+void wxListCtrl::SetItemBackgroundColour( long item, const wxColour &col )
+ wxListItem info;
+ info.m_itemId = item;
+ info.SetBackgroundColour( col );
+ SetItem( info );
+wxColour wxListCtrl::GetItemBackgroundColour( long item ) const
+ wxColour col;
+ wxMSWListItemData *data = MSWGetItemData(item);
+ if ( data && data->attr )
+ col = data->attr->GetBackgroundColour();
+ return col;
+void wxListCtrl::SetItemFont( long item, const wxFont &f )
+ wxListItem info;
+ info.m_itemId = item;
+ info.SetFont( f );
+ SetItem( info );
+wxFont wxListCtrl::GetItemFont( long item ) const
+ wxFont f;
+ wxMSWListItemData *data = MSWGetItemData(item);
+ if ( data && data->attr )
+ f = data->attr->GetFont();
+ return f;
+// Gets the number of selected items in the list control
+int wxListCtrl::GetSelectedItemCount() const
+ return ListView_GetSelectedCount(GetHwnd());
+// Gets the text colour of the listview
+wxColour wxListCtrl::GetTextColour() const
+ COLORREF ref = ListView_GetTextColor(GetHwnd());
+ wxColour col(GetRValue(ref), GetGValue(ref), GetBValue(ref));
+ return col;
+// Sets the text colour of the listview
+void wxListCtrl::SetTextColour(const wxColour& col)
+ ListView_SetTextColor(GetHwnd(), PALETTERGB(col.Red(), col.Green(), col.Blue()));
+// Gets the index of the topmost visible item when in
+// list or report view
+long wxListCtrl::GetTopItem() const
+ return (long) ListView_GetTopIndex(GetHwnd());
+// Searches for an item, starting from 'item'.
+// 'geometry' is one of
+// 'state' is a state bit flag, one or more of
+// item can be -1 to find the first item that matches the
+// specified flags.
+// Returns the item or -1 if unsuccessful.
+long wxListCtrl::GetNextItem(long item, int geom, int state) const
+ long flags = 0;
+ if ( geom == wxLIST_NEXT_ABOVE )
+ flags |= LVNI_ABOVE;
+ if ( geom == wxLIST_NEXT_ALL )
+ flags |= LVNI_ALL;
+ if ( geom == wxLIST_NEXT_BELOW )
+ flags |= LVNI_BELOW;
+ if ( geom == wxLIST_NEXT_LEFT )
+ flags |= LVNI_TOLEFT;
+ if ( geom == wxLIST_NEXT_RIGHT )
+ flags |= LVNI_TORIGHT;
+ if ( state & wxLIST_STATE_CUT )
+ flags |= LVNI_CUT;
+ if ( state & wxLIST_STATE_DROPHILITED )
+ if ( state & wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED )
+ flags |= LVNI_FOCUSED;
+ if ( state & wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED )
+ flags |= LVNI_SELECTED;
+ return (long) ListView_GetNextItem(GetHwnd(), item, flags);
+wxImageList *wxListCtrl::GetImageList(int which) const
+ if ( which == wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL )
+ {
+ return m_imageListNormal;
+ }
+ else if ( which == wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL )
+ {
+ return m_imageListSmall;
+ }
+ else if ( which == wxIMAGE_LIST_STATE )
+ {
+ return m_imageListState;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void wxListCtrl::SetImageList(wxImageList *imageList, int which)
+ int flags = 0;
+ if ( which == wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL )
+ {
+ flags = LVSIL_NORMAL;
+ if (m_ownsImageListNormal) delete m_imageListNormal;
+ m_imageListNormal = imageList;
+ m_ownsImageListNormal = false;
+ }
+ else if ( which == wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL )
+ {
+ flags = LVSIL_SMALL;
+ if (m_ownsImageListSmall) delete m_imageListSmall;
+ m_imageListSmall = imageList;
+ m_ownsImageListSmall = false;
+ }
+ else if ( which == wxIMAGE_LIST_STATE )
+ {
+ flags = LVSIL_STATE;
+ if (m_ownsImageListState) delete m_imageListState;
+ m_imageListState = imageList;
+ m_ownsImageListState = false;
+ }
+ (void) ListView_SetImageList(GetHwnd(), (HIMAGELIST) imageList ? imageList->GetHIMAGELIST() : 0, flags);
+void wxListCtrl::AssignImageList(wxImageList *imageList, int which)
+ SetImageList(imageList, which);
+ if ( which == wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL )
+ m_ownsImageListNormal = true;
+ else if ( which == wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL )
+ m_ownsImageListSmall = true;
+ else if ( which == wxIMAGE_LIST_STATE )
+ m_ownsImageListState = true;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Operations
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Arranges the items
+bool wxListCtrl::Arrange(int flag)
+ UINT code = 0;
+ if ( flag == wxLIST_ALIGN_LEFT )
+ else if ( flag == wxLIST_ALIGN_TOP )
+ code = LVA_ALIGNTOP;
+ else if ( flag == wxLIST_ALIGN_DEFAULT )
+ code = LVA_DEFAULT;
+ else if ( flag == wxLIST_ALIGN_SNAP_TO_GRID )
+ return (ListView_Arrange(GetHwnd(), code) != 0);
+// Deletes an item
+bool wxListCtrl::DeleteItem(long item)
+ if ( !ListView_DeleteItem(GetHwnd(), (int) item) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("ListView_DeleteItem"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_count--;
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_count == ListView_GetItemCount(GetHwnd()),
+ wxT("m_count should match ListView_GetItemCount"));
+ // the virtual list control doesn't refresh itself correctly, help it
+ if ( IsVirtual() )
+ {
+ // we need to refresh all the lines below the one which was deleted
+ wxRect rectItem;
+ if ( item > 0 && GetItemCount() )
+ {
+ GetItemRect(item - 1, rectItem);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rectItem.y =
+ rectItem.height = 0;
+ }
+ wxRect rectWin = GetRect();
+ rectWin.height = rectWin.GetBottom() - rectItem.GetBottom();
+ rectWin.y = rectItem.GetBottom();
+ RefreshRect(rectWin);
+ }
+ return true;
+// Deletes all items
+bool wxListCtrl::DeleteAllItems()
+ // Calling ListView_DeleteAllItems() will always generate an event but we
+ // shouldn't do it if the control is empty
+ return !GetItemCount() || ListView_DeleteAllItems(GetHwnd()) != 0;
+// Deletes all items
+bool wxListCtrl::DeleteAllColumns()
+ while ( m_colCount > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( ListView_DeleteColumn(GetHwnd(), 0) == 0 )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("ListView_DeleteColumn"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_colCount--;
+ }
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_colCount == 0, wxT("no columns should be left") );
+ return true;
+// Deletes a column
+bool wxListCtrl::DeleteColumn(int col)
+ bool success = (ListView_DeleteColumn(GetHwnd(), col) != 0);
+ if ( success && (m_colCount > 0) )
+ m_colCount --;
+ return success;
+// Clears items, and columns if there are any.
+void wxListCtrl::ClearAll()
+ DeleteAllItems();
+ if ( m_colCount > 0 )
+ DeleteAllColumns();
+void wxListCtrl::InitEditControl(WXHWND hWnd)
+ m_textCtrl->SetHWND(hWnd);
+ m_textCtrl->SubclassWin(hWnd);
+ m_textCtrl->SetParent(this);
+ // we must disallow TABbing away from the control while the edit contol is
+ // shown because this leaves it in some strange state (just try removing
+ // this line and then pressing TAB while editing an item in listctrl
+ // inside a panel)
+ m_textCtrl->SetWindowStyle(m_textCtrl->GetWindowStyle() | wxTE_PROCESS_TAB);
+wxTextCtrl* wxListCtrl::EditLabel(long item, wxClassInfo* textControlClass)
+ wxCHECK_MSG( textControlClass->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxTextCtrl)), NULL,
+ "control used for label editing must be a wxTextCtrl" );
+ // ListView_EditLabel requires that the list has focus.
