wxPython README
-The code in this subtree is a Python Extension Module that enables the
-use of wxWindows from the Python language. So what is Python? Go to
-http://www.python.org to learn more but in a nutshell, it's an
-extremly cool object oriented language. It's easier than Perl and
-nearly as powerful. It runs on more platforms than Java, and by some
-reports, is even faster than Java with a JIT compiler!
+Welcome to the wonderful world of wxPython!
+Once you have installed the wxPython extension module, you can try it
+out by going to the [install dir]\wxPython\demo directory and typing:
+ python demo.py
-So why would you want to use wxPython over just C++ and wxWindows?
-Personally I prefer using Python for everything. I only use C++ when
-I absolutly have to eek more performance out of an algorithm, and even
-then I ususally code it as an extension module and leave the majority
-of the program in Python. Another good thing to use wxPython for is
-quick prototyping of your wxWindows apps. With C++ you have to
-continuously go though the edit-compile-link-run cycle, which can be
-quite time comsuming. With Python it is only an edit-run cycle. You
-can easily build an application in a few hours with Python that would
-normally take a few days with C++. Converting a wxPython app to a
-C++/wxWindows app should be a straight forward task.
+There are also some other sample files there for you to play with and
+learn from.
-This extension module attempts to mirror the class heiarchy of
-wxWindows as closely as possble. This means that there is a wxFrame
-class in wxPython that looks, smells, tastes and acts almost the same
-as the wxFrame class in the C++ version. Unfortunatly, I wasn't able
-to match things exactly because of differences in the languages, but
-the differences should be easy to absorb because they are natural to
-Python. For example, some methods that return mutliple values via
-argument pointers in C++ will return a tuple of values in Python.
-These differences have not been documented yet so if something isn't
-working the same as described in the wxWindows documents the best
-thing to do is to scan through the wxPython sources, especially the .i
-files, as that is where the interfaces for wxPython are defined.
+If you selected to install the documentation then point your browser
+to [install dir]\wxPython\docs\index.htm and you will then be looking
+at the docs for wxWindows. For the most part you can use the C++ docs
+as most classes and methods are used identically. Where there are
+differences they are documented with a "wxPython Note."
-I have reports of successfully embedding wxPython within a wxWindows
-C++ app on GTK. It hasn't yet been attempted on MSW (to my knowledge)
-so I don't know how successful such an attempt would be. However it
-is certainly possible.
+On Win32 systems the binary self-installer creates a program group on
+the Start Menu that contains a link to running the demo and a link to
+the help file. To help you save disk space I'm now using Microsoft's
+HTML Help format. If your system doesn't know what to do with the help
+file, you can install the HTML Help Viewer as part of IE 4+, NT
+Service Pack 4+, or the HTML Workshop at
+Other Info
-What's new in 2.0b9
-Bug fix for ListCtrl in test4.py (Was a missing file... DSM!)
-Bug fix for occassional GPF on Win32 systems upon termination of a
-wxPython application.
-Added wxListBox.GetSelections returning selections as a Tuple.
-Added a wxTreeItemData that is able to hold any Python object and be
-associated with items in a wxTreeCtrl. Added test pytree.py to show
-this feature off.
-Added wxSafeYield function.
-OpenGL Canvas can be optionally compiled in to wxPython.
-Awesome new Demo Framework for showing off wxPython and for learning
-how it all works.
-The pre-built Win32 version is no longer distributing the wxWindows
-DLL. It is statically linked with the wxWindows library instead.
-Added a couple missing items from the docs.
-Added wxImage, wxImageHandler, wxPNGHandler, wxJPEGHandler,
-wxGIFHandler and wxBMPHandler.
-Added new methods to wxTextCtrl.
-What's new in 2.0b8
-Support for using Python threads in wxPython apps.
-Several missing methods from various classes.
-Various bug fixes.
-What's new in 2.0b7
-Added DLG_PNT and DLG_SZE convienience methods to wxWindow class.
-Added missing constructor and other methods for wxMenuItem.
-What's new in 2.0b6
-Just a quickie update to fix the self-installer to be compatible with
-Python 1.5.2b2's Registry settings.
-What's new in 2.0b5
-Well obviously the numbering scheme has changed. I did this to
-reflect the fact that this truly is the second major revision of
-wxPython, (well the third actually if you count the one I did for
-wxWindows 1.68 and then threw away...) and also that it is associated
-with the 2.0 version of wxWindows.
-I have finally started documenting wxPython. There are several pages
-in the wxWindows documentation tree specifically about wxPython, and I
-have added notes within the class references about where wxPython
-diverges from wxWindows.
-Added wxWindow_FromHWND(hWnd) for wxMSW to construct a wxWindow from a
-window handle. If you can get the window handle into the python code,
-it should just work... More news on this later.
-Added wxImageList, wxToolTip.
