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.NamedColour('BLACK'),int(penWidth)))
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self._gridColour, penWidth))
# set length of tick marks--long ones make grid
if self._gridEnabled:
x,y,width,height= self._point2ClientCoord(p1,p2)
- yTickLength= width/2.0 +1
- xTickLength= height/2.0 +1
+ if self._gridEnabled == 'Horizontal':
+ yTickLength= width/2.0 +1
+ xTickLength= 3 * self.printerScale
+ elif self._gridEnabled == 'Vertical':
+ yTickLength= 3 * self.printerScale
+ xTickLength= height/2.0 +1
+ else:
+ yTickLength= width/2.0 +1
+ xTickLength= height/2.0 +1
yTickLength= 3 * self.printerScale # lengthens lines for printing
xTickLength= 3 * self.printerScale
lower, upper = p1[0],p2[0]
text = 1
for y, d in [(p1[1], -xTickLength), (p2[1], xTickLength)]: # miny, maxy and tick lengths
- a1 = scale*Numeric.array([lower, y])+shift
- a2 = scale*Numeric.array([upper, y])+shift
+ a1 = scale*_Numeric.array([lower, y])+shift
+ a2 = scale*_Numeric.array([upper, y])+shift
dc.DrawLine(a1[0],a1[1],a2[0],a2[1]) # draws upper and lower axis line
for x, label in xticks:
- pt = scale*Numeric.array([x, y])+shift
+ pt = scale*_Numeric.array([x, y])+shift
dc.DrawLine(pt[0],pt[1],pt[0],pt[1] + d) # draws tick mark d units
if text:
text = 1
h = dc.GetCharHeight()
for x, d in [(p1[0], -yTickLength), (p2[0], yTickLength)]:
- a1 = scale*Numeric.array([x, lower])+shift
- a2 = scale*Numeric.array([x, upper])+shift
+ a1 = scale*_Numeric.array([x, lower])+shift
+ a2 = scale*_Numeric.array([x, upper])+shift
for y, label in yticks:
- pt = scale*Numeric.array([x, y])+shift
+ pt = scale*_Numeric.array([x, y])+shift
if text:
text = 0 # axis values not drawn on right side
+ def _xticks(self, *args):
+ if self._logscale[0]:
+ return self._logticks(*args)
+ else:
+ return self._ticks(*args)
+ def _yticks(self, *args):
+ if self._logscale[1]:
+ return self._logticks(*args)
+ else:
+ return self._ticks(*args)
+ def _logticks(self, lower, upper):
+ #lower,upper = map(_Numeric.log10,[lower,upper])
+ #print 'logticks',lower,upper
+ ticks = []
+ mag = _Numeric.power(10,_Numeric.floor(lower))
+ if upper-lower > 6:
+ t = _Numeric.power(10,_Numeric.ceil(lower))
+ base = _Numeric.power(10,_Numeric.floor((upper-lower)/6))
+ def inc(t):
+ return t*base-t
+ else:
+ t = _Numeric.ceil(_Numeric.power(10,lower)/mag)*mag
+ def inc(t):
+ return 10**int(_Numeric.floor(_Numeric.log10(t)+1e-16))
+ majortick = int(_Numeric.log10(mag))
+ while t <= pow(10,upper):
+ if majortick != int(_Numeric.floor(_Numeric.log10(t)+1e-16)):
+ majortick = int(_Numeric.floor(_Numeric.log10(t)+1e-16))
+ ticklabel = '1e%d'%majortick
+ else:
+ if upper-lower < 2:
+ minortick = int(t/pow(10,majortick)+.5)
+ ticklabel = '%de%d'%(minortick,majortick)
+ else:
+ ticklabel = ''
+ ticks.append((_Numeric.log10(t), ticklabel))
+ t += inc(t)
+ if len(ticks) == 0:
+ ticks = [(0,'')]
+ return ticks
def _ticks(self, lower, upper):
ideal = (upper-lower)/7.
