-// Name: textctrl.cpp
+// Name: src/x11/textctrl.cpp
// Purpose:
// Author: Robert Roebling
// Id: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows licence
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
-#pragma implementation "textctrl.h"
+// for compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#include "wx/textctrl.h"
-#include "wx/utils.h"
-#include "wx/intl.h"
-#include "wx/log.h"
-#include "wx/settings.h"
-#include "wx/panel.h"
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+ #include "wx/intl.h"
+ #include "wx/log.h"
+ #include "wx/utils.h"
+ #include "wx/panel.h"
+ #include "wx/dcclient.h"
+ #include "wx/settings.h"
#include "wx/clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/tokenzr.h"
-#include "wx/dcclient.h"
#include "wx/univ/inphand.h"
#include "wx/univ/renderer.h"
m_y1 = y1;
m_y2 = y2;
m_owner = owner;
m_cursorX = m_owner->GetCursorX();
m_cursorY = m_owner->GetCursorY();
if (m_type == wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE)
m_text = m_owner->m_lines[m_y1].m_text;
for (int i = m_y1; i < m_y2+2; i++)
if (i >= (int)m_owner->m_lines.GetCount())
- m_lines.Add( wxT("") );
+ m_lines.Add( wxEmptyString );
m_lines.Add( m_owner->m_lines[i].m_text );
// wxTextCtrl
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTextCtrl, wxControl)
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTextCtrl, wxTextCtrlBase)
EVT_MENU(wxID_CUT, wxTextCtrl::OnCut)
EVT_MENU(wxID_COPY, wxTextCtrl::OnCopy)
EVT_MENU(wxID_PASTE, wxTextCtrl::OnPaste)
void wxTextCtrl::Init()
- m_editable = TRUE;
- m_modified = FALSE;
+ m_editable = true;
+ m_modified = false;
m_lang = wxSOURCE_LANG_NONE;
- m_capturing = FALSE;
+ m_capturing = false;
m_cursorX = 0;
m_cursorY = 0;
m_longestLine = 0;
m_bracketX = -1;
m_bracketY = -1;
- m_overwrite = FALSE;
- m_ignoreInput = FALSE;
+ m_overwrite = false;
+ m_ignoreInput = false;
m_keywordColour = wxColour( 10, 140, 10 );
m_defineColour = *wxRED;
m_variableColour = wxColour( 50, 120, 150 );
m_commentColour = wxColour( 130, 130, 130 );
m_stringColour = wxColour( 10, 140, 10 );
if ((style & wxBORDER_MASK) == 0)
style |= wxBORDER_SUNKEN;
if ((style & wxTE_MULTILINE) != 0)
style |= wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB;
wxTextCtrlBase::Create( parent, id, pos /* wxDefaultPosition */, size,
+ style | wxVSCROLL | wxHSCROLL);
SetBackgroundColour( *wxWHITE );
SetCursor( wxCursor( wxCURSOR_IBEAM ) );
m_editable = ((m_windowStyle & wxTE_READONLY) == 0);
if (HasFlag(wxTE_PASSWORD))
m_sourceFont = wxFont( 12, wxMODERN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL );
dc.SetFont( m_sourceFont );
m_lineHeight = dc.GetCharHeight();
m_charWidth = dc.GetCharWidth();
SetValue( value );
wxSize size_best( DoGetBestSize() );
new_size.y = size_best.y;
if ((new_size.x != size.x) || (new_size.y != size.y))
SetSize( new_size.x, new_size.y );
// We create an input handler since it might be useful
- return TRUE;
+ return true;
if (i+1 < m_lines.GetCount())
ret += wxT('\n');
return ret;
-void wxTextCtrl::SetValue(const wxString& value)
+void wxTextCtrl::DoSetValue(const wxString& value, int flags)
- m_modified = FALSE;
+ m_modified = false;
wxString oldValue = GetValue();
m_longestLine = 0;
- if (value.IsEmpty())
+ if (value.empty())
- m_lines.Add( new wxSourceLine( wxT("") ) );
+ m_lines.Add( new wxSourceLine( wxEmptyString ) );
wxSourceLine *sl = new wxSourceLine( value.Mid( begin, value.Len()-begin ) );
m_lines.Add( sl );
// if (sl->m_text.Len() > m_longestLine)
// m_longestLine = sl->m_text.Len();
int ww = 0;
ww /= m_charWidth;
if (ww > m_longestLine)
m_longestLine = ww;
