+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxSizerItem;
+ #ifdef __SMARTPHONE__
+ // no borders by default on limited size screen
+ #else
+ #endif
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxSizerFlags: flags used for an item in the sizer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxSizerFlags
+ // construct the flags object initialized with the given proportion (0 by
+ // default)
+ wxSizerFlags(int proportion = 0) : m_proportion(proportion)
+ {
+ m_flags = 0;
+ m_borderInPixels = 0;
+ }
+ // setters for all sizer flags, they all return the object itself so that
+ // calls to them can be chained
+ wxSizerFlags& Proportion(int proportion)
+ {
+ m_proportion = proportion;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ wxSizerFlags& Align(int alignment) // combination of wxAlignment values
+ {
+ m_flags &= ~wxALIGN_MASK;
+ m_flags |= alignment;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ wxSizerFlags& Expand()
+ {
+ m_flags |= wxEXPAND;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // some shortcuts for Align()
+ wxSizerFlags& Centre() { return Align(wxALIGN_CENTRE); }
+ wxSizerFlags& Center() { return Centre(); }
+ wxSizerFlags& Top() { return Align(wxALIGN_TOP); }
+ wxSizerFlags& Left() { return Align(wxALIGN_LEFT); }
+ wxSizerFlags& Right() { return Align(wxALIGN_RIGHT); }
+ wxSizerFlags& Bottom() { return Align(wxALIGN_BOTTOM); }
+ // default border size used by Border() below
+ static int GetDefaultBorder()
+ {
+ // FIXME: default border size shouldn't be hardcoded and at the very
+ // least they should depend on the current font size
+ return 5;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ wxSizerFlags& Border(int direction, int borderInPixels)
+ {
+ m_flags &= ~wxALL;
+ m_flags |= direction;
+ m_borderInPixels = borderInPixels;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ wxSizerFlags& Border(int direction = wxALL)
+ {
+ return Border(direction, GetDefaultBorder());
+ // no borders by default on limited size screen
+ wxUnusedVar(direction);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ wxSizerFlags& DoubleBorder(int direction = wxALL)
+ {
+ return Border(direction, 2*GetDefaultBorder());
+ wxUnusedVar(direction);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ wxSizerFlags& TripleBorder(int direction = wxALL)
+ {
+ return Border(direction, 3*GetDefaultBorder());
+ wxUnusedVar(direction);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ wxSizerFlags& HorzBorder()
+ {
+ return Border(wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, GetDefaultBorder());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ wxSizerFlags& DoubleHorzBorder()
+ {
+ return Border(wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 2*GetDefaultBorder());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // setters for the others flags
+ wxSizerFlags& Shaped()
+ {
+ m_flags |= wxSHAPED;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ wxSizerFlags& FixedMinSize()
+ {
+ m_flags |= wxFIXED_MINSIZE;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // accessors for wxSizer only
+ int GetProportion() const { return m_proportion; }
+ int GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
+ int GetBorderInPixels() const { return m_borderInPixels; }
+ int m_proportion;
+ int m_flags;
+ int m_borderInPixels;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxSizerSpacer: used by wxSizerItem to represent a spacer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxSizerSpacer
+ wxSizerSpacer(const wxSize& size) : m_size(size), m_isShown(true) { }
+ void SetSize(const wxSize& size) { m_size = size; }
+ const wxSize& GetSize() const { return m_size; }
+ void Show(bool show) { m_isShown = show; }
+ bool IsShown() const { return m_isShown; }
+ // the size, in pixel
+ wxSize m_size;
+ // is the spacer currently shown?
+ bool m_isShown;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxSizerItem
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxSizerItem : public wxObject
+ // window
+ wxSizerItem( wxWindow *window,
+ int proportion,
+ int flag,
+ int border,
+ wxObject* userData );
+ // window with flags
+ wxSizerItem(wxWindow *window, const wxSizerFlags& flags)
+ {
+ Init(flags);
+ DoSetWindow(window);
+ }
+ // subsizer
+ wxSizerItem( wxSizer *sizer,
+ int proportion,
+ int flag,
+ int border,
+ wxObject* userData );
+ // sizer with flags
+ wxSizerItem(wxSizer *sizer, const wxSizerFlags& flags)
+ {
+ Init(flags);
+ DoSetSizer(sizer);
+ }
+ // spacer
+ wxSizerItem( int width,
+ int height,
+ int proportion,
+ int flag,
+ int border,
+ wxObject* userData);
+ // spacer with flags
+ wxSizerItem(int width, int height, const wxSizerFlags& flags)
+ {
+ Init(flags);
+ DoSetSpacer(wxSize(width, height));
+ }
+ wxSizerItem();
+ virtual ~wxSizerItem();
+ virtual void DeleteWindows();
+ // Enable deleting the SizerItem without destroying the contained sizer.
