-# From WinDefs.h
-# ***** DEPRECATED from here to end of file ******
-# Will a paste succeed?
-fun bool EM_CanPaste=1074(,)
-# Are there any undoable actions in the undo history.
-fun bool EM_CanUndo=198(,)
-# Find the position and line from a point within the window.
-fun int EM_CharFromPos=215(,point pt)
-# Delete the undo history.
-fun void EM_EmptyUndoBuffer=205(,)
-# Retrieve the selection range.
-fun void EM_ExGetSel=1076(,charrangeresult cr)
-# Retrieve the line number of a position in the document.
-get int EM_ExLineFromChar=1078(,position pos)
-# Select a range of text.
-fun void EM_ExSetSel=1079(,charrange cr)
-# Find some text in the document.
-fun position EM_FindText=1080(int flags, findtext ft)
-# Find some text in the document. Returns range of found text in ft argument.
-fun position EM_FindTextEx=1103(int flags, findtextex ft)
-# On Windows will draw the document into a display context such as a printer.
-fun void EM_FormatRange=1081(bool draw, formatrange fr)
-# Retrieve the line at the top of the display.
-get int EM_GetFirstVisibleLine=206(,)
-# Retrieve the contents of a line.
-# Returns the length of the line.
-fun int EM_GetLine=196(int line, countedstring text)
-# Returns the number of lines in the document. There is always at least one.
-fun int EM_GetLineCount=186(,)
-# Returns the size in pixels of left and right margins packed into one integer.
-# The left margin is in the low half and the right margin in the high half.
-fun int EM_GetMargins=212(,)
-# Is the document different from when it was last saved?
-get bool EM_GetModify=184(,)
-# Get the area used to display the document.
-fun void EM_GetRect=178(,rectangle r)
-# Return the selection packed into one integer with the start of the selection
-# in the low half and the end in the high half.
-fun int EM_GetSel=176(,)
-# Retrieve the selected text.
-# Return the length of the text.
-fun int EM_GetSelText=1086(,stringresult text)
-# Retrieve a range of text.
-# Return the length of the text.
-fun int EM_GetTextRange=1099(, textrange tr)
-# Draw the selection in normal style or with selection highlighted.
-fun void EM_HideSelection=1087(bool normal,)
-# Retrieve the line of a position.
-fun int EM_LineFromChar=201(position pos,)
-# Retrieve the position at the start of a line.
-fun position EM_LineIndex=187(int line,)
-# Retrieve the number of characters on a line not including end of line characters.
-fun int EM_LineLength=193(int line,)
-# Scroll horizontally and vertically.
-fun void EM_LineScroll=182(int columns, int lines)
-# Retrieve the point in the window where a position is displayed.
-fun void EM_PosFromChar=214(pointresult pt, position pos)
-# Replace the selected text with the argument text.
-fun void EM_ReplaceSel=194(, string text)
-# Ensure the caret is visible.
-fun void EM_ScrollCaret=183(,)
-# Returns SEL_EMPTY if selection contains no characters, otherwise SEL_TEXT.
-fun void EM_SelectionType=1090(,)
-# Set the width of the left and right margins
-fun void EM_SetMargins=211(int flags, int values)
-# Set to read only or read write.
-set void EM_SetReadOnly=207(bool readOnly,)
-# Select the range of text from start to end.
-fun void EM_SetSel=177(position start, position end)
-# Undo one action in the undo history.
-fun void EM_Undo=199(,)
-# Null operation.
-fun void WM_Null=0(,)
-# Clear the selection.
-fun void WM_Clear=771(,)
-fun void WM_Command=273(,)
-# Copy the selection to the clipboard.
-fun void WM_Copy=769(,)
-# Cut the selection to the clipboard.
-fun void WM_Cut=768(,)
-# Retrieve all the text in the document.
-# Returns number of characters retrieved.
-fun int WM_GetText=13(int length, stringresult text)
-# Retrieve the number of characters in the document.
-fun int WM_GetTextLength=14(,)
-# Notification back to container
-fun void WM_Notify=78(int id, int stuff)
-# Paste the contents of the clipboard into the document replacing the selection.
-fun void WM_Paste=770(,)
-# Replace the contents of the document with the argument text.
-fun void WM_SetText=12(, string text)
-# Undo one action in the undo history.
-fun void WM_Undo=772(,)
-# Notification codes
-val EN_CHANGE=768
-val EN_SETFOCUS=256
-# Flags for setting margins.
-val EC_USEFONTINFO=0xffff
-# Selection type.
-val SEL_EMPTY=0
-val SEL_TEXT=1
-# Find replace mask constants
-val FR_DOWN=0x1
-# Key modifier flag.
-evt void EN_Change=768(void)