+ /**
+ This method is used to draw the item's background and, maybe, a border
+ around it.
+ The base class version implements a reasonable default behaviour which
+ consists in drawing the selected item with the standard background
+ colour and drawing a border around the item if it is either selected or
+ current.
+ @todo Change this function signature to non-const.
+ */
+ virtual void OnDrawBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
+ /**
+ This method may be used to draw separators between the lines. The
+ rectangle passed to it may be modified, typically to deflate it a bit
+ before passing to OnDrawItem().
+ The base class version of this method doesn't do anything.
+ @param dc
+ The device context to use for drawing.
+ @param rect
+ The bounding rectangle for the item.
+ @param n
+ The index of the item.
+ @todo Change this function signature to non-const.
+ */
+ virtual void OnDrawSeparator(wxDC& dc, wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;