// if roundToWhite == true then the colour will be set to white unless
// it is RGB 0x000000;if roundToWhite == true the colour wull be set to
// black unless it id RGB 0xffffff
- int CalculatePixel(wxColour& colour, wxColour& curCol,
- bool roundToWhite) const;
+ WXPixel CalculatePixel(wxColour& colour, wxColour& curCol,
+ bool roundToWhite) const;
// sets the foreground pixel taking into account the
// currently selected logical operation
- void SetForegroundPixelWithLogicalFunction(int pixel);
+ void SetForegroundPixelWithLogicalFunction(WXPixel pixel);
virtual bool DoFloodFill(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxColour& col,
int style = wxFLOOD_SURFACE);
WXRegion m_clipRegion;
// Not sure if we'll need all of these
- int m_backgroundPixel;
+ WXPixel m_backgroundPixel;
wxColour m_currentColour;
int m_currentPenWidth ;
int m_currentPenJoin ;