wxSourceLine *sl = new wxSourceLine( value.Mid( begin, pos-begin ) );
m_lines.Add( sl );
// if (sl->m_text.Len() > m_longestLine)
// m_longestLine = sl->m_text.Len();
int ww = 0;
ww /= m_charWidth;
if (ww > m_longestLine)
m_longestLine = ww;
begin = pos+1;
if (value == oldValue)
+ if ( flags & SetValue_SendEvent )
+ SendTextUpdatedEvent();
int wxTextCtrl::GetLineLength(long lineNo) const
if (lineNo >= (long)m_lines.GetCount())
return 0;
return m_lines[lineNo].m_text.Len();
wxString wxTextCtrl::GetLineText(long lineNo) const
if (lineNo >= (long)m_lines.GetCount())
- return wxT("");
+ return wxEmptyString;
return m_lines[lineNo].m_text;
void wxTextCtrl::Clear()
- m_modified = TRUE;
+ m_modified = true;
m_cursorX = 0;
m_cursorY = 0;
- m_lines.Add( new wxSourceLine( wxT("") ) );
+ m_lines.Add( new wxSourceLine( wxEmptyString ) );
SetScrollbars( m_charWidth, m_lineHeight, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
WX_CLEAR_LIST(wxList, m_undos);
void wxTextCtrl::Remove(long from, long to)
void wxTextCtrl::DiscardEdits()
if (line >= (int)m_lines.GetCount()) return 0;
if (pos < 0) return 0;
wxString text = m_lines[line].m_text;
- if (text.IsEmpty()) return 0;
+ if (text.empty()) return 0;
if (pos < (int)text.Len())
text.Remove( pos, text.Len()-pos );
int w = 0;
GetTextExtent( text, &w, NULL, NULL, NULL );
return w;
int wxTextCtrl::PixelToPos( int line, int pixel )
if (pixel < 2) return 0;
if (line >= (int)m_lines.GetCount()) return 0;
wxString text = m_lines[line].m_text;
int w = 0;
int res = text.Len();
while (res > 0)
GetTextExtent( text, &w, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (w < pixel)
return res;
text.Remove( res,1 );
return 0;
void wxTextCtrl::SetLanguage( wxSourceLanguage lang )
m_lang = lang;
void wxTextCtrl::WriteText(const wxString& text2)
- if (text2.IsEmpty()) return;
+ if (text2.empty()) return;
+ m_modified = true;
- m_modified = TRUE;
wxString text( text2 );
wxArrayString lines;
int pos;
lines.Add( text );
int count = (int)lines.GetCount();
wxString tmp1( m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text );
wxString tmp2( tmp1 );
int len = (int)tmp1.Len();
if (len < m_cursorX)
wxString tmp;
tmp1.Remove( m_cursorX );
tmp2.Remove( 0, m_cursorX );
tmp1.Append( lines[0] );
if (count == 1)
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE, m_cursorY, m_cursorY, this ) );
tmp1.Append( tmp2 );
m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text = tmp1;
RefreshLine( m_cursorY );
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_PASTE, m_cursorY, m_cursorY+count-1, this ) );
m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text = tmp1;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
m_lines.Insert( new wxSourceLine( lines[i] ), m_cursorY+i );
m_lines[m_cursorY+i-1].m_text.Append( tmp2 );
RefreshDown( m_cursorY );
void wxTextCtrl::AppendText(const wxString& text2)
- if (text2.IsEmpty()) return;
+ if (text2.empty()) return;
+ m_modified = true;
- m_modified = TRUE;
wxString text( text2 );
wxArrayString lines;
int pos;
lines.Add( text );
int count = (int)lines.GetCount();
size_t y = m_lines.GetCount()-1;
wxString tmp( m_lines[y].m_text );
tmp.Append( lines[0] );
if (count == 1)
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE, y, y, this ) );
m_lines[y].m_text = tmp;
RefreshLine( y );
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_PASTE, y, y+count-1, this ) );
m_lines[y].m_text = tmp;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
m_lines.Insert( new wxSourceLine( lines[i] ), y+i );
RefreshDown( y );
bool wxTextCtrl::SetStyle(long start, long end, const wxTextAttr& style)
- return FALSE;
+ return false;
