-// Define another string class.
-// While it would be 'better' to use std::string, that doubles the executable size.
-inline char *StringDup(const char *s, int len=-1) {
- if (!s)
- return 0;
- if (len == -1)
- len = strlen(s);
- char *sNew = new char[len + 1];
- if (sNew) {
- strncpy(sNew, s, len);
- sNew[len] = '\0';
- }
- return sNew;
-class SString {
- char *s;
- int ssize;
- typedef const char* const_iterator;
- typedef int size_type;
- static size_type npos;
- const char* begin(void) const {
- return s;
- }
- const char* end(void) const {
- return &s[ssize];
- }
- size_type size(void) const {
- if (s)
- return ssize;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- SString &assign(const char* sother, int size_ = -1) {
- char *t = s;
- s = StringDup(sother,size_);
- ssize = (s) ? strlen(s) : 0;
- delete []t;
- return *this;
- }
- SString &assign(const SString& sother, int size_ = -1) {
- return assign(sother.s,size_);
- }
- SString &assign(const_iterator ibeg, const_iterator iend) {
- return assign(ibeg,iend - ibeg);
- }
- SString() {
- s = 0;
- ssize = 0;
- }
- SString(const SString &source) {
- s = StringDup(source.s);
- ssize = (s) ? strlen(s) : 0;
- }
- SString(const char *s_) {
- s = StringDup(s_);
- ssize = (s) ? strlen(s) : 0;
- }
- SString(int i) {
- char number[100];
- sprintf(number, "%0d", i);
- s = StringDup(number);
- ssize = (s) ? strlen(s) : 0;
- }
- ~SString() {
- delete []s;
- s = 0;
- ssize = 0;
- }
- SString &operator=(const SString &source) {
- if (this != &source) {
- delete []s;
- s = StringDup(source.s);
- ssize = (s) ? strlen(s) : 0;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- bool operator==(const SString &other) const {
- if ((s == 0) && (other.s == 0))
- return true;
- if ((s == 0) || (other.s == 0))
- return false;
- return strcmp(s, other.s) == 0;
- }
- bool operator!=(const SString &other) const {
- return !operator==(other);
- }
- bool operator==(const char *sother) const {
- if ((s == 0) && (sother == 0))
- return true;
- if ((s == 0) || (sother == 0))
- return false;
- return strcmp(s, sother) == 0;
- }
- bool operator!=(const char *sother) const {
- return !operator==(sother);
- }
- const char *c_str() const {
- if (s)
- return s;
- else
- return "";
- }
- int length() const {
- if (s)
- return strlen(s);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- char operator[](int i) const {
- if (s)
- return s[i];
- else
- return '\0';
- }
- SString &operator +=(const char *sother) {
- return append(sother,-1);
- }
- SString &operator +=(const SString &sother) {
- return append(sother.s,sother.ssize);
- }
- SString &operator +=(char ch) {
- return append(&ch,1);
- }
- SString &append(const char* sother, int lenOther) {
- int len = length();
- if(lenOther < 0)
- lenOther = strlen(sother);
- char *sNew = new char[len + lenOther + 1];
- if (sNew) {
- if (s)
- memcpy(sNew, s, len);
- strncpy(&sNew[len], sother, lenOther);
- sNew[len + lenOther] = '\0';
- delete []s;
- s = sNew;
- ssize = (s) ? strlen(s) : 0;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- int value() const {
- if (s)
- return atoi(s);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- void substitute(char find, char replace) {
- char *t = s;
- while (t) {
- t = strchr(t, find);
- if (t)
- *t = replace;
- }
- }
- // I don't think this really belongs here -- Neil
- void correctPath() {
-#ifdef unix
- substitute('\\', '/');
- substitute('/', '\\');
- }