-// Name: webview.h\r
-// Purpose: Common interface and events for web view component\r
-// Author: Marianne Gagnon\r
-// Id: $Id$\r
-// Copyright: (c) 2010 Marianne Gagnon\r
-// Licence: wxWindows licence\r
-#ifndef _WX_WEB_VIEW_H_\r
-#define _WX_WEB_VIEW_H_\r
-#include <wx/control.h>\r
-#include <wx/event.h>\r
-#include <wx/sstream.h>\r
- * Zoom level in web view component\r
- */\r
-enum wxWebViewZoom\r
- * The type of zooming that the web view control can perform\r
- */\r
-enum wxWebViewZoomType\r
- /** The entire layout scales when zooming, including images */\r
- /** Only the text changes in size when zooming, images and other layout\r
- * elements retain their initial size */\r
-/** Types of errors that can cause navigation to fail */\r
-enum wxWebNavigationError\r
- /** Connection error (timeout, etc.) */\r
- /** Invalid certificate */\r
- /** Authentication required */\r
- wxWEB_NAV_ERR_AUTH = 3,\r
- /** Other security error */\r
- /** Requested resource not found */\r
- /** Invalid request/parameters (e.g. bad URL, bad protocol,\r
- * unsupported resource type) */\r
- /** The user cancelled (e.g. in a dialog) */\r
- /** Another (exotic) type of error that didn't fit in other categories*/\r
-/** Type of refresh */\r
-enum wxWebViewReloadFlags\r
- /** Reload the current view without accessing the cache */\r
- * List of available backends for wxWebView\r
- */\r
-enum wxWebViewBackend\r
- /** Value that may be passed to wxWebView to let it pick an appropriate\r
- * engine for the current platform*/\r
- /** The OSX-native WebKit web engine */\r
- /** The GTK port of the WebKit engine */\r
- /** Use Microsoft Internet Explorer as web engine */\r
-extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE(const char) wxWebViewNameStr[];\r
-extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE(const char) wxWebViewDefaultURLStr[];\r
- * @class wxWebView\r
- *\r
- * This control may be used to render web (HTML / CSS / javascript) documents.\r
- * Capabilities of the HTML renderer will depend upon the backed.\r
- * TODO: describe each backend and its capabilities here\r
- *\r
- * Note that errors are generally reported asynchronously though the\r
- * wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_ERROR event described below.\r
- *\r
- * @beginEventEmissionTable{wxWebNavigationEvent}\r
- * @event{EVT_BUTTON(id, func)}\r
- *\r
- * @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING(id, func)}\r
- * Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING event, generated before trying\r
- * to get a resource. This event may be vetoed to prevent navigating to this\r
- * resource. Note that if the displayed HTML document has several frames, one\r
- * such event will be generated per frame.\r
- *\r
- * @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATED(id, func)}\r
- * Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATED event generated after it was\r
- * confirmed that a resource would be requested. This event may not be vetoed.\r
- * Note that if the displayed HTML document has several frames, one such event\r
- * will be generated per frame.\r
- *\r
- * @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_LOADED(id, func)}\r
- * Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_LOADED event generated when the document\r
- * is fully loaded and displayed.\r
- *\r
- * @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_ERRROR(id, func)}\r
- * Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_ERROR event generated when a navigation\r
- * error occurs.\r
- * The integer associated with this event will be a wxWebNavigationError item.\r
- * The string associated with this event may contain a backend-specific more\r
- * precise error message/code.\r
- *\r
- * @endEventTable\r
- */\r
-class wxWebView : public wxControl\r
- /**\r
- * Creation function for two-step creation.\r
- */\r
- virtual bool Create(wxWindow* parent,\r
- wxWindowID id,\r
- const wxString& url,\r
- const wxPoint& pos,\r
- const wxSize& size,\r
- long style,\r
- const wxString& name) = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Factory function to create a new wxWebView for two-step creation\r
- * (you need to call wxWebView::Create on the returned object)\r
- * @param backend which web engine to use as backend for wxWebView\r
- * @return the created wxWebView, or NULL if the requested backend is\r
- * not available\r
- */\r
- static wxWebView* New(wxWebViewBackend backend = wxWEB_VIEW_BACKEND_DEFAULT);\r
