-import sys, os, glob, fnmatch
-from distutils.core import setup, Extension
-from distutils.file_util import copy_file
-from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
-from distutils.dep_util import newer
-from distutils.spawn import spawn
-from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
-# flags and values that affect this script
-VER_MAJOR = 2 # The first three must match wxWindows
-VER_SUBREL = 0 # wxPython release num for x.y.z release of wxWindows
-VER_FLAGS = "p1" # release flags, such as prerelease num, unicode, etc.
-DESCRIPTION = "Cross platform GUI toolkit for Python"
-AUTHOR = "Robin Dunn"
-AUTHOR_EMAIL = "Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com>"
-URL = "http://wxPython.org/"
-LICENSE = "wxWindows (LGPL derivative)"
-wxPython is a GUI toolkit for Python that is a wrapper around the
-wxWindows C++ GUI library. wxPython provides a large variety of
-window types and controls, all implemented with a native look and
-feel (by using the native widgets) on the platforms it is supported
-# Config values below this point can be reset on the setup.py command line.
-BUILD_GLCANVAS = 1 # If true, build the contrib/glcanvas extension module
-BUILD_OGL = 1 # If true, build the contrib/ogl extension module
-BUILD_STC = 1 # If true, build the contrib/stc extension module
-BUILD_XRC = 1 # XML based resource system
-BUILD_GIZMOS = 1 # Build a module for the gizmos contrib library
-BUILD_DLLWIDGET = 0# Build a module that enables unknown wx widgets
- # to be loaded from a DLL and to be used from Python.
- # Internet Explorer wrapper (experimental)
-BUILD_IEWIN = (os.name == 'nt')
-CORE_ONLY = 0 # if true, don't build any of the above
-PREP_ONLY = 0 # Only run the prepatory steps, not the actual build.
-USE_SWIG = 0 # Should we actually execute SWIG, or just use the
- # files already in the distribution?
-UNICODE = 0 # This will pass the 'wxUSE_UNICODE' flag to SWIG and
- # will ensure that the right headers are found and the
- # right libs are linked.
-IN_CVS_TREE = 1 # Set to true if building in a full wxWindows CVS
- # tree, or the new style of a full wxPythonSrc tarball.
- # wxPython used to be distributed as a separate source
- # tarball without the wxWindows but with a copy of the
- # needed contrib code. That's no longer the case and so
- # this setting is now defaulting to true. Eventually it
- # should be removed entirly.
-UNDEF_NDEBUG = 1 # Python 2.2 on Unix/Linux by default defines NDEBUG,
- # and distutils will pick this up and use it on the
- # compile command-line for the extensions. This could
- # conflict with how wxWindows was built. If NDEBUG is
- # set then wxWindows' __WXDEBUG__ setting will be turned
- # off. If wxWindows was actually built with it turned
- # on then you end up with mismatched class structures,
- # and wxPython will crash.
-NO_SCRIPTS = 0 # Don't install the tool scripts
-WX_CONFIG = None # Usually you shouldn't need to touch this, but you can set
- # it to pass an alternate version of wx-config or alternate
- # flags, eg. as required by the .deb in-tree build. By
- # default a wx-config command will be assembled based on
- # version, port, etc. and it will be looked for on the
- # default $PATH.
-WXPORT = 'gtk' # On Linux/Unix there are several ports of wxWindows available.
- # Setting this value lets you select which will be used for
- # the wxPython build. Possibilites are 'gtk', 'gtk2' and
- # 'x11'. Curently only gtk and gtk2 works.
-BUILD_BASE = "build" # Directory to use for temporary build files.
-# Some MSW build settings
-FINAL = 0 # Mirrors use of same flag in wx makefiles,
- # (0 or 1 only) should probably find a way to
- # autodetect this...
-HYBRID = 1 # If set and not debug or FINAL, then build a
- # hybrid extension that can be used by the
- # non-debug version of python, but contains
- # debugging symbols for wxWindows and wxPython.
- # wxWindows must have been built with /MD, not /MDd
- # (using FINAL=hybrid will do it.)
-WXDLLVER = '250' # Version part of wxWindows DLL name