- %addtofunc wxComboBox "self._setOORInfo(self)"
- %addtofunc wxComboBox() ""
- wxComboBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
- const wxString& value = wxPyEmptyString,
- const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
- const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
- int choices=0, wxString* choices_array=NULL,
- long style = 0,
- const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
- const wxString& name = wxPyComboBoxNameStr);
- %name(PreComboBox)wxComboBox();
- bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
- const wxString& value = wxPyEmptyString,
- const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
- const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
- int choices=0, wxString* choices_array=NULL,
- long style = 0,
- const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
- const wxString& name = wxPyComboBoxNameStr);
- virtual wxString GetValue() const;
- virtual void SetValue(const wxString& value);
- virtual void Copy();
- virtual void Cut();
- virtual void Paste();
- virtual void SetInsertionPoint(long pos);
- virtual long GetInsertionPoint() const;
- virtual long GetLastPosition() const;
- virtual void Replace(long from, long to, const wxString& value);
- %name(SetMark) virtual void SetSelection(long from, long to);
- virtual void SetEditable(bool editable);
- virtual void SetInsertionPointEnd();
- virtual void Remove(long from, long to);
+ %pythonAppend wxComboBox "self._setOORInfo(self)"
+ %pythonAppend wxComboBox() ""
+ DocCtorAStr(
+ wxComboBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id=-1,
+ const wxString& value = wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ const wxArrayString& choices = wxPyEmptyStringArray,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxPyComboBoxNameStr),
+ "__init__(Window parent, int id, String value=EmptyString,
+ Point pos=DefaultPosition, Size size=DefaultSize,
+ List choices=EmptyList, long style=0, Validator validator=DefaultValidator,
+ String name=ComboBoxNameStr) -> ComboBox",
+ "Constructor, creates and shows a ComboBox control.", "");
+ DocCtorStrName(
+ wxComboBox(),
+ "Precreate a ComboBox control for 2-phase creation.", "",
+ PreComboBox);
+ DocDeclAStr(
+ bool, Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=-1,
+ const wxString& value = wxPyEmptyString,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ const wxArrayString& choices = wxPyEmptyStringArray,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxPyChoiceNameStr),
+ "Create(Window parent, int id, String value=EmptyString,
+ Point pos=DefaultPosition, Size size=DefaultSize,
+ List choices=EmptyList, long style=0, Validator validator=DefaultValidator,
+ String name=ChoiceNameStr) -> bool",
+ "Actually create the GUI wxComboBox control for 2-phase creation", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual wxString , GetValue() const,
+ "Returns the current value in the combobox text field.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual void , SetValue(const wxString& value),
+ "", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual void , Copy(),
+ "Copies the selected text to the clipboard.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual void , Cut(),
+ "Copies the selected text to the clipboard and removes the selection.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual void , Paste(),
+ "Pastes text from the clipboard to the text field.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual void , SetInsertionPoint(long pos),
+ "Sets the insertion point in the combobox text field.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual long , GetInsertionPoint() const,
+ "Returns the insertion point for the combobox's text field.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual long , GetLastPosition() const,
+ "Returns the last position in the combobox text field.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual void , Replace(long from, long to, const wxString& value),
+ "Replaces the text between two positions with the given text, in the
+combobox text field.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SetSelection(int n),
+ "Sets the item at index 'n' to be the selected item.", "");
+ DocDeclStrName(
+ virtual void , SetSelection(long from, long to),
+ "Selects the text between the two positions in the combobox text field.", "",
+ SetMark);
+#ifndef __WXMAC__
+ DocDeclAStrName(
+ virtual void , GetSelection(long* OUTPUT, long* OUTPUT),
+ "GetMark(self) -> (from, to)",
+ "Gets the positions of the begining and ending of the selection mark in
+the combobox text field.", "",
+ GetMark);
+ %pythoncode {
+ def GetMark(self):
+ return (0,0)
+ }
+ DocDeclStr(
+ int , GetCurrentSelection() const,
+ "Unlike `GetSelection` which only returns the accepted selection value,
+i.e. the selection in the control once the user closes the dropdown
+list, this function returns the current selection. That is, while the
+dropdown list is shown, it returns the currently selected item in
+it. When it is not shown, its result is the same as for the other
+function.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , SetStringSelection(const wxString& string),
+ "Select the item with the specifed string", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SetString(int n, const wxString& string),
+ "Set the label for the n'th item (zero based) in the list.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual void , SetEditable(bool editable),
+ "", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual void , SetInsertionPointEnd(),
+ "Sets the insertion point at the end of the combobox text field.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ virtual void , Remove(long from, long to),
+ "Removes the text between the two positions in the combobox text field.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , IsEditable() const,
+ "Returns True if the combo is ediatable (not read-only.)", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , Undo(),
+ "Redoes the last undo in the text field. Windows only.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , Redo(),
+ "Undoes the last edit in the text field. Windows only.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SelectAll(),
+ "Select all the text in the combo's text field.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , CanCopy() const,
+ "Returns True if the combobox is editable and there is a text selection
+to copy to the clipboard. Only available on Windows.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , CanCut() const,
+ "Returns True if the combobox is editable and there is a text selection
+to copy to the clipboard. Only available on Windows.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , CanPaste() const,
+ "Returns True if the combobox is editable and there is text on the
+clipboard that can be pasted into the text field. Only available on
+Windows.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , CanUndo() const,
+ "Returns True if the combobox is editable and the last edit can be
+undone. Only available on Windows.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , CanRedo() const,
+ "Returns True if the combobox is editable and the last undo can be
+redone. Only available on Windows.", "");
+ static wxVisualAttributes
+ GetClassDefaultAttributes(wxWindowVariant variant = wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL);
+ %property(CurrentSelection, GetCurrentSelection, doc="See `GetCurrentSelection`");
+ %property(InsertionPoint, GetInsertionPoint, SetInsertionPoint, doc="See `GetInsertionPoint` and `SetInsertionPoint`");
+ %property(LastPosition, GetLastPosition, doc="See `GetLastPosition`");
+ %property(Mark, GetMark, SetMark, doc="See `GetMark` and `SetMark`");
+ %property(Value, GetValue, SetValue, doc="See `GetValue` and `SetValue`");