+ void DetachSizer() { m_sizer = NULL; }
+ virtual wxSize GetSize() const;
+ virtual wxSize CalcMin();
+ virtual void SetDimension( const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size );
+ wxSize GetMinSize() const
+ { return m_minSize; }
+ wxSize GetMinSizeWithBorder() const;
+ void SetMinSize(const wxSize& size)
+ {
+ if ( IsWindow() )
+ m_window->SetMinSize(size);
+ m_minSize = size;
+ }
+ void SetMinSize( int x, int y )
+ { SetMinSize(wxSize(x, y)); }
+ void SetInitSize( int x, int y )
+ { SetMinSize(wxSize(x, y)); }
+ // if either of dimensions is zero, ratio is assumed to be 1
+ // to avoid "divide by zero" errors
+ void SetRatio(int width, int height)
+ { m_ratio = (width && height) ? ((float) width / (float) height) : 1; }
+ void SetRatio(const wxSize& size)
+ { SetRatio(size.x, size.y); }
+ void SetRatio(float ratio)
+ { m_ratio = ratio; }
+ float GetRatio() const
+ { return m_ratio; }
+ virtual wxRect GetRect() { return m_rect; }
+ bool IsWindow() const { return m_kind == Item_Window; }
+ bool IsSizer() const { return m_kind == Item_Sizer; }
+ bool IsSpacer() const { return m_kind == Item_Spacer; }
+ // Deprecated in 2.6, use {G,S}etProportion instead.
+ wxDEPRECATED( void SetOption( int option ) );
+ wxDEPRECATED( int GetOption() const );
+ void SetProportion( int proportion )
+ { m_proportion = proportion; }
+ int GetProportion() const
+ { return m_proportion; }
+ void SetFlag( int flag )
+ { m_flag = flag; }
+ int GetFlag() const
+ { return m_flag; }
+ void SetBorder( int border )
+ { m_border = border; }
+ int GetBorder() const
+ { return m_border; }
+ wxWindow *GetWindow() const
+ { return m_kind == Item_Window ? m_window : NULL; }
+ wxSizer *GetSizer() const
+ { return m_kind == Item_Sizer ? m_sizer : NULL; }
+ wxSize GetSpacer() const;
+ // this function behaves obviously for the windows and spacers but for the
+ // sizers it returns true if any sizer element is shown and only returns
+ // false if all of them are hidden
+ bool IsShown() const;
+ void Show(bool show);
+ void SetUserData(wxObject* userData)
+ { delete m_userData; m_userData = userData; }
+ wxObject* GetUserData() const
+ { return m_userData; }
+ wxPoint GetPosition() const
+ { return m_pos; }
+ // these functions delete the current contents of the item if it's a sizer
+ // or a spacer but not if it is a window
+ void AssignWindow(wxWindow *window)
+ {
+ Free();
+ DoSetWindow(window);
+ }
+ void AssignSizer(wxSizer *sizer)
+ {
+ Free();
+ DoSetSizer(sizer);
+ }
+ void AssignSpacer(const wxSize& size)
+ {
+ Free();
+ DoSetSpacer(size);
+ }
+ void AssignSpacer(int w, int h) { AssignSpacer(wxSize(w, h)); }
+ // these functions do not free the old sizer/spacer and so can easily
+ // provoke the memory leaks and so shouldn't be used, use Assign() instead
+ wxDEPRECATED( void SetWindow(wxWindow *window) );
+ wxDEPRECATED( void SetSizer(wxSizer *sizer) );
+ wxDEPRECATED( void SetSpacer(const wxSize& size) );
+ wxDEPRECATED( void SetSpacer(int width, int height) );
+ // common part of several ctors
+ void Init() { m_userData = NULL; m_kind = Item_None; }
+ // common part of ctors taking wxSizerFlags
+ void Init(const wxSizerFlags& flags);
+ // free current contents
+ void Free();
+ // common parts of Set/AssignXXX()
+ void DoSetWindow(wxWindow *window);
+ void DoSetSizer(wxSizer *sizer);
+ void DoSetSpacer(const wxSize& size);
+ // discriminated union: depending on m_kind one of the fields is valid
+ enum
+ {
+ Item_None,
+ Item_Window,
+ Item_Sizer,
+ Item_Spacer,
+ Item_Max
+ } m_kind;
+ union
+ {
+ wxWindow *m_window;
+ wxSizer *m_sizer;
+ wxSizerSpacer *m_spacer;
+ };
+ wxPoint m_pos;
+ wxSize m_minSize;
+ int m_proportion;
+ int m_border;
+ int m_flag;
+ // on screen rectangle of this item (not including borders)
+ wxRect m_rect;
+ // Aspect ratio can always be calculated from m_size,
+ // but this would cause precision loss when the window
+ // is shrunk. It is safer to preserve the initial value.
