+#if defined(__has_include)
+ #if !defined(HAVE_TYPE_TRAITS) && __has_include(<type_traits>)
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(HAVE_TR1_TYPE_TRAITS) && __has_include(<tr1/type_traits>)
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(HAVE_STD_UNORDERED_MAP) && __has_include(<unordered_map>)
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(HAVE_TR1_UNORDERED_MAP) && __has_include(<tr1/unordered_map>)
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(HAVE_STD_UNORDERED_SET) && __has_include(<unordered_set>)
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(HAVE_TR1_UNORDERED_SET) && __has_include(<tr1/unordered_set>)
+ #endif
+#endif // defined(__has_include)
/* provide replacement for C99 va_copy() if the compiler doesn't have it */
/* could be already defined by configure or the user */
#define wxSTDCALL
#endif /* platform */
-/* LINKAGEMODE mode is empty for everyting except OS/2 */
+/* LINKAGEMODE mode is empty for everything except OS/2 */
#endif /* LINKAGEMODE */
# endif
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+ #define WX_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED __attribute__ ((unused))
/* Macro to issue warning when using deprecated functions with gcc3 or MSVC7: */
#define wxDEPRECATED(x) __attribute__((deprecated)) x
+ Macros to suppress and restore gcc warnings, requires g++ >= 4.6 and don't
+ do anything otherwise.
+ Example of use:
+ wxGCC_WARNING_SUPPRESS(float-equal)
+ inline bool wxIsSameDouble(double x, double y) { return x == y; }
+ wxGCC_WARNING_RESTORE(float-equal)
+ */
+#if wxCHECK_GCC_VERSION(4, 6)
+# define wxGCC_WARNING_SUPPRESS(x) \
+ _Pragma (wxSTRINGIZE(GCC diagnostic push)) \
+ _Pragma (wxSTRINGIZE(GCC diagnostic ignored wxSTRINGIZE(wxCONCAT(-W,x))))
+# define wxGCC_WARNING_RESTORE(x) \
+ _Pragma (wxSTRINGIZE(GCC diagnostic pop))
+#else /* gcc < 4.6 or not gcc at all */
+# define wxGCC_WARNING_RESTORE(x)
Combination of the two variants above: should be used for deprecated
functions which are defined inline and are used by wxWidgets itself.
template <typename T>
inline void wxDELETE(T*& ptr)
- typedef char TypeIsCompleteCheck[sizeof(T)];
+ typedef char TypeIsCompleteCheck[sizeof(T)] WX_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
if ( ptr != NULL )
template <typename T>
inline void wxDELETEA(T*& ptr)
- typedef char TypeIsCompleteCheck[sizeof(T)];
+ typedef char TypeIsCompleteCheck[sizeof(T)] WX_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
if ( ptr != NULL )
m(==,x,y,z) m(!=,x,y,z) m(>=,x,y,z) m(<=,x,y,z) m(>,x,y,z) m(<,x,y,z)
- This is only used with wxDEFINE_COMPARISON_REV: it passes both the normal
- and the reversed comparison operators to the macro.
+ These are only used with wxDEFINE_COMPARISON_[BY_]REV: they pass both the
+ normal and the reversed comparison operators to the macro.
+#define wxFOR_ALL_COMPARISONS_2_REV(m, x, y) \
+ m(==,x,y,==) m(!=,x,y,!=) m(>=,x,y,<=) \
+ m(<=,x,y,>=) m(>,x,y,<) m(<,x,y,>)
#define wxFOR_ALL_COMPARISONS_3_REV(m, x, y, z) \
m(==,x,y,z,==) m(!=,x,y,z,!=) m(>=,x,y,z,<=) \
m(<=,x,y,z,>=) m(>,x,y,z,<) m(<,x,y,z,>)
#define wxDEFINE_COMPARISON_REV(op, T1, T2, cmp, oprev) \
inline bool operator op(T2 y, T1 x) { return cmp(x, y, oprev); }
+#define wxDEFINE_COMPARISON_BY_REV(op, T1, T2, oprev) \
+ inline bool operator op(T1 x, T2 y) { return y oprev x; }
Define all 6 comparison operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=) for the given
types in the specified order. The implementation is provided by the cmp
#define wxDEFINE_COMPARISONS(T1, T2, cmp) \
+ Define all 6 comparison operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=) for the given
+ types in the specified order, implemented in terms of existing operators
+ for the reverse order.