long wxTextCtrl::XYToPosition(long x, long y) const
long ret = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_lines.GetCount(); i++)
if (i < (size_t)y)
ret += m_lines[i].m_text.Len() + 1;
if ((size_t)x < (m_lines[i].m_text.Len()+1))
return (ret + x);
return (ret + m_lines[i].m_text.Len() + 1);
return ret;
long xx = 0;
long yy = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_lines.GetCount(); i++)
//pos -= m_lines[i].m_text.Len();
xx = pos;
if (x) *x = xx;
if (y) *y = yy;
- return TRUE;
+ return true;
pos -= (m_lines[i].m_text.Len() + 1);
// Last pos
//xx = m_lines[ m_lines.GetCount()-1 ].m_text.Len();
xx = pos;
if (x) *x = xx;
if (y) *y = yy;
- return FALSE;
+ return false;
void wxTextCtrl::ShowPosition(long pos)
void wxTextCtrl::Copy()
if (!HasSelection()) return;
wxString sel;
int selStartY = m_selStartY;
int selEndY = m_selEndY;
int selStartX = m_selStartX;
int selEndX = m_selEndX;
if ((selStartY > selEndY) ||
((selStartY == selEndY) && (selStartX > selEndX)))
selStartY = selEndY;
selEndY = tmp;
if (selStartY == selEndY)
sel = m_lines[selStartY].m_text;
if (selStartX >= (int)sel.Len()) return;
if (selEndX > (int)sel.Len())
selEndX = sel.Len();
sel.Remove( selEndX, sel.Len()-selEndX );
sel.Remove( 0, selStartX );
wxString tmp( m_lines[selStartY].m_text );
if (selStartX < (int)tmp.Len())
tmp.Remove( 0, selStartX );
sel.Append( tmp );
if (wxTheClipboard->Open())
wxTheClipboard->SetData( new wxTextDataObject( sel ) );
void wxTextCtrl::Cut()
- Copy();
- Delete();
+ Copy();
+ Delete();
void wxTextCtrl::Paste()
if (!wxTheClipboard->Open()) return;
if (!wxTheClipboard->IsSupported( wxDF_TEXT ))
wxTextDataObject data;
bool ret = wxTheClipboard->GetData( data );
if (!ret) return;
- m_modified = TRUE;
+ m_modified = true;
wxString text( data.GetText() );
wxArrayString lines;
int pos;
lines.Add( text );
int count = (int)lines.GetCount();
wxString tmp1( m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text );
wxString tmp2( tmp1 );
int len = (int)tmp1.Len();
if (len < m_cursorX)
wxString tmp;
tmp1.Remove( m_cursorX );
tmp2.Remove( 0, m_cursorX );
tmp1.Append( lines[0] );
if (count == 1)
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE, m_cursorY, m_cursorY, this ) );
tmp1.Append( tmp2 );
m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text = tmp1;
RefreshLine( m_cursorY );
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_PASTE, m_cursorY, m_cursorY+count-1, this ) );
m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text = tmp1;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
m_lines.Insert( new wxSourceLine( lines[i] ), m_cursorY+i );
m_lines[m_cursorY+i-1].m_text.Append( tmp2 );
RefreshDown( m_cursorY );
void wxTextCtrl::Undo()
if (m_undos.GetCount() == 0) return;
wxList::compatibility_iterator node = m_undos.Item( m_undos.GetCount()-1 );
wxSourceUndoStep *undo = (wxSourceUndoStep*) node->GetData();
delete undo;
m_undos.Erase( node );
- m_modified = TRUE;
+ m_modified = true;
void wxTextCtrl::SetInsertionPoint(long pos)
return XYToPosition( m_cursorX, m_cursorY );
-long wxTextCtrl::GetLastPosition() const
+wxTextPos wxTextCtrl::GetLastPosition() const
size_t lineCount = m_lines.GetCount() - 1;
// It's the length of the line, not the length - 1,
bool wxTextCtrl::Enable( bool enable )
- return FALSE;
+ return false;
bool wxTextCtrl::SetFont(const wxFont& font)
wxTextCtrlBase::SetFont( font );
m_sourceFont = font;
wxClientDC dc(this);
dc.SetFont( m_sourceFont );
m_lineHeight = dc.GetCharHeight();
m_charWidth = dc.GetCharWidth();
// TODO: recalc longest lines
- return TRUE;
+ return true;
bool wxTextCtrl::SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& colour)