+ SetFocus();
+ // create m_textCtrl here before calling ListView_EditLabel() because it
+ // generates wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT event from inside it and
+ // the user handler for it can call GetEditControl() resulting in an on
+ // demand creation of a stock wxTextCtrl instead of the control of a
+ // (possibly) custom wxClassInfo
+ DeleteEditControl();
+ m_textCtrl = (wxTextCtrl *)textControlClass->CreateObject();
+ WXHWND hWnd = (WXHWND) ListView_EditLabel(GetHwnd(), item);
+ if ( !hWnd )
+ {
+ // failed to start editing
+ wxDELETE(m_textCtrl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // if GetEditControl() hasn't been called, we need to initialize the edit
+ // control ourselves
+ if ( !m_textCtrl->GetHWND() )
+ InitEditControl(hWnd);
+ return m_textCtrl;
+// End label editing, optionally cancelling the edit
+bool wxListCtrl::EndEditLabel(bool cancel)
+ // m_textCtrl is not always ready, ie. in EVT_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT
+ HWND hwnd = ListView_GetEditControl(GetHwnd());
+ if ( !hwnd )
+ return false;
+ // Newer versions of Windows have a special message for cancelling editing,
+ // use it if available.
+#ifdef ListView_CancelEditLabel
+ if ( cancel && (wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() >= 600) )
+ {
+ ListView_CancelEditLabel(GetHwnd());
+ }
+ else
+#endif // ListView_CancelEditLabel
+ {
+ // We shouldn't destroy the control ourselves according to MSDN, which
+ // proposes WM_CANCELMODE to do this, but it doesn't seem to work so
+ // emulate the corresponding user action instead.
+ ::SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, cancel ? VK_ESCAPE : VK_RETURN, 0);
+ }
+ return true;
+// Ensures this item is visible
+bool wxListCtrl::EnsureVisible(long item)
+ return ListView_EnsureVisible(GetHwnd(), (int) item, FALSE) != FALSE;
+// Find an item whose label matches this string, starting from the item after 'start'
+// or the beginning if 'start' is -1.
+long wxListCtrl::FindItem(long start, const wxString& str, bool partial)
+ LV_FINDINFO findInfo;
+ findInfo.flags = LVFI_STRING;
+ if ( partial )
+ findInfo.flags |= LVFI_PARTIAL;
+ findInfo.psz = str.wx_str();
+ // ListView_FindItem() excludes the first item from search and to look
+ // through all the items you need to start from -1 which is unnatural and
+ // inconsistent with the generic version - so we adjust the index
+ if (start != -1)
+ start --;
+ return ListView_FindItem(GetHwnd(), start, &findInfo);
+// Find an item whose data matches this data, starting from the item after
+// 'start' or the beginning if 'start' is -1.
+long wxListCtrl::FindItem(long start, wxUIntPtr data)
+ // we can't use ListView_FindItem() directly as we don't store the data
+ // pointer itself in the control but rather our own internal data, so first
+ // we need to find the right value to search for (and there can be several
+ // of them)
+ int idx = wxNOT_FOUND;
+ const unsigned count = m_internalData.size();
+ for ( unsigned n = 0; n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ if ( m_internalData[n]->lParam == (LPARAM)data )
+ {
+ LV_FINDINFO findInfo;
+ findInfo.flags = LVFI_PARAM;
+ findInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)wxPtrToUInt(m_internalData[n]);
+ int rc = ListView_FindItem(GetHwnd(), start, &findInfo);
+ if ( rc != -1 )
+ {
+ if ( idx == wxNOT_FOUND || rc < idx )
+ {
+ idx = rc;
+ if ( idx == start + 1 )
+ {
+ // we can stop here, we don't risk finding a closer
+ // match
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //else: this item is after the previously found one
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return idx;
+// Find an item nearest this position in the specified direction, starting from
+// the item after 'start' or the beginning if 'start' is -1.
+long wxListCtrl::FindItem(long start, const wxPoint& pt, int direction)
+ LV_FINDINFO findInfo;
+ findInfo.flags = LVFI_NEARESTXY;
+ findInfo.pt.x = pt.x;
+ findInfo.pt.y = pt.y;
+ findInfo.vkDirection = VK_RIGHT;
+ if ( direction == wxLIST_FIND_UP )
+ findInfo.vkDirection = VK_UP;
+ else if ( direction == wxLIST_FIND_DOWN )
+ findInfo.vkDirection = VK_DOWN;
+ else if ( direction == wxLIST_FIND_LEFT )
+ findInfo.vkDirection = VK_LEFT;
+ else if ( direction == wxLIST_FIND_RIGHT )
+ findInfo.vkDirection = VK_RIGHT;
+ return ListView_FindItem(GetHwnd(), start, &findInfo);
+// Determines which item (if any) is at the specified point,
+// giving details in 'flags' (see wxLIST_HITTEST_... flags above)
+wxListCtrl::HitTest(const wxPoint& point, int& flags, long *ptrSubItem) const
+ hitTestInfo.pt.x = (int) point.x;
+ hitTestInfo.pt.y = (int) point.y;
+ long item;
+ if ( ptrSubItem && wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() >= 470 )
+ {
+ item = ListView_SubItemHitTest(GetHwnd(), &hitTestInfo);
+ *ptrSubItem = hitTestInfo.iSubItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ item = ListView_HitTest(GetHwnd(), &hitTestInfo);
+ }
+ flags = 0;
+ if ( hitTestInfo.flags & LVHT_ABOVE )
+ flags |= wxLIST_HITTEST_ABOVE;
+ if ( hitTestInfo.flags & LVHT_BELOW )
+ flags |= wxLIST_HITTEST_BELOW;
+ if ( hitTestInfo.flags & LVHT_TOLEFT )
+ if ( hitTestInfo.flags & LVHT_TORIGHT )
+ if ( hitTestInfo.flags & LVHT_NOWHERE )
+ // note a bug or at least a very strange feature of comtl32.dll (tested
+ // with version 4.0 under Win95 and 6.0 under Win 2003): if you click to
+ // the right of the item label, ListView_HitTest() returns a combination of
+ // the bits which don't make sense
+ if ( hitTestInfo.flags & LVHT_ONITEMLABEL )
+ {
+ // do not translate LVHT_ONITEMICON here, as per above
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( hitTestInfo.flags & LVHT_ONITEMICON )
+ if ( hitTestInfo.flags & LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON )
+ }
+ return item;
+// Inserts an item, returning the index of the new item if successful,
+// -1 otherwise.
+long wxListCtrl::InsertItem(const wxListItem& info)
+ wxASSERT_MSG( !IsVirtual(), wxT("can't be used with virtual controls") );
+ LV_ITEM item;
+ wxConvertToMSWListItem(this, info, item);
+ item.mask &= ~LVIF_PARAM;
+ // check whether we need to allocate our internal data
+ bool needInternalData = (info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_DATA) ||
+ info.HasAttributes();
+ if ( needInternalData )
+ {
+ item.mask |= LVIF_PARAM;
+ wxMSWListItemData * const data = new wxMSWListItemData;
+ m_internalData.push_back(data);
+ item.lParam = (LPARAM)data;
+ if ( info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_DATA )
+ data->lParam = info.m_data;
+ // check whether it has any custom attributes
+ if ( info.HasAttributes() )
+ {
+ // take copy of attributes
+ data->attr = new wxListItemAttr(*info.GetAttributes());
+ // and remember that we have some now...
