+debug = 1
demoText = """\
This editor is provided by a class named wxStyledTextCtrl. As
you want in your application. Cut, Copy, Paste, Drag and Drop of
text works, as well as virtually unlimited Undo and Redo
capabilities, (right click to try it out.)
if wxPlatform == '__WXMSW__':
face1 = 'Arial'
face2 = 'Times New Roman'
face3 = 'Courier New'
- pb = 6
+ pb = 10
face1 = 'Helvetica'
face2 = 'Times'
wxStyledTextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID)
self.log = log
+ EVT_STC_DO_DROP(self, ID, self.OnDoDrop)
+ EVT_STC_DRAG_OVER(self, ID, self.OnDragOver)
+ EVT_STC_START_DRAG(self, ID, self.OnStartDrag)
EVT_STC_MODIFIED(self, ID, self.OnModified)
+ EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY(self, self.OnDestroy)
+ def OnDestroy(self, evt):
+ # This is how the clipboard contents can be preserved after
+ # the app has exited.
+ wxTheClipboard.Flush()
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OnStartDrag(self, evt):
+ self.log.write("OnStartDrag: %d, %s\n"
+ % (evt.GetDragAllowMove(), evt.GetDragText()))
+ if debug and evt.GetPosition() < 250:
+ evt.SetDragAllowMove(false) # you can prevent moving of text (only copy)
+ evt.SetDragText("DRAGGED TEXT") # you can change what is dragged
+ #evt.SetDragText("") # or prevent the drag with empty text
+ def OnDragOver(self, evt):
+ self.log.write("OnDragOver: x,y=(%d, %d) pos: %d DragResult: %d\n"
+ % (evt.GetX(), evt.GetY(), evt.GetPosition(), evt.GetDragResult()))
+ if debug and evt.GetPosition() < 250:
+ evt.SetDragResult(wxDragNone) # prevent dropping at the begining of the buffer
+ def OnDoDrop(self, evt):
+ self.log.write("OnDoDrop: x,y=(%d, %d) pos: %d DragResult: %d\n"
+ "\ttext: %s\n"
+ % (evt.GetX(), evt.GetY(), evt.GetPosition(), evt.GetDragResult(),
+ evt.GetDragText()))
+ if debug and evt.GetPosition() < 500:
+ evt.SetDragText("DROPPED TEXT") # Can change text if needed
+ ##evt.SetDragResult(wxDragNone) # Can also change the drag operation, but it
+ # is probably better to do it in OnDragOver so
+ # there is visual feedback
+ ##evt.SetPosition(25) # Can also change position, but I'm not sure why
+ # you would want to...
def OnModified(self, evt):
- evt.GetText() ))
+ repr(evt.GetText()) ))
def transModType(self, modType):
st = ""
ed = p = MySTC(nb, -1, log)
- p = wxPanel(nb, -1)
+ p = wxPanel(nb, -1, style=wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
ed = MySTC(p, -1, log)
s = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL)
s.Add(ed, 1, wxEXPAND)
+## ed.SetBufferedDraw(false)
+## ed.StyleClearAll()
+ import codecs
+ decode = codecs.lookup("utf-8")[1]
+ ed.GotoPos(ed.GetLength())
+ ed.AddText("\n\nwxStyledTextCtrl can also do Unicode:\n")
+ unitext, l = decode('\xd0\x9f\xd0\xb8\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbd - '
+ '\xd0\xbb\xd1\x83\xd1\x87\xd1\x88\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb9 '
+ '\xd1\x8f\xd0\xb7\xd1\x8b\xd0\xba \xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb3\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbd\xd0\xb8\xd1\x8f!\n\n')
+ ed.AddText('\tRussian: ')
+ ed.AddText(unitext)
+ ed.GotoPos(0)
# make some styles
- ed.StyleSetSpec(wxSTC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "size:%d,face:%s" % (pb+2, face3))
- ed.StyleSetSpec(1, "size:%d,bold,face:%s,fore:#0000FF" % (pb+3, face1))
- ed.StyleSetSpec(2, "face:%s,italic,fore:#FF0000,size:%d" % (face2, pb+2))
- ed.StyleSetSpec(3, "face:%s,bold,size:%d" % (face2, pb+3))
- ed.StyleSetSpec(4, "face:%s,size:%d" % (face1, pb))
+ ed.StyleSetSpec(wxSTC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "size:%d,face:%s" % (pb, face3))
+ ed.StyleSetSpec(1, "size:%d,bold,face:%s,fore:#0000FF" % (pb+2, face1))
+ ed.StyleSetSpec(2, "face:%s,italic,fore:#FF0000,size:%d" % (face2, pb))
+ ed.StyleSetSpec(3, "face:%s,bold,size:%d" % (face2, pb+2))
+ ed.StyleSetSpec(4, "face:%s,size:%d" % (face1, pb-1))
- # now set some text to those styles... Normally this would be
+ # Now set some text to those styles... Normally this would be
# done in an event handler that happens when text needs displayed.
ed.StartStyling(98, 0xff)
ed.SetStyling(6, 1) # set style for 6 characters using style 1
ed.SetStyling(10, wxSTC_INDIC2_MASK | wxSTC_INDIC1_MASK)
+ # some test stuff...
+ if debug:
+ print "GetTextLength(): ", ed.GetTextLength(), len(ed.GetText())
+ print "GetText(): ", repr(ed.GetText())
+ print
+ print "GetStyledText(98, 104): ", repr(ed.GetStyledText(98, 104)), len(ed.GetStyledText(98, 104))
+ print
+ print "GetCurLine(): ", repr(ed.GetCurLine())
+ ed.GotoPos(5)
+ print "GetCurLine(): ", repr(ed.GetCurLine())
+ print
+ print "GetLine(1): ", repr(ed.GetLine(1))
+ print
+ ed.SetSelection(25, 35)
+ print "GetSelectedText(): ", repr(ed.GetSelectedText())
+ print "GetTextRange(25, 35): ", repr(ed.GetTextRange(25, 35))
+ print "FindText(0, max, 'indicators'): ",
+ print ed.FindText(0, ed.GetTextLength(), "indicators")
+ ed.GotoPos(0)
return p
overview = """\
-Once again, no docs yet. <b>Sorry.</b> But <a href="data/stc.h">this</a>
+Once again, no docs yet. <b>Sorry.</b> But <a href="data/stc.h.html">this</a>
and <a href="http://www.scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html">this</a> should
be helpful.
if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- app = wxPySimpleApp()
- frame = wxFrame(None, -1, "Tester...", size=(640, 480))
- win = runTest(frame, frame, sys.stdout)
- frame.Show(true)
- app.MainLoop()
+ import sys,os
+ import run
+ run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])])