- log = Numeric.log10(ideal)
- power = Numeric.floor(log)
+ log = _Numeric.log10(ideal)
+ power = _Numeric.floor(log)
fraction = log-power
factor = 1.
error = fraction
for f, lf in self._multiples:
- e = Numeric.fabs(fraction-lf)
+ e = _Numeric.fabs(fraction-lf)
if e < error:
error = e
factor = f
digits = -int(power)
format = '%'+`digits+2`+'.'+`digits`+'f'
ticks = []
- t = -grid*Numeric.floor(-lower/grid)
+ t = -grid*_Numeric.floor(-lower/grid)
while t <= upper:
ticks.append( (t, format % (t,)) )
t = t + grid
return ticks
- _multiples = [(2., Numeric.log10(2.)), (5., Numeric.log10(5.))]
+ _multiples = [(2., _Numeric.log10(2.)), (5., _Numeric.log10(5.))]
+ def _adjustScrollbars(self):
+ if self._sb_ignore:
+ self._sb_ignore = False
+ return
+ self._adjustingSB = True
+ needScrollbars = False
+ # horizontal scrollbar
+ r_current = self._getXCurrentRange()
+ r_max = list(self._getXMaxRange())
+ sbfullrange = float(self.sb_hor.GetRange())
+ r_max[0] = min(r_max[0],r_current[0])
+ r_max[1] = max(r_max[1],r_current[1])
+ self._sb_xfullrange = r_max
+ unit = (r_max[1]-r_max[0])/float(self.sb_hor.GetRange())
+ pos = int((r_current[0]-r_max[0])/unit)
+ if pos >= 0:
+ pagesize = int((r_current[1]-r_current[0])/unit)
+ self.sb_hor.SetScrollbar(pos, pagesize, sbfullrange, pagesize)
+ self._sb_xunit = unit
+ needScrollbars = needScrollbars or (pagesize != sbfullrange)
+ else:
+ self.sb_hor.SetScrollbar(0, 1000, 1000, 1000)
+ # vertical scrollbar
+ r_current = self._getYCurrentRange()
+ r_max = list(self._getYMaxRange())
+ sbfullrange = float(self.sb_vert.GetRange())
+ r_max[0] = min(r_max[0],r_current[0])
+ r_max[1] = max(r_max[1],r_current[1])
+ self._sb_yfullrange = r_max
+ unit = (r_max[1]-r_max[0])/sbfullrange
+ pos = int((r_current[0]-r_max[0])/unit)
+ if pos >= 0:
+ pagesize = int((r_current[1]-r_current[0])/unit)
+ pos = (sbfullrange-1-pos-pagesize)
+ self.sb_vert.SetScrollbar(pos, pagesize, sbfullrange, pagesize)
+ self._sb_yunit = unit
+ needScrollbars = needScrollbars or (pagesize != sbfullrange)
+ else:
+ self.sb_vert.SetScrollbar(0, 1000, 1000, 1000)
+ self.SetShowScrollbars(needScrollbars)
+ self._adjustingSB = False
# Used to layout the printer page
return False
def GetPageInfo(self):
- return (0, 1, 1, 1) # disable page numbers
+ return (1, 1, 1, 1) # disable page numbers
def OnPrintPage(self, page):
- dc = FloatDCWrapper(self.GetDC()) # allows using floats for certain functions
+ dc = self.GetDC() # allows using floats for certain functions
## print "PPI Printer",self.GetPPIPrinter()
## print "PPI Screen", self.GetPPIScreen()
## print "DC GetSize", dc.GetSize()
# rescale back to original
+ self.graph.Redraw() #to get point label scale and shift correct
return True
-# Hack to allow plotting real numbers for the methods listed.
-# All others passed directly to DC.
