these components in the full file name which can then be passed to the OS file
functions (and \helpref{wxWindows functions}{filefunctions} wrapping them).
Second, it includes the functions for working with the files itself. Note that
-to change the file data you should use \helpref{wxFile}{wxfile} class instead,
+to change the file data you should use \helpref{wxFile}{wxfile} class instead.
wxFileName provides functions for working with the file attributes.
\wxheading{Derived from}
wxFileName currently supports the file names in the Unix, DOS/Windows, Mac OS
and VMS formats. Although these formats are quite different, wxFileName tries
-to treat them all in the sam generic way. It supposes that all file names
+to treat them all in the same generic way. It supposes that all file names
consist of the following parts: the volume (also known as drive under Windows
or device under VMS), the path which is a sequence of directory names separated
by the \helpref{path separators}{wxfilenamegetpathseparators} and the full
to use \helpref{IsAbsolute}{wxfilenameisabsolute} method. To ensure that the
filename is absolute you may use \helpref{Normalize}{wxfilenamenormalize}. There
is also an inverse function \helpref{MakeRelativeTo}{wxfilenamemakerelativeto}
-which undoes what \helpref{Normalize(wxPATH\_NORM\_DOTS}{wxfilenamenormalize}
+which undoes what \helpref{Normalize(wxPATH\_NORM\_DOTS)}{wxfilenamenormalize}
Other functions returning information about the file format provided by this
\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-From a full filename: if it terminates with a '/', a directory path
-is contructed (the name will be empty), otherwise a file name and
-extension are extracted from it
+Constructor taking a full filename. If it terminates with a '/', a directory path
+is constructed (the name will be empty), otherwise a file name and
+extension are extracted from it.
\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-Constructor from a directory name, base file name and extension
+Constructor from a directory name, base file name and extension.
\func{}{wxFileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume}, \param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-Constructor from a volume name, a directory name, base file name and extension
+Constructor from a volume name, a directory name, base file name and extension.
\func{void}{AppendDir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
+Appends a directory to the path.
\func{void}{Assign}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+Creates the file name from various combinations of data.
\func{void}{AssignDir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-Set this file name object to the given directory name. The name and extension
+Sets this file name object to the given directory name. The name and extension
will be empty.
-Set this file name object to the home directory.
+Sets this file name object to the home directory.
\func{bool}{DirExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
-Does the directory with this name exists?
+Returns TRUE if the directory with this name exists.
\func{wxFileName}{DirName}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
+Returns the directory name.
\func{bool}{FileExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{file}}
-Does the file with this name exists?
+Returns TRUE if the file with this name exists.
\func{wxFileName}{FileName}{\param{const wxString\& }{file}}
-static pseudo constructors
+Static pseudo constructors.
\func{wxString}{GetCwd}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume = ""}}
-Retrieve the value of the current working directory on the specified volume. If
+Retrieves the value of the current working directory on the specified volume. If
the volume is empty, the programs current working directory is returned for the
current volume.
+Returns the number of directories in the file name.
\constfunc{const wxArrayString\&}{GetDirs}{\void}
+Returns the directories in string array form.
+Returns the file name extension.
\func{wxPathFormat}{GetFormat}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-various helpers
-get the canonical path format for this platform
+Returns the canonical path format for this platform.
+Returns the full name (including extension but excluding directories).
\constfunc{wxString}{GetFullPath}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-add separator Construct full path with name and ext
+Returns the full path with name and extension.
+Returns the home directory.
Return the long form of the path (returns identity on non-Windows platforms)
-convenience wrapper: get just the last mod time of the file
+Returns the last time the file was last modified.
+Returns the name part of the filename.
\constfunc{wxString}{GetPath}{\param{int }{flags = $0$}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-Return the path part of the filename (without the name nor extension). The
+Returns the path part of the filename (without the name or extension). The
possible flags values are:
\func{wxChar}{GetPathSeparator}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-Return the usually used path separator for this format. For all formats but
+Returns the usually used path separator for this format. For all formats but
{\tt wxPATH\_DOS} there is only one path separator anyhow, but for DOS there
are two of them and the native one, i.e. the backslash is returned by this
\func{wxString}{GetPathSeparators}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-Get the string containing all the path separators for this format. For all
+Returns the string containing all the path separators for this format. For all
formats but {\tt wxPATH\_DOS} this string contains only one character but for
-DOS and Windows both {\tt '/'} and {\tt '\backslash'} may be used as
+DOS and Windows both {\tt '/'} and {\tt '\textbackslash'} may be used as
\wxheading{See also}
-\constfunc{wxString}{GetPathWithSep}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-more readable synonym
-Return the short form of the path (returns identity on non-Windows platforms)
+Return the short form of the path (returns identity on non-Windows platforms).