+ m_hasAnyAttr = true;
+ }
+ }
+ const long rv = ListView_InsertItem(GetHwnd(), & item);
+ // failing to insert the item is really unexpected
+ wxCHECK_MSG( rv != -1, rv, "failed to insert an item in wxListCtrl" );
+ m_count++;
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_count == ListView_GetItemCount(GetHwnd()),
+ wxT("m_count should match ListView_GetItemCount"));
+ return rv;
+long wxListCtrl::InsertItem(long index, const wxString& label)
+ wxListItem info;
+ info.m_text = label;
+ info.m_mask = wxLIST_MASK_TEXT;
+ info.m_itemId = index;
+ return InsertItem(info);
+// Inserts an image item
+long wxListCtrl::InsertItem(long index, int imageIndex)
+ wxListItem info;
+ info.m_image = imageIndex;
+ info.m_mask = wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE;
+ info.m_itemId = index;
+ return InsertItem(info);
+// Inserts an image/string item
+long wxListCtrl::InsertItem(long index, const wxString& label, int imageIndex)
+ wxListItem info;
+ info.m_image = imageIndex;
+ info.m_text = label;
+ info.m_mask = wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE | wxLIST_MASK_TEXT;
+ info.m_itemId = index;
+ return InsertItem(info);
+// For list view mode (only), inserts a column.
+long wxListCtrl::InsertColumn(long col, const wxListItem& item)
+ LV_COLUMN lvCol;
+ wxConvertToMSWListCol(GetHwnd(), col, item, lvCol);
+ if ( !(lvCol.mask & LVCF_WIDTH) )
+ {
+ // always give some width to the new column: this one is compatible
+ // with the generic version
+ lvCol.mask |= LVCF_WIDTH;
+ lvCol.cx = 80;
+ }
+ long n = ListView_InsertColumn(GetHwnd(), col, &lvCol);
+ if ( n != -1 )
+ {
+ m_colCount++;
+ }
+ else // failed to insert?
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Failed to insert the column '%s' into listview!"),
+ lvCol.pszText);
+ }
+ return n;
+long wxListCtrl::InsertColumn(long col,
+ const wxString& heading,
+ int format,
+ int width)
+ wxListItem item;
+ item.m_mask = wxLIST_MASK_TEXT | wxLIST_MASK_FORMAT;
+ item.m_text = heading;
+ if ( width > -1 )
+ {
+ item.m_mask |= wxLIST_MASK_WIDTH;
+ item.m_width = width;
+ }
+ item.m_format = format;
+ return InsertColumn(col, item);
+// scroll the control by the given number of pixels (exception: in list view,
+// dx is interpreted as number of columns)
+bool wxListCtrl::ScrollList(int dx, int dy)
+ if ( !ListView_Scroll(GetHwnd(), dx, dy) )
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("ListView_Scroll(%d, %d) failed"), dx, dy);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Sort items.
+// fn is a function which takes 3 long arguments: item1, item2, data.
+// item1 is the long data associated with a first item (NOT the index).
+// item2 is the long data associated with a second item (NOT the index).
+// data is the same value as passed to SortItems.
+// The return value is a negative number if the first item should precede the second
+// item, a positive number of the second item should precede the first,
+// or zero if the two items are equivalent.
+// data is arbitrary data to be passed to the sort function.
+// Internal structures for proxying the user compare function
+// so that we can pass it the *real* user data
+// translate lParam data and call user func
+struct wxInternalDataSort
+ wxListCtrlCompare user_fn;
+ wxIntPtr data;
+int CALLBACK wxInternalDataCompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort)
+ wxInternalDataSort * const internalData = (wxInternalDataSort *) lParamSort;
+ wxMSWListItemData *data1 = (wxMSWListItemData *) lParam1;
+ wxMSWListItemData *data2 = (wxMSWListItemData *) lParam2;
+ long d1 = (data1 == NULL ? 0 : data1->lParam);
+ long d2 = (data2 == NULL ? 0 : data2->lParam);
+ return internalData->user_fn(d1, d2, internalData->data);
+bool wxListCtrl::SortItems(wxListCtrlCompare fn, wxIntPtr data)
+ wxInternalDataSort internalData;
+ internalData.user_fn = fn;
+ internalData.data = data;
+ // WPARAM cast is needed for mingw/cygwin
+ if ( !ListView_SortItems(GetHwnd(),
+ wxInternalDataCompareFunc,
+ (WPARAM) &internalData) )
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("ListView_SortItems() failed"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// message processing
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool wxListCtrl::MSWShouldPreProcessMessage(WXMSG* msg)
+ if ( msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN )
+ {
+ // Only eat VK_RETURN if not being used by the application in
+ // conjunction with modifiers
+ if ( msg->wParam == VK_RETURN && !wxIsAnyModifierDown() )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return wxControl::MSWShouldPreProcessMessage(msg);
+bool wxListCtrl::MSWCommand(WXUINT cmd, WXWORD id_)
+ const int id = (signed short)id_;
+ if (cmd == EN_UPDATE)
+ {
+ wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, id);
+ event.SetEventObject( this );
+ ProcessCommand(event);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (cmd == EN_KILLFOCUS)
+ {
+ wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, id);
+ event.SetEventObject( this );
+ ProcessCommand(event);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+// utility used by wxListCtrl::MSWOnNotify and by wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW::MSWOnNotify
+int WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxMSWGetColumnClicked(NMHDR *nmhdr, POINT *ptClick)
+ // find the column clicked: we have to search for it ourselves as the
+ // notification message doesn't provide this info
+ // where did the click occur?
+#if defined(__WXWINCE__) && !defined(__HANDHELDPC__) && _WIN32_WCE < 400
+ if ( nmhdr->code == GN_CONTEXTMENU )
+ {
+ *ptClick = ((NMRGINFO*)nmhdr)->ptAction;
+ }
+ else
+#endif //__WXWINCE__
+ if ( !::GetCursorPos(ptClick) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("GetCursorPos"));
+ }
+ // we need to use listctrl coordinates for the event point so this is what
+ // we return in ptClick, but for comparison with Header_GetItemRect()
+ // result below we need to use header window coordinates
+ POINT ptClickHeader = *ptClick;
+ if ( !::ScreenToClient(nmhdr->hwndFrom, &ptClickHeader) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("ScreenToClient(listctrl header)"));
+ }
+ if ( !::ScreenToClient(::GetParent(nmhdr->hwndFrom), ptClick) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("ScreenToClient(listctrl)"));
+ }
+ const int colCount = Header_GetItemCount(nmhdr->hwndFrom);
+ for ( int col = 0; col < colCount; col++ )
+ {
+ RECT rect;
+ if ( Header_GetItemRect(nmhdr->hwndFrom, col, &rect) )
+ {
+ if ( ::PtInRect(&rect, ptClickHeader) )
+ {
+ return col;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return wxNOT_FOUND;
+bool wxListCtrl::MSWOnNotify(int idCtrl, WXLPARAM lParam, WXLPARAM *result)
+ // prepare the event
+ // -----------------
+ wxListEvent event(wxEVT_NULL, m_windowId);
+ event.SetEventObject(this);
+ wxEventType eventType = wxEVT_NULL;
+ NMHDR *nmhdr = (NMHDR *)lParam;
+ // if your compiler is as broken as this, you should really change it: this
+ // code is needed for normal operation! #ifdef below is only useful for
+ // automatic rebuilds which are done with a very old compiler version
+ // check for messages from the header (in report view)
+ HWND hwndHdr = ListView_GetHeader(GetHwnd());
+ // is it a message from the header?
