+// Turn off the aquisition of the Global Interpreter Lock for the classes and
+// functions in this file
enum wxBitmapType
wxBITMAP_TYPE_INVALID, // should be == 0 for compatibility!
DocStr( wxSize,
"wx.Size is a useful data structure used to represent the size of
-something. It simply contians integer width and height proprtites.
-In most places in wxPython where a wx.Size is expected a
-(width,height) tuple can be used instead.", "");
+something. It simply contains integer width and height
+properties. In most places in wxPython where a wx.Size is
+expected a (width, height) tuple can be used instead.", "");
class wxSize
- %name(width) int x;
- %name(height)int y;
+ %Rename(width, int, x);
+ %Rename(height,int, y);
%pythoncode { x = width; y = height }
-// None/NULL is now handled properly by the typemap, so these are not needed.
-// %extend {
-// bool __eq__(const wxSize* other) { return other ? (*self == *other) : False; }
-// bool __ne__(const wxSize* other) { return other ? (*self != *other) : True; }
-// }
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator==(const wxSize& sz),
- "Test for equality of wx.Size objects.", "");
+ %extend {
+ //KeepGIL(__eq__);
+ DocStr(__eq__, "Test for equality of wx.Size objects.", "");
+ bool __eq__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxSize temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return false;
+ if ( ! wxSize_helper(other, &obj) ) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return self->operator==(*obj);
+ }
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator!=(const wxSize& sz),
- "Test for inequality.", "");
+ //KeepGIL(__ne__);
+ DocStr(__ne__, "Test for inequality of wx.Size objects.", "");
+ bool __ne__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxSize temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return true;
+ if ( ! wxSize_helper(other, &obj)) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return self->operator!=(*obj);
+ }
+ }
wxSize, operator+(const wxSize& sz),
"Decrements this object so that both of its dimensions are not greater
than the corresponding dimensions of the size.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , IncBy(int dx, int dy),
+ "", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , DecBy(int dx, int dy),
+ "", "");
+// TODO: handle these overloads too?
+// void IncBy(const wxSize& sz);
+// void IncBy(int d);
+// void DecBy(const wxSize& sz);
+// void DecBy(int d);
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , Scale(float xscale, float yscale),
+ "Scales the dimensions of this object by the given factors.", "");
void, Set(int w, int h),
"Set both width and height.", "");
"Get() -> (width,height)",
"Returns the width and height properties as a tuple.", "");
PyObject* Get() {
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ //wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
PyObject* tup = PyTuple_New(2);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 0, PyInt_FromLong(self->x));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 1, PyInt_FromLong(self->y));
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ //wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
return tup;
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator==(const wxRealPoint& pt),
- "Test for equality of wx.RealPoint objects.", "");
+ %extend {
+ //KeepGIL(__eq__);
+ DocStr(__eq__, "Test for equality of wx.RealPoint objects.", "");
+ bool __eq__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxRealPoint temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return false;
+ if ( ! wxRealPoint_helper(other, &obj) ) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return self->operator==(*obj);
+ }
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator!=(const wxRealPoint& pt),
- "Test for inequality of wx.RealPoint objects.", "");
+ //KeepGIL(__ne__);
+ DocStr(__ne__, "Test for inequality of wx.RealPoint objects.", "");
+ bool __ne__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxRealPoint temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return true;
+ if ( ! wxRealPoint_helper(other, &obj)) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return self->operator!=(*obj);
+ }
+ }
"Get() -> (x,y)",
"Return the x and y properties as a tuple. ", "");
PyObject* Get() {
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ //wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
PyObject* tup = PyTuple_New(2);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble(self->x));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 1, PyFloat_FromDouble(self->y));
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ //PyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
return tup;
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator==(const wxPoint& pt),
