-#define wxVSCROLL 0x80000000
-#define wxHSCROLL 0x40000000
-#define wxCAPTION 0x20000000
-// New styles
-#define wxDOUBLE_BORDER 0x10000000
-#define wxSUNKEN_BORDER 0x08000000
-#define wxRAISED_BORDER 0x04000000
-#define wxBORDER 0x02000000
-#define wxSIMPLE_BORDER 0x02000000
-#define wxSTATIC_BORDER 0x01000000
-#define wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW 0x00100000
-#define wxNO_BORDER 0x00200000
-#define wxUSER_COLOURS 0x00800000
- // Override CTL3D etc. control colour processing to
- // allow own background colour
- // OBSOLETE - use wxNO_3D instead
-#define wxNO_3D 0x00800000
- // Override CTL3D or native 3D styles for children
-#define wxCLIP_CHILDREN 0x00400000
- // Clip children when painting, which reduces flicker in
- // e.g. frames and splitter windows, but can't be used in
- // a panel where a static box must be 'transparent' (panel
- // paints the background for it)
-// Add this style to a panel to get tab traversal working
-// outside of dialogs.
-#define wxTAB_TRAVERSAL 0x00080000
-// Orientations
-#define wxHORIZONTAL 0x01
-#define wxVERTICAL 0x02
-#define wxCENTER_FRAME 0x04 /* centering into frame rather than screen */
+#define wxVSCROLL 0x80000000
+#define wxHSCROLL 0x40000000
+#define wxCAPTION 0x20000000
+// New styles (border styles are now in their own enum)
+// Override CTL3D etc. control colour processing to allow own background
+// colour.
+// Override CTL3D or native 3D styles for children
+#define wxNO_3D 0x00800000
+// OBSOLETE - use wxNO_3D instead
+#define wxUSER_COLOURS wxNO_3D
+// wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB: instead of hiding the scrollbar when it is not needed,
+// disable it - but still show (see also wxLB_ALWAYS_SB style)
+// NB: as this style is only supported by wxUniversal so far as it doesn't use
+// wxUSER_COLOURS/wxNO_3D, we reuse the same style value
+#define wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB 0x00800000
+// Clip children when painting, which reduces flicker in e.g. frames and
+// splitter windows, but can't be used in a panel where a static box must be
+// 'transparent' (panel paints the background for it)
+#define wxCLIP_CHILDREN 0x00400000
+// Note we're reusing the wxCAPTION style because we won't need captions
+// for subwindows/controls
+#define wxCLIP_SIBLINGS 0x20000000
+#define wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW 0x00100000
+// Add this style to a panel to get tab traversal working outside of dialogs
+// (on by default for wxPanel, wxDialog, wxScrolledWindow)
+#define wxTAB_TRAVERSAL 0x00080000
+// Add this style if the control wants to get all keyboard messages (under
+// Windows, it won't normally get the dialog navigation key events)
+#define wxWANTS_CHARS 0x00040000
+// Make window retained (mostly Motif, I think) -- obsolete (VZ)?
+#define wxRETAINED 0x00020000
+// set this flag to create a special popup window: it will be always shown on
+// top of other windows, will capture the mouse and will be dismissed when the
+// mouse is clicked outside of it or if it loses focus in any other way
+#define wxPOPUP_WINDOW 0x00020000
+// don't invalidate the whole window (resulting in a PAINT event) when the
+// window is resized (currently, makes sense for wxMSW only)
+#define wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE 0x00010000
+ * Extra window style flags (use wxWS_EX prefix to make it clear that they
+ * should be passed to wxWindow::SetExtraStyle(), not SetWindowStyle())
+ */
+// by default, TransferDataTo/FromWindow() only work on direct children of the
+// window (compatible behaviour), set this flag to make them recursively
+// descend into all subwindows
+#define wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY 0x00000001
+// wxCommandEvents and the objects of the derived classes are forwarded to the
+// parent window and so on recursively by default. Using this flag for the
+// given window allows to block this propagation at this window, i.e. prevent
+// the events from being propagated further upwards. The dialogs have this
+// flag on by default.
+#define wxWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTS 0x00000002
+// don't use this window as an implicit parent for the other windows: this must
+// be used with transient windows as otherwise there is the risk of creating a
+// dialog/frame with this window as a parent which would lead to a crash if the
+// parent is destroyed before the child
+#define wxWS_EX_TRANSIENT 0x00000004
+// Use this style to add a context-sensitive help to the window (currently for
+// Win32 only and it doesn't work if wxMINIMIZE_BOX or wxMAXIMIZE_BOX are used)
+#define wxFRAME_EX_CONTEXTHELP 0x00000004
+#define wxDIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP 0x00000004