rem Uncomment the next line to set the version; used also in wxWidgets.iss
rem SET WXW_VER=2.9.0
echo docs building for %WXW_VER%
rem update wxwidgets (holds docs) and inno (cvs wxMSW setup.exe only)
cd %WXWIN%
-svn cleanup
-svn up
+svn cleanup >> c:\temp.log
+svn up >> c:\temp.log
rem now inno
-cd \wx\inno\wxWidgets
+cd \wx\inno\wxWidgets >> c:\temp.log
del c*.*
if exist include\wx\msw\setup.h del include\wx\msw\setup.h
if exist include\wx\univ\setup.h del include\wx\univ\setup.h
-svn cleanup
-svn up
+svn cleanup >> c:\temp.log
+svn up >> c:\temp.log
dos2unix configure
dos2unix config.guess
dos2unix config.sub
copy include\wx\msw\setup0.h include\wx\msw\setup.h
copy include\wx\univ\setup0.h include\wx\univ\setup.h
-echo CVS update >> c:\temp.log
+echo SVN update >> c:\temp.log
-rem just build the formats not in the CVS to keep down the .#makefile...
+rem just build the formats not in the SVN to keep down the .#makefile...
cd \wx\inno\wxWidgets\build\bakefiles
del .bakefile_gen.state
bakefile_gen -f dmars,dmars_smake,msevc4prj >> c:\temp.log