-Re-enabled wxConfig.DeleteAll() since it is reportedly fixed for the
-wxRegConfig class.
-As usual, some bug fixes, tweaks, etc.
-What's new in 0.5.3
-Added wxSashWindow, wxSashEvent, wxLayoutAlgorithm, etc.
-Various cleanup, tweaks, minor additions, etc. to maintain
-compatibility with the current wxWindows.
-What's new in 0.5.0
-Changed the import semantics from "from wxPython import *" to "from
-wxPython.wx import *" This is for people who are worried about
-namespace pollution, they can use "from wxPython import wx" and then
-prefix all the wxPython identifiers with "wx."
-Added wxTaskbarIcon for wxMSW.
-Made the events work for wxGrid.
-Added wxConfig.
-Added wxMiniFrame for wxGTK.
+Please also see the following files in this directory:
-Changed many of the args and return values that were pointers to gdi
-objects to references to reflect changes in the wxWindows API.
+ CHANGES.txt Information about new features, fixes, etc. in
+ each release.
-Other assorted fixes and additions.
+ BUILD.txt Instructions for building wxPython on various
+ platforms.
+ licence.txt Text of the wxWindows license.
-What's new in 0.4.2
-wxPython on wxGTK works!!! Both dynamic and static on Linux and
-static on Solaris have been tested. Many thanks go to Harm
-<H.v.d.Heijden@phys.tue.nl> for his astute detective work on tracking
-down a nasty DECREF bug. Okay so I have to confess that it was just a
-DSM (Dumb Stupid Mistake) on my part but it was nasty none the less
-because the behavior was so different on different platforms.
-The dynamicly loaded module on Solaris is still segfaulting, so it
-must have been a different issue all along...
-What's New in 0.4
-1. Worked on wxGTK compatibility. It is partially working. On a
-Solaris/Sparc box wxPython is working but only when it is statically
-linked with the Python interpreter. When built as a dyamically loaded
-extension module, things start acting weirdly and it soon seg-faults.
-And on Linux both the statically linked and the dynamically linked
-version segfault shortly after starting up.
-2. Added Toolbar, StatusBar and SplitterWindow classes.
-3. Varioius bug fixes, enhancements, etc.
-Build Instructions
-I used SWIG (http://www.swig.org) to create the source code for the
-extension module. This enabled me to only have to deal with a small
-amount of code and only have to bother with the exceptional issues.
-SWIG takes care of the rest and generates all the repetative code for
-me. You don't need SWIG to build the extension module as all the
-generated C++ code is included under the src directory.
-I added a few minor features to SWIG to control some of the code
-generation. If you want to playaround with this the patches are in
-wxPython/SWIG.patches and they should be applied to the 1.1p5 version
-of SWIG. These new patches are documented at
-http://starship.skyport.net/crew/robind/python/#swig, and they should
-also end up in the 1.2 version of SWIG.
-wxPython is organized as a Python package. This means that the
-directory containing the results of the build process should be a
-subdirectory of a directory on the PYTHONPATH. (And preferably should
-be named wxPython.) You can control where the build process will dump
-wxPython by setting the TARGETDIR makefile variable. The default is
-$(WXWIN)/utils/wxPython, where this README.txt is located. If you
-leave it here then you should add $(WXWIN)/utils to your PYTHONPATH.
-However, you may prefer to use something that is already on your
-PYTHONPATH, such as the site-packages directory on Unix systems.
-1. Build wxWindows with wxUSE_RESOURCE_LOADING_IN_MSW set to 1 in
-include/wx/msw/setup.h so icons can be loaded dynamically. While
-there, make sure wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN is also set to 1.
-2. Change into the $(WXWIN)/utils/wxPython/src directory.
-3. Edit makefile.vc and specify where your python installation is at.
-You may also want to fiddle with the TARGETDIR variable as described
-4. Run nmake -f makefile.vc
-5. If it builds successfully, congratulations! Move on to the next
-step. If not then you can try mailing me for help. Also, I will
-always have a pre-built win32 version of this extension module at
-6. Change to the $(WXWIN)/utils/wxPython/tests directory.
-7. Try executing the test programs. Note that some of these print
-diagnositc or test info to standard output, so they will require the
-console version of python. For example:
- python test1.py
-To run them without requiring a console, you can use the pythonw.exe
-version of Python either from the command line or from a shortcut.
-1. Change into the $(WXWIN)/utils/wxPython/src directory.
-2. Edit Setup.in and ensure that the flags, directories, and toolkit
-options are correct. See the above commentary about TARGETDIR. There
-are a few sample Setup.in.[platform] files provided.
-3. Run this command to generate a makefile:
- make -f Makefile.pre.in boot
-4. Run these commands to build and then install the wxPython extension
- make
- make install
-5. Change to the $(WXWIN)/utils/wxPython/tests directory.
-6. Try executing the test programs. For example:
- python test1.py
+Robin Dunn
-Robin Dunn