+ if ( nmhdr->hwndFrom == hwndHdr )
+ {
+ HD_NOTIFY *nmHDR = (HD_NOTIFY *)nmhdr;
+ event.m_itemIndex = -1;
+ bool ignore = false;
+ switch ( nmhdr->code )
+ {
+ // yet another comctl32.dll bug: under NT/W2K it sends Unicode
+ // TRACK messages even to ANSI programs: on my system I get
+ //
+ // work around is to simply catch both versions and hope that it
+ // works (why should this message exist in ANSI and Unicode is
+ // beyond me as it doesn't deal with strings at all...)
+ //
+ // another problem is that HDN_TRACK is not sent at all by header
+ // with HDS_FULLDRAG style which is used by default by wxListCtrl
+ // under recent Windows versions (starting from at least XP) so we
+ // need to use HDN_ITEMCHANGING instead of it
+ // fall through
+ if ( eventType == wxEVT_NULL )
+ {
+ if ( !nmHDR->pitem || !(nmHDR->pitem->mask & HDI_WIDTH) )
+ {
+ // something other than the width is being changed,
+ // ignore it
+ ignore = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // also ignore the events sent when the width didn't really
+ // change: this is not just an optimization but also gets
+ // rid of a useless and unexpected DRAGGING event which
+ // would otherwise be sent after the END_DRAG one as we get
+ // an HDN_ITEMCHANGING after HDN_ENDTRACK for some reason
+ if ( nmHDR->pitem->cxy == GetColumnWidth(nmHDR->iItem) )
+ {
+ ignore = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // fall through
+ if ( eventType == wxEVT_NULL )
+ event.m_item.m_width = nmHDR->pitem->cxy;
+ event.m_col = nmHDR->iItem;
+ break;
+#if defined(__WXWINCE__) && !defined(__HANDHELDPC__) && _WIN32_WCE < 400
+#endif //__WXWINCE__
+ case NM_RCLICK:
+ {
+ POINT ptClick;
+ event.m_col = wxMSWGetColumnClicked(nmhdr, &ptClick);
+ event.m_pointDrag.x = ptClick.x;
+ event.m_pointDrag.y = ptClick.y;
+ }
+ break;
+ // letting Windows XP handle this message results in mysterious
+ // crashes in comctl32.dll seemingly because of bad message
+ // parameters
+ //
+ // I have no idea what is the real cause of the bug (which is,
+ // just to make things interesting, impossible to reproduce
+ // reliably) but ignoring all these messages does fix it and
+ // doesn't seem to have any negative consequences
+ return true;
+ default:
+ ignore = true;
+ }
+ if ( ignore )
+ return wxControl::MSWOnNotify(idCtrl, lParam, result);
+ }
+ else
+#endif // defined(HDN_BEGINTRACKA)
+ if ( nmhdr->hwndFrom == GetHwnd() )
+ {
+ // almost all messages use NM_LISTVIEW
+ const int iItem = nmLV->iItem;
+ // If we have a valid item then check if there is a data value
+ // associated with it and put it in the event.
+ if ( iItem >= 0 && iItem < GetItemCount() )
+ {
+ wxMSWListItemData *internaldata =
+ MSWGetItemData(iItem);
+ if ( internaldata )
+ event.m_item.m_data = internaldata->lParam;
+ }
+ bool processed = true;
+ switch ( nmhdr->code )
+ {
+ // fall through
+ if ( eventType == wxEVT_NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ event.m_itemIndex = iItem;
+ event.m_pointDrag.x = nmLV->ptAction.x;
+ event.m_pointDrag.y = nmLV->ptAction.y;
+ break;
+ // NB: we have to handle both *A and *W versions here because some
+ // versions of comctl32.dll send ANSI messages even to the
+ // Unicode windows
+ {
+ wxLV_ITEM item;
+ if ( nmhdr->code == LVN_BEGINLABELEDITA )
+ {
+ item.Init(((LV_DISPINFOA *)lParam)->item);
+ }
+ {
+ item.Init(((LV_DISPINFOW *)lParam)->item);
+ }
+ wxConvertFromMSWListItem(GetHwnd(), event.m_item, item);
+ event.m_itemIndex = event.m_item.m_itemId;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ wxLV_ITEM item;
+ if ( nmhdr->code == LVN_ENDLABELEDITA )
+ {
+ item.Init(((LV_DISPINFOA *)lParam)->item);
+ }
+ {
+ item.Init(((LV_DISPINFOW *)lParam)->item);
+ }
+ // was editing cancelled?
+ const LV_ITEM& lvi = (LV_ITEM)item;
+ if ( !lvi.pszText || lvi.iItem == -1 )
+ {
+ // EDIT control will be deleted by the list control
+ // itself so prevent us from deleting it as well
+ DeleteEditControl();
+ event.SetEditCanceled(true);
+ }
+ wxConvertFromMSWListItem(NULL, event.m_item, item);
+ event.m_itemIndex = event.m_item.m_itemId;
+ }
+ break;
+ event.m_itemIndex = -1;
+ event.m_col = nmLV->iSubItem;
+ break;
+ event.m_itemIndex = -1;
+ break;
+ if ( m_count == 0 )
+ {
+ // this should be prevented by the post-processing code
+ // below, but "just in case"
+ return false;
+ }
+ event.m_itemIndex = iItem;
+ break;
+ event.m_itemIndex = iItem;
+ break;
+ // we translate this catch all message into more interesting
+ // (and more easy to process) wxWidgets events
+ // first of all, we deal with the state change events only and
+ // only for valid items (item == -1 for the virtual list
+ // control)
+ if ( nmLV->uChanged & LVIF_STATE && iItem != -1 )
+ {
+ // temp vars for readability
+ const UINT stOld = nmLV->uOldState;
+ const UINT stNew = nmLV->uNewState;
+ event.m_item.SetId(iItem);
+ event.m_item.SetMask(wxLIST_MASK_TEXT |
+ GetItem(event.m_item);
+ // has the focus changed?
+ if ( !(stOld & LVIS_FOCUSED) && (stNew & LVIS_FOCUSED) )
+ {
+ event.m_itemIndex = iItem;
+ }
+ if ( (stNew & LVIS_SELECTED) != (stOld & LVIS_SELECTED) )
+ {
+ if ( eventType != wxEVT_NULL )
+ {
+ // focus and selection have both changed: send the
+ // focus event from here and the selection one
+ // below
+ event.SetEventType(eventType);
+ (void)HandleWindowEvent(event);
+ }
+ else // no focus event to send
+ {
+ // then need to set m_itemIndex as it wasn't done
+ // above
+ event.m_itemIndex = iItem;
+ }
+ eventType = stNew & LVIS_SELECTED
+ }
+ }
+ if ( eventType == wxEVT_NULL )
+ {
+ // not an interesting event for us
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ LV_KEYDOWN *info = (LV_KEYDOWN *)lParam;
+ WORD wVKey = info->wVKey;
+ // get the current selection
+ long lItem = GetNextItem(-1,
+ // <Enter> or <Space> activate the selected item if any (but
+ // not with any modifiers as they have a predefined meaning
+ // then)
+ if ( lItem != -1 &&
+ (wVKey == VK_RETURN || wVKey == VK_SPACE) &&
+ !wxIsAnyModifierDown() )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ event.m_code = wxMSWKeyboard::VKToWX(wVKey);
+ if ( event.m_code == WXK_NONE )
+ {
+ // We can't translate this to a standard key code,
+ // until support for Unicode key codes is added to
+ // wxListEvent we just ignore them.