- // TODO: clarify what styles can do, or remove this flag\r
- /**\r
- * Factory function to create a new wxWebView\r
- * @param parent parent window to create this view in\r
- * @param id ID of this control\r
- * @param url URL to load by default in the web view\r
- * @param pos position to create this control at\r
- * (you may use wxDefaultPosition if you use sizers)\r
- * @param size size to create this control with\r
- * (you may use wxDefaultSize if you use sizers)\r
- * @param backend which web engine to use as backend for wxWebView\r
- * @return the created wxWebView, or NULL if the requested backend\r
- * is not available\r
- */\r
- static wxWebView* New(wxWindow* parent,\r
- wxWindowID id,\r
- const wxString& url = wxWebViewDefaultURLStr,\r
- const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,\r
- const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,\r
- wxWebViewBackend backend = wxWEB_VIEW_BACKEND_DEFAULT,\r
- long style = 0,\r
- const wxString& name = wxWebViewNameStr);\r
- /** Get whether it is possible to navigate back in the history of\r
- * visited pages\r
- */\r
- virtual bool CanGoBack() = 0;\r
- /** Get whether it is possible to navigate forward in the history of\r
- * visited pages\r
- */\r
- virtual bool CanGoForward() = 0;\r
- /** Navigate back in the history of visited pages.\r
- * Only valid if CanGoBack() returned true.\r
- */\r
- virtual void GoBack() = 0;\r
- /** Navigate forwardin the history of visited pages.\r
- * Only valid if CanGoForward() returned true.\r
- */\r
- virtual void GoForward() = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Load a HTMl document (web page) from a URL\r
- * @param url the URL where the HTML document to display can be found\r
- * @note web engines generally report errors asynchronously, so if you wish\r
- * to know whether loading the URL was successful, register to receive\r
- * navigation error events\r
- */\r
- virtual void LoadUrl(const wxString& url) = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Stop the current page loading process, if any.\r
- * May trigger an error event of type wxWEB_NAV_ERR_USER_CANCELLED.\r
- * TODO: make wxWEB_NAV_ERR_USER_CANCELLED errors uniform across ports.\r
- */\r
- virtual void Stop() = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Reload the currently displayed URL.\r
- * @param flags A bit array that may optionnally contain reload options\r
- */\r
- virtual void Reload(wxWebViewReloadFlags flags=0) = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Get the URL of the currently displayed document\r
- */\r
- virtual wxString GetCurrentURL() = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Get the title of the current web page, or its URL/path if title is not\r
- * available\r
- */\r
- virtual wxString GetCurrentTitle() = 0;\r
- // TODO: handle choosing a frame when calling GetPageSource()?\r
- /**\r
- * Get the HTML source code of the currently displayed document\r
- * @return the HTML source code, or an empty string if no page is currently\r
- * shown\r
- */\r
- virtual wxString GetPageSource() = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Get the zoom factor of the page\r
- * @return How much the HTML document is zoomed (scaleed)\r
- */\r
- virtual wxWebViewZoom GetZoom() = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Set the zoom factor of the page\r
- * @param zoom How much to zoom (scale) the HTML document\r
- */\r
- virtual void SetZoom(wxWebViewZoom zoom) = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Set how to interpret the zoom factor\r
- * @param zoomType how the zoom factor should be interpreted by the\r
- * HTML engine\r
- * @note invoke canSetZoomType() first, some HTML renderers may not\r
- * support all zoom types\r
- */\r
- virtual void SetZoomType(wxWebViewZoomType zoomType) = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Get how the zoom factor is currently interpreted\r
- * @return how the zoom factor is currently interpreted by the HTML engine\r
- */\r
- virtual wxWebViewZoomType GetZoomType() const = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Retrieve whether the current HTML engine supports a type of zoom\r
- * @param type the type of zoom to test\r
- * @return whether this type of zoom is supported by this HTML engine\r
- * (and thus can be set through setZoomType())\r
- */\r
- virtual bool CanSetZoomType(wxWebViewZoomType type) const = 0;\r
- // TODO: allow 'SetPage' to find files (e.g. images) from a virtual file\r
- // system if possible\r
- /**\r