-# For Drawing it is used as
-# dc = FloatDCWrapper(wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer))
-# For printing is is used as
-# dc = FloatDCWrapper(self.GetDC())
-class FloatDCWrapper:
- def __init__(self, aDC):
- self.theDC = aDC
- def DrawLine(self, x1,y1,x2,y2):
- self.theDC.DrawLine((int(x1),int(y1)),(int(x2),int(y2)))
- def DrawText(self, txt, x, y):
- self.theDC.DrawText(txt, (int(x), int(y)))
- def DrawRotatedText(self, txt, x, y, angle):
- self.theDC.DrawRotatedText(txt, (int(x), int(y)), angle)
- def SetClippingRegion(self, x, y, width, height):
- self.theDC.SetClippingRegion((int(x), int(y)), (int(width), int(height)))
- def SetDeviceOrigin(self, x, y):
- self.theDC.SetDeviceOrigin(int(x), int(y))
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return getattr(self.theDC, name)
+from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
+import cStringIO, zlib
+def getMagPlusData():
+ return zlib.decompress(
+\x08\x08|\x08d\x88\x00\x00\x00\xe1IDATx\x9c\xb5U\xd1\x0e\xc4 \x08\xa3n\xff\
+\xdf\x0e\xc3D\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82\xe2ovy' )
+def getMagPlusBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getMagPlusImage())
+def getMagPlusImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getMagPlusData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getGrabHandData():
+ return zlib.decompress(
+\x8b7\xb3\x97\xd1C\xa4Zw\x93;\x1fJ1\t\x98VJ\x92\xb5N<\x14\x04 I\x00\x80H\xb4\
+\xd0\x8f\n' )
+def getGrabHandBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getGrabHandImage())
+def getGrabHandImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getGrabHandData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
+def getHandData():
+ return zlib.decompress(
+\x08\x08|\x08d\x88\x00\x00\x01\x10IDATx\x9c\xad\x96\xe1\x02\xc2 \x08\x849\
+\xb0\r\\j\x83\x9dd\x92\xc3 \xf6\xbd\xab\x0c2\x05\xc0p\x9a\xa7]\xf4\x14\x18]3\
+\xcf_\xbd;\xe4\x8c\x03\x10\xdb^\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82\xd1>\x97B' )
+def getHandBitmap():
+ return BitmapFromImage(getHandImage())
+def getHandImage():
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getHandData())
+ return ImageFromStream(stream)
def _draw1Objects():
# 100 points sin function, plotted as green circles
- data1 = 2.*Numeric.pi*Numeric.arange(200)/200.
+ data1 = 2.*_Numeric.pi*_Numeric.arange(200)/200.
data1.shape = (100, 2)
- data1[:,1] = Numeric.sin(data1[:,0])
+ data1[:,1] = _Numeric.sin(data1[:,0])
markers1 = PolyMarker(data1, legend='Green Markers', colour='green', marker='circle',size=1)
# 50 points cos function, plotted as red line
- data1 = 2.*Numeric.pi*Numeric.arange(100)/100.
+ data1 = 2.*_Numeric.pi*_Numeric.arange(100)/100.
data1.shape = (50,2)
- data1[:,1] = Numeric.cos(data1[:,0])
+ data1[:,1] = _Numeric.cos(data1[:,0])
lines = PolyLine(data1, legend= 'Red Line', colour='red')
# A few more points...
- pi = Numeric.pi
+ pi = _Numeric.pi
markers2 = PolyMarker([(0., 0.), (pi/4., 1.), (pi/2, 0.),
(3.*pi/4., -1)], legend='Cross Legend', colour='blue',
def _draw2Objects():
# 100 points sin function, plotted as green dots
- data1 = 2.*Numeric.pi*Numeric.arange(200)/200.
+ data1 = 2.*_Numeric.pi*_Numeric.arange(200)/200.
data1.shape = (100, 2)
- data1[:,1] = Numeric.sin(data1[:,0])
+ data1[:,1] = _Numeric.sin(data1[:,0])
line1 = PolyLine(data1, legend='Green Line', colour='green', width=6, style=wx.DOT)
# 50 points cos function, plotted as red dot-dash
- data1 = 2.*Numeric.pi*Numeric.arange(100)/100.