int oldBracketY = m_bracketY;
int oldBracketX = m_bracketX;
if (m_cursorY < 0 || m_cursorY >= (int)m_lines.GetCount()) return;
wxString current = m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text;
// reverse search first
char bracket = ' ';
if (m_cursorX > 0)
bracket = current[(size_t) (m_cursorX-1)];
if (bracket == ')' || bracket == ']' || bracket == '}')
char antibracket = '(';
if (bracket == ']') antibracket = '[';
if (bracket == '}') antibracket = '{';
int count = 1;
int endY = m_cursorY-60;
if (endY < 0) endY = 0;
for (int y = m_cursorY; y >= endY; y--)
current = m_lines[y].m_text;
if (y == m_cursorY)
for (int n = current.Len()-1; n >= 0; n--)
// ignore chars
// ignore strings
if (current[(size_t) (n)] == '\"')
if (current[(size_t) (n)] == antibracket)
// then forward
bracket = ' ';
char antibracket = ')';
if (bracket == '[') antibracket = ']';
if (bracket == '{') antibracket = '}';
int count = 1;
int endY = m_cursorY+60;
if (endY > (int)(m_lines.GetCount()-1)) endY = m_lines.GetCount()-1;
for (int y = m_cursorY; y <= endY; y++)
int start = 0;
if (y == m_cursorY)
start = m_cursorX+1;
for (int n = start; n < (int)current.Len(); n++)
// ignore chars
// ignore strings
if (current[(size_t) (n)] == '\"')
if (current[(size_t) (n)] == antibracket)
if (oldBracketY != -1)
m_bracketY = -1;
void wxTextCtrl::Delete()
if (!HasSelection()) return;
- m_modified = TRUE;
+ m_modified = true;
int selStartY = m_selStartY;
int selEndY = m_selEndY;
int selStartX = m_selStartX;
int selEndX = m_selEndX;
if ((selStartY > selEndY) ||
((selStartY == selEndY) && (selStartX > selEndX)))
selStartY = selEndY;
selEndY = tmp;
int len = (int)m_lines[selStartY].m_text.Len();
if (selStartY == selEndY)
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE, selStartY, selStartY, this ) );
wxString tmp( m_lines[selStartY].m_text );
if (selStartX < len)
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_DELETE, selStartY, selEndY, this ) );
if (selStartX < len)
m_lines[selStartY].m_text.Remove( selStartX );
for (int i = 0; i < selEndY-selStartY-1; i++)
m_lines.RemoveAt( selStartY+1 );
if (selEndX < (int)m_lines[selStartY+1].m_text.Len())
m_lines[selStartY+1].m_text.Remove( 0, selEndX );
m_lines[selStartY+1].m_text.Remove( 0 );
m_lines[selStartY].m_text.Append( m_lines[selStartY+1].m_text );
m_lines.RemoveAt( selStartY+1 );
MoveCursor( selStartX, selStartY );
RefreshDown( selStartY );
void wxTextCtrl::DeleteLine()
if (HasSelection()) return;
if (m_cursorY < 0 || m_cursorY >= (int)m_lines.GetCount()-1) return; // TODO
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_DELETE, m_cursorY, m_cursorY+1, this ) );
m_lines.RemoveAt( m_cursorY );
m_cursorX = 0;
if (m_cursorY >= (int)m_lines.GetCount()) m_cursorY--;
RefreshDown( m_cursorY );
void wxTextCtrl::DoChar( char c )
- m_modified = TRUE;
+ m_modified = true;
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE, m_cursorY, m_cursorY, this ) );
wxString tmp( m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text );
if (m_cursorX >= (int)tmp.Len())
tmp.insert( m_cursorX, 1, c );
m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text = tmp;
// if (tmp.Len() > m_longestLine)
// {
// m_longestLine = tmp.Len();
// MyAdjustScrollbars();
// }
int ww = 0;
GetTextExtent( tmp, &ww, NULL, NULL, NULL );
ww /= m_charWidth;
int y = m_cursorY*m_lineHeight;
// int x = (m_cursorX-1)*m_charWidth;
int x = PosToPixel( m_cursorY, m_cursorX-1 );
CalcScrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
wxRect rect( x+2, y+2, 10000, m_lineHeight );
- Refresh( TRUE, &rect );
+ Refresh( true, &rect );
// refresh whole line for syntax colour highlighting