- * Set the displayed page source to the contents of the given string\r
- * @param html the string that contains the HTML data to display\r
- * @param baseUrl URL assigned to the HTML data, to be used to resolve\r
- * relative paths, for instance\r
- */\r
- virtual void SetPage(const wxString& html, const wxString& baseUrl) = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Set the displayed page source to the contents of the given stream\r
- * @param html the stream to read HTML data from\r
- * @param baseUrl URL assigned to the HTML data, to be used to resolve\r
- * relative paths, for instance\r
- */\r
- virtual void SetPage(wxInputStream& html, wxString baseUrl)\r
- {\r
- wxStringOutputStream stream;\r
- stream.Write(html);\r
- SetPage(stream.GetString(), baseUrl);\r
- }\r
- // TODO:\r
- // wxString GetSelection(); // maybe?\r
- // void SetSelection(...); // maybe?\r
- // void MakeEditable(bool enable = true); // maybe?\r
- // bool IsEditable(); // maybe?\r
- // void EnableJavascript(bool enabled); // maybe?\r
- // wxString RunScript(const wxString& javascript); // maybe?\r
- // void SetScrollPos(int pos); // maybe?\r
- // int GetScrollPos(); // maybe?\r
- // wxString GetStatusText(); // maybe?\r
- // void SetStatusText(wxString text); // maybe?\r
- // * status text changed event?\r
- // * title changed event?\r
- // virtual bool IsOfflineMode() = 0; // maybe?\r
- // virtual void SetOfflineMode(bool offline) = 0; // maybe?\r
- // TODO: offer API to control the opening of new frames\r
- // (through <a target="..."> as well as through javascript), OR\r
- // provide a behavior consistent across ports.\r
- // - OSX : I receive an event for new frames opened with HTML target, and\r
- // currently block them all.\r
- // - IE : The DISPID_NEWWINDOW2 event looks like it should work, but I\r
- // receive way too many of them. A new IE instance opens.\r
- // - GTK : All frame open requests are blocked. A slot exists that I could\r
- // connect to to be notified if ever needed\r
- /**\r
- * Opens a print dialog so that the user may print the currently\r
- * displayed page.\r
- */\r
- virtual void Print() = 0;\r
- /**\r
- * Returns whether the web control is currently busy (e.g. loading a page)\r
- */\r
- virtual bool IsBusy() = 0;\r
-//class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_HTML wxWebNavigationEvent;\r
-// wxWebNavigationEvent );\r
-class wxWebNavigationEvent : public wxCommandEvent\r
- wxWebNavigationEvent() {}\r
- wxWebNavigationEvent(wxEventType type, int id, const wxString href,\r
- const wxString target, bool canVeto)\r
- : wxCommandEvent(type, id)\r
- {\r
- m_href = href;\r
- m_target = target;\r
- m_vetoed = false;\r
- m_canVeto = canVeto;\r
- }\r
- /**\r
- * Get the URL being visited\r
- */\r
- const wxString& GetHref() const { return m_href; }\r
- /**\r
- * Get the target (frame or window) in which the URL that caused this event\r
- * is viewed, or an empty string if not available.\r
- */\r
- const wxString& GetTarget() const { return m_target; }\r
- // default copy ctor, assignment operator and dtor are ok\r
- virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { return new wxWebNavigationEvent(*this); }\r
- /** Get whether this event may be vetoed (stopped/prevented). Only\r
- * meaningful for events fired before navigation takes place.\r
- */\r
- bool CanVeto() const { return m_canVeto; }\r
- /** Whether this event was vetoed (stopped/prevented). Only meaningful for\r
- * events fired before navigation takes place.\r
- */\r
- bool IsVetoed() const { return m_vetoed; }\r
- /** Veto (prevent/stop) this event. Only meaningful for events fired\r
- * before navigation takes place. Only valid if CanVeto() returned true.\r
- */\r
- void Veto() { wxASSERT(m_canVeto); m_vetoed = true; }\r
- wxString m_href;\r
- wxString m_target;\r
- bool m_canVeto;\r
- bool m_vetoed;\r
- wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_ASSIGN(wxWebNavigationEvent);\r
-typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxWebNavigationEventFunction)\r
- (wxWebNavigationEvent&);\r
-#define wxWebNavigationEventHandler(func) \\r
- wxEVENT_HANDLER_CAST(wxWebNavigationEventFunction, func)\r
-#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING(id, fn) \\r
- wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))\r
-#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATED(id, fn) \\r
- wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))\r
-#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_LOADED(id, fn) \\r
- wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))\r
-#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_ERRROR(id, fn) \\r
- wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))\r
+// Name: webview.h
+// Purpose: Common interface and events for web view component
+// Author: Marianne Gagnon
+// Id: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) 2010 Marianne Gagnon, 2011 Steven Lamerton
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+#ifndef _WX_WEB_VIEW_H_
+#define _WX_WEB_VIEW_H_
+#include "wx/setup.h"
+#if wxUSE_WEB
+#include <wx/control.h>
+#include <wx/event.h>
+#include <wx/sstream.h>
+#include "wx/sharedptr.h"
+#include "wx/vector.h"
+#include "wx/osx/webhistoryitem_webkit.h"
+#include "wx/gtk/webhistoryitem_webkit.h"
+#include "wx/msw/webhistoryitem_ie.h"
+class wxFSFile;
+class wxFileSystem;
+ * Zoom level in web view component
+ */
+enum wxWebViewZoom
+ * The type of zooming that the web view control can perform
+ */
+enum wxWebViewZoomType
+ /** The entire layout scales when zooming, including images */
+ /** Only the text changes in size when zooming, images and other layout
+ * elements retain their initial size */
+/** Types of errors that can cause navigation to fail */
+enum wxWebNavigationError
+ /** Connection error (timeout, etc.) */
+ /** Invalid certificate */
+ /** Authentication required */
+ /** Other security error */
+ /** Requested resource not found */
+ /** Invalid request/parameters (e.g. bad URL, bad protocol,
+ * unsupported resource type) */
+ /** The user cancelled (e.g. in a dialog) */
+ /** Another (exotic) type of error that didn't fit in other categories*/
+/** Type of refresh */
+enum wxWebViewReloadFlags
+ /** Default reload, will access cache */
+ /** Reload the current view without accessing the cache */
+ * List of available backends for wxWebView
+ */
+enum wxWebViewBackend
+ /** Value that may be passed to wxWebView to let it pick an appropriate
+ * engine for the current platform*/
+ /** The WebKit web engine */
+ /** Use Microsoft Internet Explorer as web engine */
+//Base class for custom scheme handlers
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_WEB wxWebHandler
+ virtual wxString GetName() const = 0;
+ virtual wxFSFile* GetFile(const wxString &uri) = 0;
+ virtual wxString CombineURIs(const wxString &baseuri, const wxString &newuri) = 0;
+extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_WEB(const char) wxWebViewNameStr[];
+extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_WEB(const char) wxWebViewDefaultURLStr[];
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_WEB wxWebView : public wxControl
+ /**
+ * Creation function for two-step creation.
+ */
+ virtual bool Create(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxString& url,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxString& name) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Factory function to create a new wxWebView for two-step creation
+ * (you need to call wxWebView::Create on the returned object)
+ * @param backend which web engine to use as backend for wxWebView
+ * @return the created wxWebView, or NULL if the requested backend is
+ * not available
+ */
+ static wxWebView* New(wxWebViewBackend backend = wxWEB_VIEW_BACKEND_DEFAULT);
+ // TODO: clarify what styles can do, or remove this flag
+ /**
+ * Factory function to create a new wxWebView
+ * @param parent parent window to create this view in
+ * @param id ID of this control
+ * @param url URL to load by default in the web view
+ * @param pos position to create this control at
+ * (you may use wxDefaultPosition if you use sizers)
+ * @param size size to create this control with
+ * (you may use wxDefaultSize if you use sizers)
+ * @param backend which web engine to use as backend for wxWebView
+ * @return the created wxWebView, or NULL if the requested backend
+ * is not available
+ */
+ static wxWebView* New(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxString& url = wxWebViewDefaultURLStr,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ wxWebViewBackend backend = wxWEB_VIEW_BACKEND_DEFAULT,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxString& name = wxWebViewNameStr);
+ /** Get whether it is possible to navigate back in the history of
+ * visited pages
+ */
+ virtual bool CanGoBack() = 0;
+ /** Get whether it is possible to navigate forward in the history of
+ * visited pages
+ */
+ virtual bool CanGoForward() = 0;
+ /** Navigate back in the history of visited pages.
