+/* === regcomp.c === */
+static void moresubs(struct vars *, int);
+static int freev(struct vars *, int);
+static void makesearch(struct vars *, struct nfa *);
+static struct subre *parse(struct vars *, int, int, struct state *, struct state *);
+static struct subre *parsebranch(struct vars *, int, int, struct state *, struct state *, int);
+static void parseqatom(struct vars *, int, int, struct state *, struct state *, struct subre *);
+static void nonword(struct vars *, int, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void word(struct vars *, int, struct state *, struct state *);
+static int scannum(struct vars *);
+static void repeat(struct vars *, struct state *, struct state *, int, int);
+static void bracket(struct vars *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void cbracket(struct vars *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void brackpart(struct vars *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static chr *scanplain(struct vars *);
+static void leaders(struct vars *, struct cvec *);
+static void onechr(struct vars *, chr, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void dovec(struct vars *, struct cvec *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static celt nextleader(struct vars *, chr, chr);
+static void wordchrs(struct vars *);
+static struct subre *subre(struct vars *, int, int, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void freesubre(struct vars *, struct subre *);
+static void freesrnode(struct vars *, struct subre *);
+static void optst(struct vars *, struct subre *);
+static int numst(struct subre *, int);
+static void markst(struct subre *);
+static void cleanst(struct vars *);
+static long nfatree(struct vars *, struct subre *, FILE *);
+static long nfanode(struct vars *, struct subre *, FILE *);
+static int newlacon(struct vars *, struct state *, struct state *, int);
+static void freelacons(struct subre *, int);
+static void rfree(regex_t *);
+#ifdef REG_DEBUG
+static void dump(regex_t *, FILE *);
+static void dumpst(struct subre *, FILE *, int);
+static void stdump(struct subre *, FILE *, int);
+static char *stid(struct subre *, char *, size_t);
+/* === regc_lex.c === */
+static void lexstart(struct vars *);
+static void prefixes(struct vars *);
+static void lexnest(struct vars *, chr *, chr *);
+static void lexword(struct vars *);
+static int next(struct vars *);
+static int lexescape(struct vars *);
+static chr lexdigits(struct vars *, int, int, int);
+static int brenext(struct vars *, chr);
+static void skip(struct vars *);
+static chr newline(void);
+static chr chrnamed(struct vars *, chr *, chr *, chr);
+/* === regc_color.c === */
+static void initcm(struct vars *, struct colormap *);
+static void freecm(struct colormap *);
+static void cmtreefree(struct colormap *, union tree *, int);
+static color setcolor(struct colormap *, chr, pcolor);
+static color maxcolor(struct colormap *);
+static color newcolor(struct colormap *);
+static void freecolor(struct colormap *, pcolor);
+static color pseudocolor(struct colormap *);
+static color subcolor(struct colormap *, chr c);
+static color newsub(struct colormap *, pcolor);
+static void subrange(struct vars *, chr, chr, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void subblock(struct vars *, chr, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void okcolors(struct nfa *, struct colormap *);
+static void colorchain(struct colormap *, struct arc *);
+static void uncolorchain(struct colormap *, struct arc *);
+static int singleton(struct colormap *, chr c);
+static void rainbow(struct nfa *, struct colormap *, int, pcolor, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void colorcomplement(struct nfa *, struct colormap *, int, struct state *, struct state *, struct state *);
+#ifdef REG_DEBUG
+static void dumpcolors(struct colormap *, FILE *);
+static void fillcheck(struct colormap *, union tree *, int, FILE *);
+static void dumpchr(chr, FILE *);
+/* === regc_nfa.c === */
+static struct nfa *newnfa(struct vars *, struct colormap *, struct nfa *);
+static void freenfa(struct nfa *);
+static struct state *newstate(struct nfa *);
+static struct state *newfstate(struct nfa *, int flag);
+static void dropstate(struct nfa *, struct state *);
+static void freestate(struct nfa *, struct state *);
+static void destroystate(struct nfa *, struct state *);
+static void newarc(struct nfa *, int, pcolor, struct state *, struct state *);
+static struct arc *allocarc(struct nfa *, struct state *);
+static void freearc(struct nfa *, struct arc *);
+static struct arc *findarc(struct state *, int, pcolor);