+ float m_ratio;
+ wxObject *m_userData;
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxSizerItem)
+WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_LIST( wxSizerItem, wxSizerItemList );
+// wxSizer
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxSizer: public wxObject, public wxClientDataContainer
+ wxSizer() { m_containingWindow = NULL; }
+ virtual ~wxSizer();
+ // methods for adding elements to the sizer: there are Add/Insert/Prepend
+ // overloads for each of window/sizer/spacer/wxSizerItem
+ wxSizerItem* Add(wxWindow *window,
+ int proportion = 0,
+ int flag = 0,
+ int border = 0,
+ wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ wxSizerItem* Add(wxSizer *sizer,
+ int proportion = 0,
+ int flag = 0,
+ int border = 0,
+ wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ wxSizerItem* Add(int width,
+ int height,
+ int proportion = 0,
+ int flag = 0,
+ int border = 0,
+ wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ wxSizerItem* Add( wxWindow *window, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
+ wxSizerItem* Add( wxSizer *sizer, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
+ wxSizerItem* Add( wxSizerItem *item);
+ wxSizerItem* AddSpacer(int size);
+ wxSizerItem* AddStretchSpacer(int prop = 1);
+ wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index,
+ wxWindow *window,
+ int proportion = 0,
+ int flag = 0,
+ int border = 0,
+ wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index,
+ wxSizer *sizer,
+ int proportion = 0,
+ int flag = 0,
+ int border = 0,
+ wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ int proportion = 0,
+ int flag = 0,
+ int border = 0,
+ wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index,
+ wxWindow *window,
+ const wxSizerFlags& flags);
+ wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index,
+ wxSizer *sizer,
+ const wxSizerFlags& flags);
+ virtual wxSizerItem* Insert( size_t index, wxSizerItem *item);
+ wxSizerItem* InsertSpacer(size_t index, int size);
+ wxSizerItem* InsertStretchSpacer(size_t index, int prop = 1);
+ wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxWindow *window,
+ int proportion = 0,
+ int flag = 0,
+ int border = 0,
+ wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxSizer *sizer,
+ int proportion = 0,
+ int flag = 0,
+ int border = 0,
+ wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ wxSizerItem* Prepend(int width,
+ int height,
+ int proportion = 0,
+ int flag = 0,
+ int border = 0,
+ wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxWindow *window, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
+ wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxSizer *sizer, const wxSizerFlags& flags);
+ wxSizerItem* Prepend(wxSizerItem *item);
+ wxSizerItem* PrependSpacer(int size);
+ wxSizerItem* PrependStretchSpacer(int prop = 1);
+ // set (or possibly unset if window is NULL) or get the window this sizer
+ // is used in
+ void SetContainingWindow(wxWindow *window);
+ wxWindow *GetContainingWindow() const { return m_containingWindow; }
+ // Deprecated in 2.6 since historically it does not delete the window,
+ // use Detach instead.