- "Test for equality of wx.Point objects.", "");
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator!=(const wxPoint& pt),
- "Test for inequality of wx.Point objects.", "");
+ %extend {
+ //KeepGIL(__eq__);
+ DocStr(__eq__, "Test for equality of wx.Point objects.", "");
+ bool __eq__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxPoint temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return false;
+ if ( ! wxPoint_helper(other, &obj) ) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return self->operator==(*obj);
+ }
+ //KeepGIL(__ne__);
+ DocStr(__ne__, "Test for inequality of wx.Point objects.", "");
+ bool __ne__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxPoint temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return true;
+ if ( ! wxPoint_helper(other, &obj)) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return self->operator!=(*obj);
+ }
+ }
// %nokwargs operator+;
"Get() -> (x,y)",
"Return the x and y properties as a tuple. ", "");
PyObject* Get() {
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ //wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
PyObject* tup = PyTuple_New(2);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 0, PyInt_FromLong(self->x));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 1, PyInt_FromLong(self->y));
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ //wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
return tup;
wxRect(const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size),
"Create a new Rect from a position and size.", "",
+ DocCtorStrName(
+ wxRect(const wxSize& size),
+ "Create a new Rect from a size only.", "",
+ RectS);
int GetX() const;
wxSize GetSize() const;
void SetSize( const wxSize &s );
+ bool IsEmpty() const;
wxPoint GetTopLeft() const;
void SetTopLeft(const wxPoint &p);
wxPoint GetBottomRight() const;
void SetBottomRight(const wxPoint &p);
+ wxPoint GetTopRight() const;
+ void SetTopRight(const wxPoint &p);
+ wxPoint GetBottomLeft() const;
+ void SetBottomLeft(const wxPoint &p);
// wxPoint GetLeftTop() const;
// void SetLeftTop(const wxPoint &p);
// wxPoint GetRightBottom() const;
// void SetRightBottom(const wxPoint &p);
+// wxPoint GetRightTop() const;
+// void SetRightTop(const wxPoint &p);
+// wxPoint GetLeftBottom() const;
+// void SetLeftBottom(const wxPoint &p);
int GetLeft() const;
int GetTop() const;
bottom = property(GetBottom, SetBottom)
wxRect&, Inflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy),
- "Increase the rectangle size by dx in x direction and dy in y
-direction. Both or one of) parameters may be negative to decrease the
-rectangle size.", "");
+ "Increases the size of the rectangle.
+The left border is moved farther left and the right border is moved
+farther right by ``dx``. The upper border is moved farther up and the
+bottom border is moved farther down by ``dy``. (Note the the width and
+height of the rectangle thus change by ``2*dx`` and ``2*dy``,
+respectively.) If one or both of ``dx`` and ``dy`` are negative, the
+opposite happens: the rectangle size decreases in the respective
+The change is made to the rectangle inplace, if instead you need a
+copy that is inflated, preserving the original then make the copy
+ copy = wx.Rect(*original)
+ copy.Inflate(10,15)
+", "
+Inflating and deflating behaves *naturally*. Defined more precisely,
+that means:
+ * Real inflates (that is, ``dx`` and/or ``dy`` >= 0) are not
+ constrained. Thus inflating a rectangle can cause its upper left
+ corner to move into the negative numbers. (The versions prior to
+ 2.5.4 forced the top left coordinate to not fall below (0, 0),
+ which implied a forced move of the rectangle.)
+ * Deflates are clamped to not reduce the width or height of the
+ rectangle below zero. In such cases, the top-left corner is
+ nonetheless handled properly. For example, a rectangle at (10,
+ 10) with size (20, 40) that is inflated by (-15, -15) will
+ become located at (20, 25) at size (0, 10). Finally, observe
+ that the width and height are treated independently. In the
+ above example, the width is reduced by 20, whereas the height is
+ reduced by the full 30 (rather than also stopping at 20, when
+ the width reached zero).
+:see: `Deflate`
+ // There are also these versions...
+ //wxRect& Inflate(const wxSize& d);
+ //wxRect& Inflate(wxCoord d);
wxRect&, Deflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy),
- "Decrease the rectangle size by dx in x direction and dy in y
-direction. Both or one of) parameters may be negative to increase the
-rectngle size. This method is the opposite of Inflate.", "");
+ "Decrease the rectangle size. This method is the opposite of `Inflate`
+in that Deflate(a,b) is equivalent to Inflate(-a,-b). Please refer to
+`Inflate` for a full description.", "");
+ // There are also these versions...
