-// Name: uma.h
-// Purpose: Universal MacOS API
-// Author: Stefan Csomor
-// Modified by:
-// Created: 03/02/99
-// RCS-ID: $Id:
-// Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor
-// Licence: LGPL licence
-#ifndef H_UMA
-#define H_UMA
-// define this to be 1 if you have the 8.6 libs (weak linked)
-#define UMA_USE_8_6 0
-// define this to be 1 if you have the carbon libs (weak linked or PreCarbon.lib)
-#define UMA_USE_CARBON 0
- typedef short MenuItemIndex ;
-void UMAInitToolbox( UInt16 inMoreMastersCalls) ;
-bool UMAHasAppearance() ;
-long UMAGetAppearanceVersion() ;
-// process manager
-long UMAGetProcessMode() ;
-bool UMAGetProcessModeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch() ;
-// menu manager
-void UMASetMenuTitle( MenuRef menu , ConstStr255Param title ) ;
-UInt32 UMAMenuEvent( EventRecord *inEvent ) ;
-void UMAEnableMenuItem( MenuRef inMenu , MenuItemIndex item ) ;
-void UMADisableMenuItem( MenuRef inMenu , MenuItemIndex item ) ;
-// quickdraw
-void UMAShowWatchCursor() ;
-void UMAShowArrowCursor() ;
-// window manager
-GrafPtr UMAGetWindowPort( WindowRef inWindowRef ) ;
-void UMADisposeWindow( WindowRef inWindowRef ) ;
-void UMASetWTitleC( WindowRef inWindowRef , const char *title ) ;
-void UMAGetWTitleC( WindowRef inWindowRef , char *title ) ;
-void UMADrawGrowIcon( WindowRef inWindowRef ) ;
-void UMAShowWindow( WindowRef inWindowRef ) ;
-void UMAHideWindow( WindowRef inWindowRef ) ;
-void UMAShowHide( WindowRef inWindowRef , Boolean show) ;
-void UMASelectWindow( WindowRef inWindowRef ) ;
-void UMABringToFront( WindowRef inWindowRef ) ;
-void UMASendBehind( WindowRef inWindowRef , WindowRef behindWindow ) ;
-void UMACloseWindow(WindowRef inWindowRef) ;
-// appearance manager
-void UMADrawControl( ControlHandle inControl ) ;
-void UMAActivateControl( ControlHandle inControl ) ;
-void UMADeactivateControl( ControlHandle inControl ) ;
-void UMASetThemeWindowBackground (WindowRef inWindow,
- ThemeBrush inBrush,
- Boolean inUpdate) ;
-ControlHandle UMANewControl(WindowPtr owningWindow,
- const Rect * boundsRect,
- ConstStr255Param controlTitle,
- Boolean initiallyVisible,
- SInt16 initialValue,
- SInt16 minimumValue,
- SInt16 maximumValue,
- SInt16 procID,
- SInt32 controlReference) ;
-void UMADisposeControl (ControlHandle theControl) ;
-void UMAHiliteControl (ControlHandle theControl,
- ControlPartCode hiliteState) ;
-void UMAShowControl (ControlHandle theControl) ;
-void UMAHideControl (ControlHandle theControl);
-void UMASetControlVisibility (ControlHandle inControl,
- Boolean inIsVisible,
- Boolean inDoDraw);
-bool UMAIsControlActive (ControlHandle inControl);
-bool UMAIsControlVisible (ControlHandle inControl);
-void UMAActivateControl (ControlHandle inControl);
-void UMADeactivateControl (ControlHandle inControl);
-OSErr UMAGetBestControlRect (ControlHandle inControl,
- Rect * outRect,
- SInt16 * outBaseLineOffset);
-OSErr UMASetControlFontStyle (ControlHandle inControl,
- const ControlFontStyleRec * inStyle) ;
-void UMAMoveControl( ControlHandle inControl , short x , short y ) ;
-void UMASizeControl( ControlHandle inControl , short x , short y ) ;
-// control hierarchy
-OSErr UMACreateRootControl (WindowPtr inWindow,
- ControlHandle * outControl) ;
-OSErr UMAEmbedControl (ControlHandle inControl,
- ControlHandle inContainer);
-// keyboard focus
-OSErr UMASetKeyboardFocus (WindowPtr inWindow,
- ControlHandle inControl,
- ControlFocusPart inPart) ;
-// events
-ControlPartCode UMAHandleControlClick (ControlHandle inControl,
- Point inWhere,
- SInt16 inModifiers,
- ControlActionUPP inAction) ;
-SInt16 UMAHandleControlKey (ControlHandle inControl,
- SInt16 inKeyCode,
- SInt16 inCharCode,
- SInt16 inModifiers);
-void UMAIdleControls (WindowPtr inWindow) ;
-void UMAUpdateControls( WindowPtr inWindow , RgnHandle inRgn ) ;
-OSErr UMAGetRootControl( WindowPtr inWindow , ControlHandle *outControl ) ;
-// handling control data
-OSErr UMASetControlData (ControlHandle inControl,
- ControlPartCode inPart,
- ResType inTagName,
- Size inSize,
- Ptr inData) ;
-OSErr UMAGetControlData (ControlHandle inControl,
- ControlPartCode inPart,
- ResType inTagName,
- Size inBufferSize,
- Ptr outBuffer,
- Size * outActualSize) ;
-OSErr UMAGetControlDataSize (ControlHandle inControl,
- ControlPartCode inPart,
- ResType inTagName,
- Size * outMaxSize);
-// system 8.0
-short UMAFindWindow( Point inPoint , WindowRef *outWindow ) ;
-OSStatus UMAGetWindowFeatures( WindowRef inWindowRef , UInt32 *outFeatures ) ;
-OSStatus UMAGetWindowRegion( WindowRef inWindowRef , WindowRegionCode inRegionCode , RgnHandle ioWinRgn ) ;
-OSStatus UMACollapseWindow( WindowRef inWindowRef , Boolean inCollapseIt ) ;
-OSStatus UMACollapseAllWindows( Boolean inCollapseEm ) ;
-Boolean UMAIsWindowCollapsed( WindowRef inWindowRef ) ;
-Boolean UMAIsWindowCollapsable( WindowRef inWindowRef ) ;
-// system 8.5
-OSStatus UMACreateNewWindow( WindowClass windowClass , WindowAttributes attributes , const Rect *bounds, WindowRef *outWindow ) ;
-OSStatus UMAGetWindowClass( WindowRef inWindowRef , WindowClass *outWindowClass ) ;
-OSStatus UMAGetWindowAttributes( WindowRef inWindowRef , WindowAttributes *outAttributes ) ;
-void UMAShowFloatingWindows() ;
-void UMAHideFloatingWindows() ;
-Boolean UMAAreFloatingWindowsVisible() ;
-WindowRef UMAFrontWindow() ;
-WindowRef UMAFrontNonFloatingWindow() ;
-// floaters support
-bool UMAIsWindowFloating( WindowRef inWindow ) ;
-bool UMAIsWindowModal( WindowRef inWindow ) ;
-WindowRef UMAGetActiveWindow() ;
-WindowRef UMAGetActiveNonFloatingWindow() ;
-void UMAHighlightAndActivateWindow( WindowRef inWindowRef , bool inActivate ) ;
+#ifdef __WXMAC_CLASSIC__
+#include "wx/mac/classic/uma.h"
+#include "wx/mac/carbon/uma.h"
\ No newline at end of file