#include "wx/window.h"
#include "wx/timer.h"
#include "wx/sizer.h"
+#include "wx/bitmap.h"
enum wxAuiManagerDock
wxAUI_MGR_HINT_FADE = 1 << 6,
+ wxAUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE = 1 << 8,
name = c.name;
caption = c.caption;
+ icon = c.icon;
window = c.window;
frame = c.frame;
state = c.state;
source.window = window;
source.frame = frame;
source.buttons = buttons;
+ wxCHECK_RET(source.IsValid(),
+ "window settings and pane settings are incompatible");
// now assign
*this = source;
bool IsBottomDockable() const { return HasFlag(optionBottomDockable); }
bool IsLeftDockable() const { return HasFlag(optionLeftDockable); }
bool IsRightDockable() const { return HasFlag(optionRightDockable); }
+ bool IsDockable() const
+ {
+ return HasFlag(optionTopDockable | optionBottomDockable |
+ optionLeftDockable | optionRightDockable);
+ }
bool IsFloatable() const { return HasFlag(optionFloatable); }
bool IsMovable() const { return HasFlag(optionMovable); }
bool IsDestroyOnClose() const { return HasFlag(optionDestroyOnClose); }
#ifdef SWIG
%typemap(out) wxAuiPaneInfo& { $result = $self; Py_INCREF($result); }
- wxAuiPaneInfo& Window(wxWindow* w) { window = w; return *this; }
+ wxAuiPaneInfo& Window(wxWindow* w)
+ {
+ wxAuiPaneInfo test(*this);
+ test.window = w;
+ wxCHECK_MSG(test.IsValid(), *this,
+ "window settings and pane settings are incompatible");
+ *this = test;
+ return *this;
+ }
wxAuiPaneInfo& Name(const wxString& n) { name = n; return *this; }
wxAuiPaneInfo& Caption(const wxString& c) { caption = c; return *this; }
+ wxAuiPaneInfo& Icon(const wxBitmap& b) { icon = b; return *this; }
wxAuiPaneInfo& Left() { dock_direction = wxAUI_DOCK_LEFT; return *this; }
wxAuiPaneInfo& Right() { dock_direction = wxAUI_DOCK_RIGHT; return *this; }
wxAuiPaneInfo& Top() { dock_direction = wxAUI_DOCK_TOP; return *this; }
wxAuiPaneInfo& DefaultPane()
- state |= optionTopDockable | optionBottomDockable |
+ wxAuiPaneInfo test(*this);
+ test.state |= optionTopDockable | optionBottomDockable |
optionLeftDockable | optionRightDockable |
optionFloatable | optionMovable | optionResizable |
optionCaption | optionPaneBorder | buttonClose;
+ wxCHECK_MSG(test.IsValid(), *this,
+ "window settings and pane settings are incompatible");
+ *this = test;
return *this;
return *this;
- wxAuiPaneInfo& SetFlag(unsigned int flag, bool option_state)
+ wxAuiPaneInfo& SetFlag(int flag, bool option_state)
+ wxAuiPaneInfo test(*this);
if (option_state)
- state |= flag;
+ test.state |= flag;
- state &= ~flag;
+ test.state &= ~flag;
+ wxCHECK_MSG(test.IsValid(), *this,
+ "window settings and pane settings are incompatible");
+ *this = test;
return *this;
- bool HasFlag(unsigned int flag) const
+ bool HasFlag(int flag) const
return (state & flag) != 0;
wxString name; // name of the pane
wxString caption; // caption displayed on the window
+ wxBitmap icon; // icon of the pane, may be invalid
wxWindow* window; // window that is in this pane
wxFrame* frame; // floating frame window that holds the pane
wxAuiPaneButtonArray buttons; // buttons on the pane
wxRect rect; // current rectangle (populated by wxAUI)
+ bool IsValid() const;
- wxAuiManager(wxWindow* managed_wnd = NULL,
+ wxAuiManager(wxWindow* managedWnd = NULL,
unsigned int flags = wxAUI_MGR_DEFAULT);
virtual ~wxAuiManager();
void UnInit();
void SetFlags(unsigned int flags);
unsigned int GetFlags() const;
- void SetManagedWindow(wxWindow* managed_wnd);