+ data1 = 2.*_Numeric.pi*_Numeric.arange(100)/100.
data1.shape = (50,2)
- data1[:,1] = Numeric.cos(data1[:,0])
+ data1[:,1] = _Numeric.cos(data1[:,0])
line2 = PolyLine(data1, legend='Red Line', colour='red', width=3, style= wx.DOT_DASH)
# A few more points...
- pi = Numeric.pi
+ pi = _Numeric.pi
markers1 = PolyMarker([(0., 0.), (pi/4., 1.), (pi/2, 0.),
(3.*pi/4., -1)], legend='Cross Hatch Square', colour='blue', width= 3, size= 6,
fillcolour= 'red', fillstyle= wx.CROSSDIAG_HATCH,
def _draw4Objects():
# 25,000 point line
- data1 = Numeric.arange(5e5,1e6,10)
+ data1 = _Numeric.arange(5e5,1e6,10)
data1.shape = (25000, 2)
line1 = PolyLine(data1, legend='Wide Line', colour='green', width=5)
line1 = PolyLine(points, legend='Wide Line', colour='green', width=5)
return PlotGraphics([line1], "Empty Plot With Just Axes", "Value X", "Value Y")
+def _draw6Objects():
+ # Bar graph
+ points1=[(1,0), (1,10)]
+ line1 = PolyLine(points1, colour='green', legend='Feb.', width=10)
+ points1g=[(2,0), (2,4)]
+ line1g = PolyLine(points1g, colour='red', legend='Mar.', width=10)
+ points1b=[(3,0), (3,6)]
+ line1b = PolyLine(points1b, colour='blue', legend='Apr.', width=10)
+ points2=[(4,0), (4,12)]
+ line2 = PolyLine(points2, colour='Yellow', legend='May', width=10)
+ points2g=[(5,0), (5,8)]
+ line2g = PolyLine(points2g, colour='orange', legend='June', width=10)
+ points2b=[(6,0), (6,4)]
+ line2b = PolyLine(points2b, colour='brown', legend='July', width=10)
+ return PlotGraphics([line1, line1g, line1b, line2, line2g, line2b],
+ "Bar Graph - (Turn on Grid, Legend)", "Months", "Number of Students")
+def _draw7Objects():
+ # Empty graph with axis defined but no points/lines
+ x = _Numeric.arange(1,1000,1)
+ y1 = 4.5*x**2
+ y2 = 2.2*x**3
+ points1 = _Numeric.transpose([x,y1])
+ points2 = _Numeric.transpose([x,y2])
+ line1 = PolyLine(points1, legend='quadratic', colour='blue', width=1)
+ line2 = PolyLine(points2, legend='cubic', colour='red', width=1)
+ return PlotGraphics([line1,line2], "double log plot", "Value X", "Value Y")
class TestFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw4, id=209)
menu.Append(210, 'Draw5', 'Draw plots5')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw5, id=210)
+ menu.Append(260, 'Draw6', 'Draw plots6')
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw6, id=260)
+ menu.Append(261, 'Draw7', 'Draw plots7')
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotDraw7, id=261)
menu.Append(211, '&Redraw', 'Redraw plots')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnPlotRedraw, id=211)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnableZoom, id=214)
menu.Append(215, 'Enable &Grid', 'Turn on Grid', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnableGrid, id=215)
+ menu.Append(217, 'Enable &Drag', 'Activates dragging mode', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnableDrag, id=217)
menu.Append(220, 'Enable &Legend', 'Turn on Legend', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnableLegend, id=220)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnableLegend, id=220)
+ menu.Append(222, 'Enable &Point Label', 'Show Closest Point', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnEnablePointLabel, id=222)
menu.Append(225, 'Scroll Up 1', 'Move View Up 1 Unit')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.OnScrUp, id=225)
menu.Append(230, 'Scroll Rt 2', 'Move View Right 2 Units')
self.client = PlotCanvas(self)
+ #define the function for drawing pointLabels
+ self.client.SetPointLabelFunc(self.DrawPointLabel)
# Create mouse event for showing cursor coords in status bar
- self.client.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseLeftDown)
+ self.client.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseLeftDown)
+ # Show closest point when enabled
+ self.client.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
+ def DrawPointLabel(self, dc, mDataDict):
+ """This is the fuction that defines how the pointLabels are plotted
+ dc - DC that will be passed
+ mDataDict - Dictionary of data that you want to use for the pointLabel
+ As an example I have decided I want a box at the curve point
+ with some text information about the curve plotted below.