+static void cparc(struct nfa *, struct arc *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void moveins(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void copyins(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void moveouts(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void copyouts(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void cloneouts(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *, struct state *, int);
+static void delsub(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void deltraverse(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void dupnfa(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void duptraverse(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void cleartraverse(struct nfa *, struct state *);
+static void specialcolors(struct nfa *);
+static long optimize(struct nfa *, FILE *);
+static void pullback(struct nfa *, FILE *);
+static int pull(struct nfa *, struct arc *);
+static void pushfwd(struct nfa *, FILE *);
+static int push(struct nfa *, struct arc *);
+#define INCOMPATIBLE 1 /* destroys arc */
+#define SATISFIED 2 /* constraint satisfied */
+#define COMPATIBLE 3 /* compatible but not satisfied yet */
+static int combine(struct arc *, struct arc *);
+static void fixempties(struct nfa *, FILE *);
+static int unempty(struct nfa *, struct arc *);
+static void cleanup(struct nfa *);
+static void markreachable(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static void markcanreach(struct nfa *, struct state *, struct state *, struct state *);
+static long analyze(struct nfa *);
+static void compact(struct nfa *, struct cnfa *);
+static void carcsort(struct carc *, struct carc *);
+static void freecnfa(struct cnfa *);
+static void dumpnfa(struct nfa *, FILE *);
+#ifdef REG_DEBUG
+static void dumpstate(struct state *, FILE *);
+static void dumparcs(struct state *, FILE *);
+static int dumprarcs(struct arc *, struct state *, FILE *, int);
+static void dumparc(struct arc *, struct state *, FILE *);
+static void dumpcnfa(struct cnfa *, FILE *);
+static void dumpcstate(int, struct carc *, struct cnfa *, FILE *);
+/* === regc_cvec.c === */
+static struct cvec *newcvec(int, int, int);
+static struct cvec *clearcvec(struct cvec *);
+static void addchr(struct cvec *, chr);
+static void addrange(struct cvec *, chr, chr);
+static void addmcce(struct cvec *, chr *, chr *);
+static int haschr(struct cvec *, chr);
+static struct cvec *getcvec(struct vars *, int, int, int);
+static void freecvec(struct cvec *);
+/* === regc_locale.c === */
+extern int wx_isdigit(wx_wchar c);
+extern int wx_isalpha(wx_wchar c);
+extern int wx_isalnum(wx_wchar c);
+extern int wx_isupper(wx_wchar c);
+extern int wx_islower(wx_wchar c);
+extern int wx_isgraph(wx_wchar c);
+extern int wx_ispunct(wx_wchar c);
+extern int wx_isspace(wx_wchar c);
+extern wx_wchar wx_toupper(wx_wchar c);
+extern wx_wchar wx_tolower(wx_wchar c);
+extern int wx_strlen(const wx_wchar* szString);
+static int nmcces(struct vars *);
+static int nleaders(struct vars *);
+static struct cvec *allmcces(struct vars *, struct cvec *);
+static celt element(struct vars *, chr *, chr *);
+static struct cvec *range(struct vars *, celt, celt, int);
+static int before(celt, celt);
+static struct cvec *eclass(struct vars *, celt, int);
+static struct cvec *cclass(struct vars *, chr *, chr *, int);
+static struct cvec *allcases(struct vars *, chr);
+static int cmp(const chr *, const chr *, size_t);
+static int casecmp(const chr *, const chr *, size_t);
+/* internal variables, bundled for easy passing around */
+struct vars
+ regex_t *re;
+ chr *now; /* scan pointer into string */
+ chr *stop; /* end of string */
+ chr *savenow; /* saved now and stop for "subroutine
+ * call" */
+ chr *savestop;
+ int err; /* error code (0 if none) */
+ int cflags; /* copy of compile flags */
+ int lasttype; /* type of previous token */
+ int nexttype; /* type of next token */
+ chr nextvalue; /* value (if any) of next token */
+ int lexcon; /* lexical context type (see lex.c) */
+ int nsubexp; /* subexpression count */
+ struct subre **subs; /* subRE pointer vector */
+ size_t nsubs; /* length of vector */
+ struct subre *sub10[10]; /* initial vector, enough for most */
+ struct nfa *nfa; /* the NFA */
+ struct colormap *cm; /* character color map */
+ color nlcolor; /* color of newline */
+ struct state *wordchrs; /* state in nfa holding word-char outarcs */
+ struct subre *tree; /* subexpression tree */
+ struct subre *treechain; /* all tree nodes allocated */
+ struct subre *treefree; /* any free tree nodes */
+ int ntree; /* number of tree nodes */
+ struct cvec *cv; /* interface cvec */
+ struct cvec *cv2; /* utility cvec */
+ struct cvec *mcces; /* collating-element information */
+#define ISCELEADER(v,c) (v->mcces != NULL && haschr(v->mcces, (c)))
+ struct state *mccepbegin; /* in nfa, start of MCCE prototypes */
+ struct state *mccepend; /* in nfa, end of MCCE prototypes */
+ struct subre *lacons; /* lookahead-constraint vector */
+ int nlacons; /* size of lacons */