+ void SetManagedWindow(wxWindow* managedWnd);
wxWindow* GetManagedWindow() const;
static wxAuiManager* GetManager(wxWindow* window);
- void SetArtProvider(wxAuiDockArt* art_provider);
+ void SetArtProvider(wxAuiDockArt* artProvider);
wxAuiDockArt* GetArtProvider() const;
wxAuiPaneInfo& GetPane(wxWindow* window);
wxAuiPaneInfoArray& GetAllPanes();
bool AddPane(wxWindow* window,
- const wxAuiPaneInfo& pane_info);
+ const wxAuiPaneInfo& paneInfo);
bool AddPane(wxWindow* window,
- const wxAuiPaneInfo& pane_info,
- const wxPoint& drop_pos);
+ const wxAuiPaneInfo& paneInfo,
+ const wxPoint& dropPos);
bool AddPane(wxWindow* window,
int direction = wxLEFT,
const wxString& caption = wxEmptyString);
bool InsertPane(wxWindow* window,
- const wxAuiPaneInfo& insert_location,
- int insert_level = wxAUI_INSERT_PANE);
+ const wxAuiPaneInfo& insertLocation,
+ int insertLevel = wxAUI_INSERT_PANE);
bool DetachPane(wxWindow* window);
void Update();
wxString SavePaneInfo(wxAuiPaneInfo& pane);
- void LoadPaneInfo(wxString pane_part, wxAuiPaneInfo &pane);
+ void LoadPaneInfo(wxString panePart, wxAuiPaneInfo &pane);
wxString SavePerspective();
bool LoadPerspective(const wxString& perspective, bool update = true);
- void SetDockSizeConstraint(double width_pct, double height_pct);
- void GetDockSizeConstraint(double* width_pct, double* height_pct) const;
+ void SetDockSizeConstraint(double widthPct, double heightPct);
+ void GetDockSizeConstraint(double* widthPct, double* heightPct) const;
- void ClosePane(wxAuiPaneInfo& pane_info);
- void MaximizePane(wxAuiPaneInfo& pane_info);
- void RestorePane(wxAuiPaneInfo& pane_info);
+ void ClosePane(wxAuiPaneInfo& paneInfo);
+ void MaximizePane(wxAuiPaneInfo& paneInfo);
+ void RestorePane(wxAuiPaneInfo& paneInfo);
void RestoreMaximizedPane();
virtual bool CanDockPanel(const wxAuiPaneInfo & p);
void StartPaneDrag(
- wxWindow* pane_window,
+ wxWindow* paneWindow,
const wxPoint& offset);
wxRect CalculateHintRect(
- wxWindow* pane_window,
+ wxWindow* paneWindow,
const wxPoint& pt,
const wxPoint& offset);
void DrawHintRect(
- wxWindow* pane_window,
+ wxWindow* paneWindow,
const wxPoint& pt,
const wxPoint& offset);
wxAuiDockInfo& dock,
wxAuiPaneInfo& pane,
wxAuiDockUIPartArray& uiparts,
- bool spacer_only);
+ bool spacerOnly);
void LayoutAddDock(wxSizer* container,
wxAuiDockInfo& dock,
- wxAuiDockUIPartArray& uiparts,
- bool spacer_only);
+ wxAuiDockUIPartArray& uiParts,
+ bool spacerOnly);
wxSizer* LayoutAll(wxAuiPaneInfoArray& panes,
wxAuiDockInfoArray& docks,
- wxAuiDockUIPartArray& uiparts,
- bool spacer_only = false);
+ wxAuiDockUIPartArray & uiParts,
+ bool spacerOnly = false);
virtual bool ProcessDockResult(wxAuiPaneInfo& target,
- const wxAuiPaneInfo& new_pos);
+ const wxAuiPaneInfo& newPos);
bool DoDrop(wxAuiDockInfoArray& docks,
wxAuiPaneInfoArray& panes,
wxAuiPaneInfo& drop,
const wxPoint& pt,
- const wxPoint& action_offset = wxPoint(0,0));
+ const wxPoint& actionOffset = wxPoint(0,0));
wxAuiDockUIPart* HitTest(int x, int y);
wxAuiDockUIPart* GetPanePart(wxWindow* pane);
void OnFloatingPaneMoved(wxWindow* window, wxDirection dir);
void OnFloatingPaneActivated(wxWindow* window);
void OnFloatingPaneClosed(wxWindow* window, wxCloseEvent& evt);
- void OnFloatingPaneResized(wxWindow* window, const wxSize& size);
+ void OnFloatingPaneResized(wxWindow* window, const wxRect& rect);
void Render(wxDC* dc);
void Repaint(wxDC* dc = NULL);
void ProcessMgrEvent(wxAuiManagerEvent& event);