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ event.m_itemIndex =
+ event.m_item.m_itemId = lItem;
+ if ( lItem != -1 )
+ {
+ // fill the other fields too
+ event.m_item.m_text = GetItemText(lItem);
+ event.m_item.m_data = GetItemData(lItem);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case NM_DBLCLK:
+ // if the user processes it in wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK(), don't do
+ // anything else
+ if ( wxControl::MSWOnNotify(idCtrl, lParam, result) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // else translate it into wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED event
+ // if it happened on an item (and not on empty place)
+ if ( iItem == -1 )
+ {
+ // not on item
+ return false;
+ }
+ event.m_itemIndex = iItem;
+ event.m_item.m_text = GetItemText(iItem);
+ event.m_item.m_data = GetItemData(iItem);
+ break;
+#if defined(__WXWINCE__) && !defined(__HANDHELDPC__) && _WIN32_WCE < 400
+#endif //__WXWINCE__
+ case NM_RCLICK:
+ // if the user processes it in wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK(),
+ // don't do anything else
+ if ( wxControl::MSWOnNotify(idCtrl, lParam, result) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // else translate it into wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK event
+ wxZeroMemory(lvhti);
+#if defined(__WXWINCE__) && !defined(__HANDHELDPC__) && _WIN32_WCE < 400
+ if ( nmhdr->code == GN_CONTEXTMENU )
+ {
+ lvhti.pt = ((NMRGINFO*)nmhdr)->ptAction;
+ }
+ else
+#endif //__WXWINCE__
+ {
+ ::GetCursorPos(&(lvhti.pt));
+ }
+ ::ScreenToClient(GetHwnd(), &lvhti.pt);
+ if ( ListView_HitTest(GetHwnd(), &lvhti) != -1 )
+ {
+ if ( lvhti.flags & LVHT_ONITEM )
+ {
+ event.m_itemIndex = lvhti.iItem;
+ event.m_pointDrag.x = lvhti.pt.x;
+ event.m_pointDrag.y = lvhti.pt.y;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ *result = OnCustomDraw(lParam);
+ return *result != CDRF_DODEFAULT;
+#endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x300
+ {
+ const NM_CACHEHINT *cacheHint = (NM_CACHEHINT *)lParam;
+ // we get some really stupid cache hints like ones for
+ // items in range 0..0 for an empty control or, after
+ // deleting an item, for items in invalid range -- filter
+ // this garbage out
+ if ( cacheHint->iFrom > cacheHint->iTo )
+ return false;
+ event.m_oldItemIndex = cacheHint->iFrom;
+ const long iMax = GetItemCount();
+ event.m_itemIndex = cacheHint->iTo < iMax ? cacheHint->iTo
+ : iMax - 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ // Find an item in a (necessarily virtual) list control.
+ if ( IsVirtual() )
+ {
+ // no match by default
+ *result = -1;
+ // we only handle string-based searches here
+ //
+ // TODO: what about LVFI_PARTIAL, should we handle this?
+ if ( !(pFindInfo->lvfi.flags & LVFI_STRING) )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const wxChar * const searchstr = pFindInfo->lvfi.psz;
+ const size_t len = wxStrlen(searchstr);
+ // this is the first item we should examine, search from it
+ // wrapping if necessary
+ int startPos = pFindInfo->iStart;
+ const int maxPos = GetItemCount();
+ // Check that the index is valid to ensure that our loop
+ // below always terminates.
+ if ( startPos < 0 || startPos >= maxPos )
+ {
+ // When the last item in the control is selected,
+ // iStart is really set to (invalid) maxPos index so
+ // accept this silently.
+ if ( startPos != maxPos )
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Ignoring invalid search start ")
+ wxT("position %d in list control with ")
+ wxT("%d items."), startPos, maxPos);
+ }
+ startPos = 0;
+ }
+ // Linear search in a control with a lot of items can take
+ // a long time so we limit the total time of the search to
+ // ensure that the program doesn't appear to hang.
+ wxStopWatch sw;
+#endif // wxUSE_STOPWATCH
+ for ( int currentPos = startPos; ; )
+ {
+ // does this item begin with searchstr?
+ if ( wxStrnicmp(searchstr,
+ GetItemText(currentPos), len) == 0 )
+ {
+ *result = currentPos;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Go to next item with wrapping if necessary.
+ if ( ++currentPos == maxPos )
+ {
+ // Surprisingly, LVFI_WRAP seems to be never set in
+ // the flags so wrap regardless of it.
+ currentPos = 0;
+ }
+ if ( currentPos == startPos )
+ {
+ // We examined all items without finding anything.
+ //
+ // Notice that we still return true as we did
+ // perform the search, if we didn't do this the
+ // message would have been considered unhandled and
+ // the control seems to always select the first
+ // item by default in this case.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Check the time elapsed only every thousand
+ // iterations for performance reasons: if we did it
+ // more often calling wxStopWatch::Time() could take
+ // noticeable time on its own.
+ if ( !((currentPos - startPos)%1000) )
+ {
+ // We use half a second to limit the search time
+ // which is about as long as we can take without
+ // annoying the user.
+ if ( sw.Time() > 500 )
+ {
+ // As above, return true to prevent the control
+ // from selecting the first item by default.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_STOPWATCH
+ }
+ SetItemState(*result,
+ EnsureVisible(*result);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ processed = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ if ( IsVirtual() )
+ {
+ LV_DISPINFO *info = (LV_DISPINFO *)lParam;
+ LV_ITEM& lvi = info->item;
+ long item = lvi.iItem;
+ if ( lvi.mask & LVIF_TEXT )
+ {
+ wxString text = OnGetItemText(item, lvi.iSubItem);
+ wxStrlcpy(lvi.pszText, text.c_str(), lvi.cchTextMax);
+ }
+ // see comment at the end of wxListCtrl::GetColumn()
+ if ( lvi.mask & LVIF_IMAGE )
+ {
+ lvi.iImage = OnGetItemColumnImage(item, lvi.iSubItem);
+ }
+#endif // NM_CUSTOMDRAW
+ // even though we never use LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK, we still
+ // can get messages with LVIF_STATE in lvi.mask under Vista
+ if ( lvi.mask & LVIF_STATE )
+ {
+ // we don't have anything to return from here...
+ lvi.stateMask = 0;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // fall through
+ default:
+ processed = false;
+ }
+ if ( !processed )
+ return wxControl::MSWOnNotify(idCtrl, lParam, result);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // where did this one come from?
+ return false;
+ }
+ // process the event
+ // -----------------
+ event.SetEventType(eventType);
+ // fill in the item before passing it to the event handler if we do have a
+ // valid item index and haven't filled it yet (e.g. for LVN_ITEMCHANGED)
+ if ( event.m_itemIndex != -1 && !event.m_item.GetMask() )
+ {
+ wxListItem& item = event.m_item;
+ item.SetId(event.m_itemIndex);
+ GetItem(item);
+ }
+ bool processed = HandleWindowEvent(event);
+ // post processing
+ // ---------------
+ switch ( nmhdr->code )
+ {
+ // always return true to suppress all additional LVN_DELETEITEM
+ // notifications - this makes deleting all items from a list ctrl
+ // much faster
+ *result = TRUE;
+ // also, we may free all user data now (couldn't do it before as
+ // the user should have access to it in OnDeleteAllItems() handler)
+ FreeAllInternalData();
+ // the control is empty now, synchronize the cached number of items
+ // with the real one
+ m_count = 0;
+ return true;
+ // Delete the associated internal data. Notice that this can be
+ // done only after the event has been handled as the data could be
+ // accessed during the handling of the event.
