#include <wx/artprov.h>
+#ifndef __WXMSW__
+ #include "../sample.xpm"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxSampleMultiButtonEditor
if ( event.GetId() == buttons->GetButtonId(0) )
- // Do something when first button is pressed
+ // Do something when the first button is pressed
wxLogDebug("First button pressed");
- return true;
+ return false; // Return false since value did not change
if ( event.GetId() == buttons->GetButtonId(1) )
- // Do something when second button is pressed
- wxLogDebug("Second button pressed");
- return true;
+ // Do something when the second button is pressed
+ wxMessageBox("Second button pressed");
+ return false; // Return false since value did not change
if ( event.GetId() == buttons->GetButtonId(2) )
- // Do something when third button is pressed
- wxLogDebug("Third button pressed");
- return true;
+ // Do something when the third button is pressed
+ wxMessageBox("Third button pressed");
+ return false; // Return false since value did not change
return wxPGTextCtrlEditor::OnEvent(propGrid, property, ctrl, event);
: wxPGProperty(label,name)
SetValue( WXVARIANT(value) );
- SetParentalType(wxPG_PROP_AGGREGATE);
- AddChild( new wxFloatProperty(wxT("X"),wxPG_LABEL,value.x) );
- AddChild( new wxFloatProperty(wxT("Y"),wxPG_LABEL,value.y) );
- AddChild( new wxFloatProperty(wxT("Z"),wxPG_LABEL,value.z) );
+ AddPrivateChild( new wxFloatProperty(wxT("X"),wxPG_LABEL,value.x) );
+ AddPrivateChild( new wxFloatProperty(wxT("Y"),wxPG_LABEL,value.y) );
+ AddPrivateChild( new wxFloatProperty(wxT("Z"),wxPG_LABEL,value.z) );
wxVectorProperty::~wxVectorProperty() { }
: wxPGProperty(label,name)
SetValue( WXVARIANT(value) );
- SetParentalType(wxPG_PROP_AGGREGATE);
- AddChild( new wxVectorProperty(wxT("A"),wxPG_LABEL,value.a) );
- AddChild( new wxVectorProperty(wxT("B"),wxPG_LABEL,value.b) );
- AddChild( new wxVectorProperty(wxT("C"),wxPG_LABEL,value.c) );
+ AddPrivateChild( new wxVectorProperty(wxT("A"),wxPG_LABEL,value.a) );
+ AddPrivateChild( new wxVectorProperty(wxT("B"),wxPG_LABEL,value.b) );
+ AddPrivateChild( new wxVectorProperty(wxT("C"),wxPG_LABEL,value.c) );
wxTriangleProperty::~wxTriangleProperty() { }
pg->SetPropertyEditor( wxT("SpinCtrl"), wxPGEditor_SpinCtrl );
pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("SpinCtrl"), wxPG_ATTR_MIN, (long)-10 ); // Use constants instead of string
- pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("SpinCtrl"), wxPG_ATTR_MAX, (long)10 ); // for reduced binary size.
+ pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("SpinCtrl"), wxPG_ATTR_MAX, (long)16384 ); // for reduced binary size.
pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("SpinCtrl"), wxT("Step"), (long)2 );
+ pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("SpinCtrl"), wxT("MotionSpin"), true );
//pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("SpinCtrl"), wxT("Wrap"), true );
pg->SetPropertyHelpString( wxT("SpinCtrl"),
240) );
pg->GetProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 2"))->AddChoice(wxT("Testing Extra"), 360);
- // Add a second time to test that the caching works. Also use
- // short form of constructor list + SetChoices.