+ //wxRect& Deflate(const wxSize& d) { return Inflate(-d.x, -d.y); }
+ //wxRect& Deflate(wxCoord d) { return Inflate(-d); }
void, Offset(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy),
void, Offset(const wxPoint& pt),
- "Same as OffsetXY but uses dx,dy from Point", "");
+ "Same as `OffsetXY` but uses dx,dy from Point", "");
- wxRect&, Intersect(const wxRect& rect),
- "Return the intersectsion of this rectangle and rect.", "");
+ wxRect, Intersect(const wxRect& rect),
+ "Returns the intersectsion of this rectangle and rect.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxRect , Union(const wxRect& rect),
+ "Returns the union of this rectangle and rect.", "");
wxRect, operator+(const wxRect& rect) const,
"Add the properties of rect to this rectangle and return the result.", "");
wxRect&, operator+=(const wxRect& rect),
"Add the properties of rect to this rectangle, updating this rectangle.", "");
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator==(const wxRect& rect) const,
- "Test for equality.", "");
+ %extend {
+ //KeepGIL(__eq__);
+ DocStr(__eq__, "Test for equality of wx.Rect objects.", "");
+ bool __eq__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxRect temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return false;
+ if ( ! wxRect_helper(other, &obj) ) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return self->operator==(*obj);
+ }
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator!=(const wxRect& rect) const,
- "Test for inequality.", "");
+ //KeepGIL(__ne__);
+ DocStr(__ne__, "Test for inequality of wx.Rect objects.", "");
+ bool __ne__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxRect temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return true;
+ if ( ! wxRect_helper(other, &obj)) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return self->operator!=(*obj);
+ }
+ }
- DocStr( Inside, "Return True if the point is (not strcitly) inside the rect.", "");
- %name(InsideXY)bool Inside(int x, int y) const;
- bool Inside(const wxPoint& pt) const;
+ DocStr( Contains, "Return True if the point is inside the rect.", "");
+ %Rename(ContainsXY, bool, Contains(int x, int y) const);
+ bool Contains(const wxPoint& pt) const;
+ DocDeclStrName(
+ bool, Contains(const wxRect& rect) const,
+ "Returns ``True`` if the given rectangle is completely inside this
+rectangle or touches its boundary.", "",
+ ContainsRect);
+ %pythoncode {
+ %#Inside = wx._deprecated(Contains, "Use `Contains` instead.")
+ %#InsideXY = wx._deprecated(ContainsXY, "Use `ContainsXY` instead.")
+ %#InsideRect = wx._deprecated(ContainsRect, "Use `ContainsRect` instead.")
+ Inside = Contains
+ InsideXY = ContainsXY
+ InsideRect = ContainsRect
+ }
bool, Intersects(const wxRect& rect) const,
"Returns True if the rectangles have a non empty intersection.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxRect, CenterIn(const wxRect& r, int dir = wxBOTH),
+ "Center this rectangle within the one passed to the method, which is
+usually, but not necessarily, the larger one.", "");
+ %pythoncode { CentreIn = CenterIn }
int x, y, width, height;
"Get() -> (x,y,width,height)",
"Return the rectangle properties as a tuple.", "");
PyObject* Get() {
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ //wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
PyObject* tup = PyTuple_New(4);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 0, PyInt_FromLong(self->x));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 1, PyInt_FromLong(self->y));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 2, PyInt_FromLong(self->width));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 3, PyInt_FromLong(self->height));
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ //wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
return tup;
__safe_for_unpickling__ = True
def __reduce__(self): return (wx.Rect, self.Get())
+ %property(Bottom, GetBottom, SetBottom, doc="See `GetBottom` and `SetBottom`");
+ %property(BottomRight, GetBottomRight, SetBottomRight, doc="See `GetBottomRight` and `SetBottomRight`");
+ %property(BottomLeft, GetBottomLeft, SetBottomLeft, doc="See `GetBottomLeft` and `SetBottomLeft`");
+ %property(Height, GetHeight, SetHeight, doc="See `GetHeight` and `SetHeight`");
+ %property(Left, GetLeft, SetLeft, doc="See `GetLeft` and `SetLeft`");
+ %property(Position, GetPosition, SetPosition, doc="See `GetPosition` and `SetPosition`");
+ %property(Right, GetRight, SetRight, doc="See `GetRight` and `SetRight`");