+ if ( wxMSWListItemData *data = MSWGetItemData(event.m_itemIndex) )
+ {
+ const unsigned count = m_internalData.size();
+ for ( unsigned n = 0; n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ if ( m_internalData[n] == data )
+ {
+ m_internalData.erase(m_internalData.begin() + n);
+ wxDELETE(data);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ wxASSERT_MSG( !data, "invalid internal data pointer?" );
+ }
+ break;
+ // logic here is inverted compared to all the other messages
+ *result = event.IsAllowed();
+ // EDIT control will be deleted by the list control itself so
+ // prevent us from deleting it as well
+ DeleteEditControl();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( processed )
+ *result = !event.IsAllowed();
+ return processed;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// custom draw stuff
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// see comment at the end of wxListCtrl::GetColumn()
+#ifdef NM_CUSTOMDRAW // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300
+static RECT GetCustomDrawnItemRect(const NMCUSTOMDRAW& nmcd)
+ RECT rc;
+ wxGetListCtrlItemRect(nmcd.hdr.hwndFrom, nmcd.dwItemSpec, LVIR_BOUNDS, rc);
+ RECT rcIcon;
+ wxGetListCtrlItemRect(nmcd.hdr.hwndFrom, nmcd.dwItemSpec, LVIR_ICON, rcIcon);
+ // exclude the icon part, neither the selection background nor focus rect
+ // should cover it
+ rc.left = rcIcon.right;
+ return rc;
+bool HandleSubItemPrepaint(LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW pLVCD, HFONT hfont, int colCount)
+ NMCUSTOMDRAW& nmcd = pLVCD->nmcd;
+ HDC hdc = nmcd.hdc;
+ HWND hwndList = nmcd.hdr.hwndFrom;
+ const int col = pLVCD->iSubItem;
+ const DWORD item = nmcd.dwItemSpec;
+ // the font must be valid, otherwise we wouldn't be painting the item at all
+ SelectInHDC selFont(hdc, hfont);
+ // get the rectangle to paint
+ int subitem = colCount ? col + 1 : col;
+ RECT rc;
+ wxGetListCtrlSubItemRect(hwndList, item, subitem, LVIR_BOUNDS, rc);
+ rc.left += 6;
+ // get the image and text to draw
+ wxChar text[512];
+ LV_ITEM it;
+ wxZeroMemory(it);
+ it.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE;
+ it.iItem = item;
+ it.iSubItem = col;
+ it.pszText = text;
+ it.cchTextMax = WXSIZEOF(text);
+ ListView_GetItem(hwndList, &it);
+ HIMAGELIST himl = ListView_GetImageList(hwndList, LVSIL_SMALL);
+ if ( himl && ImageList_GetImageCount(himl) )
+ {
+ if ( it.iImage != -1 )
+ {
+ ImageList_Draw(himl, it.iImage, hdc, rc.left, rc.top,
+ }
+ // notice that even if this item doesn't have any image, the list
+ // control still leaves space for the image in the first column if the
+ // image list is not empty (presumably so that items with and without
+ // images align?)
+ if ( it.iImage != -1 || it.iSubItem == 0 )
+ {
+ int wImage, hImage;
+ ImageList_GetIconSize(himl, &wImage, &hImage);
+ rc.left += wImage + 2;
+ }
+ }
+ ::SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
+#ifndef __WXWINCE__
+#endif // __WXWINCE__
+ LV_COLUMN lvCol;
+ wxZeroMemory(lvCol);
+ lvCol.mask = LVCF_FMT;
+ if ( ListView_GetColumn(hwndList, col, &lvCol) )
+ {
+ switch ( lvCol.fmt & LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK )
+ {
+ fmt |= DT_LEFT;
+ break;
+ fmt |= DT_CENTER;
+ break;
+ fmt |= DT_RIGHT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //else: failed to get alignment, assume it's DT_LEFT (default)
+ DrawText(hdc, text, -1, &rc, fmt);
+ return true;
+static void HandleItemPostpaint(NMCUSTOMDRAW nmcd)
+ if ( nmcd.uItemState & CDIS_FOCUS )
+ {
+ RECT rc = GetCustomDrawnItemRect(nmcd);
+ // don't use the provided HDC, it's in some strange state by now
+ ::DrawFocusRect(WindowHDC(nmcd.hdr.hwndFrom), &rc);
+ }
+// pLVCD->clrText and clrTextBk should contain the colours to use
+static void HandleItemPaint(LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW pLVCD, HFONT hfont)
+ NMCUSTOMDRAW& nmcd = pLVCD->nmcd; // just a shortcut
+ const HWND hwndList = nmcd.hdr.hwndFrom;
+ const int item = nmcd.dwItemSpec;
+ // unfortunately we can't trust CDIS_SELECTED, it is often set even when
+ // the item is not at all selected for some reason (comctl32 6), but we
+ // also can't always trust ListView_GetItem() as it could return the old
+ // item status if we're called just after the (de)selection, so remember
+ // the last item to gain selection and also check for it here
+ for ( int i = -1;; )
+ {
+ i = ListView_GetNextItem(hwndList, i, LVNI_SELECTED);
+ if ( i == -1 )
+ {
+ nmcd.uItemState &= ~CDIS_SELECTED;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( i == item )
+ {
+ nmcd.uItemState |= CDIS_SELECTED;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // same thing for CDIS_FOCUS (except simpler as there is only one of them)
+ //
+ // NB: cast is needed to work around the bug in mingw32 headers which don't
+ // have it inside ListView_GetNextItem() itself (unlike SDK ones)
+ if ( ::GetFocus() == hwndList &&
+ ListView_GetNextItem(
+ hwndList, static_cast<WPARAM>(-1), LVNI_FOCUSED) == item )
+ {
+ nmcd.uItemState |= CDIS_FOCUS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nmcd.uItemState &= ~CDIS_FOCUS;
+ }
+ if ( nmcd.uItemState & CDIS_SELECTED )
+ {
+ int syscolFg, syscolBg;
+ if ( ::GetFocus() == hwndList )
+ {
+ }
+ else // selected but unfocused
+ {
+ syscolBg = COLOR_BTNFACE;
+ // don't grey out the icon in this case neither
+ nmcd.uItemState &= ~CDIS_SELECTED;
+ }
+ pLVCD->clrText = ::GetSysColor(syscolFg);
+ pLVCD->clrTextBk = ::GetSysColor(syscolBg);
+ }
+ //else: not selected, use normal colours from pLVCD
+ HDC hdc = nmcd.hdc;
+ RECT rc = GetCustomDrawnItemRect(nmcd);
+ ::SetTextColor(hdc, pLVCD->clrText);
+ ::FillRect(hdc, &rc, AutoHBRUSH(pLVCD->clrTextBk));
+ // we could use CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW here but it results in weird repaint
+ // problems so just draw everything except the focus rect from here instead
+ const int colCount = Header_GetItemCount(ListView_GetHeader(hwndList));
+ for ( int col = 0; col < colCount; col++ )
+ {
+ pLVCD->iSubItem = col;
+ HandleSubItemPrepaint(pLVCD, hfont, colCount);
+ }
+ HandleItemPostpaint(nmcd);
+static WXLPARAM HandleItemPrepaint(wxListCtrl *listctrl,
+ wxListItemAttr *attr)
+ if ( !attr )
+ {
+ // nothing to do for this item
+ }
+ // set the colours to use for text drawing
+ pLVCD->clrText = attr->HasTextColour()
+ ? wxColourToRGB(attr->GetTextColour())
+ : wxColourToRGB(listctrl->GetTextColour());
+ pLVCD->clrTextBk = attr->HasBackgroundColour()
+ ? wxColourToRGB(attr->GetBackgroundColour())
