+global oldDelimiters
+global variables
+global variablesRef
+global bakefilesXML
+global bakefilesXMLRef
+global projectFile
+global osxBuildFolder
+property test : false
+-- retrieves the files from the xml node including optional conditions
+on parseSources(theName, theElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+ set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
+ set allElements to {}
+ repeat with currElement in XML contents of theElement
+ if class of currElement is text then
+ set allElements to allElements & (every text item of currElement)
+ else
+ if class of currElement is XML element and XML tag of currElement is "if" then
+ if (cond of XML attributes of currElement is in theConditions) then
+ set allElements to allElements & (every text item of (item 1 of XML contents of currElement))
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end repeat
+ set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
+ copy {varname:theName, entries:allElements} to end of theVariables
+end parseSources
+on parseEntry(theElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+ set theName to var of XML attributes of theElement
+ parseSources(theName, theElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+end parseEntry
+on parseLib(theElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+ set theName to |id| of XML attributes of theElement
+ repeat with currElement in XML contents of theElement
+ if class of currElement is XML element and XML tag of currElement is "sources" then
+ parseSources(theName, currElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+ end if
+ end repeat
+end parseLib
+on parseNode(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+ if class of anElement is XML element and Â
+ XML tag of anElement is "set" then
+ parseEntry(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+ else
+ if class of anElement is XML element and Â
+ XML tag of anElement is "lib" then
+ parseLib(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+ end if
+ end if
+end parseNode
+-- iterates through the entire xml tree and populates the variables
+on parseFiles(theXML, theVariables, theConditions)
+ if class of theXML is XML element or class of theXML is XML document then
+ repeat with anElement in XML contents of theXML
+ try
+ parseNode(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+ on error number -1728
+ -- ignore this error
+ end try
+ end repeat
+ else if class of theXML is list then
+ repeat with anElement in theXML
+ try
+ parseNode(anElement, theVariables, theConditions)
+ on error number -1728
+ -- ignore this error
+ end try
+ end repeat
+ end if
+end parseFiles
+-- gets the entries of the variable named theName
+on getVar(theName)
+ repeat with anElement in variablesRef
+ if (varname of anElement is theName) then
+ return entries of anElement
+ end if
+ end repeat
+end getVar
+-- adds sources from fileList to a group named container
+on addNode(theContainer, fileList)
+ tell application "Xcode"
+ tell project 1
+ set theTargets to targets
+ repeat with listItem in fileList
+ if (listItem starts with "$(") then
+ set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
+ set variableName to (characters 3 through ((length of listItem) - 1) of listItem) as text
+ set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
+ my addNode(theContainer, my getVar(variableName))
+ else
+ set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
+ set currPath to every text item in listItem
+ set currFile to "../../" & listItem
+ set currFileName to (item -1 in currPath)
+ set currGroup to (items 1 through -2 in currPath as text)
+ set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
+ try
+ set theGroup to group theContainer
+ on error
+ tell root group
+ make new group with properties {name:theContainer}
+ end tell
+ end try
+ tell group theContainer
+ try
+ set theGroup to group named currGroup
+ on error
+ make new group with properties {name:currGroup}
+ end try
+ tell group currGroup
+ set newFile to make new file reference with properties {name:currFileName, path:currFile, path type:project relative}
+ repeat with theTarget in theTargets
+ add newFile to (get compile sources phase of theTarget)
+ end repeat
+ end tell
+ end tell
+ end if
+ end repeat
+ end tell
+ end tell
+end addNode
+-- retrieves contents of file at posixFilePath
+on readFile(posixFilePath)
+ set fileRef to open for access POSIX file posixFilePath
+ set theData to read fileRef
+ close access fileRef
+ return theData
+end readFile
+on init()
+ tell application "Xcode"
+ quit
+ end tell
+ set variablesRef to a reference to variables
+ set bakefilesXMLRef to a reference to bakefilesXML
+ set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
+ tell application "Finder"
+ set osxBuildFolder to POSIX path of ((folder of (path to me)) as Unicode text)
+ end tell
+end init
+-- reads the files list and evaluates the conditions
+on readFilesList(theFiles, theConditions)
+ set variables to {}
+ repeat with theFile in theFiles
+ set bakefilesXML to parse XML (readFile(osxBuildFolder & theFile))
+ parseFiles(bakefilesXMLRef, variablesRef, theConditions)
+ end repeat
+end readFilesList
+-- creates a new project file from the respective template
+on instantiateProject(theProject)
+ set projectName to projectName of theProject
+ set template to (osxBuildFolder & projectName & "_in.xcodeproj")
+ set projectFile to (osxBuildFolder & projectName & ".xcodeproj")
+ tell application "Finder"
+ if exists projectFile as POSIX file then
+ set templateContentFile to (osxBuildFolder & projectName & "_in.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj")
+ set projectContentFile to (osxBuildFolder & projectName & ".xcodeproj/project.pbxproj")
+ try
+ tell me
+ do shell script "rm -f " & quoted form of projectContentFile
+ end tell
+ end try
+ try
+ tell me
+ do shell script "cp " & quoted form of templateContentFile & " " & quoted form of projectContentFile
+ end tell
+ end try
+ else
+ set duplicateProject to duplicate (template as POSIX file) with replace
+ set name of duplicateProject to (projectName & ".xcodeproj")
+ end if
+ end tell
+end instantiateProject
+-- adds the source files of the nodes of theProject to the xcode project
+on populateProject(theProject)
+ tell application "Xcode"
+ open projectFile
+ end tell
+ repeat with theNode in nodes of theProject
+ -- reopen xcode for each pass, as otherwise the undomanager
+ -- happens to crash quite frequently
+ addNode(label of theNode, entries of theNode)