rect.x = 0;
- Refresh( FALSE, &rect );
+ Refresh( false, &rect );
int size_x = 0;
int size_y = 0;
GetClientSize( &size_x, &size_y );
size_x /= m_charWidth;
int view_x = 0;
int view_y = 0;
GetViewStart( &view_x, &view_y );
//int xx = m_cursorX;
int xx = PosToPixel( m_cursorY, m_cursorX ) / m_charWidth;
if (xx < view_x)
Scroll( xx, -1 );
else if (xx > view_x+size_x-1)
void wxTextCtrl::DoBack()
- m_modified = TRUE;
+ m_modified = true;
if (m_cursorX == 0)
if (m_cursorY == 0) return;
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_BACK, m_cursorY-1, m_cursorY, this ) );
wxString tmp1( m_lines[m_cursorY-1].m_text );
wxString tmp2( m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text );
tmp1.Append( tmp2 );
m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text = tmp1;
m_lines.RemoveAt( m_cursorY+1 );
RefreshDown( m_cursorY-1 );
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE, m_cursorY, m_cursorY, this ) );
if (m_cursorX <= (int)m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text.Len())
m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text.Remove( m_cursorX-1, 1 );
int y = m_cursorY*m_lineHeight;
// int x = m_cursorX*m_charWidth;
int x = PosToPixel( m_cursorY, m_cursorX );
CalcScrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
wxRect rect( x+2, y+2, 10000, m_lineHeight );
- Refresh( TRUE, &rect );
+ Refresh( true, &rect );
// refresh whole line for syntax colour highlighting
rect.x = 0;
- Refresh( FALSE, &rect );
+ Refresh( false, &rect );
void wxTextCtrl::DoDelete()
- m_modified = TRUE;
+ m_modified = true;
wxString tmp( m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text );
int len = (int)tmp.Len();
if (m_cursorY == (int)m_lines.GetCount()-1) return;
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_DELETE, m_cursorY, m_cursorY+1, this ) );
for (int i = 0; i < (m_cursorX-len); i++)
tmp += ' ';
tmp += m_lines[m_cursorY+1].m_text;
m_lines[m_cursorY] = tmp;
m_lines.RemoveAt( m_cursorY+1 );
RefreshDown( m_cursorY );
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE, m_cursorY, m_cursorY, this ) );
tmp.Remove( m_cursorX, 1 );
m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text = tmp;
int y = m_cursorY*m_lineHeight;
// int x = m_cursorX*m_charWidth;
int x = PosToPixel( m_cursorY, m_cursorX );
CalcScrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
wxRect rect( x+2, y+2, 10000, m_lineHeight );
- Refresh( TRUE, &rect );
+ Refresh( true, &rect );
// refresh whole line for syntax colour highlighting
rect.x = 0;
- Refresh( FALSE, &rect );
+ Refresh( false, &rect );
void wxTextCtrl::DoReturn()
- m_modified = TRUE;
+ m_modified = true;
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_ENTER, m_cursorY, m_cursorY, this ) );
wxString tmp( m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text );
size_t indent = tmp.find_first_not_of( ' ' );
if (indent == wxSTRING_MAXLEN) indent = 0;
int cursorX = indent;
int cursorY = m_cursorY + 1;
wxString new_tmp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent; i++) new_tmp.Append( ' ' );
m_lines.Insert( new wxSourceLine( new_tmp ), cursorY );
MoveCursor( cursorX, cursorY );
RefreshDown( m_cursorY );
wxString tmp1( tmp );
tmp1.Remove( m_cursorX, tmp.Len()-m_cursorX );
m_lines[m_cursorY].m_text = tmp1;
wxString tmp2( tmp );
tmp2.Remove( 0, m_cursorX );
int cursorX = indent;
int cursorY = m_cursorY + 1;
wxString new_tmp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent; i++) new_tmp.Append( ' ' );
new_tmp.Append( tmp2 );
m_lines.Insert( new wxSourceLine( new_tmp ), cursorY );
MoveCursor( cursorX, cursorY );
RefreshDown( m_cursorY-1 );
m_selStartX = p;