+ : wxColourToRGB(listctrl->GetBackgroundColour());
+ // select the font if non default one is specified
+ if ( attr->HasFont() )
+ {
+ wxFont font = attr->GetFont();
+ if ( font.GetEncoding() != wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM )
+ {
+ // the standard control ignores the font encoding/charset, at least
+ // with recent comctl32.dll versions (5 and 6, it uses to work with
+ // 4.something) so we have to draw the item entirely ourselves in
+ // this case
+ HandleItemPaint(pLVCD, GetHfontOf(font));
+ }
+ ::SelectObject(pLVCD->nmcd.hdc, GetHfontOf(font));
+ return CDRF_NEWFONT;
+ }
+WXLPARAM wxListCtrl::OnCustomDraw(WXLPARAM lParam)
+ NMCUSTOMDRAW& nmcd = pLVCD->nmcd;
+ switch ( nmcd.dwDrawStage )
+ {
+ // if we've got any items with non standard attributes,
+ // notify us before painting each item
+ //
+ // for virtual controls, always suppose that we have attributes as
+ // there is no way to check for this
+ if ( IsVirtual() || m_hasAnyAttr )
+ break;
+ // get a message for each subitem
+ const int item = nmcd.dwItemSpec;
+ const int column = pLVCD->iSubItem;
+ // we get this message with item == 0 for an empty control, we
+ // must ignore it as calling OnGetItemAttr() would be wrong
+ if ( item < 0 || item >= GetItemCount() )
+ break;
+ // same for columns
+ if ( column < 0 || column >= GetColumnCount() )
+ break;
+ return HandleItemPrepaint(this, pLVCD, DoGetItemColumnAttr(item, column));
+ }
+#endif // NM_CUSTOMDRAW supported
+// Necessary for drawing hrules and vrules, if specified
+void wxListCtrl::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
+ const int itemCount = GetItemCount();
+ const bool drawHRules = HasFlag(wxLC_HRULES);
+ const bool drawVRules = HasFlag(wxLC_VRULES);
+ if (!InReportView() || !(drawHRules || drawVRules) || !itemCount)
+ {
+ event.Skip();
+ return;
+ }
+ wxPaintDC dc(this);
+ wxControl::OnPaint(event);
+ // Reset the device origin since it may have been set
+ dc.SetDeviceOrigin(0, 0);
+ wxPen pen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DLIGHT));
+ dc.SetPen(pen);
+ dc.SetBrush(* wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
+ wxSize clientSize = GetClientSize();
+ wxRect itemRect;
+ if (drawHRules)
+ {
+ const long top = GetTopItem();
+ for ( int i = top; i < top + GetCountPerPage() + 1; i++ )
+ {
+ if (GetItemRect(i, itemRect))
+ {
+ int cy = itemRect.GetTop();
+ if (i != 0) // Don't draw the first one
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine(0, cy, clientSize.x, cy);
+ }
+ // Draw last line
+ if (i == itemCount - 1)
+ {
+ cy = itemRect.GetBottom();
+ dc.DrawLine(0, cy, clientSize.x, cy);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (drawVRules)
+ {
+ wxRect firstItemRect;
+ GetItemRect(0, firstItemRect);
+ if (GetItemRect(itemCount - 1, itemRect))
+ {
+ // this is a fix for bug 673394: erase the pixels which we would
+ // otherwise leave on the screen
+ static const int gap = 2;
+ dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(GetBackgroundColour()));
+ dc.DrawRectangle(0, firstItemRect.GetY() - gap,
+ clientSize.GetWidth(), gap);
+ dc.SetPen(pen);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
+ const int numCols = GetColumnCount();
+ wxVector<int> indexArray(numCols);
+ if ( !ListView_GetColumnOrderArray(GetHwnd(),
+ numCols,
+ &indexArray[0]) )
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid column index array in OnPaint()") );
+ return;
+ }
+ int x = itemRect.GetX();
+ for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++)
+ {
+ int colWidth = GetColumnWidth(indexArray[col]);
+ x += colWidth ;
+ dc.DrawLine(x-1, firstItemRect.GetY() - gap,
+ x-1, itemRect.GetBottom());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+wxListCtrl::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
+ switch ( nMsg )
+ {
+#ifdef WM_PRINT
+ case WM_PRINT:
+ // we should bypass our own WM_PRINT handling as we don't handle
+ // PRF_CHILDREN flag, so leave it to the native control itself
+ return MSWDefWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);
+#endif // WM_PRINT
+ // because this message is propagated upwards the child-parent
+ // chain, we get it for the right clicks on the header window but
+ // this is confusing in wx as right clicking there already
+ // generates a separate wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK event
+ // so just ignore them
+ if ( (HWND)wParam == ListView_GetHeader(GetHwnd()) )
+ return 0;
+ //else: break
+ }
+ return wxControl::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// virtual list controls
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxString wxListCtrl::OnGetItemText(long WXUNUSED(item), long WXUNUSED(col)) const
+ // this is a pure virtual function, in fact - which is not really pure
+ // because the controls which are not virtual don't need to implement it
+ wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxListCtrl::OnGetItemText not supposed to be called") );
+ return wxEmptyString;
+int wxListCtrl::OnGetItemImage(long WXUNUSED(item)) const
+ -1,
+ wxT("List control has an image list, OnGetItemImage or OnGetItemColumnImage should be overridden."));
+ return -1;
+int wxListCtrl::OnGetItemColumnImage(long item, long column) const
+ if (!column)
+ return OnGetItemImage(item);
+ return -1;
+wxListItemAttr *wxListCtrl::OnGetItemAttr(long WXUNUSED_UNLESS_DEBUG(item)) const
+ wxASSERT_MSG( item >= 0 && item < GetItemCount(),
+ wxT("invalid item index in OnGetItemAttr()") );
+ // no attributes by default
+ return NULL;
+wxListItemAttr *wxListCtrl::DoGetItemColumnAttr(long item, long column) const
+ if ( IsVirtual() )
+ return OnGetItemColumnAttr(item, column);
+ wxMSWListItemData * const data = MSWGetItemData(item);
+ return data ? data->attr : NULL;
+void wxListCtrl::SetItemCount(long count)
+ wxASSERT_MSG( IsVirtual(), wxT("this is for virtual controls only") );
+ if ( !::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LVM_SETITEMCOUNT, (WPARAM)count,
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("ListView_SetItemCount"));
+ }
+ m_count = count;
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_count == ListView_GetItemCount(GetHwnd()),
+ wxT("m_count should match ListView_GetItemCount"));
+void wxListCtrl::RefreshItem(long item)
+ RefreshItems(item, item);
+void wxListCtrl::RefreshItems(long itemFrom, long itemTo)
+ ListView_RedrawItems(GetHwnd(), itemFrom, itemTo);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxWin <-> MSW items conversions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void wxConvertFromMSWListItem(HWND hwndListCtrl,