+ * Only valid if CanGoBack() returned true.
+ */
+ virtual void GoBack() = 0;
+ /** Navigate forwardin the history of visited pages.
+ * Only valid if CanGoForward() returned true.
+ */
+ virtual void GoForward() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Load a HTMl document (web page) from a URL
+ * @param url the URL where the HTML document to display can be found
+ * @note web engines generally report errors asynchronously, so if you wish
+ * to know whether loading the URL was successful, register to receive
+ * navigation error events
+ */
+ virtual void LoadUrl(const wxString& url) = 0;
+ virtual void ClearHistory() = 0;
+ virtual void EnableHistory(bool enable = true) = 0;
+ virtual wxVector<wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> > GetBackwardHistory() = 0;
+ virtual wxVector<wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> > GetForwardHistory() = 0;
+ virtual void LoadHistoryItem(wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> item) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Stop the current page loading process, if any.
+ * May trigger an error event of type wxWEB_NAV_ERR_USER_CANCELLED.
+ * TODO: make wxWEB_NAV_ERR_USER_CANCELLED errors uniform across ports.
+ */
+ virtual void Stop() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Reload the currently displayed URL.
+ * @param flags A bit array that may optionnally contain reload options
+ */
+ virtual void Reload(wxWebViewReloadFlags flags = wxWEB_VIEW_RELOAD_DEFAULT) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get the URL of the currently displayed document
+ */
+ virtual wxString GetCurrentURL() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get the title of the current web page, or its URL/path if title is not
+ * available
+ */
+ virtual wxString GetCurrentTitle() = 0;
+ // TODO: handle choosing a frame when calling GetPageSource()?
+ /**
+ * Get the HTML source code of the currently displayed document
+ * @return the HTML source code, or an empty string if no page is currently
+ * shown
+ */
+ virtual wxString GetPageSource() = 0;
+ virtual wxString GetPageText() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get the zoom factor of the page
+ * @return How much the HTML document is zoomed (scaleed)
+ */
+ virtual wxWebViewZoom GetZoom() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set the zoom factor of the page
+ * @param zoom How much to zoom (scale) the HTML document
+ */
+ virtual void SetZoom(wxWebViewZoom zoom) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set how to interpret the zoom factor
+ * @param zoomType how the zoom factor should be interpreted by the
+ * HTML engine
+ * @note invoke canSetZoomType() first, some HTML renderers may not
+ * support all zoom types
+ */
+ virtual void SetZoomType(wxWebViewZoomType zoomType) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get how the zoom factor is currently interpreted
+ * @return how the zoom factor is currently interpreted by the HTML engine
+ */
+ virtual wxWebViewZoomType GetZoomType() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Retrieve whether the current HTML engine supports a type of zoom
+ * @param type the type of zoom to test
+ * @return whether this type of zoom is supported by this HTML engine
+ * (and thus can be set through setZoomType())
+ */
+ virtual bool CanSetZoomType(wxWebViewZoomType type) const = 0;
+ // TODO: allow 'SetPage' to find files (e.g. images) from a virtual file
+ // system if possible
+ /**
+ * Set the displayed page source to the contents of the given string
+ * @param html the string that contains the HTML data to display
+ * @param baseUrl URL assigned to the HTML data, to be used to resolve
+ * relative paths, for instance
+ */
+ virtual void SetPage(const wxString& html, const wxString& baseUrl) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set the displayed page source to the contents of the given stream
+ * @param html the stream to read HTML data from
+ * @param baseUrl URL assigned to the HTML data, to be used to resolve
+ * relative paths, for instance
+ */
+ virtual void SetPage(wxInputStream& html, wxString baseUrl)
+ {
+ wxStringOutputStream stream;
+ stream.Write(html);
+ SetPage(stream.GetString(), baseUrl);
+ }
+ virtual void SetEditable(bool enable = true) = 0;
+ virtual bool IsEditable() = 0;
+ virtual void SelectAll() = 0;
+ virtual bool HasSelection() = 0;
+ virtual void DeleteSelection() = 0;
+ virtual wxString GetSelectedText() = 0;
+ virtual wxString GetSelectedSource() = 0;
+ virtual void ClearSelection() = 0;
+ virtual void RunScript(const wxString& javascript) = 0;
+ // TODO:
+ // void EnableJavascript(bool enabled); // maybe?