- prop = new wxEnumProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 3"), wxPG_LABEL);
- pg->Append( prop );
- prop->SetChoices(soc);
- prop->SetValue(360);
- pg->SetPropertyHelpString(prop,
- wxT("Should have same choices as EnumProperty 2"));
- pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 4"),wxPG_LABEL,
+ // Here we only display the original 'soc' choices
+ pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 3"),wxPG_LABEL,
soc, 240 ) );
- pg->SetPropertyHelpString(wxT("EnumProperty 4"),
- wxT("Should have same choices as EnumProperty 2"));
- pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 5"),wxPG_LABEL,
+ // 'soc' plus one exclusive extra choice "4th only"
+ pg->Append( new wxEnumProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 4"),wxPG_LABEL,
soc, 240 ) );
- pg->GetProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 5"))->SetChoicesExclusive();
- pg->GetProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 5"))->AddChoice(wxT("5th only"), 360);
+ pg->GetProperty(wxT("EnumProperty 4"))->AddChoice(wxT("4th only"), 360);
- pg->SetPropertyHelpString(wxT("EnumProperty 5"),
- wxT("Should have one extra item when compared to EnumProperty 4"));
+ pg->SetPropertyHelpString(wxT("EnumProperty 4"),
+ wxT("Should have one extra item when compared to EnumProperty 3"));
// Password property example.
pg->Append( new wxStringProperty(wxT("Password"),wxPG_LABEL, wxT("password")) );
// Set value after limiting so that it will be applied
pg->SetPropertyValue( wxT("StringProperty"), wxT("some text") );
+ //
+ // Demonstrate "AutoComplete" attribute
+ pg->Append( new wxStringProperty( "StringProperty AutoComplete",
+ wxPG_LABEL ) );
+ wxArrayString autoCompleteStrings;
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("One choice");
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("Another choice");
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("Another choice, yeah");
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("Yet another choice");
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("Yet another choice, bear with me");
+ pg->SetPropertyAttribute( "StringProperty AutoComplete",
+ "AutoComplete",
+ autoCompleteStrings );
+ pg->SetPropertyHelpString( "StringProperty AutoComplete",
+ "AutoComplete attribute has been set for this property "
+ "(try writing something beginning with 'a', 'o' or 'y').");
+ // Add string property with arbitrarily wide bitmap in front of it. We
+ // intentionally lower-than-typical row height here so that the ugly
+ // scaling code wont't be run.
+ pg->Append( new wxStringProperty( wxT("StringPropertyWithBitmap"),
+ wxT("Test Text")) );
+ wxBitmap myTestBitmap(60, 15, 32);
+ wxMemoryDC mdc;
+ mdc.SelectObject(myTestBitmap);
+ mdc.Clear();
+ mdc.SetPen(*wxBLACK);
+ mdc.DrawLine(0, 0, 60, 15);
+ mdc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
+ pg->SetPropertyImage( wxT("StringPropertyWithBitmap"), myTestBitmap );
// this value array would be optional if values matched string indexes
//long flags_prop_values[] = { wxICONIZE, wxCAPTION, wxMINIMIZE_BOX, wxMAXIMIZE_BOX };
pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("DateProperty"), wxPG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE,
+ (long)(wxDP_DROPDOWN |
pg->SetPropertyHelpString( wxT("DateProperty"),
- wxT("Attribute wxPG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE has been set to (long)(wxDP_DROPDOWN | wxDP_SHOWCENTURY).")
- wxT("Also note that wxPG_ALLOW_WXADV needs to be defined inorder to use wxDatePickerCtrl.") );
+ wxT("Attribute wxPG_DATE_PICKER_STYLE has been set to (long)")
300000) );
+ pg->AppendIn(carProp, new wxBoolProperty(wxT("Convertible"),
+ false) );
// Displayed value of "Car" property is now very close to this:
// "Lamborghini Diablo SV; 5707 [300; 3.9; 8.6] 300000"
// For testing purposes, combine two methods of adding children
- // AddChild() requires that we call this
- pid->SetParentalType(wxPG_PROP_MISC_PARENT);
- pid->AddChild( new wxStringProperty(wxT("Latest Release"), wxPG_LABEL, wxT("2.8.8")));
- pid->AddChild( new wxBoolProperty(wxT("Win API"), wxPG_LABEL, true) );
+ pid->AppendChild( new wxStringProperty(wxT("Latest Release"),
+ wxT("2.8.10")));
+ pid->AppendChild( new wxBoolProperty(wxT("Win API"),
+ true) );
pg->Append( pid );
+ SetIcon(wxICON(sample));
m_propGrid = NULL;
m_panel = NULL;
if ( prop )
+ prop->RefreshEditor();