+ Any wxDC method can be used.
+ """
+ # ----------
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK))
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush( wx.BLACK, wx.SOLID ) )
+ sx, sy = mDataDict["scaledXY"] #scaled x,y of closest point
+ dc.DrawRectangle( sx-5,sy-5, 10, 10) #10by10 square centered on point
+ px,py = mDataDict["pointXY"]
+ cNum = mDataDict["curveNum"]
+ pntIn = mDataDict["pIndex"]
+ legend = mDataDict["legend"]
+ #make a string to display
+ s = "Crv# %i, '%s', Pt. (%.2f,%.2f), PtInd %i" %(cNum, legend, px, py, pntIn)
+ dc.DrawText(s, sx , sy+1)
+ # -----------
def OnMouseLeftDown(self,event):
- s= "Left Mouse Down at Point: (%.4f, %.4f)" % self.client.GetXY(event)
+ s= "Left Mouse Down at Point: (%.4f, %.4f)" % self.client._getXY(event)
- event.Skip()
+ event.Skip() #allows plotCanvas OnMouseLeftDown to be called
+ def OnMotion(self, event):
+ #show closest point (when enbled)
+ if self.client.GetEnablePointLabel() == True:
+ #make up dict with info for the pointLabel
+ #I've decided to mark the closest point on the closest curve
+ dlst= self.client.GetClosetPoint( self.client._getXY(event), pointScaled= True)
+ if dlst != []: #returns [] if none
+ curveNum, legend, pIndex, pointXY, scaledXY, distance = dlst
+ #make up dictionary to pass to my user function (see DrawPointLabel)
+ mDataDict= {"curveNum":curveNum, "legend":legend, "pIndex":pIndex,\
+ "pointXY":pointXY, "scaledXY":scaledXY}
+ #pass dict to update the pointLabel
+ self.client.UpdatePointLabel(mDataDict)
+ event.Skip() #go to next handler
def OnFilePageSetup(self, event):
drawObj= _draw4Objects()
-## # profile
-## start = time.clock()
-## for x in range(10):
-## self.client.Draw(drawObj)
-## print "10 plots of Draw4 took: %f sec."%(time.clock() - start)
-## # profile end
+## # profile
+## start = _time.clock()
+## for x in range(10):
+## self.client.Draw(drawObj)
+## print "10 plots of Draw4 took: %f sec."%(_time.clock() - start)
+## # profile end
def OnPlotDraw5(self, event):
# Empty plot with just axes
# (default with None is X= (-1,1), Y= (-1,1))
self.client.Draw(drawObj, xAxis= (0,5), yAxis= (0,10))
+ def OnPlotDraw6(self, event):
+ #Bar Graph Example
+ self.resetDefaults()
+ #self.client.SetEnableLegend(True) #turn on Legend
+ #self.client.SetEnableGrid(True) #turn on Grid
+ self.client.SetXSpec('none') #turns off x-axis scale
+ self.client.SetYSpec('auto')
+ self.client.Draw(_draw6Objects(), xAxis= (0,7))
+ def OnPlotDraw7(self, event):
+ #log scale example
+ self.resetDefaults()
+ self.client.setLogScale((True,True))
+ self.client.Draw(_draw7Objects())
def OnPlotRedraw(self,event):
def OnEnableZoom(self, event):
+ self.mainmenu.Check(217, not event.IsChecked())
def OnEnableGrid(self, event):
+ def OnEnableDrag(self, event):
+ self.client.SetEnableDrag(event.IsChecked())
+ self.mainmenu.Check(214, not event.IsChecked())
def OnEnableLegend(self, event):
+ def OnEnablePointLabel(self, event):
+ self.client.SetEnablePointLabel(event.IsChecked())
def OnScrUp(self, event):
+ self.client.setLogScale((False,False))
def __test():