+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxMsgCatalogFile corresponds to one disk-file message catalog.
+// This is a "low-level" class and is used only by wxMsgCatalog
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class wxMsgCatalogFile
+ // ctor & dtor
+ wxMsgCatalogFile();
+ ~wxMsgCatalogFile();
+ // load the catalog from disk (szDirPrefix corresponds to language)
+ bool Load(const wxChar *szDirPrefix, const wxChar *szName);
+ // fills the hash with string-translation pairs
+ void FillHash(wxMessagesHash& hash, bool convertEncoding) const;
+ // this implementation is binary compatible with GNU gettext() version 0.10
+ // an entry in the string table
+ struct wxMsgTableEntry
+ {
+ size_t32 nLen; // length of the string
+ size_t32 ofsString; // pointer to the string
+ };
+ // header of a .mo file
+ struct wxMsgCatalogHeader
+ {
+ size_t32 magic, // offset +00: magic id
+ revision, // +04: revision
+ numStrings; // +08: number of strings in the file
+ size_t32 ofsOrigTable, // +0C: start of original string table
+ ofsTransTable; // +10: start of translated string table
+ size_t32 nHashSize, // +14: hash table size
+ ofsHashTable; // +18: offset of hash table start
+ };
+ // all data is stored here, NULL if no data loaded
+ size_t8 *m_pData;
+ // data description
+ size_t32 m_numStrings; // number of strings in this domain
+ wxMsgTableEntry *m_pOrigTable, // pointer to original strings
+ *m_pTransTable; // translated
+ const char *StringAtOfs(wxMsgTableEntry *pTable, size_t32 index) const
+ { return (const char *)(m_pData + Swap(pTable[index].ofsString)); }
+ wxString GetCharset() const;
+ // utility functions
+ // big<->little endian
+ inline size_t32 Swap(size_t32 ui) const;
+ bool m_bSwapped; // wrong endianness?