p = m_cursorX;
if (p < (int)line.Len())
return ret;
if (line[p] == '"')
ret.Append( line[p] );
pos = p;
return ret;
if (line[p] == '\'')
ret.Append( line[p] );
pos = p;
return ret;
if (((line[p] >= 'a') && (line[p] <= 'z')) ||
((line[p] >= 'A') && (line[p] <= 'Z')) ||
(line[p] == '_') ||
return ret;
return ret;
if (pos == len) return;
size_t start = pos;
wxString current;
current += toDraw[pos];
current += toDraw[pos];
int xx = 0;
wxString tmp = origin.Left( start );
GetTextExtent( tmp, &xx, NULL, NULL, NULL );
int selEndY = m_selEndY;
int selStartX = m_selStartX;
int selEndX = m_selEndX;
if ((selStartY > selEndY) ||
((selStartY == selEndY) && (selStartX > selEndX)))
wxString comment( ' ', line.Len() );
wxString my_string( ' ', line.Len() );
wxString selection( ' ', line.Len() );
if (m_lang != wxSOURCE_LANG_NONE)
if (lineNum == m_bracketY)
dc.SetTextForeground( *wxBLACK );
size_t pos = 0;
wxString token( GetNextToken( line, pos ) );
- while (!token.IsNull())
+ while ( !token.empty() )
if (m_keywords.Index( token ) != wxNOT_FOUND)
DrawLinePart( dc, x, y, my_string, line2, m_stringColour );
if (selStartY == selEndY)
// int xx = selStartX*m_charWidth;
// int ww = (selEndX-selStartX)*m_charWidth;
int ww = PosToPixel( lineNum, selEndX ) - xx;
dc.DrawRectangle( xx+2, lineNum*m_lineHeight+2, ww, m_lineHeight );
for (size_t i = (size_t)selStartX; i < (size_t)selEndX; i++)
selection[i] = line[i];
if ((lineNum > selStartY) && (lineNum < selEndY))
dc.DrawRectangle( 0+2, lineNum*m_lineHeight+2, 10000, m_lineHeight );
for (size_t i = 0; i < line.Len(); i++)
selection[i] = line[i];
// int xx = selStartX*m_charWidth;
int xx = PosToPixel( lineNum, selStartX );
dc.DrawRectangle( xx+2, lineNum*m_lineHeight+2, 10000, m_lineHeight );
for (size_t i = (size_t)selStartX; i < line.Len(); i++)
selection[i] = line[i];
// int ww = selEndX*m_charWidth;
int ww = PosToPixel( lineNum, selEndX );
dc.DrawRectangle( 0+2, lineNum*m_lineHeight+2, ww, m_lineHeight );
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)selEndX; i++)
selection[i] = line[i];
line[i] = ' ';
DrawLinePart( dc, x, y, line, line2, *wxBLACK );
DrawLinePart( dc, x, y, selection, line2, *wxWHITE );
DrawLinePart( dc, x, y, keyword, line2, m_keywordColour );
void wxTextCtrl::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event )
wxPaintDC dc(this);
if (m_lines.GetCount() == 0) return;
PrepareDC( dc );
dc.SetFont( m_sourceFont );
int scroll_y = 0;
GetViewStart( NULL, &scroll_y );
// We have a inner border of two pixels
// around the text, so scroll units do
// not correspond to lines.
if (scroll_y > 0) scroll_y--;
int size_x = 0;
int size_y = 0;
GetClientSize( &size_x, &size_y );
dc.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
dc.SetBrush( wxBrush( wxTHEME_COLOUR(HIGHLIGHT), wxSOLID ) );
int upper = wxMin( (int)m_lines.GetCount(), scroll_y+(size_y/m_lineHeight)+2 );
if (IsExposed(x,y,w,h))
DrawLine( dc, 0+2, i*m_lineHeight+2, m_lines[i].m_text, i );
if (m_editable && (FindFocus() == this))
///dc.SetBrush( *wxRED_BRUSH );
if (m_lines.GetCount() == 0) return;
#if 0 // there is no middle button on iPAQs
if (event.MiddleDown())
- Paste( TRUE );
+ Paste( true );
if (event.LeftDClick())
if (event.LeftDown())
- {
- m_capturing = TRUE;
+ {
+ m_capturing = true;
if (event.LeftUp())
- {
- m_capturing = FALSE;
+ {
+ m_capturing = false;
- if (event.LeftDown() ||
+ if (event.LeftDown() ||
(event.LeftIsDown() && m_capturing))
int x = event.GetX();
y /= m_lineHeight;
// x /= m_charWidth;
x = PixelToPos( y, x );
- MoveCursor(
- wxMin( 1000, wxMax( 0, x ) ),
+ MoveCursor(
+ wxMin( 1000, wxMax( 0, x ) ),
wxMin( (int)m_lines.GetCount()-1, wxMax( 0, y ) ),