+ %property(Size, GetSize, SetSize, doc="See `GetSize` and `SetSize`");
+ %property(Top, GetTop, SetTop, doc="See `GetTop` and `SetTop`");
+ %property(TopLeft, GetTopLeft, SetTopLeft, doc="See `GetTopLeft` and `SetTopLeft`");
+ %property(TopRight, GetTopRight, SetTopRight, doc="See `GetTopRight` and `SetTopRight`");
+ %property(Width, GetWidth, SetWidth, doc="See `GetWidth` and `SetWidth`");
+ %property(X, GetX, SetX, doc="See `GetX` and `SetX`");
+ %property(Y, GetY, SetY, doc="See `GetY` and `SetY`");
+ %property(Empty, IsEmpty, doc="See `IsEmpty`");
"IntersectRect(Rect r1, Rect r2) -> Rect",
"Calculate and return the intersection of r1 and r2.", "");
dest = reg1.GetBox();
if (dest != wxRect(0,0,0,0)) {
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ //wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
wxRect* newRect = new wxRect(dest);
- obj = wxPyConstructObject((void*)newRect, wxT("wxRect"), True);
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ obj = wxPyConstructObject((void*)newRect, wxT("wxRect"), true);
+ //wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
return obj;
DocStr(wxPoint2D, "Create a w.Point2D object.", "");
wxPoint2D( double x=0.0 , double y=0.0 );
- %name(Point2DCopy) wxPoint2D( const wxPoint2D &pt );
- %name(Point2DFromPoint) wxPoint2D( const wxPoint &pt );
+ %RenameCtor(Point2DCopy, wxPoint2D( const wxPoint2D &pt ));
+ %RenameCtor(Point2DFromPoint, wxPoint2D( const wxPoint &pt ));
+ ~wxPoint2D();
void, GetFloor( int *OUTPUT , int *OUTPUT ) const,
"GetFloor() -> (x,y)",
wxPoint2D& operator*=(const wxPoint2D& pt);
wxPoint2D& operator/=(const wxPoint2D& pt);
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator==(const wxPoint2D& pt) const,
- "Test for equality", "");
- DocDeclStr(
- bool, operator!=(const wxPoint2D& pt) const,
- "Test for inequality", "");
+ %extend {
+ //KeepGIL(__eq__);
+ DocStr(__eq__, "Test for equality of wx.Point2D objects.", "");
+ bool __eq__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxPoint2D temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return false;
+ if ( ! wxPoint2D_helper(other, &obj) ) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return self->operator==(*obj);
+ }
- %name(x)double m_x;
- %name(y)double m_y;
+ //KeepGIL(__ne__);
+ DocStr(__ne__, "Test for inequality of wx.Point2D objects.", "");
+ bool __ne__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxPoint2D temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return true;
+ if ( ! wxPoint2D_helper(other, &obj)) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return self->operator!=(*obj);
+ }
+ }
+ %Rename(x, double, m_x);
+ %Rename(y, double, m_y);
%extend {
void Set( double x=0 , double y=0 ) {
"Get() -> (x,y)",
"Return x and y properties as a tuple.", "");
PyObject* Get() {
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ //wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
PyObject* tup = PyTuple_New(2);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble(self->m_x));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 1, PyFloat_FromDouble(self->m_y));
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ //wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
return tup;
__safe_for_unpickling__ = True
def __reduce__(self): return (wx.Point2D, self.Get())
+ %property(Floor, GetFloor, doc="See `GetFloor`");
+ %property(Rounded, GetRounded, doc="See `GetRounded`");
+ %property(VectorAngle, GetVectorAngle, SetVectorAngle, doc="See `GetVectorAngle` and `SetVectorAngle`");
+ %property(VectorLength, GetVectorLength, SetVectorLength, doc="See `GetVectorLength` and `SetVectorLength`");
+enum wxOutCode
+ wxInside = 0x00 ,
+ wxOutLeft = 0x01 ,
+ wxOutRight = 0x02 ,
+ wxOutTop = 0x08 ,
+ wxOutBottom = 0x04
+ "wx.Rect2D is a rectangle, with position and size, in a 2D coordinate system
+with floating point component values.", "");
+class wxRect2D
+ wxRect2D(wxDouble x=0.0, wxDouble y=0.0, wxDouble w=0.0, wxDouble h=0.0);
+ ~wxRect2D();
+ wxPoint2D GetPosition();
+ wxSize GetSize();
+ // for the edge and corner accessors there are two setters conterparts,
+ // the Set.. functions keep the other corners at their position whenever
+ // sensible, the Move.. functions keep the size of the rect and move the
+ // other corners apropriately
+ wxDouble GetLeft() const;
+ void SetLeft( wxDouble n );
+ void MoveLeftTo( wxDouble n );
+ wxDouble GetTop() const;
+ void SetTop( wxDouble n );
+ void MoveTopTo( wxDouble n );
+ wxDouble GetBottom() const;
+ void SetBottom( wxDouble n );
+ void MoveBottomTo( wxDouble n );
+ wxDouble GetRight() const;