+ end repeat
+ tell application "Xcode"
+ quit
+ end tell
+ do shell script (osxBuildFolder as text) & "fix_xcode_ids.py \"" & (POSIX path of projectFile as Unicode text) & "\""
+ -- reopen again to let Xcode sort identifiers
+ tell application "Xcode"
+ open projectFile
+ end tell
+ tell application "Xcode"
+ quit
+ end tell
+end populateProject
+on makeProject(theProject)
+ instantiateProject(theProject)
+ readFilesList(bklfiles of theProject, conditions of theProject)
+ populateProject(theProject)
+end makeProject
+-- main
+set theProject to {conditions:{"PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_CARBON'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"}, projectName:Â
+ "wxcarbon", bklfiles:{Â
+ "../bakefiles/files.bkl", "../bakefiles/regex.bkl", "../bakefiles/tiff.bkl", "../bakefiles/png.bkl", "../bakefiles/jpeg.bkl", "../bakefiles/scintilla.bkl", "../bakefiles/expat.bkl"}, nodes:{Â
+ {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_AND_GUI_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"core", entries:{"$(CORE_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"net", entries:{"$(NET_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"adv", entries:{"$(ADVANCED_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"media", entries:{"$(MEDIA_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"html", entries:{"$(HTML_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"xrc", entries:{"$(XRC_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"xml", entries:{"$(XML_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"opengl", entries:{"$(OPENGL_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"aui", entries:{"$(AUI_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"ribbon", entries:{"$(RIBBON_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"propgrid", entries:{"$(PROPGRID_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"richtext", entries:{"$(RICHTEXT_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"stc", entries:{"$(STC_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libtiff", entries:{"$(wxtiff)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libjpeg", entries:{"$(wxjpeg)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libpng", entries:{"$(wxpng)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libregex", entries:{"$(wxregex)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libscintilla", entries:{"$(wxscintilla)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libexpat", entries:{"$(wxexpat)"}} Â
+ }}
+set theProject to {conditions:{"PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_COCOA'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"}, projectName:Â
+ "wxcocoa", bklfiles:{Â
+ "../bakefiles/files.bkl", "../bakefiles/regex.bkl", "../bakefiles/tiff.bkl", "../bakefiles/png.bkl", "../bakefiles/jpeg.bkl", "../bakefiles/scintilla.bkl", "../bakefiles/expat.bkl"}, nodes:{Â
+ {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_AND_GUI_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"core", entries:{"$(CORE_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"net", entries:{"$(NET_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"adv", entries:{"$(ADVANCED_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"media", entries:{"$(MEDIA_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"html", entries:{"$(HTML_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"xrc", entries:{"$(XRC_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"xml", entries:{"$(XML_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"opengl", entries:{"$(OPENGL_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"aui", entries:{"$(AUI_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"ribbon", entries:{"$(RIBBON_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"propgrid", entries:{"$(PROPGRID_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"richtext", entries:{"$(RICHTEXT_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"stc", entries:{"$(STC_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libtiff", entries:{"$(wxtiff)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libjpeg", entries:{"$(wxjpeg)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libpng", entries:{"$(wxpng)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libregex", entries:{"$(wxregex)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libscintilla", entries:{"$(wxscintilla)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libexpat", entries:{"$(wxexpat)"}} Â
+ }}
+set theProject to {conditions:{"PLATFORM_MACOSX=='1'", "TOOLKIT=='OSX_IPHONE'", "WXUNIV=='0'", "USE_GUI=='1' and WXUNIV=='0'"}, projectName:Â
+ "wxiphone", bklfiles:{Â
+ "../bakefiles/files.bkl", "../bakefiles/regex.bkl", "../bakefiles/tiff.bkl", "../bakefiles/png.bkl", "../bakefiles/jpeg.bkl", "../bakefiles/scintilla.bkl", "../bakefiles/expat.bkl"}, nodes:{Â
+ {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"base", entries:{"$(BASE_AND_GUI_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"core", entries:{"$(CORE_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"net", entries:{"$(NET_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"adv", entries:{"$(ADVANCED_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"media", entries:{"$(MEDIA_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"html", entries:{"$(HTML_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"xrc", entries:{"$(XRC_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"xml", entries:{"$(XML_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"opengl", entries:{"$(OPENGL_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"aui", entries:{"$(AUI_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"ribbon", entries:{"$(RIBBON_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"propgrid", entries:{"$(PROPGRID_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"richtext", entries:{"$(RICHTEXT_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"stc", entries:{"$(STC_SRC)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libtiff", entries:{"$(wxtiff)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libjpeg", entries:{"$(wxjpeg)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libpng", entries:{"$(wxpng)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libregex", entries:{"$(wxregex)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libscintilla", entries:{"$(wxscintilla)"}}, Â
+ {label:"libexpat", entries:{"$(wxexpat)"}} Â
+ }}