Under Unix the flag {\tt wxEXEC\_MAKE\_GROUP\_LEADER} may be used to ensure
that the new process is a group leader (this will create a new session if
needed). Calling \helpref{wxKill}{wxkill} passing wxKILL\_CHILDREN will
-will kill this process as well as all of its children (except those which have
+kill this process as well as all of its children (except those which have
started their own session).
Finally, you may use the third overloaded version of this function to execute
+GNU C++ compiler gives a warning for any class whose destructor is private
+unless it has a friend. This warning may sometimes be useful but it doesn't
+make sense for reference counted class which always delete themselves (hence
+destructor should be private) but don't necessarily have any friends, so this
+macro is provided to disable the warning in such case. The \arg{name} parameter
+should be the name of the class but is only used to construct a unique friend
+class name internally. Example of using the macro:
+ class RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+ RefCounted() { m_nRef = 1; }
+ void IncRef() { m_nRef++ ; }
+ void DecRef() { if ( !--m_nRef ) delete this; }
+ private:
+ ~RefCounted() { }
+ };
+Notice that there should be no semicolon after this macro.