event.ShiftDown() || !event.LeftDown() );
if (m_lines.GetCount() == 0) return;
if (!m_editable) return;
int size_x = 0;
int size_y = 0;
GetClientSize( &size_x, &size_y );
size_x /= m_charWidth;
size_y /= m_lineHeight;
if (event.ShiftDown())
switch (event.GetKeyCode())
- case '4': event.m_keyCode = WXK_LEFT; break;
- case '8': event.m_keyCode = WXK_UP; break;
- case '6': event.m_keyCode = WXK_RIGHT; break;
- case '2': event.m_keyCode = WXK_DOWN; break;
- case '9': event.m_keyCode = WXK_PRIOR; break;
- case '3': event.m_keyCode = WXK_NEXT; break;
- case '7': event.m_keyCode = WXK_HOME; break;
- case '1': event.m_keyCode = WXK_END; break;
- case '0': event.m_keyCode = WXK_INSERT; break;
+ case '4': event.m_keyCode = WXK_LEFT; break;
+ case '8': event.m_keyCode = WXK_UP; break;
+ case '6': event.m_keyCode = WXK_RIGHT; break;
+ case '2': event.m_keyCode = WXK_DOWN; break;
+ case '9': event.m_keyCode = WXK_PAGEUP; break;
+ case '3': event.m_keyCode = WXK_PAGEDOWN; break;
+ case '7': event.m_keyCode = WXK_HOME; break;
+ case '1': event.m_keyCode = WXK_END; break;
+ case '0': event.m_keyCode = WXK_INSERT; break;
switch (event.GetKeyCode())
case WXK_UP:
if (m_ignoreInput) return;
if (m_cursorY > 0)
MoveCursor( m_cursorX, m_cursorY-1, event.ShiftDown() );
- m_ignoreInput = TRUE;
+ m_ignoreInput = true;
case WXK_DOWN:
if (m_ignoreInput) return;
if (m_cursorY < (int)(m_lines.GetCount()-1))
MoveCursor( m_cursorX, m_cursorY+1, event.ShiftDown() );
- m_ignoreInput = TRUE;
+ m_ignoreInput = true;
case WXK_LEFT:
if (m_cursorY > 0)
MoveCursor( m_lines[m_cursorY-1].m_text.Len(), m_cursorY-1, event.ShiftDown() );
- m_ignoreInput = TRUE;
+ m_ignoreInput = true;
if (m_ignoreInput) return;
if (m_cursorX < 1000)
MoveCursor( m_cursorX+1, m_cursorY, event.ShiftDown() );
- m_ignoreInput = TRUE;
+ m_ignoreInput = true;
case WXK_HOME:
if (m_ignoreInput) return;
MoveCursor( m_cursorX, wxMin( (int)(m_lines.GetCount()-1), m_cursorY+size_y ), event.ShiftDown() );
- m_ignoreInput = TRUE;
+ m_ignoreInput = true;
- case WXK_PRIOR:
+ case WXK_PAGEUP:
if (m_ignoreInput) return;
MoveCursor( m_cursorX, wxMax( 0, m_cursorY-size_y ), event.ShiftDown() );
- m_ignoreInput = TRUE;
+ m_ignoreInput = true;
- if (m_windowStyle & wxPROCESS_ENTER)
+ if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)
- wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER, m_windowId);
+ wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER, m_windowId);
- if (GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event)) return;
+ if (HandleWindowEvent(event)) return;
if (IsSingleLine())
if (HasSelection())
if (HasSelection())
bool save_overwrite = m_overwrite;
- m_overwrite = FALSE;
+ m_overwrite = false;
int i = 4-(m_cursorX % 4);
if (i == 0) i = 4;
for (int c = 0; c < i; c++)
- default:
+ default:
if ( (event.GetKeyCode() >= 'a') &&
(event.GetKeyCode() <= 'z') &&
- if ( (event.GetKeyCode() >= 32) &&
+ if ( (event.GetKeyCode() >= 32) &&
(event.GetKeyCode() <= 255) &&
!(event.ControlDown() && !event.AltDown()) ) // filters out Ctrl-X but leaves Alt-Gr
void wxTextCtrl::OnInternalIdle()
- m_ignoreInput = FALSE;
+ m_ignoreInput = false;
if (m_lang != wxSOURCE_LANG_NONE)
endY = tmp;
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE, startY, endY, this ) );
for (int i = startY; i <= endY; i++)
m_lines[i].m_text.insert( 0u, wxT(" ") );
endY = tmp;
m_undos.Append( new wxSourceUndoStep( wxSOURCE_UNDO_LINE, startY, endY, this ) );
for (int i = startY; i <= endY; i++)
for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
int x = 0;
CalcScrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