+ wxListItem& info,
+ LV_ITEM& lvItem)
+ wxMSWListItemData *internaldata =
+ (wxMSWListItemData *) lvItem.lParam;
+ if (internaldata)
+ info.m_data = internaldata->lParam;
+ info.m_mask = 0;
+ info.m_state = 0;
+ info.m_stateMask = 0;
+ info.m_itemId = lvItem.iItem;
+ long oldMask = lvItem.mask;
+ bool needText = false;
+ if (hwndListCtrl != 0)
+ {
+ if ( lvItem.mask & LVIF_TEXT )
+ needText = false;
+ else
+ needText = true;
+ if ( needText )
+ {
+ lvItem.pszText = new wxChar[513];
+ lvItem.cchTextMax = 512;
+ }
+ ::SendMessage(hwndListCtrl, LVM_GETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)& lvItem);
+ }
+ if ( lvItem.mask & LVIF_STATE )
+ {
+ info.m_mask |= wxLIST_MASK_STATE;
+ if ( lvItem.stateMask & LVIS_CUT)
+ {
+ info.m_stateMask |= wxLIST_STATE_CUT;
+ if ( lvItem.state & LVIS_CUT )
+ info.m_state |= wxLIST_STATE_CUT;
+ }
+ if ( lvItem.stateMask & LVIS_DROPHILITED)
+ {
+ info.m_stateMask |= wxLIST_STATE_DROPHILITED;
+ if ( lvItem.state & LVIS_DROPHILITED )
+ info.m_state |= wxLIST_STATE_DROPHILITED;
+ }
+ if ( lvItem.stateMask & LVIS_FOCUSED)
+ {
+ info.m_stateMask |= wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED;
+ if ( lvItem.state & LVIS_FOCUSED )
+ info.m_state |= wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED;
+ }
+ if ( lvItem.stateMask & LVIS_SELECTED)
+ {
+ info.m_stateMask |= wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED;
+ if ( lvItem.state & LVIS_SELECTED )
+ info.m_state |= wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( lvItem.mask & LVIF_TEXT )
+ {
+ info.m_mask |= wxLIST_MASK_TEXT;
+ info.m_text = lvItem.pszText;
+ }
+ if ( lvItem.mask & LVIF_IMAGE )
+ {
+ info.m_mask |= wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE;
+ info.m_image = lvItem.iImage;
+ }
+ if ( lvItem.mask & LVIF_PARAM )
+ info.m_mask |= wxLIST_MASK_DATA;
+ if ( lvItem.mask & LVIF_DI_SETITEM )
+ info.m_mask |= wxLIST_SET_ITEM;
+ info.m_col = lvItem.iSubItem;
+ if (needText)
+ {
+ if (lvItem.pszText)
+ delete[] lvItem.pszText;
+ }
+ lvItem.mask = oldMask;
+static void wxConvertToMSWFlags(long state, long stateMask, LV_ITEM& lvItem)
+ if (stateMask & wxLIST_STATE_CUT)
+ {
+ lvItem.stateMask |= LVIS_CUT;
+ if (state & wxLIST_STATE_CUT)
+ lvItem.state |= LVIS_CUT;
+ }
+ if (stateMask & wxLIST_STATE_DROPHILITED)
+ {
+ lvItem.stateMask |= LVIS_DROPHILITED;
+ lvItem.state |= LVIS_DROPHILITED;
+ }
+ if (stateMask & wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED)
+ {
+ lvItem.stateMask |= LVIS_FOCUSED;
+ if (state & wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED)
+ lvItem.state |= LVIS_FOCUSED;
+ }
+ if (stateMask & wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED)
+ {
+ lvItem.stateMask |= LVIS_SELECTED;
+ if (state & wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED)
+ lvItem.state |= LVIS_SELECTED;
+ }
+static void wxConvertToMSWListItem(const wxListCtrl *ctrl,
+ const wxListItem& info,
+ LV_ITEM& lvItem)
+ if ( ctrl->InReportView() )
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG( 0 <= info.m_col && info.m_col < ctrl->GetColumnCount(),
+ "wxListCtrl column index out of bounds" );
+ }
+ else // not in report view
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG( info.m_col == 0, "columns only exist in report view" );
+ }
+ lvItem.iItem = (int) info.m_itemId;
+ lvItem.iImage = info.m_image;
+ lvItem.stateMask = 0;
+ lvItem.state = 0;
+ lvItem.mask = 0;
+ lvItem.iSubItem = info.m_col;
+ if (info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_STATE)
+ {
+ lvItem.mask |= LVIF_STATE;
+ wxConvertToMSWFlags(info.m_state, info.m_stateMask, lvItem);
+ }
+ if (info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_TEXT)
+ {
+ lvItem.mask |= LVIF_TEXT;
+ if ( ctrl->HasFlag(wxLC_USER_TEXT) )
+ {
+ lvItem.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // pszText is not const, hence the cast
+ lvItem.pszText = (wxChar *)info.m_text.wx_str();
+ if ( lvItem.pszText )
+ lvItem.cchTextMax = info.m_text.length();
+ else
+ lvItem.cchTextMax = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE)
+ lvItem.mask |= LVIF_IMAGE;
+static void wxConvertToMSWListCol(HWND hwndList,
+ int col,
+ const wxListItem& item,
+ LV_COLUMN& lvCol)
+ wxZeroMemory(lvCol);
+ if ( item.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_TEXT )
+ {
+ lvCol.mask |= LVCF_TEXT;
+ lvCol.pszText = (wxChar *)item.m_text.wx_str(); // cast is safe
+ }
+ if ( item.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_FORMAT )
+ {
+ lvCol.mask |= LVCF_FMT;
+ if ( item.m_format == wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT )
+ lvCol.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT;
+ else if ( item.m_format == wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT )
+ lvCol.fmt = LVCFMT_RIGHT;
+ else if ( item.m_format == wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTRE )
+ lvCol.fmt = LVCFMT_CENTER;
+ }
+ if ( item.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_WIDTH )
+ {
+ lvCol.mask |= LVCF_WIDTH;
+ if ( item.m_width == wxLIST_AUTOSIZE)
+ lvCol.cx = LVSCW_AUTOSIZE;
+ else if ( item.m_width == wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER)
+ else
+ lvCol.cx = item.m_width;
+ }
+ // see comment at the end of wxListCtrl::GetColumn()
+#ifdef NM_CUSTOMDRAW // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300
+ if ( item.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE )
+ {
+ if ( wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() >= 470 )
+ {
+ lvCol.mask |= LVCF_IMAGE;
+ // we use LVCFMT_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT because the images on the right
+ // seem to be generally nicer than on the left and the generic
+ // version only draws them on the right (we don't have a flag to
+ // specify the image location anyhow)
+ //
+ // we don't use LVCFMT_COL_HAS_IMAGES because it doesn't seem to
+ // make any difference in my tests -- but maybe we should?
+ if ( item.m_image != -1 )
+ {
+ // as we're going to overwrite the format field, get its
+ // current value first -- unless we want to overwrite it anyhow
+ if ( !(lvCol.mask & LVCF_FMT) )
+ {
+ LV_COLUMN lvColOld;
+ wxZeroMemory(lvColOld);
+ lvColOld.mask = LVCF_FMT;
+ if ( ListView_GetColumn(hwndList, col, &lvColOld) )
+ {
+ lvCol.fmt = lvColOld.fmt;
+ }
+ lvCol.mask |= LVCF_FMT;
+ }
+ }
+ lvCol.iImage = item.m_image;
+ }
+ //else: it doesn't support item images anyhow
+ }
+#endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300