+ */
This macro allows to define all 12 comparison operators (6 operators for
both orders of arguments) for the given types using the provided "cmp"
+ Helper macro for conditionally compiling some code only if wxLongLong_t is
+ available and is a type different from the other integer types (i.e. not
+ long).
+ */
+ #define wxIF_LONG_LONG_TYPE(x) x
+ #define wxIF_LONG_LONG_TYPE(x)
/* Make sure ssize_t is defined (a signed type the same size as size_t). */
/* (HAVE_SSIZE_T is not already defined by configure) */
+ Helper macro expanding into the given "m" macro invoked with each of the
+ integer types as parameter (notice that this does not include char/unsigned
+ char and bool but does include wchar_t).
+ */
+#define wxDO_FOR_INT_TYPES(m) \
+ m(short) \
+ m(unsigned short) \
+ m(int) \
+ m(unsigned int) \
+ m(long) \
+ m(unsigned long) \
+ wxIF_LONG_LONG_TYPE( m(wxLongLong_t) ) \
+ wxIF_LONG_LONG_TYPE( m(wxULongLong_t) ) \
+ wxIF_WCHAR_T_TYPE( m(wchar_t) )
+ Same as wxDO_FOR_INT_TYPES() but does include char and unsigned char.
+ Notice that we use "char" and "unsigned char" here but not "signed char"
+ which would be more correct as "char" could be unsigned by default. But
+ wxWidgets code currently supposes that char is signed and we'd need to
+ clean up assumptions about it, notably in wx/unichar.h, to be able to use
+ "signed char" here.
+ */
+#define wxDO_FOR_CHAR_INT_TYPES(m) \
+ m(char) \
+ m(unsigned char) \
+ Same as wxDO_FOR_INT_TYPES() above except that m macro takes the
+ type as the first argument and some extra argument, passed from this macro
+ itself, as the second one.
+ */
+#define wxDO_FOR_INT_TYPES_1(m, arg) \
+ m(short, arg) \
+ m(unsigned short, arg) \
+ m(int, arg) \
+ m(unsigned int, arg) \
+ m(long, arg) \
+ m(unsigned long, arg) \
+ wxIF_LONG_LONG_TYPE( m(wxLongLong_t, arg) ) \
+ wxIF_LONG_LONG_TYPE( m(wxULongLong_t, arg) ) \
+ wxIF_WCHAR_T_TYPE( m(wchar_t, arg) )
+ Combination of wxDO_FOR_CHAR_INT_TYPES() and wxDO_FOR_INT_TYPES_1():
+ invokes the given macro with the specified argument as its second parameter
+ for all char and int types.
+ */
+#define wxDO_FOR_CHAR_INT_TYPES_1(m, arg) \
+ m(char, arg) \
+ m(unsigned char, arg) \
+ wxDO_FOR_INT_TYPES_1(m, arg)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* byte ordering related definition and macros */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define wxMORE 0x00010000
#define wxSETUP 0x00020000
#define wxICON_NONE 0x00040000
+#define wxICON_AUTH_NEEDED 0x00080000
#define wxICON_MASK \
* Background styles. See wxWindow::SetBackgroundStyle
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* macros that enable wxWidgets apps to be compiled in absence of the */
-/* sytem headers, although some platform specific types are used in the */
+/* system headers, although some platform specific types are used in the */
/* platform specific (implementation) parts of the headers */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* If a manifest is being automatically generated, add common controls 6 to it */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if (!defined wxUSE_NO_MANIFEST || wxUSE_NO_MANIFEST == 0 ) && \
+#if wxUSE_GUI && \
+ (!defined wxUSE_NO_MANIFEST || wxUSE_NO_MANIFEST == 0 ) && \
( defined _MSC_FULL_VER && _MSC_FULL_VER >= 140040130 )
#define WX_CC_MANIFEST(cpu) \
#endif /* !wxUSE_NO_MANIFEST && _MSC_FULL_VER >= 140040130 */
+/* wxThread and wxProcess priorities */
+ wxPRIORITY_MIN = 0u, /* lowest possible priority */
+ wxPRIORITY_DEFAULT = 50u, /* normal priority */
+ wxPRIORITY_MAX = 100u /* highest possible priority */
/* _WX_DEFS_H_ */