+ void SetRight( wxDouble n );
+ void MoveRightTo( wxDouble n );
+ wxPoint2D GetLeftTop() const;
+ void SetLeftTop( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ void MoveLeftTopTo( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ wxPoint2D GetLeftBottom() const;
+ void SetLeftBottom( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ void MoveLeftBottomTo( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ wxPoint2D GetRightTop() const;
+ void SetRightTop( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ void MoveRightTopTo( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ wxPoint2D GetRightBottom() const;
+ void SetRightBottom( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ void MoveRightBottomTo( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ wxPoint2D GetCentre() const;
+ void SetCentre( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ void MoveCentreTo( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ wxOutCode GetOutcode(const wxPoint2D &pt) const;
+ bool Contains( const wxPoint2D &pt ) const;
+ %Rename(ContainsRect, bool , Contains( const wxRect2D &rect ) const);
+ bool IsEmpty() const;
+ bool HaveEqualSize( const wxRect2D &rect ) const;
+ %nokwargs Inset;
+ void Inset( wxDouble x , wxDouble y );
+ void Inset( wxDouble left , wxDouble top ,wxDouble right , wxDouble bottom );
+ void Offset( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ void ConstrainTo( const wxRect2D &rect );
+ wxPoint2D Interpolate( wxInt32 widthfactor , wxInt32 heightfactor );
+ //static void Intersect( const wxRect2D &src1 , const wxRect2D &src2 , wxRect2D *dest );
+ void Intersect( const wxRect2D &otherRect );
+ wxRect2D CreateIntersection( const wxRect2D &otherRect ) const;
+ bool Intersects( const wxRect2D &rect ) const;
+ // static void Union( const wxRect2D &src1 , const wxRect2D &src2 , wxRect2D *dest );
+ void Union( const wxRect2D &otherRect );
+ //void Union( const wxPoint2D &pt );
+ wxRect2D CreateUnion( const wxRect2D &otherRect ) const;
+ %nokwargs Scale;
+ void Scale( wxDouble f );
+ void Scale( int num , int denum );
+ //wxRect2D& operator = (const wxRect2D& rect);
+ //bool operator == (const wxRect2D& rect) const;
+ //bool operator != (const wxRect2D& rect) const;
+ %extend {
+ //KeepGIL(__eq__);
+ DocStr(__eq__, "Test for equality of wx.Rect2D objects.", "");
+ bool __eq__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxRect2D temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return false;
+ if ( ! wxRect2D_helper(other, &obj) ) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return self->operator==(*obj);
+ }
+ //KeepGIL(__ne__);
+ DocStr(__ne__, "Test for inequality of wx.Rect2D objects.", "");
+ bool __ne__(PyObject* other) {
+ wxRect2D temp, *obj = &temp;
+ if ( other == Py_None ) return true;
+ if ( ! wxRect2D_helper(other, &obj)) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return self->operator!=(*obj);
+ }
+ }
+ %Rename(x, wxDouble , m_x);
+ %Rename(y, wxDouble , m_y);
+ %Rename(width, wxDouble , m_width);
+ %Rename(height, wxDouble , m_height);
+ %extend {
+ void Set( wxDouble x=0 , wxDouble y=0, wxDouble width=0, wxDouble height=0 ) {
+ self->m_x = x;
+ self->m_y = y;
+ self->m_width = width;
+ self->m_height = height;
+ }
+ DocAStr(Get,
+ "Get() -> (x,y, width, height)",
+ "Return x, y, width and height y properties as a tuple.", "");
+ PyObject* Get() {
+ //wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
+ PyObject* tup = PyTuple_New(4);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble(self->m_x));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 1, PyFloat_FromDouble(self->m_y));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 2, PyFloat_FromDouble(self->m_width));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tup, 3, PyFloat_FromDouble(self->m_height));
+ //wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ return tup;
+ }
+ }
+ %pythoncode {
+ def __str__(self): return str(self.Get())
+ def __repr__(self): return 'wx.Rect2D'+str(self.Get())
+ def __len__(self): return len(self.Get())
+ def __getitem__(self, index): return self.Get()[index]
+ def __setitem__(self, index, val):
+ if index == 0: self.x = val
+ elif index == 1: self.y = val
+ elif index == 2: self.width = val
+ elif index == 3: self.height = val
+ else: raise IndexError
+ def __nonzero__(self): return self.Get() != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ __safe_for_unpickling__ = True
+ def __reduce__(self): return (wx.Rect2D, self.Get())
+ }
+// Turn GIL acquisition back on.