virtual ~wxSizerItem();
+ /**
+ Set the window to be tracked by this item.
+ The old window isn't deleted as it is now owned by the sizer item.
+ */
+ void AssignWindow(wxWindow *window);
+ /**
+ Set the sizer tracked by this item.
+ Old sizer, if any, is deleted.
+ */
+ void AssignSizer(wxSizer *sizer);
+ //@{
+ /**
+ Set the size of the spacer tracked by this item.
+ Old spacer, if any, is deleted.
+ */
+ void AssignSpacer(const wxSize& size);
+ void AssignSpacer(int w, int h) { AssignSpacer(wxSize(w, h)); }
+ //@}
Calculates the minimum desired size for the item, including any space
needed by borders.
Set the sizer tracked by this item.
- @deprecated @todo provide deprecation description
+ @deprecated This function does not free the old sizer which may result
+ in memory leaks, use AssignSizer() which does free it instead.
void SetSizer(wxSizer* sizer);
Set the size of the spacer tracked by this item.
- @deprecated @todo provide deprecation description
+ @deprecated This function does not free the old spacer which may result
+ in memory leaks, use AssignSpacer() which does free it instead.
void SetSpacer(const wxSize& size);
wxFlexGridSizer constructors.
- Usually only the number of columns in the flex grid sizer needs to be
- specified using @a cols argument. The number of rows will be deduced
- automatically depending on the number of the elements added to the
- sizer. If the number of @a rows is explicitly specified (and not zero),
- the sizer will check that it no more than @code cols*rows @endcode
- elements are added to it.
- The @a gap (or @a vgap and @a hgap, which correspond to the height and
- width of the wxSize object) argument defines the size of the padding
- between the rows (its vertical component, or @a vgap) and columns
- (its horizontal component, or @a hgap), in pixels.
+ Please see wxGridSizer::wxGridSizer documentation.
@since 2.9.1 (except for the four argument overload)
wxGridSizer constructors.
- Usually only the number of columns in the grid sizer needs to be
+ Usually only the number of columns in the flex grid sizer needs to be
specified using @a cols argument. The number of rows will be deduced
automatically depending on the number of the elements added to the
- sizer. If the number of @a rows is explicitly specified (and not zero),
- the sizer will check that it no more than @code cols*rows @endcode
- elements are added to it.
+ sizer.
+ If a constructor form with @a rows parameter is used (and the value of
+ @a rows argument is not zero, meaning "unspecified") the sizer will
+ check that no more than @c cols*rows elements are added to it, i.e.
+ that no more than the given number of @a rows is used. Adding less than
+ maximally allowed number of items is not an error however.
+ Finally, it is also possible to specify the number of rows and use 0
+ for @a cols. In this case, the sizer will use the given fixed number of
+ rows and as many columns as necessary.
- The @a gap (or @a vgap and @a hgap, which correspond to @c y and @c x
- fields of the wxSize object) argument defines the size of the padding
- between the grid rows (its vertical component, or @a vgap) and columns
+ The @a gap (or @a vgap and @a hgap, which correspond to the height and
+ width of the wxSize object) argument defines the size of the padding
+ between the rows (its vertical component, or @a vgap) and columns
(its horizontal component, or @a hgap), in pixels.
@since 2.9.1 (except for the four argument overload)
wxGridSizer( int cols, int vgap, int hgap );