wxRect rect( 0+2, y+2, 10000, m_lineHeight );
- Refresh( TRUE, &rect );
+ Refresh( true, &rect );
void wxTextCtrl::RefreshDown( int n )
int y = n*m_lineHeight;
int x = 0;
CalcScrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
wxRect rect( 0+2, y+2, 10000, size_y );
- Refresh( TRUE, &rect );
+ Refresh( true, &rect );
if ((new_x == m_cursorX) && (new_y == m_cursorY)) return;
- bool no_cursor_refresh = FALSE;
+ bool no_cursor_refresh = false;
bool has_selection = HasSelection();
if (shift)
int x,y,w,h;
- bool erase_background = TRUE;
+ bool erase_background = true;
if (!has_selection)
m_selStartX = m_cursorX;
m_selStartY = m_cursorY;
x = 0;
w = 10000;
if (new_y > m_selStartY)
y = new_y*m_lineHeight;
h = (-new_y+m_selStartY+1)*m_lineHeight;
- no_cursor_refresh = TRUE;
+ no_cursor_refresh = true;
m_cursorX = new_x;
m_cursorY = new_y;
y = m_selEndY*m_lineHeight;
h = (new_y-m_selEndY+1) * m_lineHeight;
erase_background = ((m_selEndY < m_selStartY) ||
((m_selEndY == m_selStartY) && (m_selEndX < m_selStartX)));
y = new_y*m_lineHeight;
h = (-new_y+m_selEndY+1) * m_lineHeight;
erase_background = ((m_selEndY > m_selStartY) ||
((m_selEndY == m_selStartY) && (m_selEndX > m_selStartX)));
- no_cursor_refresh = TRUE;
+ no_cursor_refresh = true;
m_cursorX = new_x;
m_cursorY = new_y;
m_selEndX = new_x;
m_selEndY = new_y;
CalcScrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
wxRect rect( x+2, y+2, w, h );
Refresh( erase_background, &rect );
m_selEndY = -1;
m_selStartX = -1;
m_selStartY = -1;
if (ry1 > ry2)
int tmp = ry2;
ry2 = ry1;
ry1 = tmp;
int x = 0;
int y = ry1*m_lineHeight;
CalcScrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
wxRect rect( 0, y+2, 10000, (ry2-ry1+1)*m_lineHeight );
- Refresh( TRUE, &rect );
+ Refresh( true, &rect );
- printf( "startx %d starty %d endx %d endy %d\n",
+ printf( "startx %d starty %d endx %d endy %d\n",
m_selStartX, m_selStartY, m_selEndX, m_selEndY );
printf( "has %d\n", (int)HasSelection() );
int y = m_cursorY*m_lineHeight;
CalcScrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
wxRect rect( x+2, y+2, 4, m_lineHeight+2 );
m_cursorX = new_x;
m_cursorY = new_y;
- Refresh( TRUE, &rect );
+ Refresh( true, &rect );
if (FindFocus() == this)
dc.DrawRectangle( xx+2, m_cursorY*m_lineHeight+2, 2, m_lineHeight );
int size_x = 0;
int size_y = 0;
GetClientSize( &size_x, &size_y );
size_x /= m_charWidth;
size_y /= m_lineHeight;
int view_x = 0;
int view_y = 0;
GetViewStart( &view_x, &view_y );
if (centre)
int sy = m_cursorY - (size_y/2);
else if (m_cursorY > view_y+size_y-1)
Scroll( -1, m_cursorY-size_y+1 );
//int xx = m_cursorX;
int xx = PosToPixel( m_cursorY, m_cursorX ) / m_charWidth;
if (xx < view_x)
Scroll( xx, -1 );
else if (xx > view_x+size_x-1)
height -= 4;
if (height >= (int)m_lines.GetCount() *m_lineHeight)
y_range = 0;
int view_x = 0;
int view_y = 0;
GetViewStart( &view_x, &view_y );
SetScrollbars( m_charWidth, m_lineHeight, m_longestLine+2, y_range, view_x, view_y );
if (IsSingleLine())
wxSize ret(80, m_lineHeight + 4);
if (HasFlag(wxBORDER_SUNKEN) || HasFlag(wxBORDER_RAISED))
ret.y += 4;
if (HasFlag(wxBORDER_SIMPLE))
ret.y += 2;
return ret;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// freeze/thaw
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxTextCtrl::Freeze()
-void wxTextCtrl::Thaw()
void wxTextCtrl::OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent& event )
// To hide or show caret, as appropriate
wxFAIL_MSG( "wxTextCtrl::ScrollLines not implemented");
- return FALSE;
+ return false;
bool wxTextCtrl::ScrollPages(int pages)
wxFAIL_MSG( "wxTextCtrl::ScrollPages not implemented");
- return FALSE;
+ return false;