+ // // maybe?
+ // void SetScrollPos(int pos); // maybe?
+ // int GetScrollPos(); // maybe?
+ // wxString GetStatusText(); // maybe?
+ // void SetStatusText(wxString text); // maybe?
+ // * status text changed event?
+ // * title changed event?
+ // virtual bool IsOfflineMode() = 0; // maybe?
+ // virtual void SetOfflineMode(bool offline) = 0; // maybe?
+ /**
+ * Opens a print dialog so that the user may print the currently
+ * displayed page.
+ */
+ virtual void Print() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the web control is currently busy (e.g. loading a page)
+ */
+ virtual bool IsBusy() = 0;
+ //Clipboard functions
+ virtual bool CanCut() = 0;
+ virtual bool CanCopy() = 0;
+ virtual bool CanPaste() = 0;
+ virtual void Cut() = 0;
+ virtual void Copy() = 0;
+ virtual void Paste() = 0;
+ //Undo / redo functionality
+ virtual bool CanUndo() = 0;
+ virtual bool CanRedo() = 0;
+ virtual void Undo() = 0;
+ virtual void Redo() = 0;
+ //Virtual Filesystem Support
+ virtual void RegisterHandler(wxWebHandler* handler) = 0;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_WEB wxWebNavigationEvent : public wxCommandEvent
+ wxWebNavigationEvent() {}
+ wxWebNavigationEvent(wxEventType type, int id, const wxString url,
+ const wxString target, bool canVeto)
+ : wxCommandEvent(type, id)
+ {
+ m_url = url;
+ m_target = target;
+ m_vetoed = false;
+ m_canVeto = canVeto;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the URL being visited
+ */
+ const wxString& GetURL() const { return m_url; }
+ /**
+ * Get the target (frame or window) in which the URL that caused this event
+ * is viewed, or an empty string if not available.
+ */
+ const wxString& GetTarget() const { return m_target; }
+ // default copy ctor, assignment operator and dtor are ok
+ virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { return new wxWebNavigationEvent(*this); }
+ /** Get whether this event may be vetoed (stopped/prevented). Only
+ * meaningful for events fired before navigation takes place.
+ */
+ bool CanVeto() const { return m_canVeto; }
+ /** Whether this event was vetoed (stopped/prevented). Only meaningful for
+ * events fired before navigation takes place.
+ */
+ bool IsVetoed() const { return m_vetoed; }
+ /** Veto (prevent/stop) this event. Only meaningful for events fired
+ * before navigation takes place. Only valid if CanVeto() returned true.
+ */
+ void Veto() { wxASSERT(m_canVeto); m_vetoed = true; }
+ wxString m_url;
+ wxString m_target;
+ bool m_canVeto;
+ bool m_vetoed;
+typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxWebNavigationEventFunction)
+ (wxWebNavigationEvent&);
+#define wxWebNavigationEventHandler(func) \
+ wxEVENT_HANDLER_CAST(wxWebNavigationEventFunction, func)
+#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING(id, fn) \
+ wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))
+#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATED(id, fn) \
+ wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))
+#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_LOADED(id, fn) \
+ wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))
+#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_ERRROR(id, fn) \
+ wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))
+#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_NEWWINDOW(id, fn) \
+ wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))
+#define EVT_WEB_VIEW_TITLE_CHANGED(id, fn) \
+ wxHtmlNavigatingEventHandler(fn))
+#endif // wxUSE_WEB
+#endif // _WX_WEB_VIEW_H_