\constfunc{bool}{GetTimes}{\param{wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtMod}, \param{wxDateTime* }{dtCreate}}
-return the last access, last modification and creation times
-(any of the pointers may be NULL)
+Returns the last access, last modification and creation times. The last access
+time is updated whenever the file is read or written (or executed in the case
+of Windows), last modification time is only changed when the file is written
+to. Finally, the creation time is indeed the time when the file was created
+under Windows and the inode change time under Unix (as it is impossible to
+retrieve the real file creation time there anyhow) which can also be changed
+by many operations after the file creation.
+Any of the pointers may be {\tt NULL} if the corresponding time is not
+\wxheading{Return value}
+{\tt TRUE} on success, {\tt FALSE} if we failed to retrieve the times.
+Returns the string containing the volume for this file name, mepty if it
+doesn't have one or if the file system doesn't support volumes at all (for
+example, Unix).
\func{wxString}{GetVolumeSeparator}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-get the string separating the volume from the path for this format
+Returns the string separating the volume from the path for this format.
+Returns TRUE if an extension is present.
+Returns TRUE if a name is present.
+Returns TRUE if a volume specifier is present.
\func{void}{InsertDir}{\param{int }{before}, \param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
+Inserts a directory before the zero-based position in the directory list.
\func{bool}{IsAbsolute}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-is this filename absolute?
+Returns TRUE if this filename is absolute.
\func{bool}{IsCaseSensitive}{\param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-are the file names of this type cases sensitive?
+Returns TRUE if the file names of this type are case-sensitive.
\func{bool}{Normalize}{\param{int }{flags = wxPATH\_NORM\_ALL}, \param{const wxString\& }{cwd = wxEmptyString}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-operations on the path
-normalize the path: with the default flags value, the path will be
+Normalize the path: with the default flags value, the path will be
made absolute, without any ".." and "." and all environment
variables will be expanded in it
this may be done using another (than current) value of cwd
\func{void}{PrependDir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
+Prepends a directory name.
\func{void}{RemoveDir}{\param{int }{pos}}
+Removes a directory name.
\func{static bool}{Rmdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
-Deletes the specified directory.
+Deletes the specified directory from the file system.
-\func{bool}{SameAs}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filepath}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-Compares the filename using the rules of this platform
+\constfunc{bool}{SameAs}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filepath}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+Compares the filename using the rules of this platform.
\func{static bool}{SetCwd}{\param{const wxString\& }{cwd}}
-change the current working directory
+Changes the current working directory.
\func{void}{SetExt}{\param{const wxString\& }{ext}}
+Sets the extension of this file name.
\func{void}{SetFullName}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullname}}
-full name is the file name + extension (but without the path)
+The full name is the file name and extension (but without the path).
\func{void}{SetName}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
+Sets the name.
\func{bool}{SetTimes}{\param{const wxDateTime* }{dtAccess}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtMod}, \param{const wxDateTime* }{dtCreate}}
-set the file creation and last access/mod times
-(any of the pointers may be NULL)
+Sets the file creation and last access/modification times (any of the pointers may be NULL).
\func{void}{SetVolume}{\param{const wxString\& }{volume}}
+Sets the volume specifier.
-\func{void}{SplitPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxString* }{volume}, \param{wxString* }{path}, \param{wxString* }{name}, \param{wxString* }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+\func{static void}{SplitPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxString* }{volume}, \param{wxString* }{path}, \param{wxString* }{name}, \param{wxString* }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-\func{void}{SplitPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxString* }{path}, \param{wxString* }{name}, \param{wxString* }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
+\func{static void}{SplitPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{fullpath}, \param{wxString* }{path}, \param{wxString* }{name}, \param{wxString* }{ext}, \param{wxPathFormat }{format = wxPATH\_NATIVE}}
-split a fullpath into the volume, path, (base) name and extension
-(all of the pointers can be NULL)
+This function splits a full file name into components: the volume (with the
+first version) path (including the volume in the second version), the base name
+and the extension. Any of the output parameters ({\it volume}, {\it path},
+{\it name} or {\it ext}) may be {\tt NULL} if you are not interested in the
+value of a particular component. Also, {\it fullpath} may be empty on entry.
+On return, {\it path} contains the file path (without the trailing separator),
+{\it name} contains the file name and {\it ext} contains the file extension
+without leading dot. All three of them may be empty if the corresponding
+component is. The old contents of the strings pointed to by these parameters
+will be overwritten in any case (if the pointers are not {\tt NULL}).
-set the access and modification times to the current moment
+Sets the access and modification times to the current moment.
-\func{bool operator}{operator==}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filename}}
+\constfunc{bool operator}{operator==}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filename}}
+\constfunc{bool operator}{operator==}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if the filenames are equal. The string {\it filenames} is
+interpreted as a path in the native filename format.
+\constfunc{bool operator}{operator!=}{\param{const wxFileName\& }{filename}}
-\func{bool operator}{operator==}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
+\constfunc{bool operator}{operator!=}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
-Returns {\tt TRUE} if the filenames are equal for the native file format.
+Returns {\tt TRUE} if the filenames are different. The string {\it filenames}
+is interpreted as a path in the native filename format.