- void UpdateButtonOnScreen(wxAuiDockUIPart* button_ui_part,
+ void UpdateButtonOnScreen(wxAuiDockUIPart* buttonUiPart,
const wxMouseEvent& event);
void GetPanePositionsAndSizes(wxAuiDockInfo& dock,
wxArrayInt& positions,
wxArrayInt& sizes);
+ /// Ends a resize action, or for live update, resizes the sash
+ bool DoEndResizeAction(wxMouseEvent& event);
wxAuiPaneInfoArray m_panes; // array of panes structures
wxAuiDockInfoArray m_docks; // array of docks structures
- wxAuiDockUIPartArray m_uiparts; // array of UI parts (captions, buttons, etc)
+ wxAuiDockUIPartArray m_uiParts; // array of UI parts (captions, buttons, etc)
int m_action; // current mouse action
- wxPoint m_action_start; // position where the action click started
- wxPoint m_action_offset; // offset from upper left of the item clicked
- wxAuiDockUIPart* m_action_part; // ptr to the part the action happened to
- wxWindow* m_action_window; // action frame or window (NULL if none)
- wxRect m_action_hintrect; // hint rectangle for the action
- wxRect m_last_rect;
- wxAuiDockUIPart* m_hover_button;// button uipart being hovered over
- wxRect m_last_hint; // last hint rectangle
- wxPoint m_last_mouse_move; // last mouse move position (see OnMotion)
+ wxPoint m_actionStart; // position where the action click started
+ wxPoint m_actionOffset; // offset from upper left of the item clicked
+ wxAuiDockUIPart* m_actionPart; // ptr to the part the action happened to
+ wxWindow* m_actionWindow; // action frame or window (NULL if none)
+ wxRect m_actionHintRect; // hint rectangle for the action
+ wxRect m_lastRect;
+ wxAuiDockUIPart* m_hoverButton;// button uipart being hovered over
+ wxRect m_lastHint; // last hint rectangle
+ wxPoint m_lastMouseMove; // last mouse move position (see OnMotion)
+ int m_currentDragItem;
bool m_skipping;
- bool m_has_maximized;
+ bool m_hasMaximized;
- double m_dock_constraint_x; // 0.0 .. 1.0; max pct of window width a dock can consume
- double m_dock_constraint_y; // 0.0 .. 1.0; max pct of window height a dock can consume
+ double m_dockConstraintX; // 0.0 .. 1.0; max pct of window width a dock can consume
+ double m_dockConstraintY; // 0.0 .. 1.0; max pct of window height a dock can consume
- wxFrame* m_hint_wnd; // transparent hint window, if supported by platform
- wxTimer m_hint_fadetimer; // transparent fade timer
- wxByte m_hint_fadeamt; // transparent fade amount
- wxByte m_hint_fademax; // maximum value of hint fade
+ wxFrame* m_hintWnd; // transparent hint window, if supported by platform
+ wxTimer m_hintFadeTimer; // transparent fade timer
+ wxByte m_hintFadeAmt; // transparent fade amount
+ wxByte m_hintFadeMax; // maximum value of hint fade
void* m_reserved;
#ifndef SWIG
-extern WXDLLIMPEXP_AUI const wxEventType wxEVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON;
-extern WXDLLIMPEXP_AUI const wxEventType wxEVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE;
-extern WXDLLIMPEXP_AUI const wxEventType wxEVT_AUI_RENDER;
typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxAuiManagerEventFunction)(wxAuiManagerEvent&);
#define wxAuiManagerEventHandler(func) \
- (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction)wxStaticCastEvent(wxAuiManagerEventFunction, &func)
+ wxEVENT_HANDLER_CAST(wxAuiManagerEventFunction, func)
#define EVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON(func) \
wx__DECLARE_EVT0(wxEVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON, wxAuiManagerEventHandler(func))