+ wxDEPRECATED( virtual bool Remove( wxWindow *window ) );
+ virtual bool Remove( wxSizer *sizer );
+ virtual bool Remove( int index );
+ virtual bool Detach( wxWindow *window );
+ virtual bool Detach( wxSizer *sizer );
+ virtual bool Detach( int index );
+ virtual bool Replace( wxWindow *oldwin, wxWindow *newwin, bool recursive = false );
+ virtual bool Replace( wxSizer *oldsz, wxSizer *newsz, bool recursive = false );
+ virtual bool Replace( size_t index, wxSizerItem *newitem );
+ virtual void Clear( bool delete_windows = false );
+ virtual void DeleteWindows();
+ void SetMinSize( int width, int height )
+ { DoSetMinSize( width, height ); }
+ void SetMinSize( const wxSize& size )
+ { DoSetMinSize( size.x, size.y ); }
+ // Searches recursively
+ bool SetItemMinSize( wxWindow *window, int width, int height )
+ { return DoSetItemMinSize( window, width, height ); }
+ bool SetItemMinSize( wxWindow *window, const wxSize& size )
+ { return DoSetItemMinSize( window, size.x, size.y ); }
+ // Searches recursively
+ bool SetItemMinSize( wxSizer *sizer, int width, int height )
+ { return DoSetItemMinSize( sizer, width, height ); }
+ bool SetItemMinSize( wxSizer *sizer, const wxSize& size )
+ { return DoSetItemMinSize( sizer, size.x, size.y ); }
+ bool SetItemMinSize( size_t index, int width, int height )
+ { return DoSetItemMinSize( index, width, height ); }
+ bool SetItemMinSize( size_t index, const wxSize& size )
+ { return DoSetItemMinSize( index, size.x, size.y ); }
+ wxSize GetSize() const
+ { return m_size; }
+ wxPoint GetPosition() const
+ { return m_position; }
+ // Calculate the minimal size or return m_minSize if bigger.
+ wxSize GetMinSize();
+ // These virtual functions are used by the layout algorithm: first
+ // CalcMin() is called to calculate the minimal size of the sizer and
+ // prepare for laying it out and then RecalcSizes() is called to really
+ // update all the sizer items
+ virtual wxSize CalcMin() = 0;
+ virtual void RecalcSizes() = 0;
+ virtual void Layout();
+ wxSize Fit( wxWindow *window );
+ void FitInside( wxWindow *window );
+ void SetSizeHints( wxWindow *window );
+ void SetVirtualSizeHints( wxWindow *window );
+ wxSizerItemList& GetChildren()
+ { return m_children; }
+ const wxSizerItemList& GetChildren() const
+ { return m_children; }
+ void SetDimension( int x, int y, int width, int height );
+ wxSizerItem* GetItem( wxWindow *window, bool recursive = false );
+ wxSizerItem* GetItem( wxSizer *sizer, bool recursive = false );
+ wxSizerItem* GetItem( size_t index );
+ // Manage whether individual scene items are considered
+ // in the layout calculations or not.
+ bool Show( wxWindow *window, bool show = true, bool recursive = false );
+ bool Show( wxSizer *sizer, bool show = true, bool recursive = false );
+ bool Show( size_t index, bool show = true );
+ bool Hide( wxSizer *sizer, bool recursive = false )
+ { return Show( sizer, false, recursive ); }
+ bool Hide( wxWindow *window, bool recursive = false )
+ { return Show( window, false, recursive ); }
+ bool Hide( size_t index )
+ { return Show( index, false ); }
+ bool IsShown( wxWindow *window ) const;
+ bool IsShown( wxSizer *sizer ) const;
+ bool IsShown( size_t index ) const;
+ // Recursively call wxWindow::Show () on all sizer items.
+ virtual void ShowItems (bool show);
+ void Show(bool show) { ShowItems(show); }
+ wxSize m_size;
+ wxSize m_minSize;
+ wxPoint m_position;
+ wxSizerItemList m_children;
+ // the window this sizer is used in, can be NULL
+ wxWindow *m_containingWindow;
+ wxSize GetMaxWindowSize( wxWindow *window ) const;
+ wxSize GetMinWindowSize( wxWindow *window );
+ wxSize GetMaxClientSize( wxWindow *window ) const;
+ wxSize GetMinClientSize( wxWindow *window );
+ wxSize VirtualFitSize( wxWindow *window );
+ virtual void DoSetMinSize( int width, int height );
+ virtual bool DoSetItemMinSize( wxWindow *window, int width, int height );
+ virtual bool DoSetItemMinSize( wxSizer *sizer, int width, int height );
+ virtual bool DoSetItemMinSize( size_t index, int width, int height );