-<b>Validating User Input:
- There are a variety of initialization parameters that are used to validate
- user input. These parameters can apply to the control as a whole, and/or
- to individual fields:
- excludeChars= A string of characters to exclude even if otherwise allowed
- includeChars= A string of characters to allow even if otherwise disallowed
- validRegex= Use a regular expression to validate the contents of the text box
- validRange= Pass a rangeas list (low,high) to limit numeric fields/values
- choices= A list of strings that are allowed choices for the control.
- choiceRequired= value must be member of choices list
- compareNoCase= Perform case-insensitive matching when validating against list
- <i>Note: for masked.ComboBox, this defaults to True.</i>
- emptyInvalid= Boolean indicating whether an empty value should be considered invalid
- validFunc= A function to call of the form: bool = func(candidate_value)
- which will return True if the candidate_value satisfies some
- external criteria for the control in addition to the the
- other validation, or False if not. (This validation is
- applied last in the chain of validations.)
- validRequired= Boolean indicating whether or not keys that are allowed by the
- mask, but result in an invalid value are allowed to be entered
- into the control. Setting this to True implies that a valid
- default value is set for the control.
- retainFieldValidation=
- False by default; if True, this allows individual fields to
- retain their own validation constraints independently of any
- subsequent changes to the control's overall parameters.
- validator= Validators are not normally needed for masked controls, because
- of the nature of the validation and control of input. However,
- you can supply one to provide data transfer routines for the
- controls.
-<b>Coloring Behavior:
+ (This is a control-level parameter.)
+Validating User Input
+There are a variety of initialization parameters that are used to validate
+user input. These parameters can apply to the control as a whole, and/or
+to individual fields:
+ ===================== ==================================================================
+ excludeChars A string of characters to exclude even if otherwise allowed
+ includeChars A string of characters to allow even if otherwise disallowed
+ validRegex Use a regular expression to validate the contents of the text box
+ validRange Pass a rangeas list (low,high) to limit numeric fields/values
+ choices A list of strings that are allowed choices for the control.
+ choiceRequired value must be member of choices list
+ compareNoCase Perform case-insensitive matching when validating against list
+ *Note: for masked.ComboBox, this defaults to True.*
+ emptyInvalid Boolean indicating whether an empty value should be considered
+ invalid
+ validFunc A function to call of the form: bool = func(candidate_value)
+ which will return True if the candidate_value satisfies some
+ external criteria for the control in addition to the the
+ other validation, or False if not. (This validation is
+ applied last in the chain of validations.)
+ validRequired Boolean indicating whether or not keys that are allowed by the
+ mask, but result in an invalid value are allowed to be entered
+ into the control. Setting this to True implies that a valid
+ default value is set for the control.
+ retainFieldValidation False by default; if True, this allows individual fields to
+ retain their own validation constraints independently of any
+ subsequent changes to the control's overall parameters.
+ (This is a control-level parameter.)
+ validator Validators are not normally needed for masked controls, because
+ of the nature of the validation and control of input. However,
+ you can supply one to provide data transfer routines for the
+ controls.
+ ===================== ==================================================================
+Coloring Behavior